blob: a5fcf7b48007d9445bfea3f5b613f28f3d5d3cec [file] [log] [blame]
This version works with Eclipse 3.2 Final only. Checkout projects org.aspectj.osgi,
org.aspectj.osgi.service.weaving and org.eclipse.osgi_3.2.0. The OSGi bundle is
needed to run the org.aspectj.osgi Framework Extension bundle fragment as a
source project (see
To run the accompanying tests checkout all the projects in aspects/tests and
open the WeavingTest.lauch configuration.
To run the demos checkout the projects in aspects/demos.
- HelloWorld: run HelloWorldTest in the demo.hello bundle as a JUnit Plug-in
test with the config.ini in the org.aspectj.osgi project.
- Tooltip: run "Tooltip Demo.launch" in demo.eclipse.tooltip as an
Eclipse Application using the config.ini in the same project.
- Tracing: run "Eclipse Tracing Demo.launch" in demo.eclipse.tooltip as an
Eclipse Application using the config.ini in the same project.