blob: 65cd7585aa1bbb04f379b00eded95dafc9449ce0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.frameworkadmin;
import org.eclipse.equinox.frameworkadmin.BundleInfo;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.configuratormanipulator.ConfiguratorManipulator;
* A manipulator is used to query and modify the state of a framework instance.
* A manipulator instance is obtained by calling {@link FrameworkAdmin#getManipulator()}.
* The typical use-cases of this interface:
* Usecase 1: set parameters, check the expected state, save them into configuration files, and launch.
* A. create a {@link Manipulator} object from a {@link FrameworkAdmin}.
* B. set parameters to the {@link Manipulator} object.
* C. getExpectedState() and check what bundle state will be realized.
* If it is not same as you desire, repeat B and C until it becomes as you desire.
* D. save parameters into configuration files by {@link Manipulator#save(boolean)}.
* E. launch the framework by {@link FrameworkAdmin#launch(Manipulator, File)}.
* Usecase 2: set parameters required for loading, load parameters from configuration files,
* check the expected state, and launch.
* A. create a {@link Manipulator} object from a {@link FrameworkAdmin}.
* B. set parameters about launcher or framework configuration file to the {@link Manipulator} object.
* C. load parameters from configuration files by {@link Manipulator#load()};
* D. getExpectedState() and check what bundle state will be realized.
* E. launch the framework by {@link FrameworkAdmin#launch(Manipulator, File)}.
* @see FrameworkAdmin
* @see ConfigData
* @see LauncherData
public interface Manipulator {
* Return the newly created BundldsState object,
* according to the parameters set to this object "in memory".
* None of launcher config file, framework config file and configurator config file
* will be read by this method. However, the framework persistent data location should be
* taken into consideration. In other words, this method will return
* the expected {@link BundlesState} object assuming that the current parameters were saved and
* {@link FrameworkAdmin#launch(Manipulator, File)} with an argument of this object
* were called. (It would read the framework persistent data location if required).
* This method should not modify the parameters in this {@link Manipulator} object.
* @return framework bundle state object created according to he current parameters set.
* @throws FrameworkAdminRuntimeException - If the {@link FrameworkAdmin} service created this object is unregistered or this implementation doesn't support this method.
BundlesState getBundlesState() throws FrameworkAdminRuntimeException;
* The reference of {@link ConfigData} object representing configuration information related with framework settings will be returned.
* Remind that manipulating returned object will affect this Manipulator behavior.
* @return ConfigData object representing configuration information related with framework setting
* @throws FrameworkAdminRuntimeException - If the {@link FrameworkAdmin} service created this object is unregistered or this implementation doesn't support this method.
* @see ConfigData
ConfigData getConfigData() throws FrameworkAdminRuntimeException;
* Return the expected BundleInfo array representing state of bundles,
* according to the parameters set to this object "in memory".
* None of launcher config file, framework config file and configurator config file
* will be read by this method. However, the framework persistent data location should be
* taken into consideration. In other words, this method will return
* the expected bundles state assuming that the current parameters were saved and
* {@link FrameworkAdmin#launch(Manipulator, File)} with an argument of this object
* were called. (It would read the framework persistent data location if required).
* Returned BundleInfos must have resolved flag set.
* This method should not modify the parameters in this {@link Manipulator} object.
* cf. getConfigData().getBundles() will return array of BundleInfo too.
* However the resolved flag of returned BundleInfos might not be reliable.
* This method is equivalent to calling getBundlesState().getExpectedState().
* @return array of BundleInfo representing expected state of all bundles installed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException - If either of fwJar or cwd doesn't exist.
* @throws IOException - If reading fw configuration file or reading persistently recorded information
* of fw fails.
* @throws FrameworkAdminRuntimeException - If the {@link FrameworkAdmin} service created this object is unregistered or this implementation doesn't support this method.
BundleInfo[] getExpectedState() throws IllegalStateException, IOException, FrameworkAdminRuntimeException;
* The reference of {@link LauncherData} object representing configuration information
* related with launcher settings will be returned.
* Remember that manipulating returned object will affect this Manipulator object behavior.
* @return LauncherData object representing configuration information related with launcher setting
* @throws FrameworkAdminRuntimeException - If the ManipulatorAdmin service created this object is unregistered or this implementation doesn't support this method.
* @see LauncherData
LauncherData getLauncherData() throws FrameworkAdminRuntimeException;
* Return timestamp of configurations which will be loaded by load() method
* according to the parameters set to this manipulator in long value.
* This method will check last modified time of all launcher configuration file, framework configuration file,
* and framework persistent storage according to the parameters set.
* @return long
long getTimeStamp();
* Initialize all information that this object keeps at that time.
void initialize();
* load configs from appropriate config files,
* including launcher config file, fw config file, and configurator config files,
* whose locations are determined by the current setting. In addition,
* the fw persistent data location should be taken into consideration.
* The following procedure contains the matters of implementation detail.
* However, it is an example how it works.
* 1. if launcher object is set, corresponding launcher config file will be read.
* According to the information retrieved, setting of this object will be updated.
* including fw config file.
* 2. If fw config file is not specified, IllegalStateException will be thrown.
* Otherwise, the information will be retrieved from the fw config file.
* 3. If any ConfiguratorBundle is included in the bundle list,
* read appropriate configurator config file by
* {@link ConfiguratorManipulator#updateBundles(Manipulator)},
* which will update the parameter about installed bundles in its
* {@link Manipulator#getConfigData()} object.
* Most old parameters will be updated by this method call.
* @throws IOException - If reading info from configuration files fails.
* @throws IllegalStateException - If config files cannot be determined.
* @throws FrameworkAdminRuntimeException - If the {@link FrameworkAdmin} service created this object is unregistered or this implementation doesn't support this method.
void load() throws IllegalStateException, IOException, FrameworkAdminRuntimeException;
* Save parameters that this object keeps at that time into appropriate configuration files,
* which include launcher configuration file, framework configuration file, and configurator configuration files
* (if required and implementation of this object supports), according to the current setting and situation.
* The following procedure contains the matters of implementation detail.
* However, it is an example how it works.
* 1. if a launcher file is set,
* the parameters to be saved into a LauncherConfigFile will be saved into the default LauncherConfigFile
* that is determined by the location of the launcher file.
* 2. if there are any {@link ConfiguratorManipulator} objects available whose corresponding ConfiguratorBundle
* is set to be started, choose the ConfiguratorBudnle that starts the first among them and go to next step.
* Otherwise, save the BundleInfo[] set to this object into a FwConfigFile that is determined
* by the parameters set.
* 3. call {@link ConfiguratorManipulator#save(Manipulator, boolean)} of
* the ConfiguratorManipulator that can manipulate the chosen ConfiguratorBudnle.
* This method will save configurations for ConfiguratorBundle to read appropriately
* and return BundleInfo[] to be saved in the FwConfigFile, which is determined by the parameters set.
* 4. Save the returned BundleInfo[] in the FwConfigFile, which is determined by the parameters set.
* @param backup - if true, keep old file by renaming if exists.
* @throws IOException - If writing info into configuration files fails.
* @throws FrameworkAdminRuntimeException - If the {@link FrameworkAdmin} service created this object is unregistered or this implementation doesn't support this method.
void save(boolean backup) throws IOException, FrameworkAdminRuntimeException;
* Copy all information the specified {@link ConfigData} contains into this object.
* All of old settings will be initialized and replaced.
* @param configData fw config data to be set to this object.
void setConfigData(ConfigData configData);
* Copy all information the specified {@link LauncherData} contains into this object.
* All of old settings will be initialized and replaced.
* @param launcherData launcher config data to be set to this object.
void setLauncherData(LauncherData launcherData);