blob: 3c7b9209862741b96a14dc7683963d0c253a7302 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Reiterer, Matthias Lettmayer.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Martin Reiterer - initial API and implementation
* Matthias Lettmayer - added update marker utils to update and get right position of marker (fixed issue 8)
* - fixed openEditor() to open an editor and selecting a key (fixed issue 59)
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
public class EditorUtils {
/** Marker constants **/
public static final String MARKER_ID = "";
public static final String RB_MARKER_ID = "";
/** Error messages **/
public static final String MESSAGE_NON_LOCALIZED_LITERAL = "Non-localized string literal ''{0}'' has been found";
public static final String MESSAGE_BROKEN_RESOURCE_REFERENCE = "Cannot find the key ''{0}'' within the resource-bundle ''{1}''";
public static final String MESSAGE_BROKEN_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_REFERENCE = "The resource bundle with id ''{0}'' cannot be found";
public static final String MESSAGE_UNSPECIFIED_KEYS = "Missing or unspecified key ''{0}'' has been found in ''{1}''";
public static final String MESSAGE_SAME_VALUE = "''{0}'' and ''{1}'' have the same translation for the key ''{2}''";
public static final String MESSAGE_MISSING_LANGUAGE = "ResourceBundle ''{0}'' lacks a translation for ''{1}''";
public static String getFormattedMessage(String pattern, Object[] arguments) {
String formattedMessage = "";
MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat(pattern);
formattedMessage = formatter.format(arguments);
return formattedMessage;
public static IMarker[] concatMarkerArray(IMarker[] ms, IMarker[] ms_to_add) {
IMarker[] old_ms = ms;
ms = new IMarker[old_ms.length + ms_to_add.length];
System.arraycopy(old_ms, 0, ms, 0, old_ms.length);
System.arraycopy(ms_to_add, 0, ms, old_ms.length, ms_to_add.length);
return ms;