blob: da2298157ac54ac56f2b03a7a92254d9837e7b1e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.*;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.debug.Debug;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.*;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.protocol.ContentHandlerFactory;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.protocol.StreamHandlerFactory;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.log.FrameworkLog;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.util.SecureAction;
import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.profile.Profile;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.ManifestElement;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.osgi.framework.*;
* Core OSGi Framework class.
public class Framework implements EventDispatcher, EventPublisher {
/** FrameworkAdaptor specific functions. */
protected FrameworkAdaptor adaptor;
/** Framework properties object. A reference to the
* System.getProperies() object. The properties from
* the adaptor will be merged into these properties.
protected Properties properties;
/** Has the service space been started */
protected boolean active;
/** The bundles installed in the framework */
protected BundleRepository bundles;
/** Package Admin object. This object manages the exported packages. */
protected PackageAdminImpl packageAdmin;
/** Package Admin object. This object manages the exported packages. */
protected PermissionAdminImpl permissionAdmin;
* Startlevel object. This object manages the framework and bundle
* startlevels
protected StartLevelManager startLevelManager;
/** The ServiceRegistry */
protected ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry; //TODO This is duplicated from the adaptor, do we really gain ?
/** next free service id. */
protected long serviceid;
/** the VM profile (execution environment */
private String vmProfile;
* The following EventListeners objects keep track of event listeners
* by BundleContext. Each element is a EventListeners that is the list
* of event listeners for a particular BundleContext. The max number of
* elements each of the following lists will have is the number of bundles
* installed in the Framework.
/** List of BundleContexts for bundle's BundleListeners. */
protected EventListeners bundleEvent;
protected static final int BUNDLEEVENT = 1;
/** List of BundleContexts for bundle's SynchronousBundleListeners. */
protected EventListeners bundleEventSync;
protected static final int BUNDLEEVENTSYNC = 2;
/** List of BundleContexts for bundle's ServiceListeners. */
protected EventListeners serviceEvent;
protected static final int SERVICEEVENT = 3;
/** List of BundleContexts for bundle's FrameworkListeners. */
protected EventListeners frameworkEvent;
protected static final int FRAMEWORKEVENT = 4;
protected static final int BATCHEVENT_BEGIN = Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1;
protected static final int BATCHEVENT_END = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
/** EventManager for event delivery. */
protected EventManager eventManager;
/* Reservation object for install synchronization */
protected Hashtable installLock;
/** System Bundle object */
protected SystemBundle systemBundle;
String[] bootDelegation;
String[] bootDelegationStems;
boolean bootDelegateAll = false;
boolean contextBootDelegation = "true".equals(System.getProperty("osgi.context.bootdelegation", "true")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
* The AliasMapper used to alias OS Names.
protected static AliasMapper aliasMapper = new AliasMapper();
protected ConditionalPermissionAdminImpl condPermAdmin;
SecureAction secureAction = new SecureAction();
// cache of AdminPermissions keyed by Bundle ID
private HashMap adminPermissions;
* Constructor for the Framework instance. This method initializes the
* framework to an unlaunched state.
public Framework(FrameworkAdaptor adaptor) {
* Initialize the framework to an unlaunched state. This method is called
* by the Framework constructor.
protected void initialize(FrameworkAdaptor adaptor) {
if (Profile.PROFILE && Profile.STARTUP)
Profile.logEnter("Framework.initialze()", null); //$NON-NLS-1$
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.adaptor = adaptor;
active = false;
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_SECURITY) {
Debug.println("SecurityManager: " + System.getSecurityManager()); //$NON-NLS-1$
Debug.println("ProtectionDomain of Framework.class: \n" + this.getClass().getProtectionDomain()); //$NON-NLS-1$
// set the adaptor of MessageResourceBundle so it can log warnings/errors
/* initialize the adaptor */
if (Profile.PROFILE && Profile.STARTUP)
Profile.logTime("Framework.initialze()", "adapter initialized"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
try {
} catch (IOException e) /* fatal error */{
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
if (Profile.PROFILE && Profile.STARTUP)
Profile.logTime("Framework.initialze()", "adapter storage initialized"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
* This must be done before calling any of the framework getProperty
* methods.
/* initialize admin objects */
packageAdmin = new PackageAdminImpl(this);
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) {
try {
permissionAdmin = new PermissionAdminImpl(this, adaptor.getPermissionStorage());
} catch (IOException e) /* fatal error */{
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
try {
condPermAdmin = new ConditionalPermissionAdminImpl(this, adaptor.getPermissionStorage());
} catch (IOException e) /* fatal error */{
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
if (Profile.PROFILE && Profile.STARTUP)
Profile.logTime("Framework.initialze()", "done init props & new PermissionAdminImpl"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
startLevelManager = new StartLevelManager(this);
/* create the event manager and top level event dispatchers */
eventManager = new EventManager("Framework Event Dispatcher"); //$NON-NLS-1$
bundleEvent = new EventListeners();
bundleEventSync = new EventListeners();
serviceEvent = new EventListeners();
frameworkEvent = new EventListeners();
if (Profile.PROFILE && Profile.STARTUP)
Profile.logTime("Framework.initialze()", "done new EventManager"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
/* create the service registry */
serviceid = 1;
serviceRegistry = adaptor.getServiceRegistry();
// Initialize the installLock; there is no way of knowing
// what the initial size should be, at most it will be the number
// of threads trying to install a bundle (probably a very low number).
installLock = new Hashtable(10);
/* create the system bundle */
loadVMProfile(); // load VM profile after the system bundle has been created
setBootDelegation(); //set boot delegation property after system exports have been set
if (Profile.PROFILE && Profile.STARTUP)
Profile.logTime("Framework.initialze()", "done createSystemBundle"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
/* install URLStreamHandlerFactory */
URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(new StreamHandlerFactory(systemBundle.context, adaptor));
/* install ContentHandlerFactory for OSGi URLStreamHandler support */
URLConnection.setContentHandlerFactory(new ContentHandlerFactory(systemBundle.context));
if (Profile.PROFILE && Profile.STARTUP)
Profile.logTime("Framework.initialze()", "done new URLStream/Content HandlerFactory"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
/* create bundle objects for all installed bundles. */
BundleData[] bundleDatas = adaptor.getInstalledBundles();
bundles = new BundleRepository(bundleDatas == null ? 10 : bundleDatas.length + 1, packageAdmin);
/* add the system bundle to the Bundle Repository */
if (bundleDatas != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < bundleDatas.length; i++) {
try {
AbstractBundle bundle = AbstractBundle.createBundle(bundleDatas[i], this);
} catch (BundleException be) {
// This is not a fatal error. Publish the framework event.
publishFrameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent.ERROR, systemBundle, be);
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL)
System.out.println("Initialize the framework: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (Profile.PROFILE && Profile.STARTUP)
Profile.logExit("Framework.initialize()"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private void createSystemBundle() {
try {
systemBundle = new SystemBundle(this);
} catch (BundleException e) { // fatal error
throw new RuntimeException(NLS.bind(Msg.OSGI_SYSTEMBUNDLE_CREATE_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage()));
* Initialize the System properties by copying properties from the adaptor
* properties object. This method is called by the initialize method.
protected void initializeProperties(Properties adaptorProperties) {
properties = System.getProperties();
Enumeration enumKeys = adaptorProperties.propertyNames();
while (enumKeys.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String) enumKeys.nextElement();
if (properties.getProperty(key) == null) {
properties.put(key, adaptorProperties.getProperty(key));
properties.put(Constants.FRAMEWORK_VENDOR, Constants.OSGI_FRAMEWORK_VENDOR);
properties.put(Constants.FRAMEWORK_VERSION, Constants.OSGI_FRAMEWORK_VERSION);
String value = properties.getProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_PROCESSOR);
if (value == null) {
value = properties.getProperty(Constants.JVM_OS_ARCH);
if (value != null) {
properties.put(Constants.FRAMEWORK_PROCESSOR, value);
value = properties.getProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_OS_NAME);
if (value == null) {
value = properties.getProperty(Constants.JVM_OS_NAME);
try {
String canonicalValue = (String) aliasMapper.aliasOSName(value);
if (canonicalValue != null) {
value = canonicalValue;
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
//A vector was returned from the alias mapper.
//The alias mapped to more than one canonical value
//such as "win32" for example
if (value != null) {
properties.put(Constants.FRAMEWORK_OS_NAME, value);
value = properties.getProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_OS_VERSION);
if (value == null) {
value = properties.getProperty(Constants.JVM_OS_VERSION);
if (value != null) {
int space = value.indexOf(' ');
if (space > 0) {
value = value.substring(0, space);
properties.put(Constants.FRAMEWORK_OS_VERSION, value);
value = properties.getProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_LANGUAGE);
if (value == null) {
value = properties.getProperty(Constants.JVM_USER_LANGUAGE);
// set default locale for VM
if (value != null) {
properties.put(Constants.FRAMEWORK_LANGUAGE, value);
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(value, "_"); //$NON-NLS-1$
int segments = tokenizer.countTokens();
try {
switch (segments) {
case 2 :
Locale userLocale = new Locale(tokenizer.nextToken(), tokenizer.nextToken());
case 3 :
userLocale = new Locale(tokenizer.nextToken(), tokenizer.nextToken(), tokenizer.nextToken());
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
// fall through and use the default
private void setExecutionEnvironment() {
String value = properties.getProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_EXECUTIONENVIRONMENT, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
String j2meConfig = properties.getProperty(Constants.J2ME_MICROEDITION_CONFIGURATION);
String j2meProfile = properties.getProperty(Constants.J2ME_MICROEDITION_PROFILES);
StringBuffer ee = new StringBuffer(value);
if (j2meConfig != null && j2meConfig.length() > 0 && j2meProfile != null && j2meProfile.length() > 0) {
// save the vmProfile based off of the config and profile
vmProfile = j2meConfig + '_' + j2meProfile;
int ic = value.indexOf(j2meConfig);
// append the profile only if it is not already present
if (!(ic >= 0) || !(ic + j2meConfig.length() < value.length() && value.charAt(ic + j2meConfig.length()) == '/') || !(value.startsWith(j2meProfile, ic + j2meConfig.length() + 1))) {
if (ee.length() > 0) {
} else if (value.length() > 0) {
// just use the first EE defined as our profile
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, ","); //$NON-NLS-1$
vmProfile = st.nextToken().replace('/', '_');
} else {
String javaSpecVersion = properties.getProperty("java.specification.version"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// set the profile and EE based off of the java.specification.version
// TODO We assume J2SE here. need to support other profiles J2ME/J2EE ...
if (javaSpecVersion != null) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(javaSpecVersion, " _-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
javaSpecVersion = st.nextToken();
vmProfile = "J2SE-" + javaSpecVersion; //$NON-NLS-1$
int index = value.indexOf(vmProfile);
if (index < 0) {
if (ee.length() > 0)
properties.put(Constants.FRAMEWORK_EXECUTIONENVIRONMENT, ee.toString());
private void setBootDelegation() {
String bootDelegationProp = properties.getProperty(Constants.OSGI_BOOTDELEGATION);
if (bootDelegationProp == null)
if (bootDelegationProp.trim().length() == 0)
String[] bootPackages = ManifestElement.getArrayFromList(bootDelegationProp);
ArrayList exactMatch = new ArrayList(bootPackages.length);
ArrayList stemMatch = new ArrayList(bootPackages.length);
for (int i = 0; i < bootPackages.length; i++) {
if (bootPackages[i].equals("*")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
bootDelegateAll = true;
} else if (bootPackages[i].endsWith("*")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
if (bootPackages[i].length() > 2 && bootPackages[i].endsWith(".*")) //$NON-NLS-1$
stemMatch.add(bootPackages[i].substring(0, bootPackages[i].length() - 1));
} else {
if (exactMatch.size() > 0)
bootDelegation = (String[]) exactMatch.toArray(new String[exactMatch.size()]);
if (stemMatch.size() > 0)
bootDelegationStems = (String[]) stemMatch.toArray(new String[stemMatch.size()]);
private void loadVMProfile() {
InputStream in = findVMProfile();
Properties profileProps = new Properties();
if (in != null) {
try {
profileProps.load(new BufferedInputStream(in));
} catch (IOException e) {
// do nothing
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ee) {
// do nothing
String systemExports = properties.getProperty(Constants.OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SYSTEM_PACKAGES);
// set the system exports property using the vm profile; only if the property is not already set
if (systemExports == null) {
systemExports = profileProps.getProperty(Constants.OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SYSTEM_PACKAGES);
if (systemExports != null)
properties.put(Constants.OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SYSTEM_PACKAGES, systemExports);
// set the org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation property according to the java profile
String type = properties.getProperty(Constants.OSGI_JAVA_PROFILE_BOOTDELEGATION); // a null value means ignore
String profileBootDelegation = profileProps.getProperty(Constants.OSGI_BOOTDELEGATION);
if (Constants.OSGI_BOOTDELEGATION_OVERRIDE.equals(type)) {
if (profileBootDelegation == null)
properties.remove(Constants.OSGI_BOOTDELEGATION); // override with a null value
properties.put(Constants.OSGI_BOOTDELEGATION, profileBootDelegation); // override with the profile value
} else if (Constants.OSGI_BOOTDELEGATION_NONE.equals(type))
properties.remove(Constants.OSGI_BOOTDELEGATION); // remove the bootdelegation property in case it was set
private InputStream findVMProfile() {
URL url = null;
// check for the java profile property for a url
String propJavaProfile = System.getProperty(Constants.OSGI_JAVA_PROFILE);
if (propJavaProfile != null)
try {
// we assume a URL
url = new URL(propJavaProfile);
} catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
// TODO consider logging ...
if (url == null && vmProfile != null) {
// look for a profile in the system bundle based on the vm profile
String javaProfile = vmProfile + ".profile"; //$NON-NLS-1$
url = systemBundle.getEntry(javaProfile);
if (url == null)
url = getClass().getResource(javaProfile);
if (url != null)
try {
return url.openStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO consider logging ...
return null;
* This method return the state of the framework.
protected boolean isActive() {
return (active);
* This method is called to destory the framework instance.
public synchronized void close() {
if (active) {
synchronized (bundles) {
List allBundles = bundles.getBundles();
int size = allBundles.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
AbstractBundle bundle = (AbstractBundle) allBundles.get(i);
serviceRegistry = null;
if (bundleEvent != null) {
bundleEvent = null;
if (bundleEventSync != null) {
bundleEventSync = null;
if (serviceEvent != null) {
serviceEvent = null;
if (frameworkEvent != null) {
frameworkEvent = null;
if (eventManager != null) {
eventManager = null;
permissionAdmin = null;
condPermAdmin = null;
packageAdmin = null;
adaptor = null;
* Start the framework.
* When the framework is started. The following actions occur: 1. Event
* handling is enabled. Events can now be delivered to listeners. 2. All
* bundles which are recorded as started are started as described in the
* Bundle.start() method. These bundles are the bundles that were started
* when the framework was last stopped. Reports any exceptions that occur
* during startup using FrameworkEvents. 3. A FrameworkEvent of type
* FrameworkEvent.STARTED is broadcast.
public synchronized void launch() {
/* Return if framework already started */
if (active) {
/* mark framework as started */
active = true;
/* Resume systembundle */
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Trying to launch framework"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Stop the framework.
* When the framework is stopped. The following actions occur: 1. Suspend
* all started bundles as described in the Bundle.stop method except that
* the bundle is recorded as started. These bundles will be restarted when
* the framework is next started. Reports any exceptions that occur during
* stopping using FrameworkEvents. 2. Event handling is disabled.
public synchronized void shutdown() {
/* Return if framework already stopped */
if (!active) {
* set the state of the System Bundle to STOPPING.
* this must be done first according to section 4.19.2 from the OSGi R3 spec.
systemBundle.state = AbstractBundle.STOPPING;
/* call the FrameworkAdaptor.frameworkStopping method first */
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
publishFrameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent.ERROR, systemBundle, t);
/* Suspend systembundle */
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Trying to shutdown Framework"); //$NON-NLS-1$
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
publishFrameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent.ERROR, systemBundle, e);
/* mark framework as stopped */
active = false;
* Create a new Bundle object.
* @param bundledata the BundleData of the Bundle to create
AbstractBundle createAndVerifyBundle(BundleData bundledata) throws BundleException {
// TODO Verify the manifest... for example that the same package is imported twice
// Check for a bundle already installed with the same symbolic name and version.
if (bundledata.getSymbolicName() != null) {
AbstractBundle installedBundle = getBundleBySymbolicName(bundledata.getSymbolicName(), bundledata.getVersion());
if (installedBundle != null && installedBundle.getBundleId() != bundledata.getBundleID()) {
throw new BundleException(NLS.bind(Msg.BUNDLE_INSTALL_SAME_UNIQUEID, new Object[] {installedBundle.getSymbolicName(), installedBundle.getVersion().toString(), installedBundle.getLocation()}));
return AbstractBundle.createBundle(bundledata, this);
* Verifies that the framework supports one of the required Execution
* Environments
* @param manifest
* BundleManifest of the bundle to verify the Execution
* Enviroment for
* @return boolean true if the required Execution Enviroment is available.
* @throws BundleException
* if the framework does not support the required Execution
* Environment.
protected boolean verifyExecutionEnvironment(Dictionary manifest) throws BundleException {
String headerValue = (String) manifest.get(Constants.BUNDLE_REQUIREDEXECUTIONENVIRONMENT);
/* If no required EE is in the manifest return true */
if (headerValue == null) {
return true;
ManifestElement[] bundleRequiredEE = ManifestElement.parseHeader(Constants.BUNDLE_REQUIREDEXECUTIONENVIRONMENT, headerValue);
if (bundleRequiredEE.length == 0) {
return true;
String systemEE = System.getProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_EXECUTIONENVIRONMENT);
if (systemEE != null && !systemEE.equals("")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
ManifestElement[] systemEEs = ManifestElement.parseHeader(Constants.BUNDLE_REQUIREDEXECUTIONENVIRONMENT, systemEE);
for (int i = 0; i < systemEEs.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < bundleRequiredEE.length; j++) {
if (systemEEs[i].getValue().equals(bundleRequiredEE[j].getValue())) {
return true;
/* If we got here then no matching EE is available, throw exception. */
StringBuffer bundleEE = new StringBuffer(25);
for (int i = 0; i < bundleRequiredEE.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
bundleEE.append(","); //$NON-NLS-1$
throw new BundleException(NLS.bind(Msg.BUNDLE_INSTALL_REQUIRED_EE_EXCEPTION, bundleEE.toString()));
* Retrieve the value of the named environment property. Values are
* provided for the following properties:
* <dl>
* <dt><code>org.osgi.framework.version</code>
* <dd>The version of the framework.
* <dt><code>org.osgi.framework.vendor</code>
* <dd>The vendor of this framework implementation.
* <dt><code>org.osgi.framework.language</code>
* <dd>The language being used. See ISO 639 for possible values.
* <dt><code></code>
* <dd>The name of the operating system of the hosting computer.
* <dt><code>org.osgi.framework.os.version</code>
* <dd>The version number of the operating system of the hosting computer.
* <dt><code>org.osgi.framework.processor</code>
* <dd>The name of the processor of the hosting computer.
* </dl>
* <p>
* Note: These last four properties are used by the <code>Bundle-NativeCode</code>
* manifest header's matching algorithm for selecting native code.
* @param key
* The name of the requested property.
* @return The value of the requested property, or <code>null</code> if
* the property is undefined.
public String getProperty(String key) {
return properties.getProperty(key);
* Retrieve the value of the named environment property. Values are
* provided for the following properties:
* <dl>
* <dt><code>org.osgi.framework.version</code>
* <dd>The version of the framework.
* <dt><code>org.osgi.framework.vendor</code>
* <dd>The vendor of this framework implementation.
* <dt><code>org.osgi.framework.language</code>
* <dd>The language being used. See ISO 639 for possible values.
* <dt><code></code>
* <dd>The name of the operating system of the hosting computer.
* <dt><code>org.osgi.framework.os.version</code>
* <dd>The version number of the operating system of the hosting computer.
* <dt><code>org.osgi.framework.processor</code>
* <dd>The name of the processor of the hosting computer.
* </dl>
* <p>
* Note: These last four properties are used by the <code>Bundle-NativeCode</code>
* manifest header's matching algorithm for selecting native code.
* @param key
* The name of the requested property.
* @param def
* A default value is the requested property is not present.
* @return The value of the requested property, or the default value if the
* property is undefined.
protected String getProperty(String key, String def) {
return properties.getProperty(key, def);
* Set a system property.
* @param key
* The name of the property to set.
* @param value
* The value to set.
* @return The previous value of the property or null if the property was
* not previously set.
protected Object setProperty(String key, String value) {
return properties.put(key, value);
* Install a bundle from a location.
* The bundle is obtained from the location parameter as interpreted by the
* framework in an implementation dependent way. Typically, location will
* most likely be a URL.
* @param location
* The location identifier of the bundle to install.
* @return The Bundle object of the installed bundle.
public AbstractBundle installBundle(final String location) throws BundleException {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("install from location: " + location); //$NON-NLS-1$
final AccessControlContext callerContext = AccessController.getContext();
return installWorker(location, new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
public Object run() throws BundleException {
/* Map the identity to a URLConnection */
URLConnection source = adaptor.mapLocationToURLConnection(location);
/* call the worker to install the bundle */
return installWorkerPrivileged(location, source, callerContext);
* Install a bundle from an InputStream.
* <p>
* This method performs all the steps listed in
* {@link #installBundle(java.lang.String)}, except the bundle's content
* will be read from the InputStream. The location identifier specified
* will be used as the identity of the bundle.
* @param location
* The location identifier of the bundle to install.
* @param in
* The InputStream from which the bundle will be read.
* @return The Bundle of the installed bundle.
protected AbstractBundle installBundle(final String location, final InputStream in) throws BundleException {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("install from inputstream: " + location + ", " + in); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
final AccessControlContext callerContext = AccessController.getContext();
return installWorker(location, new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
public Object run() throws BundleException {
/* Map the InputStream to a URLConnection */
URLConnection source = new BundleSource(in);
/* call the worker to install the bundle */
return installWorkerPrivileged(location, source, callerContext);
* Worker method to install a bundle. It obtains the reservation for the
* location and calls the specified action.
* @param location
* The location identifier of the bundle to install.
* @param action
* A PrivilegedExceptionAction which calls the real worker.
* @return The {@link AbstractBundle}of the installed bundle.
* @exception BundleException
* If the action throws an error.
protected AbstractBundle installWorker(String location, PrivilegedExceptionAction action) throws BundleException {
synchronized (installLock) {
while (true) {
/* Check that the bundle is not already installed. */
AbstractBundle bundle = getBundleByLocation(location);
/* If already installed, return bundle object */
if (bundle != null) {
return bundle;
Thread current = Thread.currentThread();
/* Check for and make reservation */
Thread reservation = (Thread) installLock.put(location, current);
/* if the location is not already reserved */
if (reservation == null) {
/* we have made the reservation and can continue */
/* the location was already reserved */
* If the reservation is held by the current thread, we have
* recursed to install the same bundle!
if (current.equals(reservation)) {
try {
/* wait for the reservation to be released */
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
/* Don't call adaptor while holding the install lock */
try {
AbstractBundle bundle = (AbstractBundle) AccessController.doPrivileged(action);
publishBundleEvent(BundleEvent.INSTALLED, bundle);
return bundle;
} catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
if (e.getException() instanceof RuntimeException)
throw (RuntimeException) e.getException();
throw (BundleException) e.getException();
} finally {
synchronized (installLock) {
/* release reservation */
/* wake up all waiters */
* Worker method to install a bundle. It calls the FrameworkAdaptor object
* to install the bundle in persistent storage.
* @param location
* The location identifier of the bundle to install.
* @param source
* The URLConnection from which the bundle will be read.
* @return The {@link AbstractBundle}of the installed bundle.
* @exception BundleException
* If the provided stream cannot be read.
protected AbstractBundle installWorkerPrivileged(String location, URLConnection source, AccessControlContext callerContext) throws BundleException {
BundleOperation storage = adaptor.installBundle(location, source);
final AbstractBundle bundle;
try {
BundleData bundledata = storage.begin();
bundle = createAndVerifyBundle(bundledata);
try {
// Select the native code paths for the bundle;
// this is not done by the adaptor because this
// should be a static algorithm spec'ed by OSGi
// that we do not allow to be adapted.
String[] nativepaths = selectNativeCode(bundle);
if (nativepaths != null) {
if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
final boolean extension = (bundledata.getType() & (BundleData.TYPE_BOOTCLASSPATH_EXTENSION | BundleData.TYPE_FRAMEWORK_EXTENSION)) != 0;
// must check for AllPermission before allow a bundle extension to be installed
if (extension && !bundle.hasPermission(new AllPermission()))
throw new BundleException(Msg.BUNDLE_EXTENSION_PERMISSION, new SecurityException(Msg.BUNDLE_EXTENSION_PERMISSION));
try {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
public Object run() throws Exception {
checkAdminPermission(bundle, AdminPermission.LIFECYCLE);
if (extension) // need special permission to install extension bundles
checkAdminPermission(bundle, AdminPermission.EXTENSIONLIFECYCLE);
return null;
}, callerContext);
} catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
throw e.getException();
} catch (Throwable error) {
synchronized (bundles) {
throw error;
/* bundle has been successfully installed */
} catch (Throwable t) {
try {
} catch (BundleException ee) {
publishFrameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent.ERROR, systemBundle, ee);
if (t instanceof SecurityException)
throw (SecurityException) t;
if (t instanceof BundleException)
throw (BundleException) t;
throw new BundleException(t.getMessage(), t);
return bundle;
* Selects a native code clause and return a list of the bundle entries for
* native code to be installed.
* @param bundle
* Bundle's manifest
* @return a list of Strings of the bundle entries to install or <tt>null</tt>
* if there are no native code clauses.
* @throws BundleException
* If there is no suitable clause.
String[] selectNativeCode(org.osgi.framework.Bundle bundle) throws BundleException {
String headerValue = (String) ((AbstractBundle) bundle).getBundleData().getManifest().get(Constants.BUNDLE_NATIVECODE);
if (headerValue == null) {
return (null);
ManifestElement[] elements = ManifestElement.parseHeader(Constants.BUNDLE_NATIVECODE, headerValue);
ArrayList bundleNativeCodes = new ArrayList(elements.length);
int length = elements.length;
boolean optional = false;
if (elements[length - 1].getValue().equals("*")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
optional = true;
String processor = getProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_PROCESSOR);
String osname = getProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_OS_NAME);
Version osversion;
try {
osversion = Version.parseVersion(getProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_OS_VERSION));
} catch (Exception e) {
osversion = Version.emptyVersion;
String language = getProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_LANGUAGE);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
BundleNativeCode bnc = new BundleNativeCode(elements[i], (AbstractBundle) bundle);
// Pass 1: perform processor/osname/filter matching
// Pass 2: perform osversion matching
// Pass 3: perform language matching
// If there is not a match on all three, then the native code clause is not selected.
if (bnc.matchProcessorOSNameFilter(processor, osname) > 0 && bnc.matchOSVersion(osversion) != null && bnc.matchLanguage(language) > 0)
if (bundleNativeCodes.size() == 0)
return noMatches(optional);
// find the highest ranking one with priority on the osversion then the language
Iterator iter = bundleNativeCodes.iterator();
BundleNativeCode highestRanking = (BundleNativeCode);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
BundleNativeCode bnc = (BundleNativeCode);
if (isBncGreaterThan(bnc, highestRanking, osversion, language))
highestRanking = bnc;
return highestRanking.getPaths();
private boolean isBncGreaterThan(BundleNativeCode candidate, BundleNativeCode highestRanking, Version version, String language) {
Version currentHigh = highestRanking.matchOSVersion(version);
Version candidateHigh = candidate.matchOSVersion(version);
if (currentHigh.compareTo(candidateHigh) < 0)
return true;
if (highestRanking.matchLanguage(language) < candidate.matchLanguage(language))
return true;
return false;
* Retrieve the bundle that has the given unique identifier.
* @param id
* The identifier of the bundle to retrieve.
* @return A {@link AbstractBundle}object, or <code>null</code> if the
* identifier doesn't match any installed bundle.
// changed visibility to gain access through the adaptor
public AbstractBundle getBundle(long id) {
synchronized (bundles) {
return bundles.getBundle(id);
* Retrieve the bundle that has the given symbolic name and version.
* @param symbolicName
* The symbolic name of the bundle to retrieve
* @param version The version of the bundle to retrieve
* @return A {@link AbstractBundle}object, or <code>null</code> if the
* identifier doesn't match any installed bundle.
public AbstractBundle getBundleBySymbolicName(String symbolicName, Version version) {
synchronized (bundles) {
return bundles.getBundle(symbolicName, version);
* Retrieve the BundleRepository of all installed bundles. The list is
* valid at the time of the call to getBundles, but the framework is a very
* dynamic environment and bundles can be installed or uninstalled at
* anytime.
* @return The BundleRepository.
protected BundleRepository getBundles() {
return (bundles);
* Retrieve a list of all installed bundles. The list is valid at the time
* of the call to getBundleAlls, but the framework is a very dynamic
* environment and bundles can be installed or uninstalled at anytime.
* @return An Array of {@link AbstractBundle}objects, one object per installed
* bundle.
protected AbstractBundle[] getAllBundles() {
synchronized (bundles) {
List allBundles = bundles.getBundles();
int size = allBundles.size();
if (size == 0) {
return (null);
AbstractBundle[] bundlelist = new AbstractBundle[size];
return (bundlelist);
* Resume a bundle.
* @param bundle
* Bundle to resume.
protected void resumeBundle(AbstractBundle bundle) {
if (bundle.isActive()) {
// if bundle is active.
try {
int status = bundle.getBundleData().getStatus();
if ((status & Constants.BUNDLE_STARTED) == 0) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Trying to start bundle " + bundle); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (BundleException be) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Bundle resume exception: " + be.getMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$
publishFrameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent.ERROR, bundle, be);
* Suspend a bundle.
* @param bundle
* Bundle to suspend.
* @param lock
* true if state change lock should be held when returning from
* this method.
* @return true if bundle was active and is now suspended.
protected boolean suspendBundle(AbstractBundle bundle, boolean lock) {
boolean changed = false;
if (!bundle.isActive() || bundle.isFragment()) {
// if bundle is not active or is a fragment then do nothing.
return changed;
try {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Trying to suspend bundle " + bundle); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (BundleException be) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Bundle suspend exception: " + be.getMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$
publishFrameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent.ERROR, bundle, be);
if (!bundle.isActive()) {
changed = true;
return (changed);
* Locate an installed bundle with a given identity.
* @param location
* string for the bundle
* @return Bundle object for bundle with the specified location or null if
* no bundle is installed with the specified location.
protected AbstractBundle getBundleByLocation(String location) {
synchronized (bundles) {
// this is not optimized; do not think it will get called
// that much.
final String finalLocation = location;
//Bundle.getLocation requires AdminPermission (metadata)
return (AbstractBundle) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
public Object run() {
List allBundles = bundles.getBundles();
int size = allBundles.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
AbstractBundle bundle = (AbstractBundle) allBundles.get(i);
if (finalLocation.equals(bundle.getLocation())) {
return (bundle);
return (null);
* Locate an installed bundle with a given symbolic name
* @param symbolicName
* The symbolic name for the bundle
* @return Bundle object for bundle with the specified Unique or null if no
* bundle is installed with the specified location.
protected AbstractBundle[] getBundleBySymbolicName(String symbolicName) {
synchronized (bundles) {
return bundles.getBundles(symbolicName);
* Returns a list of <tt>ServiceReference</tt> objects. This method
* returns a list of <tt>ServiceReference</tt> objects for services which
* implement and were registered under the specified class and match the
* specified filter criteria.
* <p>
* The list is valid at the time of the call to this method, however as the
* Framework is a very dynamic environment, services can be modified or
* unregistered at anytime.
* <p>
* <tt>filter</tt> is used to select the registered service whose
* properties objects contain keys and values which satisfy the filter. See
* {@link FilterImpl}for a description of the filter string syntax.
* <p>
* If <tt>filter</tt> is <tt>null</tt>, all registered services are
* considered to match the filter.
* <p>
* If <tt>filter</tt> cannot be parsed, an {@link InvalidSyntaxException}
* will be thrown with a human readable message where the filter became
* unparsable.
* <p>
* The following steps are required to select a service:
* <ol>
* <li>If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, the caller is
* checked for the <tt>ServicePermission</tt> to get the service with the
* specified class. If the caller does not have the correct permission,
* <tt>null</tt> is returned.
* <li>If the filter string is not <tt>null</tt>, the filter string is
* parsed and the set of registered services which satisfy the filter is
* produced. If the filter string is <tt>null</tt>, then all registered
* services are considered to satisfy the filter.
* <li>If <code>clazz</code> is not <tt>null</tt>, the set is further
* reduced to those services which are an <tt>instanceof</tt> and were
* registered under the specified class. The complete list of classes of
* which a service is an instance and which were specified when the service
* was registered is available from the service's
* {@link Constants#OBJECTCLASS}property.
* <li>An array of <tt>ServiceReference</tt> to the selected services is
* returned.
* </ol>
* @param clazz
* The class name with which the service was registered, or <tt>null</tt>
* for all services.
* @param filterstring
* The filter criteria.
* @return An array of <tt>ServiceReference</tt> objects, or <tt>null</tt>
* if no services are registered which satisfy the search.
* @exception InvalidSyntaxException
* If <tt>filter</tt> contains an invalid filter string
* which cannot be parsed.
protected ServiceReference[] getServiceReferences(String clazz, String filterstring, BundleContextImpl context, boolean allservices) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
FilterImpl filter = (filterstring == null) ? null : new FilterImpl(filterstring);
ServiceReference[] services = null;
if (clazz != null) {
try /* test for permission to get clazz */{
} catch (SecurityException se) {
return (null);
synchronized (serviceRegistry) {
services = serviceRegistry.lookupServiceReferences(clazz, filter);
if (services == null) {
return null;
int removed = 0;
for (int i = services.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ServiceReferenceImpl ref = (ServiceReferenceImpl) services[i];
String[] classes = ref.getClasses();
if (allservices || context.isAssignableTo((ServiceReferenceImpl) services[i])) {
if (clazz == null)
try { /* test for permission to the classes */
} catch (SecurityException se) {
services[i] = null;
} else {
services[i] = null;
if (removed > 0) {
ServiceReference[] temp = services;
services = new ServiceReference[temp.length - removed];
for (int i = temp.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (temp[i] == null)
services[i - removed] = temp[i];
return services == null || services.length == 0 ? null : services;
* Method to return the next available service id. This method should be
* called while holding the registrations lock.
* @return next service id.
protected long getNextServiceId() {
long id = serviceid;
return (id);
* Creates a <code>File</code> object for a file in the persistent
* storage area provided for the bundle by the framework. If the adaptor
* does not have file system support, this method will return <code>null</code>.
* <p>
* A <code>File</code> object for the base directory of the persistent
* storage area provided for the context bundle by the framework can be
* obtained by calling this method with the empty string ("") as the
* parameter.
protected File getDataFile(final AbstractBundle bundle, final String filename) {
return (File) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
public Object run() {
return bundle.getBundleData().getDataFile(filename);
* Check for specific AdminPermission (RFC 73)
protected void checkAdminPermission(Bundle bundle, String action) {
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null)
sm.checkPermission(getAdminPermission(bundle, action));
// gets AdminPermission objects from a cache to reduce the number of AdminPermission
// objects that are created.
private synchronized AdminPermission getAdminPermission(Bundle bundle, String action) {
if (adminPermissions == null)
adminPermissions = new HashMap();
Long ID = new Long(bundle.getBundleId());
HashMap bundlePermissions = (HashMap) adminPermissions.get(ID);
if (bundlePermissions == null) {
bundlePermissions = new HashMap();
adminPermissions.put(ID, bundlePermissions);
AdminPermission result = (AdminPermission) bundlePermissions.get(action);
if (result == null) {
result = new AdminPermission(bundle, action);
bundlePermissions.put(action, result);
return result;
* Check for permission to register a service.
* The caller must have permission for ALL names.
protected void checkRegisterServicePermission(String[] names) {
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) {
int len = names.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
sm.checkPermission(new ServicePermission(names[i], ServicePermission.REGISTER));
* Check for permission to get a service.
* The caller must have permission for at least ONE name.
protected void checkGetServicePermission(String[] names) {
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) {
SecurityException se = null;
int len = names.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
try {
sm.checkPermission(new ServicePermission(names[i], ServicePermission.GET));
} catch (SecurityException e) {
se = e;
throw se;
* Check for permission to get a service.
protected void checkGetServicePermission(String name) {
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) {
sm.checkPermission(new ServicePermission(name, ServicePermission.GET));
* This is necessary for running from a JXE, otherwise the SecurityManager
* is set much later than we would like!
protected void installSecurityManager() {
String securityManager = System.getProperty(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (securityManager != null) {
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm == null) {
if (securityManager.length() < 1) {
securityManager = "java.lang.SecurityManager"; //$NON-NLS-1$
try {
Class clazz = Class.forName(securityManager);
sm = (SecurityManager) clazz.newInstance();
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_SECURITY) {
Debug.println("Setting SecurityManager to: " + sm); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// do nothing
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
// do nothing
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
// do nothing
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// do nothing
throw new NoClassDefFoundError(securityManager);
* Deliver a FrameworkEvent.
* @param type
* FrameworkEvent type.
* @param bundle
* Affected bundle or null for system bundle.
* @param throwable
* Related exception or null.
public void publishFrameworkEvent(int type, org.osgi.framework.Bundle bundle, Throwable throwable) {
if (frameworkEvent != null) {
if (bundle == null)
bundle = systemBundle;
final FrameworkEvent event = new FrameworkEvent(type, bundle, throwable);
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
} else {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
public Object run() {
return null;
public void publishFrameworkEventPrivileged(FrameworkEvent event) {
/* if the event is an error then it should be logged */
if (event.getType() == FrameworkEvent.ERROR) {
FrameworkLog frameworkLog = adaptor.getFrameworkLog();
if (frameworkLog != null)
/* queue to hold set of listeners */
ListenerQueue listeners = new ListenerQueue(eventManager);
/* queue to hold set of BundleContexts w/ listeners */
ListenerQueue contexts = new ListenerQueue(eventManager);
/* synchronize while building the listener list */
synchronized (frameworkEvent) {
/* add set of BundleContexts w/ listeners to queue */
contexts.queueListeners(frameworkEvent, this);
/* synchronously dispatch to populate listeners queue */
contexts.dispatchEventSynchronous(FRAMEWORKEVENT, listeners);
/* dispatch event to set of listeners */
listeners.dispatchEventAsynchronous(FRAMEWORKEVENT, event);
* Deliver a BundleEvent to SynchronousBundleListeners (synchronous). and
* BundleListeners (asynchronous).
* @param type
* BundleEvent type.
* @param bundle
* Affected bundle or null.
public void publishBundleEvent(int type, org.osgi.framework.Bundle bundle) {
if ((bundleEventSync != null) || (bundleEvent != null)) {
final BundleEvent event = new BundleEvent(type, bundle);
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
} else {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
public Object run() {
return null;
public void publishBundleEventPrivileged(BundleEvent event) {
* We must collect the snapshots of the sync and async listeners
* BEFORE we dispatch the event.
/* Collect snapshot of SynchronousBundleListeners */
ListenerQueue listenersSync = null;
if (bundleEventSync != null) {
/* queue to hold set of listeners */
listenersSync = new ListenerQueue(eventManager);
/* queue to hold set of BundleContexts w/ listeners */
ListenerQueue contexts = new ListenerQueue(eventManager);
/* synchronize while building the listener list */
synchronized (bundleEventSync) {
/* add set of BundleContexts w/ listeners to queue */
contexts.queueListeners(bundleEventSync, this);
/* synchronously dispatch to populate listeners queue */
contexts.dispatchEventSynchronous(BUNDLEEVENTSYNC, listenersSync);
/* Collect snapshot of BundleListeners; only if the event is NOT STARTING or STOPPING */
ListenerQueue listenersAsync = null;
if (bundleEvent != null && (event.getType() & (BundleEvent.STARTING | BundleEvent.STOPPING)) == 0) {
/* queue to hold set of listeners */
listenersAsync = new ListenerQueue(eventManager);
/* queue to hold set of BundleContexts w/ listeners */
ListenerQueue contexts = new ListenerQueue(eventManager);
/* synchronize while building the listener list */
synchronized (bundleEvent) {
/* add set of BundleContexts w/ listeners to queue */
contexts.queueListeners(bundleEvent, this);
/* synchronously dispatch to populate listeners queue */
contexts.dispatchEventSynchronous(BUNDLEEVENT, listenersAsync);
/* Dispatch BundleEvent to SynchronousBundleListeners */
if (listenersSync != null) {
listenersSync.dispatchEventSynchronous(BUNDLEEVENTSYNC, event);
/* Dispatch BundleEvent to BundleListeners */
if (listenersAsync != null) {
listenersAsync.dispatchEventAsynchronous(BUNDLEEVENT, event);
* Deliver a ServiceEvent.
* @param type
* ServiceEvent type.
* @param reference
* Affected service reference.
public void publishServiceEvent(int type, org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference reference) {
if (serviceEvent != null) {
final ServiceEvent event = new ServiceEvent(type, reference);
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
} else {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
public Object run() {
return null;
public void publishServiceEventPrivileged(ServiceEvent event) {
/* queue to hold set of listeners */
ListenerQueue listeners = new ListenerQueue(eventManager);
/* queue to hold set of BundleContexts w/ listeners */
ListenerQueue contexts = new ListenerQueue(eventManager);
/* synchronize while building the listener list */
synchronized (serviceEvent) {
/* add set of BundleContexts w/ listeners to queue */
contexts.queueListeners(serviceEvent, this);
/* synchronously dispatch to populate listeners queue */
contexts.dispatchEventSynchronous(SERVICEEVENT, listeners);
/* dispatch event to set of listeners */
listeners.dispatchEventSynchronous(SERVICEEVENT, event);
* Top level event dispatcher for the framework.
* @param l
* BundleContext for receiving bundle
* @param lo
* BundleContext for receiving bundle
* @param action
* Event class type
* @param object
* ListenerQueue to populate
public void dispatchEvent(Object l, Object lo, int action, Object object) {
try {
BundleContextImpl context = (BundleContextImpl) l;
if (context.isValid()) /* if context still valid */{
ListenerQueue queue = (ListenerQueue) object;
switch (action) {
queue.queueListeners(context.bundleEvent, context);
queue.queueListeners(context.bundleEventSync, context);
queue.queueListeners(context.serviceEvent, context);
queue.queueListeners(context.frameworkEvent, context);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Exception in Top level event dispatcher: " + t.getMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$
// allow the adaptor to handle this unexpected error
publisherror: {
if (action == FRAMEWORKEVENT) {
FrameworkEvent event = (FrameworkEvent) object;
if (event.getType() == FrameworkEvent.ERROR) {
break publisherror; /* avoid infinite loop */
BundleContextImpl context = (BundleContextImpl) l;
publishFrameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent.ERROR, context.bundle, t);
private String[] noMatches(boolean optional) throws BundleException {
if (optional) {
return null;