blob: 0b2f74f6dab007788c03ecaeccf3e1eff6d87699 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2013 VMware Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* VMware Inc. - initial contribution
package org.eclipse.equinox.internal.region;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.equinox.region.Region;
import org.eclipse.equinox.region.RegionDigraph;
import org.osgi.framework.*;
import org.osgi.framework.hooks.bundle.*;
import org.osgi.framework.hooks.resolver.ResolverHookFactory;
* Creates and manages the {@link RegionDigraph} associated
* with the running framework.
* <p />
* <strong>Concurrent Semantics</strong><br />
* Threadsafe.
public final class RegionManager implements BundleActivator {
private static final String REGION_KERNEL = "org.eclipse.equinox.region.kernel"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String REGION_DOMAIN_PROP = "org.eclipse.equinox.region.domain"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String DIGRAPH_FILE = "digraph"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String REGION_REGISTER_MBEANS = "org.eclipse.equinox.region.register.mbeans"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final Dictionary<String, Object> MAX_RANKING = new Hashtable<String, Object>(Collections.singletonMap(Constants.SERVICE_RANKING, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
Collection<ServiceRegistration<?>> registrations = new ArrayList<ServiceRegistration<?>>();
private BundleContext bundleContext;
private final ThreadLocal<Region> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<Region>();
private String domain;
private StandardRegionDigraph digraph;
private StandardManageableRegionDigraph digraphMBean;
public void start(BundleContext bc) throws BundleException, IOException, InvalidSyntaxException {
this.bundleContext = bc;
this.domain = bc.getProperty(REGION_DOMAIN_PROP);
if (this.domain == null)
this.domain = REGION_DOMAIN_PROP;
digraph = loadRegionDigraph();
// after registering the region hooks we need to verify no ophans exist
// if they do then we assume the need to be in the kernel region
digraphMBean = registerDigraphMbean(digraph);
registerService(RegionDigraph.class, digraph);
private void checkForOrphans(StandardRegionDigraph regionDigraph) {
// we assume the system bundle is in the root region.
Region rootRegion = regionDigraph.getRegion(0);
if (rootRegion != null) {
Bundle[] bundles = bundleContext.getBundles();
for (Bundle bundle : bundles) {
if (regionDigraph.getRegion(bundle) == null) {
// we have an orphan; add it to the root region
try {
} catch (BundleException e) {
// ignore, someone added the bundle to another region since we checked
public void stop(BundleContext bc) throws IOException {
if (digraphMBean != null) {
digraphMBean = null;
for (ServiceRegistration<?> registration : registrations)
private StandardRegionDigraph loadRegionDigraph() throws BundleException, IOException, InvalidSyntaxException {
File digraphFile = bundleContext.getDataFile(DIGRAPH_FILE);
if (digraphFile == null || !digraphFile.exists()) {
// no persistent digraph available, create a new one
return createRegionDigraph();
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(digraphFile);
try {
// TODO need to validate bundle IDs to make sure they are consistent with current bundles
return StandardRegionDigraphPersistence.readRegionDigraph(new DataInputStream(in), this.bundleContext, this.threadLocal);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// We tried our best to clean up
private StandardRegionDigraph createRegionDigraph() throws BundleException {
StandardRegionDigraph regionDigraph = new StandardRegionDigraph(this.bundleContext, this.threadLocal);
Region kernelRegion = regionDigraph.createRegion(REGION_KERNEL);
for (Bundle bundle : this.bundleContext.getBundles()) {
return regionDigraph;
private void saveDigraph() throws IOException {
FileOutputStream digraphFile = new FileOutputStream(bundleContext.getDataFile(DIGRAPH_FILE));
try {
digraph.getRegionDigraphPersistence().save(digraph, digraphFile);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore;
private StandardManageableRegionDigraph registerDigraphMbean(RegionDigraph regionDigraph) {
if ("false".equals(this.bundleContext.getProperty(REGION_REGISTER_MBEANS))) { //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
StandardManageableRegionDigraph standardManageableRegionDigraph = new StandardManageableRegionDigraph(regionDigraph, this.domain, this.bundleContext);
return standardManageableRegionDigraph;
private void registerRegionHooks(StandardRegionDigraph regionDigraph) {
registerService(ResolverHookFactory.class, regionDigraph.getResolverHookFactory());
registerService(CollisionHook.class, regionDigraph.getBundleCollisionHook());
registerService(FindHook.class, regionDigraph.getBundleFindHook());
registerService(EventHook.class, regionDigraph.getBundleEventHook());
registerService(org.osgi.framework.hooks.service.FindHook.class, regionDigraph.getServiceFindHook());
registerService(org.osgi.framework.hooks.service.EventHook.class, regionDigraph.getServiceEventHook());
private <S> void registerService(Class<S> clazz, S service) {
this.registrations.add(this.bundleContext.registerService(clazz, service, MAX_RANKING));