blob: 13fdcf84406ad37446cbe27c37b15a2b10f2b333 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010, 2013 IBM Corporation.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
NullParameter=Parameter must not be null: "{0}".
Deadlock=Adding participant "{0}" to coordination "{1}" with ID "{2}" would result in a deadlock.
InvalidCoordinationName=Coordination name "{0}" does not match the syntax of a bundle symbolic name.
MissingFailureCause=A reason must be specified in order to fail coordination "{0}" with ID "{1}".
InvalidTimeInterval=Time interval "{0}" is not a non-negative integer.
InterruptedTimeoutExtension=The timeout "{0}" of coordination "{1}" with ID "{2}" could not be extended by "{3}" because it had already expired. The current thread was interrupted before it was possible to determine how the coordination terminated.
EndingThreadNotSame=Coordination "{0}" with ID "{1}" may only be ended by the same thread "{2}" that pushed it onto the thread local stack. Thread "{3}" attempted to end it.
LockInterrupted=Participant "{0}" could not be immediately added to coordination "{1}" with ID "{2}" because it was already participating in coordination "{3}" with ID "{4}", and an interruption occurred while waiting for the other coordination to end.
ParticipantEndedError=Participant "{0}" indicated an error occurred while coordination "{1}" with ID "{2}" was ending.
CoordinationPartiallyEnded=Coordination "{0}" with ID "{1}" is partially ending because at least one participant indicated an error occurred. The first participant to do so was "{2}".
ParticipantFailedError=Participant "{0}" indicated an error occurred while coordination "{1}" with ID "{2}" was failing.
CoordinationFailed=Coordination "{0}" with ID "{1}" has failed.
CoordinationEnded=Coordination "{0}" with ID "{1}" has already ended.
CoordinationTimedOutError=An unexpected error occurred while failing coordination "{0}" with ID "{1}" because it had timed out. This will not stop timer thread "{2}".
MaxCoordinationIdExceeded=The next coordination ID would exceed the maximum possible value. The last ID was "{0}".
GetCoordinationNotPermitted=A requester on thread "{0}" did not have permission to view coordination "{1}" with ID "{2}".
CoordinatorShutdown=Coordination "{0}" with timeout "{1}" could not be created because the coordinator has been shutdown.
CoordinationAlreadyExists=Coordination "{0}" with ID "{1}" already exists on the stack of thread "{2}".
CanceledTaskNotPurged=Unable to purge the canceled task.
OrphanedCoordinationError=An error occurred while processing orphaned coordination "{0}" with ID "{1}".
MaximumTimeout=A maximum timeout for coordinations has been set. The requested timeout of "{0}" will become "{1}" for coordination "{2}".