Finish the ideal autorebase case test

Change-Id: If10a608df1364eb4e383610decdb8bda10848b5f
Signed-off-by: Patrick-Jeffrey Pollo Guilbert <>
diff --git a/org.eclipse.egerrit.ui.rcptt.tests/reviewEditor/AutoRebaseIdealCase.test b/org.eclipse.egerrit.ui.rcptt.tests/reviewEditor/AutoRebaseIdealCase.test
index 775bf3b..24f5649 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.egerrit.ui.rcptt.tests/reviewEditor/AutoRebaseIdealCase.test
+++ b/org.eclipse.egerrit.ui.rcptt.tests/reviewEditor/AutoRebaseIdealCase.test
@@ -53,10 +53,20 @@
 		get-button OK | click
-	with [get-view "Git Staging"] {
-		get-section Rebase | get-label Rebase | get-property caption | equals Rebase | verify-true
-	}
-	// TODO verifier qude la brnache est creee, pas sur master?
+	/* Verify that the git repo is in a rebase state */
+	get-view "Git Staging" | get-section Rebase | get-label Rebase | get-property caption | equals Rebase | verify-true
+	/* Verify that there are now two branches */
+	get-view "Git Repositories" | get-tree | get-item "egerrit.*\.git/Branches/Local" | get-property childCount | equals
+		"2" | verify-true
+	/* Verify that the automatic rebase branch was created */
+	get-view "Git Repositories" | get-tree | get-item "egerrit.*\.git/Branches/Local" | get-property "getItems().Tree" +
+		"Item[0].getText()" | equals "automatic-rebase-.*Test commit message" | verify-true
+	/* Verify that the automatic branch doesn't have the checked out icon (means it's not checked out) */
+	get-view "Git Repositories" | get-tree | get-item "egerrit.*\.git/Branches/Local/automatic-rebase-.*" | get-property
+		"image.path" | equals "org.eclipse.egit.ui/icons/obj16/branch_obj.gif" | verify-true
 } -finally {