| # Copyright (c) 2014, 2016 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |
| # This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the |
| # terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution. |
| # The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. |
| import sys |
| import re |
| import os |
| from time import sleep |
| from sets import Set |
| |
| # WebLogic Configuration Utility |
| # ------------------------------ |
| # Allows to execute various WebLogic configuration tasks from command line. |
| |
| # Print help message to stdout. |
| def help_msg(): |
| print '' |
| print 'Usage:' |
| print '' |
| print ' weblogic-mt.py [<global_arguments>] <command> [<command_arguments>]' |
| print ' { <command> [<command_arguments>] }' |
| print '' |
| print 'Offline commands:' |
| print '' |
| print ' create-domain --wls-home=<wls_home> --domain=<domain_path> [--name=<server_name>]' |
| print ' [--template=<template_path>] [--profile-type=<profile_type>]' |
| print ' [--host=<host>] [--port=<port>] [--ssl-port=<ssl_port>]' |
| print ' [--admin-user=<admin_user>] [--admin-password=<admin_password>]' |
| print ' wls_home :: WebLogic server installation directory' |
| print ' domain_path :: Full path of domain to be created' |
| print ' server_name :: WebLogic server name (default AdminServer)' |
| print ' template_path :: Domain template path relative to <wls_home>' |
| print ' (default oracle_common/common/templates/wls/wls.jar)' |
| print ' profile_type :: Domain profile type (default Compact)' |
| print ' host :: WebLogic server host (default' |
| print ' port :: WebLogic server non encrypted port (default 7001)' |
| print ' SSL port :: WebLogic server SSL port (default 7002)' |
| print ' admin_user :: Admin user name to be set (default weblogic)' |
| print ' admin_password :: Admin password to be set (default welcome1)' |
| print '' |
| print ' add-template --domain=<domain_path> --template=<template_path>' |
| print ' domain_path :: Full path of domain to be updated' |
| print ' template_path :: Template full path' |
| print '' |
| print ' start-domain --domain=<domain_path> [--host=<host>] [--port=<port>]' |
| print ' [--admin-user=<admin_user>] [--admin-password=<admin_password>]' |
| print ' [--jvm-options=<jvm_options>]' |
| print ' domain_path :: Full path of domain to be started' |
| print ' host :: WebLogic server host (default' |
| print ' port :: WebLogic server port (default 7001)' |
| print ' admin_user :: Admin user name (default weblogic)' |
| print ' admin_password :: Admin password (default welcome1)' |
| print ' jvm_options :: Command line options to be passed to Java VM executable' |
| print ' (default -XX:PermSize=128m' |
| print ' -Dweblogic.Stdout=stdout.log -Dweblogic.Stderr=stderr.log)' |
| print '' |
| print ' start-partition --partition=<partition_name> [--host=<host>] [--port=<port>]' |
| print ' [--admin-user=<admin_user>] [--admin-password=<admin_password>]' |
| print ' [--jvm-options=<jvm_options>]' |
| print ' partition_name :: Name of the partition to be started' |
| print ' host :: WebLogic server host (default' |
| print ' port :: WebLogic server port (default 7001)' |
| print ' admin_user :: Admin user name (default weblogic)' |
| print ' admin_password :: Admin password (default welcome1)' |
| print ' jvm_options :: Command line options to be passed to Java VM executable' |
| print ' (default -XX:PermSize=128m' |
| print ' -Dweblogic.Stdout=stdout.log -Dweblogic.Stderr=stderr.log)' |
| #### Broken, do not publish |
| # print '' |
| # print ' start-script --domain=<domain_path> [--script=<start_script>]' |
| # print ' domain_path :: Full path of domain to be started' |
| # print ' start_script :: Script to use to start WebLogic. Script path is relative' |
| # print ' to domain path. (default startWebLogic.sh)' |
| print '' |
| print ' stop-domain [--host=<host>] [--port=<port>]' |
| print ' [--admin-user=<admin_user>] [--admin-password=<admin_password>]' |
| print ' host :: WebLogic server host (default' |
| print ' port :: WebLogic server port (default 7001)' |
| print ' admin_user :: Admin user name (default weblogic)' |
| print ' admin_password :: Admin password (default welcome1)' |
| print '' |
| print ' create-partition-admin --name=<partition_name> [--realm=<realm_name>]' |
| print ' --group=<group_name>' |
| print ' --user=<user_name> --password=<user_password>' |
| print ' partition_name :: Name of partition' |
| print ' realm_name :: Name of realm (default partition name)' |
| print ' group_name :: Partition admin group name' |
| print ' user_name :: Partition admin user name' |
| print ' user_password :: Partition admin user password' |
| print '' |
| print 'Online commands:' |
| print '' |
| print ' Global options: --host=<host> --port=<port>' |
| print ' --admin-user=<admin_user> --admin-password=<admin_password>' |
| print '' |
| print ' host :: WebLogic server host (default' |
| print ' port :: WebLogic server port (default 7001)' |
| print ' admin_user :: Admin user name (default weblogic)' |
| print ' admin_password :: Admin password (default welcome1)' |
| print '' |
| print ' Those global; options are used to connect to running WebLogic server.' |
| print ' They may also be used for commands if not overwritten.' |
| print '' |
| print ' create-virtual-host --name=<virtual_host_name> [--targets=<virtual_host_targets>]' |
| print ' virtual_host_name :: Name of virtual host to be created' |
| print ' virtual_host_targets :: Comma (with no spaces) separated list of virtual host targets' |
| print ' Each target is <name>\':\'<type> pair, e.g.' |
| print ' AdminServer:Server' |
| print '' |
| print ' create-virtual-target --name=<partition_name> --prefix=<target_prefix> [--host=<host>] [--port=<port>]' |
| print ' partition_name :: Name of partition to be created' |
| print ' target_prefix :: Name of virtual target prefix' |
| print ' host :: WebLogic server host (default to use global option)' |
| print ' port :: WebLogic server port (command argument only,' |
| print ' default not to set any value)' |
| print '' |
| print ' create-resource-group-template --name=<template_name>' |
| print ' template_name :: Name of resource group template to be created' |
| print '' |
| print ' create-resource-group --name=<group_name> [--template=<template_name>]' |
| print ' [--targets=<virtual_host_targets>]' |
| print ' group_name :: Name of resource group to be created' |
| print ' template_name :: Name of resource group template to be set to this group' |
| print ' (no resource group template is set when this argument is not present)' |
| print ' virtual_host_targets :: Comma (with no spaces) separated list of virtual host targets' |
| print ' Each target is <name>\':\'<type> pair, e.g. AdminServer:Server' |
| print '' |
| print ' create-realm --name=<realm_name>' |
| print ' realm_name :: Name of realm to be created' |
| print '' |
| print ' create-realm-providers --name=<realm_name>' |
| print ' realm_name :: Name of realm where providers will be created' |
| print '' |
| print ' create-partition --name=<partition_name>' |
| print ' --virtual-target=<virtual_target_name> | --virtual-host=<virtual_host_name>' |
| print ' --resource-group=<resource_group_name>' |
| print ' [--resource-group-template=<resource_group_template>]' |
| print ' [--realm=<realm_name>]' |
| print ' partition_name :: Name of partition' |
| print ' virtual_target_name :: Name of virtual target' |
| print ' virtual_host_name :: Name of virtual host' |
| print ' resource_group_name :: Name of resource group' |
| print ' resource_group_template :: Name of resource group template' |
| print ' (default to not set any template)' |
| print ' realm_name :: Name of realm (default to not set any realm)' |
| print '' |
| print ' set-identity-domain --name=<partition_name> [--realm=<realm_name>]' |
| print ' partition_name :: Name of partition' |
| print ' realm_name :: Name of realm (default partition name)' |
| print '' |
| print ' set-identity-domain-on-admin-realm --idd-name=<identity_domain_name>' |
| print ' dentity_domain_name :: Name of identity domain to set on admin realm' |
| print '' |
| print ' set-jpa-provider --provider=<jpa_provider>' |
| print ' jpa_provider :: JPA provider fully gualified class' |
| print ' (e.g. org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider)' |
| print '' |
| print ' create-jdbc-resource --name=<resource_name> [--jndi-name=<jndi_name>]' |
| print ' --url=<resource_url> --driver=<driver_name>' |
| print ' --user=<user_name> --password=<user_password>' |
| print ' [--transactions-protocol=<transactions_protocol>]' |
| print ' [--test-query=<test_query>]' |
| print ' [--resource-group-template=<resource_group_template>]' |
| print ' resource_name :: JDBC resource name' |
| print ' jndi_name :: JDBC resource JNDI name (default jdbc/<resource_name>)' |
| print ' resource_url :: Database access URL' |
| print ' driver_name :: Fully qualified JDBC driver class' |
| print ' user_name :: Database access user name' |
| print ' user_password :: Database access user password' |
| print ' transactions_protocol :: Transactions protocol (default not to set any value)' |
| print ' test_query :: Simple query to verify database access' |
| print ' (default \'SQL SELECT 1 FROM DUAL\')' |
| print ' resource_group_template :: Target Name of resource group template' |
| print ' JDBC resource will be created in resource group template' |
| print ' when this argument is set.' |
| print '' |
| print ' create-proxy-resource --name=<resource_name> [--jndi-name=<jndi_name>]' |
| print ' [--targets=<targets>]' |
| print ' resource_name :: Proxy resource name' |
| print ' jndi_name :: JDBC resource JNDI name (default jdbc/<resource_name>)' |
| print ' targets :: Comma (with no spaces) separated list of virtual host targets' |
| print ' Each target is <name>\':\'<type> pair, e.g. AdminServer:Server' |
| print '' |
| print ' create-resource-override --name=<override_name> --partition=<partition_name>' |
| print ' --resource=<resource_name>' |
| print ' [--url=<resource_url>] [--driver=<driver_name>]' |
| print ' [--user=<user_name>] [--password=<user_password>]' |
| print ' [--transactions-protocol=<transactions_protocol>]' |
| print ' override_name :: Resource override name' |
| print ' partition_name :: Name of partition' |
| print ' resource_name :: Overriden JDBC resource name' |
| print ' resource_url :: Database access URL' |
| print ' driver_name :: Fully qualified JDBC driver class' |
| print ' user_name :: Database access user name' |
| print ' user_password :: Database access user password' |
| print ' transactions_protocol :: Transactions protocol (default not to set any value)' |
| print '' |
| print ' deploy --name=<application_name> --path=<application_path>' |
| print ' [--targets=<target_servers>] [--template=<template_name>]' |
| print ' application_name :: Name of the application or standalone J2EE module' |
| print ' application_path :: Name of the application directory, archive file,' |
| print ' or root of the exploded archive directory' |
| print ' target_servers :: Comma-separated list of the target servers' |
| print ' (defaults to actually connected server)' |
| print ' template_name :: Name of target resource group template (dfaults to none)' |
| print '' |
| print ' undeploy --name=<application_name> [--targets=<target_servers>]' |
| print ' [--template=<template_name>]' |
| print ' application_name :: Name of the application or standalone J2EE module' |
| print ' target_servers :: Comma-separated list of the target servers' |
| print ' (defaults to actually connected server)' |
| print ' template_name :: Name of target resource group template (dfaults to none)' |
| print '' |
| print ' activate' |
| print ' Activate changes after batch of online commands' |
| print '' |
| |
| # Process command line arguments and extract commands and their arguments from them. |
| # Command and arguments are stored in a dictionary: |
| # command[None] contains command |
| # command[<arg_name>] contains argument value for argument --<arg_name> |
| # args Command line arguments. |
| # returns An array of dictionaries with commands. |
| def parse_args(args): |
| length = len(sys.argv) |
| if length < 2: |
| help_msg() |
| exit(1) |
| i = 1; |
| commands = [] |
| command = {} |
| pattern = re.compile("([^=]+)(?:=(.*))?"); |
| while (i < length): |
| str = sys.argv[i] |
| strLen = len(str) |
| pos = 0; |
| isCommand = True |
| # Skip one or two dashes at the beginning if present and distinguish command and argument |
| if strLen > 0 and str[pos] == '-': |
| pos += 1 |
| isCommand = False |
| if strLen > 1 and str[pos] == '-': |
| pos += 1 |
| # Process next command |
| if isCommand: |
| # Store previous command |
| commands.append(command) |
| command = {} |
| command[None] = str |
| # Process next command argument |
| else: |
| match = pattern.match(str, pos) |
| count = match.lastindex; |
| if (count > 0): |
| if (count > 1): |
| command[match.group(1)] = match.group(2) |
| else: |
| command[match.group(1)] = None |
| i += 1 |
| if not len(command) == 0: |
| commands.append(command) |
| return commands |
| |
| # Print command and its arguments to stdout |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def print_command(command): |
| print 'Executing command ' + command[None] |
| for key in command.keys(): |
| if not key == None: |
| value = command[key] |
| if value == None: |
| print ' --' + key |
| else: |
| print ' --' + key + '=' + command[key] |
| |
| # Verify that command dictionary contains provided mandatory arguments names as keys. |
| # Will print missing arguments to stdout and terminate execution if any mandatory argument is missing. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| # optionKeys An array of mandatory argument names to verify |
| def check_options(command, optionKeys): |
| passed = True |
| for key in optionKeys: |
| if not command.has_key(key): |
| if command.has_key(None): |
| print 'Missing ' + command[None] + ' command option --' + key |
| else: |
| print 'Missing global option --' + key |
| passed = False |
| if not passed: |
| help_msg() |
| exit(1) |
| |
| # Verify that global or command dictionary contains provided mandatory arguments names as keys. |
| # Will print missing arguments to stdout and terminate execution if any mandatory argument is missing. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| # optionKeys An array of mandatory argument names to verify |
| def check_all_options(globals, command, optionKeys): |
| passed = True |
| for key in optionKeys: |
| if not command.has_key(key) and not globals.has_key(key): |
| if command.has_key(None): |
| print 'Missing ' + command[None] + ' command option --' + key |
| else: |
| print 'Missing global option --' + key |
| passed = False |
| if not passed: |
| help_msg() |
| exit(1) |
| |
| # Get argument value from global dictionary only. |
| # Return None when global dictionary does not contain argument value. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # name Argument name to search for. |
| # returns Argument value found or None when no value was found in dictionary. |
| def get_global_option(globals, name): |
| if globals.has_key(name): |
| return globals[name] |
| return None |
| |
| # Get argument value from command dictionary only. |
| # Return None when command dictionary does not contain argument value. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| # name Argument name to search for. |
| # returns Argument value found or None when no value was found in dictionaries. |
| def get_command_option(command, name): |
| if command.has_key(name): |
| return command[name] |
| return None |
| |
| # Initialize argument value from global dictionary only. |
| # Use default value when dictionary does not contain argument value. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # name Argument name to search for. |
| # default Default value when argument is not found in dictionary. |
| # returns Initialized argument value. |
| def init_global_option(globals, name, default): |
| if globals.has_key(name): |
| return globals[name] |
| return default |
| |
| # Get argument value from command dictionary first or global dictionary second. |
| # Return None when neither of the two contains argument value. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| # name Argument name to search for. |
| # returns Argument value found or None when no value was found in dictionaries. |
| def get_option(globals, command, name): |
| if command.has_key(name): |
| return command[name] |
| if globals.has_key(name): |
| return globals[name] |
| return None |
| |
| # Initialize argument value from command dictionary first or global dictionary second. |
| # Use default value when dictionaries do not contain argument value. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| # name Argument name to search for. |
| # default Default value when argument is not found in dictionary. |
| # returns Initialized argument value. |
| def init_option(globals, command, name, default): |
| if command.has_key(name): |
| return command[name] |
| if globals.has_key(name): |
| return globals[name] |
| return default |
| |
| # Build path from path elements using OS dependent path elements separator. |
| def build_path(*elements): |
| path = None |
| pathElements = []; |
| for element in elements: |
| if len(pathElements) > 0: |
| pathElements.append(os.sep) |
| pathElements.append(element) |
| return ''.join(pathElements) |
| |
| # Initialize template argument value. Template can be absolute path or path telative to wls-home if present. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| # wlHome WebLogic server installation directory argument value. |
| # templateName Template path argument name. |
| # default Default Template path argument value. |
| # returns Template path if template file exists or None otherwise. |
| def getTemplate(globals, command, wlHome, templateName, default): |
| templateArg = init_option(globals, command, templateName, default) |
| # Template argument itself points to existing readable file. |
| if os.path.isfile(templateArg): |
| return templateArg |
| # Concatenate WLS home and template path. |
| if wlHome != None: |
| templateFile = wlHome + os.sep + templateArg |
| if os.path.isfile(templateFile): |
| return templateFile |
| return None |
| |
| # Initialize admin user argument value. Get it from admin-user command or global argument |
| # or use 'weblogic' as default value if argument was not found. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| # returns Admin user argument value. |
| def get_admin_user(globals, command): |
| return init_option(globals, command, 'admin-user', 'weblogic') |
| |
| # Initialize admin password argument value. Get it from admin-password command or global argument |
| # or use 'welcome1' as default value if argument was not found. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| # returns Admin password argument value. |
| def get_admin_password(globals, command): |
| return init_option(globals, command, 'admin-password', 'welcome1') |
| |
| def get_host(globals, command): |
| return init_option(globals, command, 'host', '') |
| |
| def get_port(globals, command): |
| return init_option(globals, command, 'port', '7001') |
| |
| def get_ssl_port(globals, command): |
| return init_option(globals, command, 'ssl-port', '7002') |
| |
| # Default domain template |
| DEFAULT_DOMAIN_TEMPLATE = build_path('common', 'templates', 'wls', 'wls.jar') |
| |
| # Convert value to string to be passed as value in stdout message |
| # value Value to be converted |
| # returns Converted value |
| def value_to_message(value): |
| if value == None: |
| return 'Not set' |
| else: |
| return value |
| |
| # Get partition name as virtual target name (append '-vt' cuffix) |
| # name Partition name |
| # returns Virtual target name |
| #def virtual_target_id(name): |
| # return name + '-vt' |
| |
| # Conmstructs identity domain id as <partition_name> + '-idd' |
| # name Partition name |
| # returns Identity domain id |
| def identity_domain_id(name): |
| return name + '-idd' |
| |
| # Conmstructs resource group id as <partition_name> + '-rg' |
| # name Partition name |
| # returns Resource group id |
| def resource_group_id(name): |
| return name + '-rg' |
| |
| # Conmstructs object id as <object_name> + '_' <realm_name> |
| # name Object name |
| # realmName Realm name |
| # returns Object id |
| def provider_id(name, realmName): |
| return name + '_' + realmName |
| |
| # Execute create-domain command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def create_domain(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['wls-home', 'domain']) |
| wlHome = get_option(globals, command, 'wls-home') |
| domain = get_option(globals, command, 'domain') |
| name = init_option(globals, command, 'name', 'AdminServer') |
| template = getTemplate(globals, command, wlHome, 'template', DEFAULT_DOMAIN_TEMPLATE) |
| profileType = init_option(globals, command, 'profile-type', 'Compact') |
| host = get_host(globals, command) |
| port = get_port(globals, command) |
| sslPort = get_ssl_port(globals, command) |
| adminUser = get_admin_user(globals, command) |
| adminPassword = get_admin_password(globals, command) |
| # Print command and options |
| print 'Executing command create-domain' |
| print ' WLS home: ' + wlHome |
| print ' Domain path: ' + domain |
| print ' Domain Template: ' + template |
| print ' Server name: ' + name |
| print ' Profile type: ' + profileType |
| print ' Host: ' + host |
| print ' Port: ' + port |
| print ' SSL port: ' + sslPort |
| print ' Admin user: ' + adminUser |
| print ' Admin password: ' + adminPassword |
| # Process |
| readTemplate(template, profileType) |
| cd('/') |
| cd('Servers/AdminServer') |
| set('Name', name) |
| set('ListenAddress', host) |
| set('ListenPort', int(port)) |
| create('AdminServer','SSL') |
| cd('SSL/AdminServer') |
| set('Enabled', 'True') |
| #set('ListenAddress', host) |
| set('ListenPort', int(sslPort)) |
| cd('/') |
| cd('Security/base_domain/User/weblogic') |
| set('Name', adminUser) |
| cmo.setPassword(adminPassword) |
| writeDomain(domain) |
| closeTemplate() |
| dumpStack() |
| |
| # Execute add-template command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def add_template(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['domain', 'template']) |
| domain = get_option(globals, command, 'domain') |
| wlHome = get_option(globals, command, 'wls-home') |
| template = getTemplate(globals, command, wlHome, 'template', None) |
| print 'Executing command add-template' |
| print ' Domain path: ' + domain |
| print ' Template: ' + template |
| readDomain(domain) |
| addTemplate(template) |
| updateDomain() |
| closeDomain() |
| dumpStack() |
| |
| # Execute start-domain command. |
| # Works only with simple domain. Using it with JRF template will cause this task to fail. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def start_domain(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['domain']) |
| domain = get_option(globals, command, 'domain') |
| host = get_host(globals, command) |
| port = get_port(globals, command) |
| adminUser = get_admin_user(globals, command) |
| adminPassword = get_admin_password(globals, command) |
| jvmOptions = init_option(globals, command, 'jvm-options', \ |
| '-XX:PermSize=128m -Dweblogic.Stdout=stdout.log -Dweblogic.Stderr=stderr.log') |
| serverURL = 't3://' + host + ':' + port |
| print 'Executing command start-domain' |
| print ' Domain path: ' + domain |
| print ' Host: ' + host |
| print ' Port: ' + port |
| print ' Admin user: ' + adminUser |
| print ' Admin password: ' + adminPassword |
| print ' JVM options: ' + jvmOptions |
| startServer(url=serverURL, username=adminUser, password=adminPassword, \ |
| domainDir=domain, jvmArgs=jvmOptions) |
| |
| # Execute start-partition command. |
| # Starts the partition passed as an argument. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def start_partition(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['partition']) |
| partition = get_option(globals, command, 'partition') |
| jvmOptions = init_option(globals, command, 'jvm-options', \ |
| '-XX:PermSize=128m -Dweblogic.Stdout=stdout.log -Dweblogic.Stderr=stderr.log') |
| print 'Executing command start-partition' |
| print ' Partition: ' + partition |
| print ' JVM options: ' + jvmOptions |
| p = cmo.lookupPartition(partition) |
| startPartitionWait(p) |
| |
| ##### Broken, do not use. |
| # Execute start-script command. |
| # Uses default WebLogic startup script to start server. UNIX only feature. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def start_script(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['domain']) |
| domain = get_option(globals, command, 'domain') |
| script = init_option(globals, command, 'start_script', 'startWebLogic.sh') |
| scriptPath = domain + os.sep + script |
| print 'Executing command start-script' |
| print ' Domain path: ' + domain |
| print ' Startup script: ' + scriptPath |
| #pid = os.fork() |
| #if pid == 0: |
| os.system(scriptPath + ' &') |
| #else: |
| sleep(60) |
| |
| # Execute stop-domain command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def stop_domain(globals, command): |
| global wlsSessionActive |
| if wlsSessionActive: |
| print 'Shall not be executed after any online command' |
| help_msg() |
| exit(1) |
| host = get_host(globals, command) |
| port = get_port(globals, command) |
| user = get_admin_user(globals, command) |
| password = get_admin_password(globals, command) |
| print 'Executing command stop-domain' |
| print ' Host: ' + host |
| print ' Port: ' + port |
| print ' Admin user: ' + user |
| print ' Admin password: ' + password |
| connect(user, password,'t3://' + host + ':' + port) |
| shutdown(entityType='Server', ignoreSessions='true') |
| |
| # Execute create-partition-admin command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def create_partition_admin(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['name', 'user', 'password', 'group']) |
| name = get_option(globals, command, 'name') |
| realmName = get_option(globals, command, 'realm') |
| group = get_option(globals, command, 'group') |
| user = get_option(globals, command, 'user') |
| password = get_option(globals, command, 'password') |
| if realmName == None: |
| realmName = name |
| print 'Executing command create-partition-admin' |
| print ' Partition name: ' + name |
| print ' Realm name: ' + realmName |
| print ' Admin user group: ' + group |
| print ' Admin user name: ' + user |
| print ' Admin user password: ' + password |
| serverConfig() |
| realm = cmo.getSecurityConfiguration().lookupRealm(realmName) |
| id = provider_id("DefaultAuthenticator", name) |
| atn = realm.lookupAuthenticationProvider(id) |
| if atn.groupExists(group): |
| print 'Partition admins group ' + group + ' already exists in realm ' + realmName |
| else: |
| print 'Creating admins group ' + group + ' in realm ' + realmName |
| atn.createGroup(group, realmName + ' Realm Group') |
| if atn.userExists(user): |
| print 'Partition admin user ' + user + ' already exists in realm ' + realmName |
| else: |
| print 'Creating partition admin user ' + user + ' in realm ' + realmName |
| atn.createUser(user, password, realmName + ' Partition Administrator') |
| if atn.isMember(group, user, true) == 0: |
| print 'Adding admin user ' + user + ' into admins group ' + group + ' in realm ' + realmName |
| atn.addMemberToGroup(group, user) |
| else: |
| print 'Admin user ' + user + ' is already in admins group ' + group + ' in realm ' + realmName |
| |
| # Set targets list for current path |
| # name Target object name (e.g. 'virtual host' or 'resource group') used in logging |
| # targetsList Comma (with no spaces) separated list of virtual host targets |
| # Each target is <name>\':\'<type> pair, e.g. AdminServer:Server |
| def set_targets(name, targetsList): |
| if targetsList != None: |
| targets = targetsList.split(',') |
| objectNames = [] |
| for target in targets: |
| items = target.split(':') |
| if len(items) == 2 and len(items[0]) > 0 and len(items[1]) > 0: |
| objectName = 'com.bea:Name=' + items[0] + ',Type=' + items[1] |
| print 'Adding ' + objectName + ' as target for ' + name |
| objectNames.append(ObjectName(objectName)) |
| else: |
| print 'Invalid virtual host target ' + target |
| if len(objectNames) > 0: |
| print 'Setting ' + str(objectNames) + ' as targets for ' + name |
| set('Targets', jarray.array(objectNames, ObjectName)) |
| |
| # Execute create-virtual-host command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def create_virtual_host(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['name']) |
| name = get_option(globals, command, 'name') |
| targetsList = get_option(globals, command, 'targets') |
| print 'Executing command create-partition-admin' |
| print ' Virtual host name: ' + name |
| print ' Targets: ' + value_to_message(targetsList) |
| cd('/') |
| print 'Creating virtual host ' + name |
| cmo.createVirtualHost(name) |
| cd('VirtualHosts/' + name) |
| set('VirtualHostNames',jarray.array([String(name)], String)) |
| set_targets(name, targetsList) |
| |
| # Execute create-virtual-target command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def create_virtual_target(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['name','prefix']) |
| name = get_option(globals, command, 'name') |
| prefix = get_option(globals, command, 'prefix') |
| host = get_host(globals, command) |
| port = get_command_option(command, 'port') |
| print 'Executing command create-virtual-target' |
| print ' Name: ' + name |
| print ' Prefix: ' + prefix |
| print ' Host: ' + host |
| print ' Port: ' + value_to_message(port) |
| cd('/') |
| vt = cmo.lookupVirtualTarget(name) |
| if vt is None: |
| print 'Creating virtual target ' + name |
| vt = cmo.createVirtualTarget(name) |
| vt.setUriPrefix('/' + prefix) |
| for s in cmo.getServers(): |
| vt.addTarget(s) |
| print 'Added server ' + s.getName() + ' to virtual target ' + name |
| if host != None: |
| vt.setHostNames(array([host],java.lang.String)) |
| else: |
| print 'Virtual target ' + name + ' already exists' |
| |
| # Get resource group template of given name |
| # name Resource group template name |
| # returns Resource group template object or None if no template object was found |
| def get_resource_group_template(name): |
| return getMBean('/ResourceGroupTemplates/' + name) |
| |
| # Execute create-resource-group-template command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def create_resource_group_template(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['name']) |
| name = get_option(globals, command, 'name') |
| print 'Executing command create-resource-group-template' |
| print ' Name: ' + name |
| cd('/') |
| t = cmo.lookupResourceGroupTemplate(name) |
| if t is None: |
| print 'Creating resource group template ' + name |
| cmo.createResourceGroupTemplate(name) |
| else: |
| print 'Template ' + name + ' already exists' |
| |
| # Execute create-resource-group command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def create_resource_group(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['name']) |
| name = get_option(globals, command, 'name') |
| templateName = get_option(globals, command, 'template') |
| targetsList = get_option(globals, command, 'targets') |
| print 'Executing command create-resource-group' |
| print ' Name: ' + name |
| print ' Template name: ' + value_to_message(templateName) |
| print ' Targets: ' + value_to_message(targetsList) |
| cd('/') |
| rg = cmo.lookupResourceGroup(name) |
| if rg is None: |
| print 'Creating resource group ' + name |
| cmo.createResourceGroup(name) |
| cd('ResourceGroups/' + name) |
| if templateName != None: |
| print 'Setting resource group template ' + templateName + ' to resource group ' + name |
| cmo.setResourceGroupTemplate(get_resource_group_template(templateName)) |
| set_targets(name, targetsList) |
| else: |
| print 'Resource group ' + name + ' already exists' |
| |
| # Execute create-realm command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def create_realm(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['name']) |
| name = get_option(globals, command, 'name') |
| cd('/') |
| domainName = cmo.getName() |
| print 'Executing command create-realm' |
| print ' Domain name: ' + domainName |
| print ' Realm name: ' + name |
| cd('SecurityConfiguration/' + domainName) |
| if cmo.lookupRealm(name) is None: |
| print 'Creating realm ' + name |
| cmo.createRealm(name) |
| else: |
| print 'Realm ' + name + ' already exists' |
| |
| # Create Authentication Provider object. |
| # cd('/SecurityConfiguration/' + <domain_name> + '/Realms/' + <realm_name>) shall be already done before calling |
| # this function. |
| # name Object name |
| # type Object type |
| # realm Realm object |
| def create_authentication_provider(name, type, realm): |
| realmName = realm.getName() |
| id = provider_id(name, realmName) |
| object = realm.lookupAuthenticationProvider(id) |
| if object == None: |
| print 'Creating AuthenticationProvider ' + id + ' in realm ' + realmName |
| cmo.createAuthenticationProvider(id, type) |
| else: |
| print 'AuthenticationProvider ' + id + ' already exists in realm ' + realmName |
| |
| # Create Authorizer object. |
| # cd('/SecurityConfiguration/' + <domain_name> + '/Realms/' + <realm_name>) shall be already done before calling |
| # this function. |
| # name Object name |
| # type Object type |
| # realm Realm object |
| def create_authorizer(name, type, realm): |
| realmName = realm.getName() |
| id = provider_id(name, realmName) |
| object = realm.lookupAuthorizer(id) |
| if object == None: |
| print 'Creating Authorizer ' + id + ' in realm ' + realmName |
| cmo.createAuthorizer(id, type) |
| else: |
| print 'Authorizer ' + id + ' already exists in realm ' + realmName |
| |
| # Create RoleMapper object. |
| # cd('/SecurityConfiguration/' + <domain_name> + '/Realms/' + <realm_name>) shall be already done before calling |
| # this function. |
| # name Object name |
| # type Object type |
| # realm Realm object |
| def create_role_mapper(name, type, realm): |
| realmName = realm.getName() |
| id = provider_id(name, realmName) |
| object = realm.lookupRoleMapper(id) |
| if object == None: |
| print 'Creating RoleMapper ' + id + ' in realm ' + realmName |
| cmo.createRoleMapper(id, type) |
| else: |
| print 'RoleMapper ' + id + ' already exists in realm ' + realmName |
| |
| # Create Adjudicator object. |
| # cd('/SecurityConfiguration/' + <domain_name> + '/Realms/' + <realm_name>) shall be already done before calling |
| # this function. |
| # name Object name |
| # type Object type |
| # realm Realm object |
| def create_adjudicator(name, type, realm): |
| realmName = realm.getName() |
| id = provider_id(name, realmName) |
| #object = realm.lookupAdjudicator(id) |
| #if object == None: |
| if True: |
| print 'Creating Adjudicator ' + id + ' in realm ' + realmName |
| cmo.createAdjudicator(id, type) |
| else: |
| print 'Adjudicator ' + id + ' already exists in realm ' + realmName |
| |
| # Create CredentialMapper object. |
| # cd('/SecurityConfiguration/' + <domain_name> + '/Realms/' + <realm_name>) shall be already done before calling |
| # this function. |
| # name Object name |
| # type Object type |
| # realm Realm object |
| def create_credential_mapper(name, type, realm): |
| realmName = realm.getName() |
| id = provider_id(name, realmName) |
| object = realm.lookupCredentialMapper(id) |
| if object == None: |
| print 'Creating CredentialMapper ' + id + ' in realm ' + realmName |
| cmo.createCredentialMapper(id, type) |
| else: |
| print 'CredentialMapper ' + id + ' already exists in realm ' + realmName |
| |
| # Create CertPathProvider object. |
| # cd('/SecurityConfiguration/' + <domain_name> + '/Realms/' + <realm_name>) shall be already done before calling |
| # this function. |
| # name Object name |
| # type Object type |
| # realm Realm object |
| def create_cert_path_provider(name, type, realm): |
| realmName = realm.getName() |
| id = provider_id(name, realmName) |
| object = realm.lookupCertPathProvider(id) |
| if object == None: |
| print 'Creating CertPathProvider ' + id + ' in realm ' + realmName |
| cert = cmo.createCertPathProvider(id, type) |
| cmo.setCertPathBuilder(cert) |
| else: |
| print 'CertPathProvider ' + id + ' already exists in realm ' + realmName |
| |
| # Create PasswordValidator object. |
| # cd('/SecurityConfiguration/' + <domain_name> + '/Realms/' + <realm_name>) shall be already done before calling |
| # this function. |
| # name Object name |
| # minPasswordLength Minimum password length |
| # minSpecialChars Minimum number of numeric or special characters |
| # type Object type |
| # realm Realm object |
| def create_password_validator(name, minPasswordLength, minSpecialChars,type, realm): |
| realmName = realm.getName() |
| id = provider_id(name, realmName) |
| object = realm.lookupPasswordValidator(id) |
| if object == None: |
| print 'Creating PasswordValidator ' + id + ' in realm ' + realmName |
| pv = cmo.createPasswordValidator(id, type) |
| pv.setMinPasswordLength(minPasswordLength) |
| pv.setMinNumericOrSpecialCharacters(minSpecialChars) |
| else: |
| print 'PasswordValidator ' + id + ' already exists in realm ' + realmName |
| |
| |
| # Execute create-realm-providers command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def create_realm_providers(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['name']) |
| name = get_option(globals, command, 'name') |
| cd('/') |
| domainName = cmo.getName() |
| print 'Executing command create-providers' |
| print ' Domain name: ' + domainName |
| print ' Realm name: ' + name |
| cd('SecurityConfiguration/' + domainName) |
| realm=cmo.lookupRealm(name) |
| if realm != None: |
| cd('Realms/' + name) |
| create_authentication_provider('DefaultAuthenticator', |
| 'weblogic.security.providers.authentication.DefaultAuthenticator', realm) |
| create_authentication_provider('DefaultIdentityAsserter', |
| 'weblogic.security.providers.authentication.DefaultIdentityAsserter', realm) |
| create_authorizer('XACMLAuthorizer', |
| 'weblogic.security.providers.xacml.authorization.XACMLAuthorizer', realm) |
| create_role_mapper('XACMLRoleMapper', |
| 'weblogic.security.providers.xacml.authorization.XACMLRoleMapper', realm) |
| # Workaround because realm.lookupAdjudicator does not exist |
| if realm.lookupAuthenticationProvider(provider_id('DefaultAuthenticator', realm.getName())) == None: |
| create_adjudicator('DefaultAdjudicator', |
| 'weblogic.security.providers.authorization.DefaultAdjudicator', realm) |
| create_credential_mapper('DefaultCredentialMapper', |
| 'weblogic.security.providers.credentials.DefaultCredentialMapper', realm) |
| create_cert_path_provider('WebLogicCertPathProvider', |
| 'weblogic.security.providers.pk.WebLogicCertPathProvider', realm) |
| create_password_validator('SystemPasswordValidator', 8, 1, |
| 'com.bea.security.providers.authentication.passwordvalidator.SystemPasswordValidator', realm) |
| else: |
| print 'Realm ' + name + ' was not found' |
| # uncomment below if you want to configure a default auditor |
| # print "Creating mbean of type Auditor ... " |
| # cmo.createAuditor('DefaultAuditor' + suffix,'weblogic.security.providers.audit.DefaultAuditor') |
| |
| # Execute create-partition command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def create_partition(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['name', 'resource-group']) |
| name = get_option(globals, command, 'name') |
| realmName = get_option(globals, command, 'realm') |
| vhName = get_option(globals, command, 'virtual-host') |
| vtName = get_option(globals, command, 'virtual-target') |
| rgName = get_option(globals, command, 'resource-group') |
| rgTemplateName = get_option(globals, command, 'resource-group-template') |
| cd('/') |
| domainName = cmo.getName() |
| print 'Executing command create-partition' |
| print ' Domain name: ' + domainName |
| print ' Partition name: ' + name |
| print ' Virtual host name: ' + value_to_message(vhName) |
| print ' Virtual target name: ' + value_to_message(vtName) |
| print ' Resource group name: ' + rgName |
| print ' Resource group template: ' + value_to_message(rgTemplateName) |
| print ' Realm name: ' + value_to_message(realmName) |
| cd("/") |
| partition = cmo.lookupPartition(name) |
| if partition == None: |
| vt = None |
| if vhName != None: |
| cd('/VirtualHosts') |
| vt = cmo.lookupVirtualHost(vhName) |
| print 'Creating partition ' + name + ' with virtual host ' + vhName |
| if vt == None and vtName != None: |
| cd('/') |
| vt = cmo.lookupVirtualTarget(vtName) |
| print 'Creating partition ' + name + ' with virtual target ' + vtName |
| cd('/') |
| if vt != None: |
| if realmName != None: |
| cd('SecurityConfiguration/' + domainName) |
| realm = cmo.lookupRealm(realmName) |
| cd("/") |
| else: |
| realm = None |
| partition = cmo.createPartition(name) |
| rg = partition.lookupResourceGroup(rgName) |
| if rg == None: |
| print 'Creating resource group ' + rgName + ' in partition ' + name |
| rg = partition.createResourceGroup(rgName) |
| if rgTemplateName != None: |
| print 'Setting resource group template ' + rgTemplateName + ' to resource group ' + rgName |
| tmpl = get_resource_group_template(rgTemplateName) |
| if tmpl != None: |
| rg.setResourceGroupTemplate(tmpl) |
| else: |
| print 'Template ' + rgTemplateName + ' was not found' |
| else: |
| print 'Resource group ' + rgName + ' already exists in partition ' + name |
| print 'Setting ' + str(vt) + ' as available and default target for partition ' + name |
| cd('Partitions/' + name) |
| partition.addAvailableTarget(vt) |
| partition.addDefaultTarget(vt) |
| if vhName != None: |
| print 'Setting partition ' + name + ' host name to ' + vhName + ' virtual host name' |
| set('HostNames', jarray.array([String(vhName)], String)) |
| if realmName != None: |
| print 'Setting realm ' + realmName + ' for partition ' + name |
| partition.setRealm(realm) |
| else: |
| print 'Virtual host or target was not found' |
| else: |
| print 'Partition ' + name + ' already exists' |
| |
| # Execute set-identity-domain command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def set_identity_domain(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['name']) |
| name = get_option(globals, command, 'name') |
| realmName = get_option(globals, command, 'realm') |
| if realmName == None: |
| realmName = name |
| cd('/') |
| domainName = cmo.getName() |
| print 'Executing command set-identity-domain' |
| print ' Domain name: ' + domainName |
| print ' Partition name: ' + name |
| print ' Realm name: ' + realmName |
| cd('SecurityConfiguration/' + domainName) |
| realm = cmo.lookupRealm(realmName) |
| if realm != None: |
| providerId = provider_id('DefaultAuthenticator', realmName) |
| provider = realm.lookupAuthenticationProvider(providerId) |
| if provider != None: |
| id = identity_domain_id(name) |
| provider.setIdentityDomain(id) |
| print 'Setting identity domain ' + id + ' in DefaultAuthenticator ' + providerId + ' in realm ' + realmName |
| else: |
| print 'DefaultAuthenticator ' + providerId + ' was not found in realm ' + realmName |
| else: |
| print 'Realm ' + realmName + ' was not found' |
| |
| # Execute set-identity-domain-on-admin-realm command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def set_identity_domain_on_admin_realm(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['idd-name']) |
| iddName = get_option(globals, command, 'idd-name') |
| print 'Executing command set-identity-domain-on-admin-realm' |
| print ' Identity domain name: ' + iddName |
| cd('/') |
| secCfg = cmo.getSecurityConfiguration() |
| id = identity_domain_id(iddName) |
| secCfg.setAdministrativeIdentityDomain(id) |
| realm = secCfg.getDefaultRealm() |
| provider = realm.lookupAuthenticationProvider('DefaultAuthenticator') |
| provider.setIdentityDomain(id) |
| |
| # Execute set-jpa-provider command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def set_jpa_provider(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['provider']) |
| jpaProvider = get_option(globals, command, 'provider') |
| cd('/') |
| domainName = cmo.getName() |
| print 'Executing command set-jpa-provider' |
| print ' Domain name: ' + domainName |
| print ' JPA provider: ' + jpaProvider |
| cd('JPA/' + domainName) |
| cmo.setDefaultJPAProvider(jpaProvider) |
| |
| # Execute create-jdbc-resource command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def create_jdbc_resource(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['name', 'url', 'driver', 'user', 'password']) |
| name = get_option(globals, command, 'name') |
| jndiName = init_option(globals, command, 'jndi-name', 'jdbc/' + name) |
| url = get_option(globals, command, 'url') |
| driver = get_option(globals, command, 'driver') |
| user = get_option(globals, command, 'user') |
| password = get_option(globals, command, 'password') |
| transProtocol = get_option(globals, command, 'transactions-protocol') |
| testQuery = init_option(globals, command, 'test-query', 'SQL SELECT 1 FROM DUAL') |
| template = get_option(globals, command, 'resource-group-template') |
| print 'Executing command create-jdbc-resource' |
| print ' Resource name: ' + name |
| print ' JNDI name: ' + jndiName |
| print ' Resource URL: ' + url |
| print ' JDBC driver: ' + driver |
| print ' User name: ' + user |
| print ' User password: ' + password |
| print ' Transactions: ' + value_to_message(transProtocol) |
| print ' Test query: ' + testQuery |
| print ' Target template: ' + value_to_message(template) |
| if template == None: |
| root = '/' |
| else: |
| root = '/ResourceGroupTemplates/' + template + '/' |
| resourcePath= root + 'JDBCSystemResources/' + name + '/JDBCResource/' + name |
| dsParamsPath = resourcePath + '/JDBCDataSourceParams/' + name |
| jdbcParamsPath = resourcePath + '/JDBCDriverParams/' + name |
| jdbcParamsPropertiesPath = jdbcParamsPath + '/Properties/' + name |
| jdbcParamsPropertyUserPath = jdbcParamsPropertiesPath + '/Properties/user' |
| jdbcPoolParamsPath = resourcePath + '/JDBCConnectionPoolParams/' + name |
| cd(root) |
| cmo.createJDBCSystemResource(name) |
| cd(resourcePath) |
| cmo.setName(name) |
| cd(dsParamsPath) |
| set('JNDINames',jarray.array([String(jndiName)], String)) |
| if transProtocol != None: |
| cmo.setGlobalTransactionsProtocol(transProtocol) |
| cd(jdbcParamsPath) |
| cmo.setUrl(url) |
| cmo.setDriverName(driver) |
| set('PasswordEncrypted',password) |
| cd(jdbcParamsPropertiesPath) |
| cmo.createProperty('user') |
| cd(jdbcParamsPropertyUserPath) |
| cmo.setValue(user) |
| cd(jdbcPoolParamsPath) |
| cmo.setTestTableName(testQuery) |
| |
| # Execute create-proxy-resource command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def create_proxy_resource(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['name', 'targets']) |
| name = get_option(globals, command, 'name') |
| jndiName = init_option(globals, command, 'jndi-name', 'jdbc/' + name) |
| targetsList = get_option(globals, command, 'targets') |
| print 'Executing command create-proxy-resource' |
| print ' Resource name: ' + name |
| print ' JNDI name: ' + jndiName |
| print ' Targets: ' + value_to_message(targetsList) |
| resourcePath='/JDBCSystemResources/' + name + '/JDBCResource/' + name |
| dsParamsPath = resourcePath + '/JDBCDataSourceParams/' + name |
| jdbcParamsPath = resourcePath + '/JDBCDriverParams/' + name |
| jdbcParamsPropertiesPath = jdbcParamsPath + '/Properties/' + name |
| cd('/') |
| if cmo.lookupJDBCSystemResource(name) is None: |
| print 'Creating proxy resource ' + name |
| cmo.createJDBCSystemResource(name) |
| cd(resourcePath) |
| cmo.setName(name) |
| cmo.setDatasourceType('PROXY') |
| cd(dsParamsPath) |
| print 'Setting JNDI name ' + jndiName + ' to resoiurce ' + name |
| set('JNDINames',jarray.array([String(jndiName)], String)) |
| cd(jdbcParamsPropertiesPath) |
| print 'Creating property dbSwitchingCallbackClassName' |
| print ' with value com.oracle.jrf.mt.datasource.PartitionedJNDIBasedDataSourceSwitchingCallbackImpl' |
| cmo.createProperty('dbSwitchingCallbackClassName') |
| cd('Properties/dbSwitchingCallbackClassName') |
| cmo.setValue('com.oracle.jrf.mt.datasource.PartitionedJNDIBasedDataSourceSwitchingCallbackImpl') |
| cd(jdbcParamsPropertiesPath) |
| print 'Creating property switchingProperties' |
| cd('/JDBCSystemResources/' + name) |
| set_targets(name, targetsList) |
| else: |
| print 'Proxy resource ' + name + ' already exists' |
| |
| # Execute create-resource-override command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def create_resource_override(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['name', 'partition', 'resource']) |
| name = get_option(globals, command, 'name') |
| pName = get_option(globals, command, 'partition') |
| resource = get_option(globals, command, 'resource') |
| url = get_option(globals, command, 'url') |
| driver = get_option(globals, command, 'driver') |
| user = get_option(globals, command, 'user') |
| password = get_option(globals, command, 'password') |
| transProtocol = get_option(globals, command, 'transactions-protocol') |
| print 'Executing command create-resource-override' |
| print ' Override name: ' + name |
| print ' Partition name: ' + pName |
| print ' Resource name: ' + resource |
| print ' Resource URL: ' + value_to_message(url) |
| print ' JDBC driver: ' + value_to_message(driver) |
| print ' User name: ' + value_to_message(user) |
| print ' User password: ' + value_to_message(password) |
| print ' Transactions: ' + value_to_message(transProtocol) |
| cd("/") |
| partition = cmo.lookupPartition(pName) |
| if partition != None: |
| print 'Creating JDBC resource override object ' + name + ' in partition ' + pName |
| partition.createJDBCSystemResourceOverride(name) |
| cd('/Partitions/' + pName + '/JDBCSystemResourceOverrides/' + name) |
| print 'Setting base JDBC resource to ' + resource |
| cmo.setDataSourceName(resource) |
| if url != None: |
| print 'Setting JDBC resource ' + resource + ' URL override to ' + url |
| cmo.setURL(url) |
| if driver != None: |
| print 'Setting JDBC resource ' + resource + ' driver override to ' + driver |
| cmo.setDriverName(driver) |
| if user != None: |
| print 'Setting JDBC resource ' + resource + ' user name override to ' + user |
| cmo.setUser(user) |
| if password != None: |
| print 'Setting JDBC resource ' + resource + ' user password override to ' + password |
| cmo.setPassword(password) |
| if transProtocol != None: |
| print 'Setting JDBC resource ' + resource + ' transaction protocol override to ' + transProtocol |
| cmo.setGlobalTransactionsProtocol(transProtocol) |
| else: |
| print 'Partition ' + name + ' does not exist' |
| |
| # Execute deploy command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def deploy(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['name', 'path']) |
| name = get_option(globals, command, 'name') |
| appPath = get_option(globals, command, 'path') |
| targetServers = get_option(globals, command, 'targets') |
| rgTemplate = get_option(globals, command, 'template') |
| print 'Executing command deploy' |
| print ' Application name: ' + name |
| print ' Application path: ' + appPath |
| print ' Target servers: ' + value_to_message(targetServers) |
| print ' Resource group template: ' + value_to_message(rgTemplate) |
| cd('/') |
| if targetServers != None: |
| if rgTemplate != None: |
| print 'Application ' + name + ' from ' + appPath + ' is being deployed on ' + targetServers + ' and template ' + rgTemplate |
| result = deploy(appName=name, path=appPath, targets=targetServers, resourceGroupTemplate=rgTemplate) |
| else: |
| print 'Application ' + name + ' from ' + appPath + ' is being deployed on ' + targetServers |
| result = deploy(appName=name, path=appPath, targets=targetServers) |
| else: |
| if rgTemplate != None: |
| print 'Application ' + name + ' from ' + appPath + ' is being deployed on template ' + rgTemplate |
| result = deploy(appName=name, path=appPath, resourceGroupTemplate=rgTemplate) |
| else: |
| print 'Application ' + name + ' from ' + appPath + ' is being deployed' |
| result = deploy(appName=name, path=appPath) |
| print result.getMessage() |
| |
| # Execute undeploy command. |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def undeploy(globals, command): |
| check_all_options(globals, command, ['name']) |
| name = get_option(globals, command, 'name') |
| targetServers = get_option(globals, command, 'targets') |
| rgTemplate = get_option(globals, command, 'template') |
| print 'Executing command undeploy' |
| print ' Application name: ' + name |
| print ' Target servers: ' + value_to_message(targetServers) |
| print ' Resource group template: ' + value_to_message(rgTemplate) |
| cd('/') |
| if targetServers != None: |
| if rgTemplate != None: |
| print 'Application ' + name + ' is being undeployed on ' + targetServers + ' and template ' + rgTemplate |
| result = undeploy(appName=name, targets=targetServers, resourceGroupTemplate=rgTemplate) |
| else: |
| print 'Application ' + name + ' is being undeployed on ' + targetServers |
| result = undeploy(appName=name, targets=targetServers) |
| else: |
| if rgTemplate != None: |
| print 'Application ' + name + ' is being undeployed on template ' + rgTemplate |
| result = undeploy(appName=name, resourceGroupTemplate=rgTemplate) |
| else: |
| print 'Application ' + name + ' is being undeployed' |
| result = undeploy(appName=name) |
| print result.getMessage() |
| |
| # Activate changes after batch of online commands and open new edit session |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| # command Command and its arguments dictionary. |
| def activate(globals, command): |
| activate() |
| startEdit() |
| |
| # Open edit session before batch of online commands |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| def initSession(globals): |
| check_options(globals, ['host', 'port', 'admin-user', 'admin-password']) |
| host = init_global_option(globals, 'host', '') |
| port = init_global_option(globals, 'port', '7001') |
| user = init_global_option(globals, 'admin-user', 'weblogic') |
| password = init_global_option(globals, 'admin-password', 'welcome1') |
| connect(user, password,'t3://' + host + ':' + port) |
| edit() |
| startEdit() |
| |
| # Close edit session after batch of online commands |
| # globals Global command arguments. |
| def closeSession(): |
| save() |
| activate() |
| |
| # Command executors |
| commandExecutors = { |
| 'create-domain' : create_domain, |
| 'add-template' : add_template, |
| 'start-domain' : start_domain, |
| 'start-partition' : start_partition, |
| 'start-script' : start_script, |
| 'stop-domain' : stop_domain, |
| 'create-partition-admin' : create_partition_admin, |
| 'create-virtual-host' : create_virtual_host, |
| 'create-virtual-target' : create_virtual_target, |
| 'create-resource-group-template' : create_resource_group_template, |
| 'create-resource-group' : create_resource_group, |
| 'create-realm' : create_realm, |
| 'create-realm-providers' : create_realm_providers, |
| 'create-partition' : create_partition, |
| 'set-identity-domain' : set_identity_domain, |
| 'set-identity-domain-on-admin-realm' : set_identity_domain_on_admin_realm, |
| 'set-jpa-provider' : set_jpa_provider, |
| 'create-jdbc-resource' : create_jdbc_resource, |
| 'create-proxy-resource' : create_proxy_resource, |
| 'create-resource-override' : create_resource_override, |
| 'deploy' : deploy, |
| 'undeploy' : undeploy, |
| 'activate' : activate |
| } |
| |
| # Offline commands that do not need active session |
| offlineCommands = Set([ |
| 'create-domain', 'add-template', 'start-domain', 'start-script', 'stop-domain', 'create-partition-admin' |
| ]) |
| |
| # Global code to be executed on startup |
| wlsCommands = parse_args(sys.argv) |
| wlsSessionActive = False |
| globalArguments = {} |
| for wlsCommand in wlsCommands: |
| # Global options if present |
| if not wlsCommand.has_key(None): |
| globalArguments = wlsCommand; |
| # Command to process |
| else: |
| commandStr = wlsCommand[None] |
| if not commandExecutors.has_key(commandStr): |
| print '\nUnknown command: ' + commandStr |
| help_msg() |
| else: |
| if not commandStr in offlineCommands: |
| if not wlsSessionActive: |
| initSession(globalArguments) |
| wlsSessionActive = True |
| else: |
| if wlsSessionActive: |
| closeSession() |
| wlsSessionActive = False |
| #print_command(command) |
| # Run command executor |
| #try: |
| commandExecutors[commandStr](globalArguments, wlsCommand) |
| #except Exception, e: |
| # e.printStackTrace() |
| # print e.getLocalizedMessage() |
| # exit(1) |
| if wlsSessionActive: |
| closeSession() |
| wlsSessionActive = False |