blob: cd8da019f118193c7de1c7b07bf3ec42778da455 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2013 Cognos Incorporated, IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAdaptorMsg;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
* This class should be used in ALL places in the framework implementation to get "system" properties.
* The static methods on this class should be used instead of the System#getProperty, System#setProperty etc methods.
public class FrameworkProperties {
/**@GuardedBy FrameworkProperties.class*/
private static Properties properties;
// A flag of some sort will have to be supported.
// Many existing plugins get framework propeties directly from System instead of BundleContext.
// Note that the OSGi TCK is one example where this property MUST be set to false because many TCK bundles set and read system properties.
private static final String USING_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_KEY = "osgi.framework.useSystemProperties"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String PROP_FRAMEWORK = "osgi.framework"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String PROP_INSTALL_AREA = "osgi.install.area"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static Properties getProperties() {
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null)
return internalGetProperties(null);
public static String getProperty(String key) {
return getProperty(key, null);
public static String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null)
return internalGetProperties(null).getProperty(key, defaultValue);
public static String setProperty(String key, String value) {
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null)
sm.checkPermission(new PropertyPermission(key, "write")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return (String) internalGetProperties(null).put(key, value);
public static String clearProperty(String key) {
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null)
sm.checkPermission(new PropertyPermission(key, "write")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return (String) internalGetProperties(null).remove(key);
private static synchronized Properties internalGetProperties(String usingSystemProperties) {
if (properties == null) {
Properties systemProperties = System.getProperties();
if (usingSystemProperties == null)
usingSystemProperties = systemProperties.getProperty(USING_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_KEY);
if (usingSystemProperties == null || usingSystemProperties.equalsIgnoreCase(Boolean.TRUE.toString())) {
properties = systemProperties;
} else {
// use systemProperties for a snapshot
// also see requirements in Bundlecontext.getProperty(...))
properties = new Properties();
// snapshot of System properties for uses of getProperties who expect to see framework properties set as System properties
// we need to do this for all system properties because the properties object is used to back
// BundleContext#getProperty method which expects all system properties to be available
synchronized (systemProperties) {
// bug 360198 - must synchronize on systemProperties to avoid concurrent modification exception
return properties;
public static synchronized void setProperties(Map<String, String> input) {
if (input == null) {
// just use internal props; note that this will reuse a previous set of properties if they were set
internalGetProperties("false"); //$NON-NLS-1$
properties = null;
Properties toSet = internalGetProperties("false"); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (Iterator<String> keys = input.keySet().iterator(); keys.hasNext();) {
String key =;
Object value = input.get(key);
if (value instanceof String) {
toSet.setProperty(key, (String) value);
value = input.get(key);
if (value != null)
toSet.put(key, value);
public static synchronized boolean inUse() {
return properties != null;
public static void initializeProperties() {
// initialize some framework properties that must always be set
if (getProperty(PROP_FRAMEWORK) == null || getProperty(PROP_INSTALL_AREA) == null) {
CodeSource cs = FrameworkProperties.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource();
if (cs == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(NLS.bind(EclipseAdaptorMsg.ECLIPSE_STARTUP_PROPS_NOT_SET, PROP_FRAMEWORK + ", " + PROP_INSTALL_AREA)); //$NON-NLS-1$
URL url = cs.getLocation();
// allow props to be preset
if (getProperty(PROP_FRAMEWORK) == null) {
String externalForm = getFrameworkPath(url.toExternalForm(), false);
setProperty(PROP_FRAMEWORK, externalForm);
if (getProperty(PROP_INSTALL_AREA) == null) {
String filePart = getFrameworkPath(url.getFile(), true);
setProperty(PROP_INSTALL_AREA, filePart);
// always decode these properties
setProperty(PROP_FRAMEWORK, decode(getProperty(PROP_FRAMEWORK)));
setProperty(PROP_INSTALL_AREA, decode(getProperty(PROP_INSTALL_AREA)));
private static String getFrameworkPath(String path, boolean parent) {
if (File.separatorChar == '\\') {
// in case on windows the \ is used
path = path.replace('\\', '/');
if (parent) {
int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
return lastSlash == -1 ? "/" : path.substring(0, lastSlash); //$NON-NLS-1$
return path;
public static String decode(String urlString) {
//try to use Java 1.4 method if available
try {
Class<? extends URLDecoder> clazz = URLDecoder.class;
Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("decode", new Class[] {String.class, String.class}); //$NON-NLS-1$
//first encode '+' characters, because URLDecoder incorrectly converts
//them to spaces on certain class library implementations.
if (urlString.indexOf('+') >= 0) {
int len = urlString.length();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
char c = urlString.charAt(i);
if (c == '+')
buf.append("%2B"); //$NON-NLS-1$
urlString = buf.toString();
Object result = method.invoke(null, new Object[] {urlString, "UTF-8"}); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (result != null)
return (String) result;
} catch (Exception e) {
//JDK 1.4 method not found -- fall through and decode by hand
//decode URL by hand
boolean replaced = false;
byte[] encodedBytes = urlString.getBytes();
int encodedLength = encodedBytes.length;
byte[] decodedBytes = new byte[encodedLength];
int decodedLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < encodedLength; i++) {
byte b = encodedBytes[i];
if (b == '%') {
byte enc1 = encodedBytes[++i];
byte enc2 = encodedBytes[++i];
b = (byte) ((hexToByte(enc1) << 4) + hexToByte(enc2));
replaced = true;
decodedBytes[decodedLength++] = b;
if (!replaced)
return urlString;
try {
return new String(decodedBytes, 0, decodedLength, "UTF-8"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
//use default encoding
return new String(decodedBytes, 0, decodedLength);
private static int hexToByte(byte b) {
switch (b) {
case '0' :
return 0;
case '1' :
return 1;
case '2' :
return 2;
case '3' :
return 3;
case '4' :
return 4;
case '5' :
return 5;
case '6' :
return 6;
case '7' :
return 7;
case '8' :
return 8;
case '9' :
return 9;
case 'A' :
case 'a' :
return 10;
case 'B' :
case 'b' :
return 11;
case 'C' :
case 'c' :
return 12;
case 'D' :
case 'd' :
return 13;
case 'E' :
case 'e' :
return 14;
case 'F' :
case 'f' :
return 15;
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Switch error decoding URL"); //$NON-NLS-1$