blob: 9c99201a81c04b6f13bbd47ebb91ea9964f1b56a [file] [log] [blame]
<project default="" name="aggregate site builder">
<!-- if ${WORKSPACE}/site folder exists, target that folder; else generate here. -->
<condition property="output.dir" value="${WORKSPACE}/results" else="${basedir}">
<available file="${WORKSPACE}/results" />
<property name="" value="${output.dir}/target/site" />
<!-- load properties from default (or alternate) properties file -->
<property name="" value="" />
<property file="${}" />
<target name="init">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
<!-- don't do collect.zips,collect.metadata,create.summary.file -->
<target name="" description="aggregate update site extras" depends="init,,add.associate.sites," />
<target name="add.associate.sites" if="associate.sites">
<!-- Defined in -->
<isset property="associate.sites" />
<equals arg1="${associate.sites}" arg2="" />
<available file="${}/content.jar" type="file" />
<unzip src="${}/content.jar" dest="${}" />
<delete file="${}/content.jar" />
<!-- counter variable -->
<var name="associate.sites.0" value="" />
<for param="" list="${associate.sites}" delimiter=",
<var name="associate.sites.0" value="${associate.sites.0}00" />
<length property="associate.sites.length" string="${associate.sites.0}" />
<loadfile srcfile="${}/content.xml" property="content.xml">
<tailfilter lines="-1" skip="1" />
<echo file="${}/content.xml" message="${content.xml}" />
<echo file="${}/content.xml" append="true"> &lt;references size='${associate.sites.length}'>
<for param="" list="${associate.sites}" delimiter=",
<!-- insert into content.xml -->
<echo file="${}/content.xml" append="true"> &lt;repository uri='@{}' url='@{}' type='0' options='1'/>
&lt;repository uri='@{}' url='@{}' type='1' options='1'/>
<echo file="${}/content.xml" append="true"> &lt;/references>
<zip destfile="${}/content.jar" basedir="${}" includes="content.xml" />
<delete file="${}/content.xml" />
<target name="">
<unzip src="${output.dir}/target/" dest="${}" />
<target name="">
<zip destfile="${output.dir}/target/" update="true" basedir="${}" includes="content.* index.html, web/*.css, README*" />
<target name="">
<available file="${output.dir}/target/site" type="dir" />
<available file="${output.dir}/target/" type="file" />
This script must ONLY be called via the pom.xml in this directory, not run directly.
Cannot adjust an update site w/o first building it!
To run this build, use Tycho. Try `mvn3 clean install -fae -e -B`