blob: d593cc1ad7d1a82a2ca3b14844ed8e9aa5322856 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* (, and the Eclipse Distribution
* License v1.0 (
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
/*global eclipse:true orion:true dojo window editorServiceHandler editor:true */
/*jslint devel:true*/
* This file demonstrates one way in which a web application could be structured
* to easily allow different behavior depending on whether the application is hosted
* in a browser or in an Eclipse Workbench
* This object encapsulates the set of actions an editor may perform that would
* behave differently depending on where the web application is hosted.
* The web application implementor may install a set of functions in this object
* that may differ for browser hosting vs. Eclipse Workbench hosting.
* Not all functions need to be hooked. Also, some functions may only be hooked for
* one type of hosting scenerio.
* This object would be created by the web application developer as they are defining
* the separation of responsibilities for their web application.
* This object is global because it needs to be referenced by the Eclipse Workbench
var editorService = {
dirtyChanged: function(dirty) {}, // Called by the editor when its dirty state changes
getContentName: function() {}, // Called to get the current content name. A file name for example
getInitialContent: function() {}, // Called to get the initial contents for the editor
SAVE : 4,
save: function(editor) {}, // Called to persist the contents of the editor
statusChanged: function(message, isError) {} // Called by the editor to report status line changes
var editor;
function initEmbeddedEditor(){
var editorDomNode = dojo.byId("editor");
var textViewFactory = function() {
return new orion.textview.TextView({
parent: editorDomNode,
stylesheet: ["../../orion/textview/textview.css", "../../orion/textview/rulers.css", "../../examples/textview/textstyler.css", "../../examples/editor/htmlStyles.css"],
tabSize: 4
var contentAssistFactory = function(editor) {
var contentAssist = new orion.editor.ContentAssist(editor, "contentassist");
contentAssist.addProvider(new orion.editor.CssContentAssistProvider(), "css", "\\.css$");
contentAssist.addProvider(new orion.editor.JavaScriptContentAssistProvider(), "js", "\\.js$");
return contentAssist;
// Canned highlighters for js, java, and css. Grammar-based highlighter for html
var syntaxHighlighter = {
styler: null,
highlight: function(fileName, textView) {
if (this.styler) {
this.styler = null;
if (fileName) {
var splits = fileName.split(".");
var extension = splits.pop().toLowerCase();
if (splits.length > 0) {
switch(extension) {
case "js":
this.styler = new examples.textview.TextStyler(textView, "js");
case "java":
this.styler = new examples.textview.TextStyler(textView, "java");
case "css":
this.styler = new examples.textview.TextStyler(textView, "css");
case "html":
this.styler = new orion.editor.TextMateStyler(textView, orion.editor.HtmlGrammar.grammar);
var annotationFactory = new orion.editor.AnnotationFactory();
var keyBindingFactory = function(editor, keyModeStack, undoStack, contentAssist) {
// Create keybindings for generic editing
var genericBindings = new orion.editor.TextActions(editor, undoStack);
// create keybindings for source editing
var codeBindings = new orion.editor.SourceCodeActions(editor, undoStack, contentAssist);
// save binding
editor.getTextView().setKeyBinding(new orion.textview.KeyBinding("s", true), "save");
editor.getTextView().setAction("save", function(){
// The save function is called through the editorService allowing Eclipse and Browser hosted instances to behave differently;
return true;
// speaking of save...
dojo.byId("save").onclick = function() {;};
editor = new orion.editor.Editor({
textViewFactory: textViewFactory,
undoStackFactory: new orion.editor.UndoFactory(),
annotationFactory: annotationFactory,
lineNumberRulerFactory: new orion.editor.LineNumberRulerFactory(),
contentAssistFactory: contentAssistFactory,
keyBindingFactory: keyBindingFactory,
statusReporter: editorService.statusChanged,
domNode: editorDomNode
dojo.connect(editor, "onDirtyChange", this, editorService.dirtyChanged); // Hooks the onDirtyChange event listener through the editorService
// Set editor input by calling through editorService
editor.onInputChange(editorService.getContentName(), null, editorService.getInitialContent());
// Set the syntax highlighter
syntaxHighlighter.highlight(editorService.getContentName(), editor.getTextView());
} // end of initEmbeddedEditor
// Created embedded editor
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
// Install functions for servicing browser hosted applications
function installBrowserHooks() {
// Register a getContentName implementation
editorService.getContentName = function() {
return "sample.js";
// Register a getInitialContent implementation
editorService.getInitialContent = function() {
return "var foo = function() {window.alert('bar');}; //Initial text. Try editing it";
// Register a save implementation. = function(editor) {
// Mark editor as saved
editor.onInputChange(null, null, null, true);
// Register an implementation to display status changes reported by the editor
editorService.statusChanged = function(message, isError) {
var status;
if (isError) {
status = "ERROR: " + message;
} else {
status = message;
var dirtyIndicator = "";
if (editor.isDirty()) {
dirtyIndicator = "*";
dojo.byId("status").innerHTML = dirtyIndicator + status;
// Prevent the browser tab/window from closing with unsaved changes.
// Not needed when running in a workbench since the editor lifecycle code takes
// care of this
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
if (editor.isDirty()) {
return "There are unsaved changes.";
// Install functions for servicing Eclipse Workbench hosted applications
function installWorkbenchHooks() {
// Register a function that will be called by the editor when the editor's dirty state changes
editorService.dirtyChanged = function(dirty) {
// This is a function created in Eclipse and registered with the page.
editorServiceHandler(editorService.DIRTY_CHANGED, dirty);
// Register a getContentName implementation
editorService.getContentName = function() {
// This is a function created in Eclipse and registered with the page.
return editorServiceHandler(editorService.GET_CONTENT_NAME);
// Register an implementation that can return initial content for the editor
editorService.getInitialContent = function() {
// This is a function created in Eclipse and registered with the page.
return editorServiceHandler(editorService.GET_INITIAL_CONTENT);
// Register an implementation that should run when the editors status changes.
editorService.statusChanged = function(message, isError) {
// This is a function created in Eclipse and registered with the page.
editorServiceHandler(editorService.STATUS_CHANGED, message);
// Register an implementation that can save the editors contents. = function() {
// This is a function created in Eclipse and registered with the page.
var result = editorServiceHandler(editorService.SAVE, editor.getContents());
if (result) {
editor.onInputChange(null, null, null, true);
return result;
// Return true if the page is hosted in an Eclipse Workbench, false if hosted in a browser
function isHostedInWorkbench() {
// Check if Eclipse has registered the "EditorServiceHandler" BrowserFunction
return typeof editorServiceHandler=== 'function';
// Install the appropriate editorService for the current hosting environment
if (isHostedInWorkbench()) {
} else {
// Initialize the editor