blob: 07a3559da5ecf898ef69bcc20e1f2ff7e22ae6f3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.IArtifactKey;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.Version;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.query.IQueryable;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.IRepository;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.IRunnableWithProgress;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact.spi.AbstractArtifactRepository;
* A repository containing artifacts.
* <p>
* This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients. Artifact repository
* implementations must subclass {@link AbstractArtifactRepository} rather than
* implementing this interface directly.
* </p>
* @noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients. Instead subclass {@link AbstractArtifactRepository}.
* @noextend This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
* @since 2.0
public interface IArtifactRepository extends IRepository<IArtifactKey> {
* The return code to use when a client could/should retry a failed getArtifact() operation.
* For example, the repository may have additional mirrors that could be consulted.
public static int CODE_RETRY = 13;
* Create an instance of {@link IArtifactDescriptor} based on the given key
* @param key {@link IArtifactKey}
* @return a new instanceof of IArtifactDescriptor
public IArtifactDescriptor createArtifactDescriptor(IArtifactKey key);
* Create an instance of {@link IArtifactKey}
* @param classifier
* @param id
* @param version
* @return a new IArtifactKey
public IArtifactKey createArtifactKey(String classifier, String id, Version version);
* Add the given descriptor to the set of descriptors in this repository. This is
* a relatively low-level operation that should be used only when the actual related
* content is in this repository and the given descriptor accurately describes
* that content.
* @param descriptor the descriptor to add.
* @deprecated See {{@link #addDescriptor(IArtifactDescriptor, IProgressMonitor)}
public void addDescriptor(IArtifactDescriptor descriptor);
* Add the given descriptor to the set of descriptors in this repository. This is
* a relatively low-level operation that should be used only when the actual related
* content is in this repository and the given descriptor accurately describes
* that content.
* @param descriptor the descriptor to add.
* @param monitor A progress monitor use to track progress and cancel the operation. This may
* be a long running operation if another process holds the lock on this location
* @since 2.1
public void addDescriptor(IArtifactDescriptor descriptor, IProgressMonitor monitor);
* Add the given artifact descriptors to this repository
* @param descriptors the artifact descriptors to add
* @deprecated See {{@link #addDescriptors(IArtifactDescriptor[], IProgressMonitor)}
public void addDescriptors(IArtifactDescriptor[] descriptors);
* Add the given artifact descriptors to this repository
* @param descriptors the artifact descriptors to add
* @param monitor A progress monitor use to track progress and cancel the operation. This may
* be a long running operation if another process holds the lock on this location
* @since 2.1
public void addDescriptors(IArtifactDescriptor[] descriptors, IProgressMonitor monitor);
* Returns true if this repository contains the given descriptor.
* @param descriptor the descriptor to query
* @return true if the given descriptor is already in this repository
public boolean contains(IArtifactDescriptor descriptor);
* Returns true if this repository contains the given artifact key.
* @param key the key to query
* @return true if the given key is already in this repository
public boolean contains(IArtifactKey key);
* Writes to the given output stream the bytes represented by the artifact descriptor.
* Any processing steps defined by the descriptor will be applied to the artifact bytes
* before they are sent to the provided output stream.
* @param descriptor the descriptor to transfer
* @param destination the stream to write the final artifact output to
* @param monitor a progress monitor, or <code>null</code> if progress
* reporting and cancellation are not desired
* @return the result of the artifact transfer
public IStatus getArtifact(IArtifactDescriptor descriptor, OutputStream destination, IProgressMonitor monitor);
* Writes to the given output stream the bytes represented by the artifact descriptor.
* Any processing steps defined by the descriptor will <b>not</b> be applied to the artifact bytes.
* @param descriptor the descriptor to transfer
* @param destination the stream to write the final artifact output to
* @param monitor a progress monitor, or <code>null</code> if progress
* reporting and cancellation are not desired
* @return the result of the artifact transfer
public IStatus getRawArtifact(IArtifactDescriptor descriptor, OutputStream destination, IProgressMonitor monitor);
* Return the set of artifact descriptors describing the ways that this repository
* can supply the artifact associated with the given artifact key
* @param key the artifact key to lookup
* @return the descriptors associated with the given key
public IArtifactDescriptor[] getArtifactDescriptors(IArtifactKey key);
* Executes the given artifact requests on this byte server.
* @param requests The artifact requests
* @param monitor
* @return a status object that is <code>OK</code> if requests were
* processed successfully. Otherwise, a status indicating information,
* warnings, or errors that occurred while executing the artifact requests
public IStatus getArtifacts(IArtifactRequest[] requests, IProgressMonitor monitor);
* Open an output stream to which a client can write the data for the given
* artifact descriptor.
* @param descriptor the descriptor describing the artifact data to be written to the
* resultant stream
* @return the stream to which the artifact content can be written. The returned output
* stream may implement <code>IStateful</code>.
* @throws ProvisionException if the output stream could not be created. Reasons include:
* <ul>
* <li>An I/O exception occurred (@link {@link ProvisionException#REPOSITORY_FAILED_WRITE}) .</li>
* <li>An artifact already exists at that location ({@link ProvisionException#ARTIFACT_EXISTS}).</li>
* </ul>
public OutputStream getOutputStream(IArtifactDescriptor descriptor) throws ProvisionException;
* Returns a queryable that can be queried for artifact descriptors contained in this repository
* @return The queryable of artifact descriptors
public IQueryable<IArtifactDescriptor> descriptorQueryable();
* Remove the all keys, descriptors, and contents from this repository.
* @deprecated See {@link #removeAll(IProgressMonitor)}
public void removeAll();
* Remove the all keys, descriptors, and contents from this repository.
* @param monitor A progress monitor use to track progress and cancel the operation. This may
* be a long running operation if another process holds the lock on this location
* @since 2.1
public void removeAll(IProgressMonitor monitor);
* Remove the given descriptor and its corresponding content in this repository.
* @param descriptor the descriptor to remove.
* @deprecated See {@link #removeDescriptor(IArtifactDescriptor, IProgressMonitor)}
public void removeDescriptor(IArtifactDescriptor descriptor);
* Remove the given descriptor and its corresponding content in this repository.
* @param descriptor the descriptor to remove.
* @param monitor A progress monitor use to track progress and cancel the operation. This may
* be a long running operation if another process holds the lock on this location
* @since 2.1
public void removeDescriptor(IArtifactDescriptor descriptor, IProgressMonitor monitor);
* Remove the given key and all related content and descriptors from this repository.
* @param key the key to remove.
* @deprecated See {@link #removeDescriptor(IArtifactKey, IProgressMonitor)}
public void removeDescriptor(IArtifactKey key);
* Remove the given key and all related content and descriptors from this repository.
* @param key the key to remove.
* @param monitor A progress monitor use to track progress and cancel the operation. This may
* be a long running operation if another process holds the lock on this location
* @since 2.1
public void removeDescriptor(IArtifactKey key, IProgressMonitor monitor);
* Remove the given list of artifact descriptors and their corresponding content
* in this repository.
* @param descriptors the list of descriptors to remove
* @since 2.1
* @deprecated See {@link #removeDescriptors(IArtifactDescriptor[], IProgressMonitor)}
public void removeDescriptors(IArtifactDescriptor[] descriptors);
* Remove the given list of artifact descriptors and their corresponding content
* in this repository.
* @param descriptors the list of descriptors to remove
* @param monitor A progress monitor use to track progress and cancel the operation. This may
* be a long running operation if another process holds the lock on this location
* @since 2.1
public void removeDescriptors(IArtifactDescriptor[] descriptors, IProgressMonitor monitor);
* Remove the given list of keys and all related content and descriptors from this
* repository.
* @param keys
* @since 2.1
* @deprecated See {@link #removeDescriptors(IArtifactKey[], IProgressMonitor)}
public void removeDescriptors(IArtifactKey[] keys);
* Remove the given list of keys and all related content and descriptors from this
* repository.
* @param keys
* @param monitor A progress monitor use to track progress and cancel the operation. This may
* be a long running operation if another process holds the lock on this location
* @since 2.1
public void removeDescriptors(IArtifactKey[] keys, IProgressMonitor monitor);
* Executes a runnable against this repository. It is up to the repository
* implementor to determine what "batch process" means, for example, it may mean
* that the repository index is not stored until after the runnable completes.
* The runnable should not execute anything in a separate thread.
* @param runnable The runnable to execute
* @param monitor A progress monitor that will be passed to the runnable
* @return The result of running the runnable. Any exceptions thrown during
* the execution will be returned in the status.
public IStatus executeBatch(IRunnableWithProgress runnable, IProgressMonitor monitor);