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* Copyright (c) 2003, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleException;
import org.osgi.framework.Version;
* The state of a system as reported by a resolver. This includes all bundles
* presented to the resolver relative to this state (i.e., both resolved and
* unresolved).
* <p>
* Clients may implement this interface.
* </p>
* @since 3.1
public interface State {
* Adds the given bundle to this state.
* @param description the description to add
* @return a boolean indicating whether the bundle was successfully added
public boolean addBundle(BundleDescription description);
* Returns a delta describing the differences between this state and the
* given state. The given state is taken as the base so the absence of a bundle
* in this state is reported as a deletion, etc.
*<p>Note that the generated StateDelta will contain BundleDeltas with one
*of the following types: BundleDelta.ADDED, BundleDelta.REMOVED and
* @param baseState the base state
* @return a delta describing differences between this and the base state state
public StateDelta compare(State baseState) throws BundleException;
* Removes a bundle description with the given bundle id.
* @param bundleId the id of the bundle description to be removed
* @return the removed bundle description, or <code>null</code>, if a bundle
* with the given id does not exist in this state
public BundleDescription removeBundle(long bundleId);
* Removes the given bundle description.
* @param bundle the bundle description to be removed
* @return <code>true</code>, if if the bundle description was removed,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean removeBundle(BundleDescription bundle);
* Updates an existing bundle description with the given description.
* @param newDescription the bundle description to replace an existing one
* @return <code>true</code>, if if the bundle description was updated,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean updateBundle(BundleDescription newDescription);
* Returns the delta representing the changes from the time this state was
* first captured until now.
* @return the state delta
public StateDelta getChanges();
* Returns descriptions for all bundles known to this state.
* @return the descriptions for all bundles known to this state.
public BundleDescription[] getBundles();
* Returns the bundle descriptor for the bundle with the given id.
* <code>null</code> is returned if no such bundle is found in
* this state.
* @return the descriptor for the identified bundle
* @see BundleDescription#getBundleId()
public BundleDescription getBundle(long id);
* Returns the bundle descriptor for the bundle with the given name and
* version. A null value is returned if no such bundle is found in this state.
* A resolved bundle is always preferably returned over an unresolved bundle.
* If multiple bundles with the same resolution state are available, the bundle
* with the highest version number is returned if the <code>version<code> is
* null.
* @param symbolicName symbolic name of the bundle to query
* @param version version of the bundle to query. null matches any bundle
* @return the descriptor for the identified bundle
public BundleDescription getBundle(String symbolicName, Version version);
* Returns the bundle descriptor for the bundle with the given location
* identifier. null is returned if no such bundle is found in this state.
* @param location location identifier of the bundle to query
* @return the descriptor for the identified bundle
public BundleDescription getBundleByLocation(String location);
* Returns the timestamp for this state. This
* correlates this timestamp to the system state. For example, if
* the system state timestamp is 4 but then some bundles are installed,
* the system state timestamp is updated. By comparing 4 to the current system
* state timestamp it is possible to detect if the states are out of sync.
* @return the timestamp of this state
public long getTimeStamp();
* Sets the timestamp for this state
* @param newTimeStamp the new timestamp for this state
public void setTimeStamp(long newTimeStamp);
* Returns true if there have been no modifications to this state since the
* last time resolve() was called.
* @return whether or not this state has changed since last resolved.
public boolean isResolved();
* Resolves the given version constraint with the given supplier. The given
* constraint object is destructively modified to reflect its new resolved
* state. Note that a constraint can be unresolved by passing null for
* the supplier.
* <p>
* This method is intended to be used by resolvers in the process of
* determining which constraints are satisfied by which components.
* </p>
* @param constraint the version constraint to update
* @param supplier the supplier which satisfies the constraint. May be null if
* the constraint is to be unresolved.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this is not done during a call to
* <code>resolve</code>
public void resolveConstraint(VersionConstraint constraint, BaseDescription supplier);
* Sets whether or not the given bundle is selected in this state.
* <p>
* This method is intended to be used by resolvers in the process of
* determining which constraints are satisfied by which components.
* </p>
* @param bundle the bundle to update
* @param status whether or not the given bundle is resolved, if false the other parameters are ignored
* @param hosts the host for the resolve fragment, can be <code>null</code>
* @param selectedExports the selected exported packages for this resolved bundle, can be <code>null</code>
* @param resolvedRequires the BundleDescriptions that resolve the required bundles for this bundle, can be <code>null</code>
* @param resolvedImports the exported packages that resolve the imports for this bundle, can be <code>null</code>
* @throws IllegalStateException if this is not done during a call to <code>resolve</code>
public void resolveBundle(BundleDescription bundle, boolean status, BundleDescription[] hosts, ExportPackageDescription[] selectedExports, BundleDescription[] resolvedRequires, ExportPackageDescription[] resolvedImports);
* Sets the given removal pending bundle to removal complete for this state.
* <p>
* This method is intended to be used by resolvers in the process of
* resolving bundles.
* </p>
* @param bundle the bundle to set a removal complete.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this is not done during a call to
* <code>resolve</code>
public void removeBundleComplete(BundleDescription bundle);
* Adds a new <code>ResolverError</code> for the specified bundle.
* <p>
* This method is intended to be used by resolvers in the process of
* resolving.
* </p>
* @param bundle the bundle to add a new <code>ResolverError</code> for
* @param type the type of <code>ResolverError</code> to add
* @param data the data for the <code>ResolverError</code>
* @param unsatisfied the unsatisfied constraint or null if the resolver error was not caused
* by an unsatisfied constraint.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this is not done during a call to <code>resolve</code>
* @since 3.2
public void addResolverError(BundleDescription bundle, int type, String data, VersionConstraint unsatisfied);
* Removes all <code>ResolverError</code>s for the specified bundle.
* <p>
* This method is intended to be used by resolvers in the process of
* resolving.
* </p>
* @param bundle the bundle to remove all <code>ResolverError</code>s for
* @throws IllegalStateException if this is not done during a call to <code>resolve</code>
* @since 3.2
public void removeResolverErrors(BundleDescription bundle);
* Returns all <code>ResolverError</code>s for the given bundle
* @param bundle the bundle to get all <code>ResolverError</code>s for
* @return all <code>ResolverError</code>s for the given bundle
* @since 3.2
public ResolverError[] getResolverErrors(BundleDescription bundle);
* Returns the resolver associated with this state. A state can work with
* at most one resolver at any given time. Similarly, a resolver can work
* with at most one state at a time.
* @return the resolver for this state. null is returned if the state does
* not have a resolver
public Resolver getResolver();
* Sets the resolver associated with this state. A state can work with at
* most one resolver at any given time. Similarly, a resolver can work with
* at most one state at a time.
* <p>
* To ensure that this state and the given resovler are properly linked,
* the following expression must be included in this method if the given
* resolver (value) is not identical to the result of this.getResolver().
* <pre>
* if (this.getResolver() != value) value.setState(this);
* </pre>
* </p>
// TODO what happens if you set the Resolver after some bundles have
// been added to the state but it is not resolved? Should setting
// the resolver force a state to be unresolved?
public void setResolver(Resolver value);
* Resolves the constraints contained in this state using the resolver
* currently associated with the state and returns a delta describing the
* changes in resolved states and dependencies in the state.
* <p>
* Note that this method is typically implemented using
* <pre>
* this.getResolver().resolve();
* </pre>
* and is the preferred path for invoking resolution. In particular, states
* should refuse to perform updates (@see #select() and
* #resolveConstraint()) if they are not currently involved in a resolution
* cycle.
* <p>
* Note the given state is destructively modified to reflect the results of
* resolution.
* </p>
* @param incremental a flag controlling whether resolution should be incremental
* @return a delta describing the changes in resolved state and
* interconnections
public StateDelta resolve(boolean incremental);
* Same as State.resolve(true);
public StateDelta resolve();
* Resolves the constraints contained in this state using the resolver
* currently associated with the state in a incremental, "least-perturbing"
* mode, and returns a delta describing the changes in resolved states and
* dependencies in the state.
* @param discard an array containing descriptions for bundles whose
* current resolution state should be forgotten. If <code>null</code>
* then all the current removal pending BundleDescriptions are refreshed.
* @return a delta describing the changes in resolved state and
* interconnections
public StateDelta resolve(BundleDescription[] discard);
* Sets the version overrides which are to be applied during the resolutoin
* of this state. Version overrides allow external forces to
* refine/override the version constraints setup by the components in the
* state.
* @param value
// TODO the exact form of this is not defined as yet.
public void setOverrides(Object value);
* Returns descriptions for all bundles currently resolved in this state.
* @return the descriptions for all bundles currently resolved in this
* state.
public BundleDescription[] getResolvedBundles();
* Returns whether this state is empty.
* @return <code>true</code> if this state is empty, <code>false</code>
* otherwise
public boolean isEmpty();
* Returns all exported packages in this state, according to the OSGi rules for resolution.
* @see org.osgi.service.packageadmin.PackageAdmin#getExportedPackages(Bundle)
public ExportPackageDescription[] getExportedPackages();
* Returns all bundle descriptions with the given bundle symbolic name.
* @param symbolicName symbolic name of the bundles to query
* @return the descriptors for all bundles known to this state with the
* specified symbolic name.
public BundleDescription[] getBundles(String symbolicName);
* Returns the factory that created this state.
* @return the state object factory that created this state
public StateObjectFactory getFactory();
* Attempts to find an ExportPackageDescription that will satisfy a dynamic import
* for the specified requestedPackage for the specified importingBundle. If no
* ExportPackageDescription is available that satisfies a dynamic import for the
* importingBundle then <code>null</code> is returned.
* @param importingBundle the BundleDescription that is requesting a dynamic package
* @param requestedPackage the name of the package that is being requested
* @return the ExportPackageDescription that satisfies the dynamic import request;
* a value of <code>null</code> is returned if none is available.
public ExportPackageDescription linkDynamicImport(BundleDescription importingBundle, String requestedPackage);
* Sets the platform properties of the state. The platform properties
* are used to match platform filters that are specified in Eclipse-PlatformFilter
* bundle manifest header. The following propreties are supported by the
* state: <p>
* - the platform language setting<br>
* osgi.os - the platform operating system<br>
* osgi.arch - the platform architecture<br>
* - the platform windowing system<br>
* org.osgi.framework.system.packages - the packages exported by the system bundle <br>
* osgi.resolverMode - the resolver mode. A value of "strict" will set the resolver mode to strict.<br>
* org.osgi.framework.executionenvironment - the comma separated list of supported execution environments <br>
* <p>
* The values used for the supported properties can be <tt>String</tt> type
* to specify a single value for the property or they can by <tt>String[]</tt>
* to specify a list of values for the property.
* @param platformProperties the platform properties of the state
* @return false if the platformProperties specified do not change any of the
* supported properties already set. If any of the supported property values
* are changed as a result of calling this method then true is returned.
public boolean setPlatformProperties(Dictionary platformProperties);
* Sets the platform properties of the state to a list of platform properties.
* The platform properties are used to match platform filters that are specified
* in Eclipse-PlatformFilter bundle manifest header.
* @see #setPlatformProperties(Dictionary) for a list of supported properties.
* @param platformProperties a set of platform properties for the state
* @return false if the platformProperties specified do not change any of the
* supported properties already set. If any of the supported property values
* are changed as a result of calling this method then true is returned.
public boolean setPlatformProperties(Dictionary[] platformProperties);
* Returns the list of platform properties currently set for this state.
* @return the list of platform properties currently set for this state.
public Dictionary[] getPlatformProperties();
* Returns the list of system packages which are exported by the system bundle.
* The list of system packages is set by the org.osgi.framework.system.packages
* value in the platform properties for this state.
* @see #setPlatformProperties(Dictionary)
* @return the list of system packages
public ExportPackageDescription[] getSystemPackages();
* Returns a state helper object. State helpers provide convenience methods
* for manipulating states.
* <p>
* A possible implementation for this
* method would provide the same single StateHelper instance to all clients.
* </p>
* @return a state helper
* @see StateHelper
* @since 3.2
public StateHelper getStateHelper();
* Returns the highest bundle ID. The value -1 is returned if no
* bundles exist in this state.
* <p>
* Note that this method returns the highest bundle ID the ever existed in this
* this state object. This bundle may have been removed from the state.
* @return the highest bundle ID.
* @since 3.3
public long getHighestBundleId();