blob: a246dc69cb600ac7717530cf36c49df1c8c7bed3 [file] [log] [blame]
FileDownloadJob_FileDownload=File Download
FileDownloadStatus_BlockedGetInitFailed=Failed to initialize blocked get.
FileDownloadStatus_CannotStartJob=Cannot start a job that is
FileDownloadStatus_FileNotOnServer=File {0} has not been found on the server
FileDownloadStatus_TransferFailed=File transfer failed\!
FileDownloadStatus_TransferNotFinishedYet=Trying to get transferred file {0} while transfer is not yet finished
FileTransferCacheManager_CreateTempFileFailed=Could not create temporary file
FileTransferCacheManager_FileNotInCache=The file with the id {0} is not in the cache
FileTransferCacheManager_MoveToCacheFailed_Exists=Could not move temp file to cache folder. The file already exists in the cache folder
FileTransferCacheManager_MoveToCacheFailed_FileMissing=Could not move temp file to cache folder. The file does not exist in the temp folder. FileId:
FileTransferCacheManager_MoveToCacheFailed_MoveFailed=Could not move temp file to cache folder. The move operation failed
FileTransferJob_UnknownSession=Session ID is unknown. Please login first\!
FileTransferManager_ExceptionDuringCaching=An exception occurred while trying to cache an incoming file:\n
FileTransferManager_ExceptionDuringUpload=An exception occurred while trying to upload a file to the server
FileTransferManager_FileDoesNotExist=The file to be uploaded does not exist.\nPath:
FileTransferManager_FileIdentifierIsNull=File identifier may not be null.
FileTransferManager_FileIsNull=File to be added is null\!
FileTransferManager_FileNoInCache_1=The file with the id {0} was not found in cache.
FileTransferManager_FileNoInCache_2=It was queued for upload but is now removed from the queue.
FileTransferManager_FileNoInCache_3=The file will NOT be on the server.
FileTransferManager_NoUploadPendingWithThatId=Could not remove pending upload with id {0}: No upload with that id is pending
FileTransferManager_UploadFailed=Uploading the waiting files did not succeed
FileTransferManager_UploadIsDirectory=Can only upload files\! File is a directory.\nPath:
FileUploadJob_FileUpload=File Upload
FileUploadJob_SendingFile=Sending file {0}: {1}/{2} bytes transmitted
TransferCanceledException_FileTransferCancelled=File transfer has been cancelled