custom=true | |
# Edit this if/when the release number changes | |
release.version=2.3.4 | |
# Edit this property to "true" to enable debug attributes like lines, variables and source-filename | |
javac.debug=true | |
javac.debuglevel=lines,vars,source | |
# Edit this property when you would like to override the java version during testing | |
javac.version=1.5 | |
# Edit these properties to "true" to turn on deprecation warnings or optimization | |
javac.optimize=false | |
javac.deprecation=false | |
# Do not edit the variables below | |
# They may, however, be overridden in parent scripts | |
asm=org.eclipse.persistence.asm | |
antlr=org.eclipse.persistence.antlr | |
stax_api.jar=javax.xml.stream_1.0.1.v201004272200.jar | |
activation.jar=javax.activation_1.1.0.v201005080500.jar | |
mail.jar=javax.mail_1.4.0.v201005080615.jar | |
resource.jar=javax.resource_1.5.0.jar | |
ejb.jar=javax.ejb_3.0.0.jar | |
jms.jar=javax.jms_1.1.0.jar | |
transaction.jar=javax.transaction_1.1.0.v201002051055.jar | |
persistence10.jar=javax.persistence_1.0.0.v200905011740.jar | |
persistence20.jar=javax.persistence_2.0.6.v201308211412.jar | |
eclipselink.core.depend=${activation.jar},${resource.jar},${ejb.jar},${jms.jar},${stax_api.jar},${transaction.jar},${mail.jar} | |
plugins.dir=plugins | |
resource.dir=resource | |
src.dir=src | |
classes.dir=classes | |
bin.includes = .,\ | |
source.. = src/,\ | |
resource/ |