blob: 481966602537c236b7156357f368bab2f8802b37 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.runtime.jboss.jbpm5.validation;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.ExtensionAttributeValue;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.Task;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMap;
import org.eclipse.emf.validation.AbstractModelConstraint;
import org.eclipse.emf.validation.IValidationContext;
public class TaskConstraint extends AbstractModelConstraint {
public IStatus validate(IValidationContext ctx) {
EObject eObj = ctx.getTarget();
if (eObj instanceof Task) {
Task ta = (Task) eObj;
if (ta.getExtensionValues() != null && ta.getExtensionValues().size() > 0) {
boolean foundDistributionType = false;
String distributionTypeValue = "";
boolean foundDuration = false;
boolean foundTimeUnits = false;
boolean foundRange = false;
boolean foundStandardDeviation = false;
for (ExtensionAttributeValue extattrval : ta.getExtensionValues()) {
FeatureMap extensionElements = extattrval.getValue();
List<MetadataType> metadataTypeExtensions = (List<MetadataType>) extensionElements.get(
DroolsPackage.Literals.DOCUMENT_ROOT__METADATA, true);
if (metadataTypeExtensions != null && metadataTypeExtensions.size() > 0) {
MetadataType metaType = metadataTypeExtensions.get(0);
for (Object metaEntryObj : metaType.getMetaentry()) {
MetaentryType entry = (MetaentryType) metaEntryObj;
if (entry.getName() != null && entry.getName().equals("costpertimeunit")) {
Float f = new Float(entry.getValue());
if (f.floatValue() < 0) {
ctx.createFailureStatus("Cost per Time Unit value must be positive");
if (entry.getName() != null && entry.getName().equals("distributiontype")) {
foundDistributionType = true;
distributionTypeValue = entry.getValue();
if (entry.getName() != null && entry.getName().equals("duration")) {
Float f = new Float(entry.getValue());
if (f.floatValue() < 0) {
ctx.createFailureStatus("Duration value must be positive");
foundDuration = true;
if (entry.getName() != null && entry.getName().equals("timeunit")) {
foundTimeUnits = true;
if (entry.getName() != null && entry.getName().equals("workinghours")) {
Float f = new Float(entry.getValue());
if (f.floatValue() < 0) {
ctx.createFailureStatus("Working Hours value must be positive");
if (entry.getName() != null && entry.getName().equals("range")) {
Float f = new Float(entry.getValue());
if (f.floatValue() < 0) {
ctx.createFailureStatus("Range value must be positive");
foundRange = true;
if (entry.getName() != null && entry.getName().equals("standarddeviation")) {
foundStandardDeviation = true;
if (!foundDistributionType) {
ctx.createFailureStatus("Task has no distribution type defined");
if (!foundDuration) {
ctx.createFailureStatus("Task has no duration defined");
if (!foundTimeUnits) {
ctx.createFailureStatus("Task has no Time Units defined");
if (foundDistributionType) {
if ((distributionTypeValue.equals("random") || distributionTypeValue.equals("uniform"))
&& !foundRange) {
ctx.createFailureStatus("Task has no Range defined");
if (distributionTypeValue.equals("normal") && !foundStandardDeviation) {
ctx.createFailureStatus("Task has no Standard Deviation defined");
return ctx.createSuccessStatus();