blob: fc877d9263a4fae55bc99ac19616107b16c56944 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2018 Cloudsmith Inc. and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Cloudsmith Inc. - initial API and implementation
* SAP AG - Ongoing development
package org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.natives;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.core.helpers.LogHelper;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
* Stores files by copying them to a uniquely named temporary directory.
* The BackupStore remembers filenames and can recreate them in their original location.
* <h3>Usage</h3>
* The user of this class should instantiate the BackupStore with some prefix that is
* meaningful to a human. Uniqueness is obtained without the prefix - the prefix is used to
* be able to differentiate between different backup directories by a human (in case of crashes etc).
* If instantiated with a directory this directory will be used to store the backup root directory. If
* this directory is null, the users home directory is used by default.
* Once instantiated, use the {@link #backup(File)} and {@link #backupDirectory(File)} methods
* to move files to backup instead of deleting them. A file that
* is backed up should not be deleted - it is simply moved out of the way.
* Use {@link #backupCopy(File)} to
* move the file out of harms way, but keep a copy of it in the original location.
* The methods {@link #backupAll(File)} and {@link #backupCopyAll(File)} backs up an entire structure.
* When backup is finished - the user should either call {@link #restore()} to put all
* of the files back, or call {@link #discard()} to remove all of the backed up "copies".
* If {@link #restore()} or {@link #discard()} is not called the backup files will never be deleted.
* The backup store does not synchronize directories - actions that write new files are
* responsible for removing them. Overwriting existing files should be done by first backing
* up the file, and then creating a new file. Modifying a file, should be done by
* using {@link #backupCopy(File)} or
* first making a copy, then backing up the original, and then renaming the copy.
* <h3>Read Only and Permissions</h3>
* Directories that are read only (to current user) can not be backed up.
* Backup is performed using {@link File#renameTo(File)} and handling of permissions
* is operating system dependent. It is expected that a Un*x type system retains the
* permissions as a file is moved to the backup store and later gets restored.
* Backup directories are created as they are needed and will (at least on Un*x) inherit the
* permissions from its parent directory.
* If a rename can not be performed, the backup store will make a copy and delete the original
* file. This makes it possible to backup and restore across volume boundaries.
* When restoring directories they
* will be created with permissions in a platform specific way (on UN*IX they will inherit the permissions
* of the parent directory).
* <h3>Checkpointing</h3>
* Checkpointing (i.e. to be able to rollback to a particular point) can be implemented by using
* multiple instances of BackupStore. The client code will need to remember the individual order
* among the backup stores.
* <h3>Restartability</h3>
* Not implemented - it is possible to obtain the name of the backup directories,
* so manual restore is possible after a crash. An idea is to add persistence to a file, and
* be able to read it back in again.
* <h3>A note about exceptions</h3>
* In general {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown when attempting an operation
* that is considered "wrong use", and an {@link IllegalStateException} or subclass thereof is thrown on an overall
* wrong use of BackupStore (i.e. attempt to backup when store has been restored). Some cases of
* "wrong use" can not be differentiated from I/O errors (like a "file not found" as this could
* be caused by an entire disk disappearing - in these case an {@link IOException} is thrown.
* <h3>Implementation Note</h3>
* The backup root directory will contain folders that reflects file system roots. These are encoded using
* "_" for the UNI*X root directory, "__" for a Windows network mounted directory, and single "drive letter" folders
* corresponding to Windows drive letters. Typically, on UN*X there will only be a "_" directory in the backup root,
* and on windows there will typically be a single directory called "C".
public class BackupStore implements IBackupStore {
private static final String BACKUP_FILE_EXTENSION = ".p2bu"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* The name to use for a directory that represents leading separator (i.e. "/" or "\").
private static final String ROOTCHAR = "_"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Map of directory File to backup root (File) - the backup root has
* a directory named {@link #backupName} where the backup is found.
//private Map backups = new HashMap();
private final File backupRoot;
* The name of the backup directory (no path - relative to the backup root).
private String backupName;
* The name of a dummy file used to backup empty directories
private String dummyName;
* A server socket that is used to obtain a port (a shared resource on this machine)
* and thus create a unique number. Used as part of the unique id of backup directories
* and probe files.
private ServerSocket socket = null;
* Counter of how many files where backed up. Used as a simple check mechanism if
* everything was restored (a guard against manual/external tampering with the backup directories).
private long backupCounter;
* Counter of how many files where restored. See {@link #backupCounter}.
private long restoreCounter;
* Flag indicating if this BackupStore has been restored or canceled.
private boolean closed;
private Map<String, String> renamedInPlace = new HashMap<>();
* Generates a BackupStore with a default prefix of ".p2bu" for backup directory and
* probe file.
* The full id of the store is on the format "prefix_hextime_hexIPport"
* - see {@link #genUnique()} for more info.
public BackupStore() {
* Generates a BackupStore with a specified prefix for backup directories and
* probe file.
* The full id of the store is on the format "prefix_hextime_hexipport"
* - see {@link #genUnique()} for more info.
* @param buParentDirectory - name of directory where the backup directory should be created - if null, is used
* @param prefix - prefix used for human identification of backup directories
public BackupStore(File buParentDirectory, String prefix) {
if (buParentDirectory == null)
buParentDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("")); //$NON-NLS-1$
backupRoot = buParentDirectory;
// generate a name for the backup store and the dummy file used for empty directories
String unique = genUnique();
dummyName = prefix + "d_" + unique; //$NON-NLS-1$
backupName = prefix + "_" + unique; //$NON-NLS-1$
backupCounter = 0;
restoreCounter = 0;
closed = false;
* Since a socket port is used to create a unique number, the socket
* must be closed if this instance is garbage collected and the user
* of the instance has not either restored or discarded.
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
if (socket != null && !socket.isClosed())
} finally {
* Returns the unique backup name (this is the name of generated backup directories).
* @return the backup name.
public String getBackupName() {
return backupName;
public File getBackupRoot() {
return backupRoot;
* Backup the file by moving it to the backup store (for later (optional) restore).
* Calling this method with a file that represents a directory is equivalent to calling
* {@link #backupDirectory(File)}.
* A file (path) can only be backed up once per BackupStore instance.
* When the file is backed up, it is moved to a directory under this BackupStore instance's directory
* with a relative path corresponding to the original relative path from the backup root e.g.
* the file /A/B/C/foo.txt could be moved to /A/.p2bu_ffffff_ffffff/B/C/foo.txt when /A is the
* backup root.
* If a directory is first backed up, and later replaced by a regular file, and this file
* is backed up (or vice versa) - an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown
* A backup can not be performed on a closed BackupStore.
* @param file - the file (or directory) to backup
* @return true if the file was backed up, false if this file (path) has already been backed up (the file is not moved to the store).
* @throws IOException - if the backup operation fails, or the file does not exist
* @throws ClosedBackupStoreException - if the BackupStore has been closed
* @throws IllegalArgumentException - on type mismatch (file vs. directory) of earlier backup, or if file does not exist
public boolean backup(File file) throws IOException {
if (closed)
throw new ClosedBackupStoreException("Can not perform backup()"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!file.exists())
throw new IOException(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_file_not_found, file.getAbsolutePath()));
if (file.isDirectory())
return backupDirectory(file);
file = makeParentCanonical(file);
File buFile = getBackupFile(file);
// already backed up, but was a directory = wrong usage
if (buFile.isDirectory())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_directory_file_mismatch, buFile.getAbsolutePath()));
// has already been backed up - can only be done once with one BackupStore
if (buFile.exists()) {
// although backed up, the file can be still on the file system when, for example,
// two IUs are unzipping their contents to the same location and share a few common file,
// which have to be removed twice
if (file.exists() && !file.delete())
throw new IOException(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_can_not_remove, file.getAbsolutePath()));
return false;
moveToBackup(file, buFile);
return true;
* Move/rename file to a backup file. Callers of the method must have ensured that the source file exists and the
* backup file has not been created yet.
* @param file source file to move; should already exist and must not be directory
* @param buFile destination backup file to move to; should not exist and must be a directory
* @throws IOException if the backup operation fails
protected void moveToBackup(File file, File buFile) throws IOException {
// make sure all of the directories exist / gets created
if (buFile.getParentFile().exists() && !buFile.getParentFile().isDirectory())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_file_directory_mismatch, buFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()));
if (moveToBackupStore(file, buFile)) {
// could not move - this can happen because source and target are on different volumes, or
// that source is locked "in use" on a windows machine. The copy will work across volumes,
// but the locked file will fail on the subsequent delete.
// Rename in place
if (isEclipseExe(file))
else {
Util.copyStream(new FileInputStream(file), true, new FileOutputStream(buFile), true);
if (file.exists() && !file.delete())
throw new IOException(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_can_not_delete_after_copy_0, file));
private boolean isEclipseExe(File file) {
String launcher = System.getProperty("eclipse.launcher"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (launcher != null) {
String base = new File(launcher).getName();
if (file.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(base))
return true;
return file.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("eclipse.exe") || file.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("eclipsec.exe"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
protected boolean moveToBackupStore(File file, File buFile) {
if (file.renameTo(buFile)) {
// if the original file still exists, we have a problem.
if (file.exists()) {
// If the renamed work, but the file still exists, remove the backup
// and return false
if (buFile.exists())
} else {
return true;
return false;
protected void renameInPlace(File file) {
String newName = file.getAbsolutePath() + getTimeStamp() + BACKUP_FILE_EXTENSION;
renamedInPlace.put(file.getAbsolutePath(), newName);
file.renameTo(new File(newName));
protected String getTimeStamp() {
return "-" + new Date().getTime(); //$NON-NLS-1$
private File getBackupFile(File file) {
File buRoot = backupRoot;
File buDir = new File(buRoot, backupName);
// create the relative path from root and use that in buDir
File buFile = new File(buDir, makeRelativeFromRoot(file).getPath());
return buFile;
* Backs up a file, or everything under a directory.
* @param file - file to backup or directory
* @throws IOException if backup operation failed
public void backupAll(File file) throws IOException {
if (!file.exists())
file = makeParentCanonical(file);
if (file.isDirectory()) {
File[] files = file.listFiles();
if (files != null)
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
* Backs up a file, or everything under a directory.
* A copy of the backup is left in the original place.
* @param file
* @throws IOException
public void backupCopyAll(File file) throws IOException {
if (!file.exists())
file = makeParentCanonical(file);
if (file.isDirectory()) {
File[] files = file.listFiles();
if (files != null)
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
// if directory was empty, it needs to be backed up and then recreated
if (files == null || files.length == 0) {
} else
* Backup the file by moving it to the backup store (for later (optional) restore) but leaving
* a copy of the contents in the original location.
* Calling this method with a file that represents a directory throws an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* A file (path) can only be backed up once per BackupStore instance.
* When the file is backed up, it is moved to a directory under this BackupStore instance's directory
* with a relative path corresponding to the original relative path from the backup root e.g.
* the file /A/B/C/foo.txt could be moved to /A/.p2bu_ffffff_ffffff/B/C/foo.txt when /A is the
* backup root.
* If a directory is first backed up, and later replaced by a regular file, and this file
* is backed up (or vice versa) - an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown
* A backup can not be performed on a closed BackupStore.
* @param file - the file (or directory) to backup
* @return true if the file was backed up, false if this file (path) has already been backed up (the file is not moved to the store).
* @throws IOException - if the backup operation fails, or the file does not exist
* @throws ClosedBackupStoreException - if the BackupStore has been closed
* @throws IllegalArgumentException - on type mismatch (file vs. directory) of earlier backup, or if file is a Directory
public boolean backupCopy(File file) throws IOException {
if (closed)
throw new ClosedBackupStoreException(Messages.BackupStore_backupCopy_closed_store);
if (!file.exists())
throw new IOException(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_file_not_found, file.getAbsolutePath()));
if (file.isDirectory())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_can_not_copy_directory, file.getAbsolutePath()));
file = makeParentCanonical(file);
//File buRoot = backupRoot;
// File buRoot = findBackupRoot(file);
File buDir = new File(backupRoot, backupName);
// move the file
// create the relative path from root and use that in buDir
File buFile = new File(buDir, makeRelativeFromRoot(file).getPath());
// already backed up, but was a directory = wrong usage
if (buFile.isDirectory())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_directory_file_mismatch, buFile.getAbsolutePath()));
// has already been backed up - can only be done once with one BackupStore
if (buFile.exists())
return false;
// make sure all of the directories exist / gets created
if (buFile.getParentFile().exists() && !buFile.getParentFile().isDirectory())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_file_directory_mismatch, buFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()));
// just make a copy - one has to be made in one direction anyway
// A renameTo followed by a copy is preferred as it preserves file permissions on the moved file
// but it is easier to just copy and keep original.
Util.copyStream(new FileInputStream(file), true, new FileOutputStream(buFile), true);
return true;
* Performs backup of an empty directory. The directory must be empty before it can be backed up (i.e.
* similar to a delete of a directory). Backup the files of the directory first.
* A call to backup a directory is really only needed for empty directories as a restore
* of a file will also restore all of its parent directories.
* @param file - the (empty) directory to back up
* @return true if the directory was moved to backup. false if the directory was already backed up
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if file is not a directory, or is not empty.
* @throws IOException if directory can not be moved to the backup store, or if the directory is not writeable
public boolean backupDirectory(File file) throws IOException {
if (!file.isDirectory())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_not_a_directory, file.getAbsolutePath()));
file = makeParentCanonical(file);
if (file.list().length != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_directory_not_empty, file.getAbsolutePath()));
// the easiest way is to create a dummy file and back that up (the dummy is simply ignored when restoring).
File dummy = new File(file, dummyName);
dummy = makeParentCanonical(dummy);
File buFile = getBackupFile(dummy);
boolean backedUp = buFile.exists();
// backup only if the folder has not been already backed up;
// this can happen if, for example, two IUs unzip to the same folder and then want to delete it
if (!backedUp) {
if (closed)
throw new ClosedBackupStoreException("Can not perform backup()"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!dummy.createNewFile())
throw new IOException(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_can_not_create_dummy, dummy.getAbsolutePath()));
moveToBackup(dummy, buFile);
// previous checks have verified that the directory exists
if (!file.delete())
throw new IOException(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_can_not_remove, dummy.getAbsolutePath()));
// will return true if the directory was already backed up at the beginning of the operation and false otherwise
return !backedUp;
* Restores all backup files from backup store.
* Note that restore of a (non directory) file deletes an existing file or directory found
* in the restore location.
* When the backup has been restored this BackupStore instance is closed and can not be
* used for further backup or restore.
* If there are unrestorable items (non writable directories, or general IO exceptions) these items
* are written to the log, and the backup copies remain in the file system and can be manually restored
* (using a simple zip of the backup directory, and an unzip to the buRoot once the problem has been corrected).
* @throws IOException if the backup was not fully restored - unrestored items have been logged.
* @throws ClosedBackupStoreException if the backup is already closed.
public void restore() throws IOException {
if (closed)
throw new ClosedBackupStoreException(Messages.BackupStore_restore_closed_store);
// put back all files
// collect things that could not be restored (so final status can be reported)
Set<File> unrestorable = new HashSet<>();
boolean restored = true;
if (!backupRoot.exists()) {
logError(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_missing_backup_directory, backupRoot.getAbsolutePath()));
restored = false;
} else
restoreRoots(new File(backupRoot, backupName), unrestorable);
if (unrestorable.size() > 0)
restored = false;
closed = true;
private void logUnrestorables(Set<File> unrestorable) {
// if there are unrestorable units log them
if (unrestorable != null && unrestorable.size() > 0) {
for (File file : unrestorable)
logError(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_manual_restore_needed, file.getAbsolutePath()));
* Discards and closes this BackupStore. Does nothing if this store is already
* restored or discarded.
public void discard() {
if (closed)
closed = true;
private void close(boolean fullyRestored) throws IOException {
// check external tampering with backup store
if (backupCounter != restoreCounter) {
if (!fullyRestored)
logError(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_0_of_1_items_restored, Long.valueOf(restoreCounter), Long.valueOf(backupCounter)));
else {
logError(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_externally_modified_0_of_1_restored, Long.valueOf(restoreCounter), Long.valueOf(backupCounter)));
fullyRestored = false;
if (!fullyRestored)
throw new IOException(Messages.BackupStore_errors_while_restoring_see_log);
// everything has been restored - the backup can now be removed
private void closeSocket() {
if (socket != null && !socket.isClosed())
try {
} catch (IOException e) { /* ignored */
logWarning(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_can_not_close_tcp_port, Integer.valueOf(socket.getLocalPort())));
private void removeBackups() {
File buRoot = new File(backupRoot, backupName);
if (!fullyDelete(buRoot))
logWarning(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_can_not_remove_bu_directory, buRoot.getAbsolutePath()));
private static void logWarning(String message) {
private static IStatus createWarning(String message) {
return new Status(IStatus.WARNING, Activator.ID, message);
private static void logError(String message) {
private static IStatus createError(String message) {
return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, message);
* Deletes a file, or a directory with all of it's children.
* @param file the file or directory to fully delete
* @return true if, and only if the file is deleted without errors
private boolean fullyDelete(File file) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
File[] children = file.listFiles();
if (children != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
// we will not stop even if some deletion failed
fullyDelete(new File(file, children[i].getName()));
// will attempt to delete before exists check to get rid of dead links
if (file.delete()) {
return true;
// will return true if files does not actually exist even delete fails
return !file.exists();
private void restore(File root, File buRoot, Set<File> unrestorable) {
File[] children = buRoot.listFiles();
if (children == null) { // error - can't read the backup directory
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
File bu = new File(buRoot, children[i].getName());
File target = new File(root, bu.getName());
if (bu.isDirectory()) {
if (!target.exists() && !target.mkdir()) {
continue; // give up on this branch
} else if (target.exists() && !target.isDirectory()) {
// ouch, there is a file where we need a directory
// that must be deleted.
if (!target.mkdir()) {
continue; // give up on branch
restore(target, bu, unrestorable);
} else {
// do not restore the dummies (as they are used to trigger creation of
// empty directories and are not wanted in the restored location.
if (bu.getName().equals(dummyName)) {
restoreCounter++; // count of the restored directory in this case.
// if the original was overwritten by something and this file was not
// removed, it needs to be deleted now. If it can't be deleted, the
// renameTo will fail, and the bu is reported as not restorable.
// fullyDelete will remove a directory completely - we are restoring a file so it can
// not be kept.
if (target.exists())
// rename if possible, but must copy if not possible to just rename
if (!bu.renameTo(target)) {
// did not work to rename, probably because of volume boundaries. Try to copy instead,
try {
Util.copyStream(new FileInputStream(bu), true, new FileOutputStream(target), true);
restoreCounter++; // consider it restored
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (!bu.delete()) { // cleanup
// could not remove the backup after copy - log, safe to remove manually
logWarning(NLS.bind(Messages.BackupStore_can_not_delete_tmp_file, bu.getAbsolutePath()));
} else
* Restores everything backed up in the buRoot. Responsible for decoding the specially named root
* target directories (i.e. _/, __/, C/, etc.) into the real system names.
* @param buRoot
* @param unrestorable
private void restoreRoots(File buRoot, Set<File> unrestorable) {
File[] children = buRoot.listFiles();
if (children == null) { // error - can't read the backup directory
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
// Names are root-chars, or drive letters in the root bu directory
String name = children[i].getName();
String rName = name;
String prefix = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
while (rName.startsWith(ROOTCHAR)) {
prefix += File.separator;
rName = rName.substring(1);
if (prefix.length() < 1) {
// The name is a drive name
rName = rName + ":" + File.separator; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else
rName = prefix + rName;
// File root = new File(rName);
File bu = new File(buRoot, name);
File target = new File(rName);
if (!bu.isDirectory()) {
// the roots should all be directories - so this can only happen if someone manually
// stored files in the backup root - mark them as unrestorable and continue.
// the backup roots are system roots, and can not be created - but check root is directory and exists.
// (Network drives could have gone away etc).
if (!(target.exists() && target.isDirectory())) {
continue; // give up on this branch
// then perform a recursive restore
restore(target, bu, unrestorable);
private void restoreRenamedFiles(Set<File> unrestorable) {
for (Entry<String, String> entry : renamedInPlace.entrySet()) {
File bu = new File(entry.getValue());
if (!bu.renameTo(new File(entry.getKey())))
private static long msCounter = 0;
* Generates a unique hex string by taking currentTimeMillis + sequence
* number at the end allowing for 32 numbers to be generated per ms.
* This is sufficient uniqueness in the same VM. (And is still just a fallback solution
* if there is no access to a TCP port)
* To make number unique over multiple VMs - the PID of the process would be enough, but
* it is complicated to get hold of - a separate program must be launched and its PPID
* investigated. There is no standard API in Java to get the PID. Instead, a socket port is bound
* to ensure local uniqueness.
* To make number unique across multiple hosts (we may be provisioning over NFS), the
* 48 LS bits of the IP address is used (this is more than enough for an IPv4 address).
* (If there is no IP address, the machine is not on a
* network) - unfortunately the MAC address can not be used as this requires Java 6 (where
* there also is a UUID that should be used instead of this method).
* This method needs to be modified when IPv6 addressing is the norm - at that time, the
* restriction on Java 1.4 has hopefully been lifted, and it is possible to use the MAC address,
* or the UUID provided since java 1.6
* @return a unique string
private String genUnique() {
// use 5 LSB bits for counter within ms - i.e. 32 instances can be created
// per millisecond.
long timePart = (System.currentTimeMillis() << 5) | (msCounter++ & 31);
// can't use the MAC address - but take IP address if provisioning across NFS
long ipPart = 0;
try {
// the returned address can be 32 bits IPv4, or 128 bits IPv6 (?)
// In any case use the LSB bits (as many as will fit
byte[] address = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getAddress();
for (int i = 0; i < address.length; i++)
ipPart = ((ipPart << 8) | (address[i] & 0xff));
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
// there is no IP address, and there and hence no concurrency from other machines.
// use the default ip part 0
int port = 0;
try {
// TODO: this should be replaced by InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress() when 1.7 compatibility is OK
// on a system where solely IPv6 is available this address resolution will fail:
socket = new ServerSocket(0, 1, InetAddress.getByName("")); //$NON-NLS-1$
port = socket.getLocalPort();
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
if (socket != null)
} catch (IOException e1) { // ignore failure to close -
// use a random number as port in this case
port = new Random().nextInt() & 0xffff;
// port is never > 0xffff
long aPart = (ipPart << 16) | (port & 0xffff);
return Long.toHexString(timePart) + "_" + Long.toHexString(aPart); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Turns a file into a "relativized" absolute file.
* A leading "root" is transformed to the ROOTCHAR character. On Windows, network mapped drives starts
* with two separators - and are encoded as two ROOTCHAR.
* e.g.
* \\Host\C$\File becomes __\Host\C$\File
* /users/test/file becomes _/users/test/file
* C:/somewhere/file becomes C/somewhere/file
* @param file
* @return a relativized absolute abstract file
private File makeRelativeFromRoot(File file) {
File absolute = file.getAbsoluteFile();
String path = absolute.getPath();
String prefix = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
while (path.startsWith(File.separator)) {
prefix += ROOTCHAR;
path = path.substring(1);
if (prefix.length() > 0) {
path = prefix + File.separator + path;
return new File(path);
// it is a windows drive letter first.
// Transform C:/foo to C/foo
int idx = path.indexOf(":"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (idx < 1)
throw new InternalError("File is neither absolute nor has a drive name: " + path); //$NON-NLS-1$
path = path.substring(0, idx) + path.substring(idx + 1);
return new File(path);
* The parent path may include ".." as a directory name - this must be made canonical. But if the file itself is
* a symbolic link, it should not be resolved.
private File makeParentCanonical(File file) throws IOException {
return new File(file.getParentFile().getCanonicalFile(), file.getName());