blob: 2093f79e6f94bcc661bc3cb94aef471ea38118ac [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.core.internal.registry;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IContributor;
* An object which represents the user-defined extension point in a
* plug-in manifest.
public class ExtensionPoint extends RegistryObject {
public static final ExtensionPoint[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new ExtensionPoint[0];
//Place holder for the label and the schema. It contains either a String[] or a SoftReference to a String[].
//The array layout is [label, schemaReference, fullyQualifiedName, namespace, contributorId]
private Object extraInformation;
//Indexes of the various fields
private static final byte LABEL = 0; //The human readable name for the extension point
private static final byte SCHEMA = 1; //The schema of the extension point
private static final byte QUALIFIED_NAME = 2; //The fully qualified name of the extension point
private static final byte NAMESPACE = 3; //The name of the namespace of the extension point
private static final byte CONTRIBUTOR_ID = 4; //The ID of the actual contributor of the extension point
private static final int EXTRA_SIZE = 5;
protected ExtensionPoint(ExtensionRegistry registry, boolean persist) {
super(registry, persist);
protected ExtensionPoint(int self, int[] children, int dataOffset, ExtensionRegistry registry, boolean persist) {
super(registry, persist);
protected String getSimpleIdentifier() {
return getUniqueIdentifier().substring(getUniqueIdentifier().lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
private String[] getExtraData() {
//The extension point has been created by parsing, or does not have any extra data
if (noExtraData()) { //When this is true, the extraInformation is always a String[]. This happens when the object is created by the parser.
if (extraInformation != null)
return (String[]) extraInformation;
return new String[EXTRA_SIZE];
//The extension point has been loaded from the cache.
String[] result = null;
if (extraInformation == null || (result = ((extraInformation instanceof SoftReference) ? (String[]) ((SoftReference<?>) extraInformation).get() : (String[]) extraInformation)) == null) {
result = registry.getTableReader().loadExtensionPointExtraData(getExtraDataOffset());
extraInformation = new SoftReference<>(result);
return result;
* At the end of this method, extra information will be a string[]
private void ensureExtraInformationType() {
if (extraInformation instanceof SoftReference) {
extraInformation = ((SoftReference<?>) extraInformation).get();
if (extraInformation == null) {
extraInformation = new String[EXTRA_SIZE];
protected String getSchemaReference() {
String[] result = getExtraData();
return result[1] == null ? "" : result[SCHEMA].replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); //$NON-NLS-1$
protected String getLabel() {
String[] result = getExtraData();
return result[0] == null ? "" : result[LABEL]; //$NON-NLS-1$
protected String getUniqueIdentifier() {
return getExtraData()[QUALIFIED_NAME];
public String getNamespace() {
return getExtraData()[NAMESPACE];
protected String getContributorId() {
return getExtraData()[CONTRIBUTOR_ID];
public IContributor getContributor() {
return registry.getObjectManager().getContributor(getContributorId());
void setSchema(String value) {
((String[]) extraInformation)[SCHEMA] = value;
void setLabel(String value) {
((String[]) extraInformation)[LABEL] = value;
void setUniqueIdentifier(String value) {
((String[]) extraInformation)[QUALIFIED_NAME] = value;
void setNamespace(String value) {
((String[]) extraInformation)[NAMESPACE] = value;
void setContributorId(String id) {
((String[]) extraInformation)[CONTRIBUTOR_ID] = id;
public String toString() {
return getUniqueIdentifier();
protected String getLabelAsIs() {
String[] result = getExtraData();
return result[0] == null ? "" : result[LABEL]; //$NON-NLS-1$
protected String getLabel(String locale) {
return getLabel();