blob: bf5b6b4de1a158e8e03db6a6511bcd86520111a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.equinox.p2.installregistry;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine.Profile;
public interface IInstallRegistry {
* Save the registry as XML. If exception is thrown, no change was made.
// public void saveXML() throws IOException {
// checkMetadata();
// File xmlFile = getLocation();
// plog.start(plog.debug("Saving {0}", xmlFile)); //$NON-NLS-1$
// if (isEmpty()) { // delete when empty
// xmlFile.delete();
// if (xmlFile.exists()) {
// throw new IOException(NLS.bind(Messages.InstallRegistry_Failed_To_Delete_Install_Registry, xmlFile));
// }
// } else {
// new FileUtil.SafeUpdate(xmlFile) {
// public void write(FileOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
// XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(stream, XML.getProcessingInstruction());
// XML.write(writer);
// writer.flush();
// stream.getFD().sync();
// writer.close();
// }
// }.write();
// }
// plog.stop();
// }
// private static class XML implements InstallRegistryXML {
// public static XMLWriter.ProcessingInstruction getProcessingInstruction() {
// return new XMLWriter.ProcessingInstruction(PI.INSTALL_REGISTRY, MetaInfo.formatVersion(MetaInfo.INSTALL_REGISTRY_VERSION));
// }
// public static void write(XMLWriter writer) {
// InstallRegistry ir = InstallRegistry.getInstance();
// writer.start(Elements.INSTALL_REGISTRY);
// writer.write(ir.profileRegistry.getProperties());
// for (Iterator i = ir.getProfileInstallRegistries().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
// ProfileInstallRegistry registry = (ProfileInstallRegistry);
// if (!registry.isEmpty()) {
// writer.start(Elements.PROFILE);
// Profile profile = registry.getProfile();
// writer.attribute(Attrs.ID, profile.getProfileId());
// writer.attribute(Attrs.KIND, profile.getProfileKind());
// writer.writeProperty(Profile.INSTALL_LOCATION, profile.getInstallLocation());
// writer.write(profile.getAllData());
// InstallContext rootContext = profile.getRootContext();
// if (rootContext != null) {
// write(writer, rootContext);
// }
// registry.emitXML(writer);
// writer.end(Elements.PROFILE);
// }
// }
// writer.end(Elements.INSTALL_REGISTRY);
// }
// private static void write(XMLWriter writer, InstallContext installContext) {
// writer.start(Elements.INSTALL_CONTEXT);
// writer.attribute(Attrs.ID, installContext.getId());
// writer.attribute(Attrs.NAME, installContext.getName());
// writer.attribute(Attrs.DESCRIPTION, installContext.getDescription());
// writer.attribute(Attrs.SHAREABLE, installContext.isShareable(), true);
// writer.attribute(Attrs.QUALIFIABLE, installContext.isQualifiable(), false);
// InstallationContextScope scope = installContext.getScope();
// if (scope != InstallationContextScope.NONE_SCOPE) {
// writer.attribute(Attrs.SCOPE, scope.getName());
// }
// writer.write(installContext.getLocalProperties());
// String[] adapterTypes = installContext.getAdaptorTypes();
// for (int i = 0; i < adapterTypes.length; i += 1) {
// writer.start(Elements.ADAPTER);
// writer.attribute(Attrs.TYPE, adapterTypes[i]);
// writer.end();
// }
// InstallContext[] subcontexts = installContext.getSubcontexts();
// for (int i = 0; i < subcontexts.length; i += 1) {
// write(writer, subcontexts[i]);
// }
// writer.end(Elements.INSTALL_CONTEXT);
// }
// }
// /**
// * The file of the install registry.
// */
// public File getLocation() {
// return this.location;
// }
// // The location of the old install registry directory.
// // This is where the metadata is still stored.
// private File getLegacyLocation(String subdir) {
// String path = getLocation().getPath();
// if (path.endsWith(CommonDef.Extensions.Xml)) {
// path = path.substring(0, path.length() - CommonDef.Extensions.Xml.length());
// } else {
// path += ".dir"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// }
// return new File(path, subdir);
// }
public abstract IProfileInstallRegistry getProfileInstallRegistry(Profile profile);
* Open the install registry. It must be open before any operations can be performed.
// public void open() throws IOException {
// // openFile(Agent.getInstance().getInstallRegistryLocation());
// }
// // This form is for AbstractAgentTestCase because the preferences aren't set correctly
// // when it needs the install registry.
// public void open(File dir) throws IOException {
// openFile(new File(dir, Agent.FILENAME_INSTALL_REGISTRY));
// }
// private void openFile(File file) throws IOException {
// if (isOpen()) {
// throw new InstallRegistryException(Messages2.InstallRegistry_Install_Registry_Is_Already_Open);
// }
// this.location = file;
// if (this.location.isDirectory()) {
// throw new InstallRegistryException(NLS.bind(Messages2.InstallRegistry_Install_Registry_Exists_And_Is_A_Directory, this.location));
// } else if (!this.location.exists()) {
// // verify we can write it
// this.location.getParentFile().mkdirs();
// new FileOutputStream(this.location).close();
// this.location.delete();
// }
// // TODO: move to cache
// File metadataDir = getLegacyLocation(METADATA_DIR);
// try {
// this.metadataRepo = StandardRepository.create(this.installedMetadata.getRepositoryGroup(), metadataDir);
// } catch (RuntimeException e) {
// // report error below
// }
// if (this.metadataRepo == null) {
// throw new InstallRegistryException(NLS.bind(Messages.InstallRegistry_Failed_To_Create_Install_Registry_Repo, metadataDir));
// }
// this.metadataRepo.setOpen(true);
// load();
// checkMetadata();
// }
// public void close() {
// this.installedMetadata.getRepositoryGroup().removeRepository(this.metadataRepo);
// this.metadataRepo = null;
// if (isEmpty()) {
// purge();
// }
// }
// public void purge() {
// getLocation().delete();
// FileUtil.rm_r(getLegacyLocation(""), /*removeRoot*/true); //$NON-NLS-1$
// }
public abstract Collection getProfileInstallRegistries();