blob: a978761ac0510c9b9b6cc7af01272a0849c82120 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2009 by ProSyst Software GmbH
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* ProSyst Software GmbH - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ip.impl;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ip.ProvisioningInfoProvider;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ip.ProvisioningStorage;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.util.timer.Timer;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.util.timer.TimerListener;
import org.osgi.framework.*;
import org.osgi.service.provisioning.ProvisioningService;
* Class implementing provisioning management based on OSGi RFC 27. On start
* this <I>BundleActivator</I> gets its manifest headers
* <I>ProvisioningAgent.providerS</I> and <I>ProvisioningAgent.STORAGE</I>.
* Using them it decides which <I>ProvisioningInfoProvider</I>-s and which
* <I>ProvisioningStorage</I> are packed in the bundle. It make instances them.
* To be succesfull instantiation they MUST have constructor without parameters.
* All packed in bundle providers that implement <I>BundleActivator</I>. Their
* methods <I>start(BundleContext)</I> are invoked after instantiation. (On
* stop their <I>stop(BundleContext)</I>-s are invoked). ProvisioningStorage is
* used for saving provisioning service data. If no such storage thatas are lost
* on restart of bundle. Any fail in provider/storage instantiation, providers
* casting to <I>BundleActivator</I> ends with exception in bundle start and
* bundle will not reach state ACTIVE.
* Also it starts DiscoveryAgent which is prosyst's feature. It is constructed
* using values of system properties: "" as host and
* "equinox.multicast.port" as port. If one of these properties is null no
* instance of DiscoveryAgent is made.
* @author Avgustin Marinov
* @author Pavlin Dobrev
* @version 1.0
public class ProvisioningAgent implements BundleActivator, ProvisioningService, ServiceListener, FrameworkListener, TimerListener {
* This manifest header determines the packed into the provisioning agent
* bundle storage (if such exists) that is to be setarted.
public final static String STORAGE = "Prv-Storage";
* This manifest header determines URL Handlers packed into the provisioning
* agent bundle that are to be started.
public final static String URL_HANDLERS = "Url-Handlers";
/** This system property that determines multicast host for discoverer agent. */
public final static String MULTICAST_HOST = "";
/** This system property taht determines multicast port for discoverer agent. */
public final static String MULTICAST_PORT = "equinox.provisioning.multicast.port";
* This system property determines if provisioning can use HTTP transport
* (assumed as unsecured) for provisioning data assignments.
public final static String HTTP_ALLOWED = "equinox.provisioning.httpprv.allowed";
* This system property determines if provisioning must waits until the
* framework is started.
public final static String WAIT_FW_START = "equinox.provisioning.prv.fwstart";
* This system property determines if provisioning should try to make
* provisioning on every start
public final static String REPROVISIONING_ON_START = "equinox.provisioning.reprovision.onstart";
* Close Zip after reading.
public final static String CLOSE_ZIP = "";
* This system property determines if provisioning agent should print debug
* and error information on the console.
public final static String DEBUG = "equinox.provisioning.debug";
* This system property determines if provisioning agent should print debug
* and error information on the console.
public final static String REMOTE_DEBUG = "equinox.provisioning.remote.debug";
/** BundleContext used for interactions with framework. */
public static BundleContext bc;
/** Provisioning data. */
private ProvisioningData info;
/** Registration of ProvisioningService. */
private ServiceRegistration sreg;
* Configuration store used for data storing. It is null after start if no
* storage packed in bundle.
private ProvisioningStorage storage;
/** If HTTP protocol is allows for provisioning data assignments. */
private boolean httpAllowed;
* If storage is inner packed but it is not inner provider, and is
* BundleActivator and its start method has been invoked, it must be
* stopped.
private boolean destroyStorageOnStop = false;
* Contains providers packed in bundle. It can be null after start if no
* providers packed in bundle.
private Vector providers;
* Contains URL handlers packed in bundle. It can be null after start if no
* providers packed in bundle.
private Vector urlHandlers;
* DiscoveryAgent instantiated by this object on start(BundleContext). It is
* null after start id host or port arenot set in manifest.
private Runnable da;
/** If there is need to wait for start of framework. */
private boolean wfs;
/** If the information is added and provistioning assignements are allowed. */
private boolean active;
* Flag if the start data is processed from frameworkEvent or from
* start(BundleContext) method.
private boolean startProcessed;
/** If to do reprovisiong */
private boolean reprovision;
* If the service is already registered. Used to be avided duplicated
* registration on start.
private boolean registered;
/** If to close zip after reading */
private boolean closeZip;
// =================================================================================//
private static final int PROVISIONING = 1;
private static final String HAS_FAILED_PROVISIONG = "!@#$_hasFailedPrv";
private boolean reAfterPrvFailureDisabled;
private int a;
private int b;
private int changePeriod;
private int maxPeriod;
private Timer timer;
private long nextProvisioningAfter;
private int times;
// =================================================================================//
public final static int ERROR_UNKNOWN = 0;
public final static int ERROR_LOAD_STORE_DATA = 1;
public final static int ERROR_MALFORMED_URL = 2;
public final static int ERROR_IO_EXCEPTION = 3;
public final static int ERROR_CORRUPTED_ZIP = 4;
* Invoked by framework on bundle start.
* @param bc
* bundle context
* @exception java.lang.Exception
* mostly when manifest dont match to packed
* providers/storage or their implementation do not match
* expectations.
public void start(BundleContext bc) throws Exception {
ProvisioningAgent.bc = bc;
active = false;
startProcessed = false;
wfs = true;
if (bc.getProperty(WAIT_FW_START) != null)
if (bc.getProperty(WAIT_FW_START).equals("false"))
wfs = false;
httpAllowed = true;
if (bc.getProperty(HTTP_ALLOWED) != null)
if (bc.getProperty(HTTP_ALLOWED).equals("false"))
httpAllowed = false;
reprovision = getBoolean(ProvisioningAgent.REPROVISIONING_ON_START);
closeZip = getBoolean(CLOSE_ZIP);
// =================================================================================//
reAfterPrvFailureDisabled = getBoolean("equinox.provisioning.provisioning.reAfterPrvFailure.disabled");
a = getInteger("equinox.provisioning.provisioning.reAfterPrvFailure.a", 60000);
b = getInteger("equinox.provisioning.provisioning.reAfterPrvFailure.b", 60000);
changePeriod = getInteger("equinox.provisioning.provisioning.reAfterPrvFailure.changePeriod", 300000);
maxPeriod = getInteger("equinox.provisioning.provisioning.reAfterPrvFailure.maxperiod", 3600000);
nextProvisioningAfter = a;
// =================================================================================//
Log.j9workAround = getBoolean("equinox.provisioning.j9.2.0.workaround");
Log.debug = getBoolean(DEBUG);
Log.remoteDebug = getBoolean(REMOTE_DEBUG);
Log.sendTrace = getBoolean("equinox.provisioning.send.trace");
Log.prvSrv = this;
org.eclipse.equinox.internal.util.ref.Log log = new org.eclipse.equinox.internal.util.ref.Log(bc);
log.setDebug(true); // always log to LogService!
Log.log = log;
try {
} catch (Exception exc) {
Log.log = null;
throw exc;
private void start0(BundleContext bc) throws Exception {
Log.debug("Starting provisioning agent ...");
Bundle thisBundle = bc.getBundle();
// Starts URL handlers packed into the provisioning bundle
String urlHandlersHeader = (String) thisBundle.getHeaders().get(URL_HANDLERS);
if (urlHandlersHeader != null) {
StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(urlHandlersHeader, ", ");
urlHandlers = new Vector(strTok.countTokens());
while (strTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
try {
BundleActivator handler = (BundleActivator) Class.forName(strTok.nextToken().trim()).newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.debug("Can't instantiate or start a handler!");
throw e;
urlHandlersHeader = null;
// Gets inner storage activator class name (if inner storage exists).
String storageName = (String) thisBundle.getHeaders().get(STORAGE);
if (storageName != null) {
storageName = storageName.trim();
// Registers configuration providers packed into the bundle
String providersHeader = (String) thisBundle.getHeaders().get(ProvisioningInfoProvider.PROVIDERS);
if (providersHeader != null) {
providers = new Vector(5);
StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(providersHeader, ",; ");
while (strTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
String providerName = strTok.nextToken().trim();
strTok.nextToken(); // Skips ranking
Object provider = Class.forName(providerName).newInstance();
if (provider instanceof BundleActivator) {
((BundleActivator) provider).start(bc);
if (providerName.equals(storageName)) {
storage = (ProvisioningStorage) provider;
destroyStorageOnStop = true;
if (storage == null && storageName != null && storageName.length() != 0) {
try {
storage = (ProvisioningStorage) Class.forName(storageName).newInstance();
if (storage instanceof BundleActivator) {
((BundleActivator) storage).start(bc);
destroyStorageOnStop = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.debug("Can't instantiate or start storage \"" + storage + "\"!");
throw e;
info = new ProvisioningData();
if (storage == null) {
synchronized (this) {
bc.addServiceListener(this, "(|" + '(' + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + '=' + ProvisioningStorage.class.getName() + ")" + '(' + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + '=' + ProvisioningInfoProvider.class.getName() + ")" + '(' + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + '=' + Timer.class.getName() + ')' + ")");
storage = getStorage();
} else {
bc.addServiceListener(this, "(|" + '(' + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + '=' + ProvisioningInfoProvider.class.getName() + ')' + '(' + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + '=' + Timer.class.getName() + ')' + ")");
synchronized (this) {
if (timer == null) {
ServiceReference sRef = bc.getServiceReference(Timer.class.getName());
if (sRef != null) {
timer = (Timer) bc.getService(sRef);
if (storage != null) {
Log.debug("Loads from " + storage + " storage.");
try {
Dictionary storedInfo = storage.getStoredInfo();
if (storedInfo != null && storedInfo.size() != 0) {
} catch (Exception e) { // NPE or storage specific exception can be
// thrown
setError(ERROR_LOAD_STORE_DATA, e.toString());
if (destroyStorageOnStop) {
Log.debug("Warning: the storage could be unavailable!");
} else {
storage = null;
if (getHasFailedPrv() && !reAfterPrvFailureDisabled) {
reprovision = true;
boolean hasLoadedInfo = false;
ServiceReference[] srefs = bc.getServiceReferences(ProvisioningInfoProvider.class.getName(), null);
if (srefs != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < srefs.length; i++) {
ProvisioningInfoProvider provider = ((ProvisioningInfoProvider) bc.getService(srefs[i]));
try {
synchronized (info) {
if (!info.providers.contains(provider)) {
Log.debug("Loads from " + provider + " provider.");
Dictionary toAdd = provider.init(this);
if (toAdd != null && toAdd.size() != 0) {
String prvref = (String) toAdd.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_REFERENCE);
if (prvref != null && prvref.trim().length() != 0) { // reference
// is
// changed
// by
// loader
reprovision = true;
hasLoadedInfo = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!isFrameworkStarted()) {
} else {
wfs = false;
if (hasLoadedInfo) {
active = true;
// Join GW to a multicast host.
try {
String host = "";
if (bc.getProperty(MULTICAST_HOST) != null)
host = bc.getProperty(MULTICAST_HOST);
String port = Integer.toString(getInteger(MULTICAST_PORT, 7777));
if (host.length() != 0 && port.length() != 0) {
Class dscAgentClass = Class.forName("org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ip.impl.dscagent.DiscoveryAgent");
Constructor constr = dscAgentClass.getConstructor(new Class[] {String.class, int.class, BundleContext.class, ProvisioningAgent.class});
new Thread(da = (Runnable) constr.newInstance(new Object[] {host, new Integer(Integer.parseInt(port)), bc, this}), "Discovery Agent").start();
} // "info" is already initialized
} catch (Throwable t) {
Log.debug("Can't create discovery agent!");
Log.debug("Provisioning agent started ...");
* @see org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator#stop(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext)
public void stop(BundleContext bc) throws Exception {
Log.debug("Stopping provisionig agent ...");
if (timer != null) {
try {
timer.removeListener(this, PROVISIONING);
} catch (Throwable _) {
timer = null;
registered = false;
try {
} catch (Exception _) {
try {
} catch (Exception _) {
if (sreg != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception _) {
sreg = null;
} // Unregisters ProvisioningService
if (da != null) {
try {
Method close = da.getClass().getMethod("close", new Class[] {});
close.invoke(da, new Object[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
da = null;
} // Closes DiscoveryAgent
if (storage != null) {
if (destroyStorageOnStop) {
try {
if (storage instanceof BundleActivator) {
((BundleActivator) storage).stop(bc);
} catch (Exception e) {
destroyStorageOnStop = false;
storage = null;
} // Stores data
if (providers != null) {
for (int i = providers.size(); i-- > 0;) {
try {
((BundleActivator) providers.elementAt(i)).stop(bc);
} catch (Exception e) {
providers = null;
} // Stops providers
if (urlHandlers != null) {
for (int i = urlHandlers.size(); i-- > 0;) {
try {
((BundleActivator) urlHandlers.elementAt(i)).stop(bc);
} catch (Exception e) {
urlHandlers = null;
} // Stops providers
info = null;
Log.debug("Provisioning agent stopped ...");
Log.log = null;
public Dictionary getInformation() {
return info;
public void setInformation(Dictionary info) {
boolean refChanged = info.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_REFERENCE) != null;
synchronized ( {
Integer version = (Integer);
Integer newVersion = new Integer(version.intValue() + 1);;
public void addInformation(Dictionary info) {
addInformation(info, null);
private static final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
private static final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
private static byte[] readStream(InputStream is) throws IOException {
synchronized (buffer) {
int read;
while ((read =, 0, buffer.length)) != -1) {
baos.write(buffer, 0, read);
return baos.toByteArray();
private Bundle installBundle(String name, InputStream is) {
Bundle bundle = null;
try {
bundle = getBundle(name);
if (bundle == null) { /* install the bundle */
if (Log.debug)
Log.debug("Installing management bundle '" + name + "'");
bundle = bc.installBundle(name, is);
} else { /* just update it */
if (Log.debug)
Log.debug("Updating management bundle '" + name + "'");
} catch (Throwable t) {
Log.debug("WARNING: Failed to install management bundle '" + name + "'", t);
return bundle;
public void addInformation(ZipInputStream zis) {
Log.debug("Add Information form ZIS.");
Hashtable entries = new Hashtable(2);//cache for unprocessed entries
boolean manifestFound = false;
Dictionary info = new Hashtable(5);
Dictionary entriesFromHeader = null;
Dictionary extraFileds = null;
Vector bundlesToStart = new Vector(5);
String header = null;
try {
ZipEntry ze;
String name, type;
/* read the rest of the entries */
while ((ze = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) {
/* read name */
name = ze.getName();
if (name.endsWith("/")) {// path entry
if (name.charAt(0) == '/')
name = name.substring(1);
/* read extra */
byte[] extra = ze.getExtra();
type = extra == null ? null : new String(extra).toLowerCase();
if (extra != null && !"META-INF/MANIFEST.MF".equals(name)) {
if (extraFileds == null) {
extraFileds = new Hashtable(3, 3);
extraFileds.put(name, type);
}//the extra field is null or the entry is the manifest
if (!manifestFound) {
if ("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF".equals(name)) {//the entry is the manifest
manifestFound = true;
header = getHeaderFromManifest(zis);
entriesFromHeader = filterAttributes(TYPE, parseEntries(header));
} else {//no manifest yet, so cache the entry
System.out.println("---put : " + name);
entries.put(name, readStream(zis));
} else {//the manifest is found so we process the entry
processEntry(extraFileds, name, null, zis, info, entriesFromHeader, bundlesToStart);
/*process the cached entries*/
Enumeration names = entries.keys();
while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
processEntry(extraFileds, name = (String) names.nextElement(), (byte[]) entries.get(name), null, info, entriesFromHeader, bundlesToStart);
} catch (Throwable e) {, e.toString());
Log.debug("Error reading provisioning package", e);
/* close the zip file */
if (closeZip) {
try {
} catch (Exception _) {
/* update info and start all required bundles */
addInformation(info, bundlesToStart); // bundle should
private void processEntry(Dictionary extraFileds, String name, byte[] content, InputStream is, Dictionary info, Dictionary entriesFromHeader, Vector bundlesToStart) throws IOException {
* first try the InitialProvisioning-Entries header
* if the zip file had a manifest entry
String type = entriesFromHeader == null ? null : (String) entriesFromHeader.get(name);
* If there is no value in the InitialProvisioning-Entries header for that path
* try to initialize the type from the entry's extra field.
* If this ZIP entry field is present, the Initial Provisioning service should not
* look further, even if the extra field contains an erroneous value.
if (type == null) {
if (extraFileds != null) {
type = (String) extraFileds.get(name);
* if type is still null try to to initialize it
* according to the extension of the entry's name
if (type == null) {
type = getMIMEfromExtension(name);
/* process entry */
if (Log.debug) {
Log.debug("Processing entry '" + name + "' of type " + type);
if (MIME_BUNDLE.equals(type) || MIME_BUNDLE_ALT.equals(type)) {
installBundle(name, content == null ? new ISWrapper(is) : new ISWrapper(new ByteArrayInputStream(content)));
} else if (MIME_BYTE_ARRAY.equals(type)) {
info.put(name, content == null ? readStream(is) : content);
} else if (MIME_STRING.equals(type)) {
String value = getUTF8String(content == null ? readStream(is) : content);
info.put(name, value);
* FIXME: actually there can be only ONE key of that type! - so why
* using vector
/* Make management agent bundle deployment. Sets
* if PermissionAdmin is available..*/
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
Log.debug("Failed to grant all permissions", e);
} else if (MIME_BUNDLE_URL.equals(type)) {
String value = getUTF8String(content == null ? readStream(is) : content);
installBundle(name, new URL(value).openStream());
} else {, //
"Unknown MIME type (" + type + ") for entry '" + name + "'");
public void serviceChanged(ServiceEvent se) {
Object service = bc.getService(se.getServiceReference());
if (service instanceof ProvisioningStorage) {
if (se.getType() == ServiceEvent.REGISTERED) {
synchronized (this) {
if (storage == null) { // If there is a storage it won't be
// replaced.
storage = (ProvisioningStorage) service;
} else {
try {
Object oldUC = info.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT);
int iOldUC = 0;
if (oldUC != null && oldUC instanceof Integer) {
iOldUC = ((Integer) oldUC).intValue();
Dictionary toAdd = storage.getStoredInfo();
Object newUC = toAdd.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT);
int iNewUC = 0;
if (newUC != null && newUC instanceof Integer) {
iNewUC = ((Integer) newUC).intValue();
boolean refChanged = toAdd.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_REFERENCE) != null && (iNewUC == 0 || reprovision);
boolean increment = iNewUC > iOldUC; // In this case it
// is assummed that
// is most probably
// that this
// is the original version but storage is started after the
// provisioning bundle.
synchronized (info) {
if (increment) {
incrementUC(new Integer(iNewUC));
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.debug("Storage is available.");
} else if (se.getType() == ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING) {
if (storage == bc.getService(se.getServiceReference())) {
Log.debug("Storage is removed!");
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.debug("Can't store provisioning info!", e);
storage = null; // No more than one Storage service should
// be registered on the FW
if (service instanceof ProvisioningInfoProvider) { // a Storage could
// be a Provider
if (se.getType() == ServiceEvent.REGISTERED) {
ProvisioningInfoProvider provider = (ProvisioningInfoProvider) service;
Log.debug("Loads from " + provider + " provider.");
try {
if (!info.providers.contains(provider)) {
Dictionary toAdd = provider.init(this);
boolean refChanged = false;
if (toAdd != null) {
String prvref = (String) toAdd.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_REFERENCE);
if (prvref != null && prvref.trim().length() != 0) { // reference
// is
// changed
// by
// loader
refChanged = true;
boolean added = true;
synchronized (info) {
if (!info.providers.contains(provider)) {
if (refChanged) {
reprovision = true;
Integer version = (Integer) info.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT);
Integer newVersion = new Integer(version.intValue() + 1);
} else {
added = false;
if (added) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} else if (se.getType() == ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING) {
if (service instanceof Timer) { // timer is expected to be single
// service
switch (se.getType()) {
case ServiceEvent.REGISTERED : {
synchronized (this) {
if (timer == null) {
timer = (Timer) service;
if (getHasFailedPrv() && !reAfterPrvFailureDisabled) {
try {
timer.notifyAfterMillis(this, nextPrvAfter(), PROVISIONING); // TO DO - Won't be
// updated with newer
// method - it will not
// run on older FW
} catch (Exception e) {
case ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING : {
timer = null;
public synchronized void timer(int event) {
Log.debug("Timer event " + event);
try {
switch (event) {
Log.debug("Remake failed provisioning.");
if (getHasFailedPrv()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
public void frameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent event) {
if (event.getType() == FrameworkEvent.STARTED) {
wfs = false;
public boolean getHttpAllowed() {
return httpAllowed;
// Synchronize frameworkEvent and start(BundleContext) initial reactions
private void processStart() {
synchronized (this) {
try {
Log.debug("Reprovision = " + reprovision + ", update counter = " + info.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT) + ", provisioning reference = " + info.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_REFERENCE));
if ((reprovision || ((Integer) info.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT)).intValue() == 0) && info.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_REFERENCE) != null) {
if (!startProcessed) {
if (processPrvAssignment()) {
startProcessed = true;
} catch (Throwable t) {
synchronized (this) {
if (active && !wfs && !registered) {
registered = true;
} else {
Log.debug("Registering ProvisioningService.");
sreg = bc.registerService(ProvisioningService.class.getName(), this, getRegProps());
* This is called by ProvisioningData when one puts new
* <I>ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT</I>.
* @param refChanged
* if ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_REFERENCE changed
private void updated(boolean refUpdated) {
Log.debug("ProvisioingDictionary updated. Reference updated = " + refUpdated);
synchronized (this) {
if (refUpdated) {
if (!processPrvAssignment()) {
reprovision = true;
private void store() {
if (storage != null) {
try {
Dictionary info =;
if (info != null) {;
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
Log.debug("Warning: No storage available.");
private boolean processPrvAssignment() {
if (active && !wfs) {
new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return true;
return false;
* Make provisioning data assignement to nextRef.
* @param nextRef
* next reference.
synchronized void process() {
if (info == null)
return; // the bundle is stopped
String ref = (String) info.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_REFERENCE);
Log.debug("Reference = \"" + ref + '"');
if (ref != null && (ref = ref.trim()).length() != 0) {
String spid = (String) info.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_SPID);
Log.debug("Setup from \"" + ref + "\", SPID = " + spid);
if (!httpAllowed) {
if (ref.startsWith("http://")) {
Log.debug("Won't make setup to " + ref + " because http is forbidden!");
setError(ERROR_MALFORMED_URL, "Provisioning reference is a HTTP URL, but non-secure HTTP is forbidden!");
if (!ref.startsWith("file:") && ref.indexOf("service_platform_id") == -1) {
if (ref.indexOf('?') == -1) {
ref += '?';
} else {
ref += '&';
ref += "service_platform_id" + '=' + URLEncoder.encode(spid == null ? "" : spid);
Log.debug("Setup url = \"" + ref);
URLConnection conn = null;
try {
URL url = new URL(ref);
InputStream is = null;
try {
conn = url.openConnection();
if (conn == null) {
throw new IOException("Can't open connection to " + url + "!");
conn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "close");
String error = conn.getHeaderField("error"); // Such
// error
// message
// is not by
// specification
// and is
// returned
// by
// Provisioining
// Service
// Backend
if (error == null) {
if ((conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) && ((HttpURLConnection) conn).getResponseCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
String errorMsg = "Warning! ResponseCode = " + ((HttpURLConnection) conn).getResponseCode() + "!";
setError(ERROR_IO_EXCEPTION, errorMsg);
} else {
is = conn.getInputStream();
} else {
setError(ERROR_IO_EXCEPTION, error);
Log.debug("Error from Backend: " + error + "! Setup failed!");
} catch (IOException e) {
setError(ERROR_IO_EXCEPTION, e.toString());
if (is == null) {
} else {
try {
ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(is);
try {
addInformation(zis); // the addInformation method
// closes stream
Log.debug("Setup ended.");
} finally {
if (!closeZip) {
try {
} catch (Exception _) {
} catch (Exception e) {
setError(ERROR_CORRUPTED_ZIP, e.toString());
} catch (IOException e) { // new URL ---> MalformedURLException
setError(ERROR_MALFORMED_URL, "Invalid Provisioning Reference: " + ref);
} finally {
if (conn != null && conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) {
try {
((HttpURLConnection) conn).disconnect();
} catch (Exception _) {
if (getHasFailedPrv()) {
if (!reAfterPrvFailureDisabled) {
try {
if (timer != null) {
timer.notifyAfterMillis(this, nextPrvAfter(), PROVISIONING); // TO DO - Won't be updated with
// newer method - it will not
// run on older FW
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
times = 0;
nextProvisioningAfter = a;
private synchronized long nextPrvAfter() {
if (nextProvisioningAfter < maxPeriod && nextProvisioningAfter * times > changePeriod) {
nextProvisioningAfter += b;
times = 0;
Log.debug("Next bootstrap after " + nextProvisioningAfter + "ms");
return nextProvisioningAfter;
// bundlesToStart is null on addInfo from provider/storage, and != null on
// add from ZIS
// pending error must be cleared only in second case!
private void addInformation(Dictionary info, Vector bundlesToStart) {
boolean refChanged = info.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_REFERENCE) != null;
synchronized ( {;
Integer version = (Integer);
Integer newVersion = new Integer(version.intValue() + 1);
Log.debug("Bundles to start: " + bundlesToStart);
if (bundlesToStart != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < bundlesToStart.size(); i++) {
Object next = bundlesToStart.elementAt(i);
try {
if (next instanceof Bundle) {
((Bundle) next).start();
} else {
Bundle b = getBundle((String) next);
if (b != null) {
} else {
Log.debug("Can't find '" + next + "' bundle to start it!");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.debug("Exception while starting " + (next instanceof Bundle ? ((Bundle) next).getLocation() : next), e);
private boolean isFrameworkStarted() {
if (!wfs)
return true;
Bundle system = bc.getBundle(0);
return system != null ? system.getState() == Bundle.ACTIVE : true;
* Make management agent bundle deployment. Sets
* if PermissionAdmin is available..
* @param maRef
* management agent reference.
private void grantAllPermissions(String location) {
try {
ServiceReference sref = bc.getServiceReference("org.osgi.service.permissionadmin.PermissionAdmin"); // the
// org.osgi.service.permissionadmin is not imported for R1
if (sref != null) {
Method method = Class.forName("org.osgi.service.permissionadmin.PermissionAdmin").getMethod("setPermissions", new Class[] {String.class, Class.forName("[Lorg.osgi.service.permissionadmin.PermissionInfo;")});
Object[] allPerms = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(Class.forName("org.osgi.service.permissionadmin.PermissionInfo"), 1);
Constructor constr = Class.forName("org.osgi.service.permissionadmin.PermissionInfo").getConstructor(new Class[] {String.class, String.class, String.class});
allPerms[0] = constr.newInstance(new String[] {"", "", ""});
method.invoke(bc.getService(sref), new Object[] {location, allPerms});
} catch (Exception e) {
private ProvisioningStorage getStorage() {
ServiceReference sref = bc.getServiceReference(ProvisioningStorage.class.getName());
return sref != null ? (ProvisioningStorage) bc.getService(sref) : null;
private Bundle getBundle(String location) {
Bundle[] bundles = bc.getBundles();
for (int i = bundles.length; i-- > 0;) {
if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(bundles[i].getLocation())) {
return bundles[i];
return null;
private void incrementUC(Integer uc) {
if (!active) {
private void modify() {
if (!active || sreg == null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
private Dictionary getRegProps() {
Hashtable prvsprops = new Hashtable(1, 1.0F);
prvsprops.put("Vendor", "ProSyst");
prvsprops.put(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT, info.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT));
return prvsprops;
private void sort(ServiceReference[] srefs) {
for (int i = srefs.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (less(srefs[j + 1], srefs[j])) {
ServiceReference temp = srefs[j];
srefs[j] = srefs[j + 1];
srefs[j + 1] = temp;
private boolean less(ServiceReference sref1, ServiceReference sref2) {
return getRanking(sref1) < getRanking(sref2);
private int getRanking(ServiceReference sref) {
Integer ranking = (Integer) sref.getProperty(Constants.SERVICE_RANKING);
return ranking == null ? 0 : ranking.intValue();
private String getUTF8String(byte[] body) {
try {
return new String(body, "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception _0) {
try {
return new String(body, "UTF8"); // for personal java
// problems
} catch (Exception _1) {
return new String(body);
private void setError(int code, String message) {
ProvisioningData data =;
if (data == null) {
data.setError(code, message);
Integer version = (Integer) data.get(ProvisioningService.PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT);
Integer newVersion = new Integer(version.intValue() + 1);
private void clearError() {
ProvisioningData data =;
if (data == null) {
private boolean getHasFailedPrv() {
return "true".equals(info.get(HAS_FAILED_PROVISIONG));
private void setHasFailedPrv(boolean hasFailedPrv) {
if (getHasFailedPrv() != hasFailedPrv) {
info.putPrivate(HAS_FAILED_PROVISIONG, hasFailedPrv ? "true" : null);
* Parses the InitialProvisioning-Entries manifest header.
* @param header the contents of the InitialProvisioning-Entries manifest header, if any
* @return Dictionary which maps entry paths to Dictionary representing the attributes
* or null, if no header is found.
private static Dictionary parseEntries(String header) {
Dictionary entries = null;
Dictionary attributes = null;
header = removeWhiteSpaces(header);
if (header == null || header.length() == 0)
return null;
int begin = 0, end = 1, length = header.length();
boolean quoted = false;
String path, attribute, value;
entry: while (end != -1 && begin < length - 1) {
end = readToken(header, begin, false, false); //read the path
if (end == -1)
break; //end of header, or only path
switch (header.charAt(end)) {
case ';' ://end of path , read attribute
if (begin == end) {
end = readToken(header, end + 1, false, true);
begin = end + 1;
path = header.substring(begin, end);
begin = end + 1;
//read the attributes
while (end != -1 && begin < length - 1) {
end = readToken(header, begin, quoted, false);
if (end == -1)
break entry;
if (header.charAt(end) != '=' || begin == end) {
//invalid syntax
end = readToken(header, begin, false, true); //read the attribute name
begin = end + 1;
continue entry;
attribute = header.substring(begin, end);
if (header.charAt(begin) == '\"') {
quoted = true;
begin = end + 2;
} else
begin = end + 1;
if (begin >= length - 1)
break entry;
end = readToken(header, begin, quoted, false); //read the attribute value
if (end == -1) {
if (quoted) {
//invalid syntax
end = readToken(header, begin, false, true);
begin = end + 1;
continue entry;
//end of header or last attribute-value
value = header.substring(begin, length);
if (attributes == null)
attributes = new Hashtable(2, 3);
attributes.put(attribute, value);
begin = end + 1;
switch (header.charAt(end)) {
case ',' : //end of parameters list
value = header.substring(begin, end);
if (attributes == null)
attributes = new Hashtable(2, 3);
attributes.put(attribute, value);
if (entries == null)
entries = new Hashtable(3, 3);
entries.put(path, attributes);
attributes = null;
continue entry;
case ';' : //another parameter
value = header.substring(begin, end);
if (attributes == null)
attributes = new Hashtable(2, 3);
attributes.put(attribute, value);
begin = end + 1;
case '\"' : //endof quoted part
quoted = false;
value = header.substring(begin, end - 1);
if (attributes == null)
attributes = new Hashtable(2, 3);
attributes.put(attribute, value);
begin = end + 1;
default : //invalid syntax
end = readToken(header, begin, false, true);
begin = end + 1;
continue entry;
case ',' : //no description
if (begin == end)
begin = end + 2;
begin = end + 1;
default :// invalid syntax
end = readToken(header, end + 1, false, true);
begin = end + 1;
if (attributes != null) {
if (entries == null)
entries = new Hashtable(3, 3);
entries.put(path, attributes);
attributes = null;
return entries;
* Reads the next token from the manifest header.
* @param token the valiue of the manifest header.
* @param begin index of the char from which to start
* @param quoted if the consequent part of teh string is guoted
* @param skipInvalidPath if true all chars till the first comma are skipped
* @return the index of the first character from the string which is
* different from the expected, or -1 if not found
private static int readToken(String token, int begin, boolean quoted, boolean skipInvalidPath) {
char c = 0;
int len = token.length();
if (begin >= len)
return -1;
if (quoted) {
while ((c = token.charAt(begin)) != '\"') {
if (++begin == len)
return -1;
return begin;
if (skipInvalidPath) {
while ((c = token.charAt(begin)) != ',') {
if (++begin == len)
return -1;
return begin;
while ((c = token.charAt(begin)) >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= '0' && c <= '9' || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == '/' || c == '.' || c == ':') {
if (++begin == len)
return -1;
return begin;
static final String TYPE = "type";
* Filters the Dictionary returned from {@link #parseEntries(String)}.
* Returns Dictionary which maps entry paths to values of the attribute,
* which name is given as argument.
private static Dictionary filterAttributes(String attribute, Dictionary entries) {
if (entries == null)
return null;
Dictionary filtered = null;
Enumeration paths = entries.keys();
Dictionary attributes = null;
String path = null, type = null, mime = null;
while (paths.hasMoreElements()) {
path = (String) paths.nextElement();
attributes = (Dictionary) entries.get(path);
if ((type = (String) attributes.get(attribute)) != null && (mime = typeToMIME(type)) != null) {
if (filtered == null)
filtered = new Hashtable(3, 3);
filtered.put(path, mime);
return filtered;
* Maps type to an appropriate mime type constant
* @param type the value of the type attribute from the InitialProvisioning-Entries header
* @return the mime type for the string type or null if type is not a valid type
private static String typeToMIME(String type) {
if ("text".equals(type))
return ProvisioningService.MIME_STRING;
if ("binary".equals(type))
return ProvisioningService.MIME_BYTE_ARRAY;
if ("bundle".equals(type))
return ProvisioningService.MIME_BUNDLE;
if ("bundle-url".equals(type))
return ProvisioningService.MIME_BUNDLE_URL;
return null;
* @param filename the name of the zip entry
* @return the MIME type of the entry according to its extension
* or null if the mime type cannot be defined
static String getMIMEfromExtension(String filename) {
int index = filename.lastIndexOf(".");
//no extension -> we cannot identify the type
if (index == -1)
return null;
String extension = filename.substring(index + 1);
if (extension.equals("jar"))
return ProvisioningService.MIME_BUNDLE;
if (extension.equals("txt"))
return ProvisioningService.MIME_STRING;
if (extension.equals("url"))
return ProvisioningService.MIME_BUNDLE_URL;
return ProvisioningService.MIME_BYTE_ARRAY;
* @param is the InputStream containing the information in the manifest
* @return the contents of the InitialProvisioning-Entries header if any or null otherwise
private static String getHeaderFromManifest(InputStream is) {
boolean blank = false;
StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
String line = null;
boolean loop = true;
try {
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null && loop) {
if (line.length() == 0) {
if (blank) {
blank = true;
} else {
blank = false;
if (line.startsWith(ProvisioningService.INITIALPROVISIONING_ENTRIES)) {
header.append(removeWhiteSpaces(line.substring(ProvisioningService.INITIALPROVISIONING_ENTRIES.length() + 1)));
line = br.readLine();//next line
while (loop = (line.length() != 0 && Character.isWhitespace(line.charAt(0)))) {
line = br.readLine();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
return null;
return (header.length() == 0 ? null : header.toString());
private static String removeWhiteSpaces(String s) {
if (s == null)
return null;
char curr;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
if (!Character.isWhitespace(curr = s.charAt(i))) {
return sb.toString();
private static class ISWrapper extends InputStream {
private InputStream is;
ISWrapper(InputStream is) { = is;
public int read() throws IOException {
public int read(byte[] src, int off, int len) throws IOException {
return, off, len);
public void close() {
public static boolean getBoolean(String property) {
String prop = (bc != null) ? bc.getProperty(property) : System.getProperty(property);
return ((prop != null) && prop.equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
public static int getInteger(String property, int defaultValue) {
String prop = (bc != null) ? bc.getProperty(property) : System.getProperty(property);
if (prop != null) {
try {
return Integer.decode(prop).intValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
//do nothing
return defaultValue;