blob: 18ef7611922e8c88b59b1f1d67f7891fc4660528 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 IBM Corporation and others. All rights reserved. This
* program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of
* the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
* available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.ConfigurationScope;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.core.helpers.*;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.artifact.repository.*;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.core.ProvisionException;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.core.eventbus.IProvisioningEventBus;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.core.eventbus.ProvisioningListener;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.core.location.AgentLocation;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.core.repository.IRepository;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.core.repository.RepositoryEvent;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.metadata.IArtifactKey;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.spi.p2.artifact.repository.IArtifactRepositoryFactory;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.osgi.service.prefs.BackingStoreException;
import org.osgi.service.prefs.Preferences;
* Default implementation of {@link IArtifactRepositoryManager}.
* TODO the current assumption that the "location" is the dir/root limits us to
* having just one repository in a given URL..
* TODO Merge common parts with MetadataRepositoryManager
public class ArtifactRepositoryManager extends AbstractRepositoryManager implements IArtifactRepositoryManager, ProvisioningListener {
static class RepositoryInfo {
String description;
boolean isSystem = false;
boolean isEnabled = true;
URL location;
String name;
String suffix;
SoftReference repository;
private static final String ATTR_SUFFIX = "suffix"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "artifacts.xml"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_FACTORY = "factory"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EL_FILTER = "filter"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String KEY_DESCRIPTION = "description"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String KEY_ENABLED = "enabled"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String KEY_NAME = "name"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String KEY_PROVIDER = "provider"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String KEY_SUFFIX = "suffix"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String KEY_SYSTEM = "isSystem"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String KEY_TYPE = "type"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String KEY_URL = "url"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String KEY_VERSION = "version"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String NODE_REPOSITORIES = "repositories"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Map of String->RepositoryInfo, where String is the repository key
* obtained via getKey(URL).
private Map repositories = null;
//lock object to be held when referring to the repositories field
private final Object repositoryLock = new Object();
* Cache List of repositories that are not reachable. Maintain cache
* for short duration because repository may become available at any time.
private SoftReference unavailableRepositories;
public ArtifactRepositoryManager() {
IProvisioningEventBus bus = (IProvisioningEventBus) ServiceHelper.getService(Activator.getContext(), IProvisioningEventBus.class.getName());
if (bus != null)
//initialize repositories lazily
public void addRepository(IArtifactRepository repository) {
addRepository(repository, true, null);
private void addRepository(IArtifactRepository repository, boolean signalAdd, String suffix) {
boolean added = true;
synchronized (repositoryLock) {
if (repositories == null)
String key = getKey(repository);
RepositoryInfo info = (RepositoryInfo) repositories.get(key);
if (info == null)
info = new RepositoryInfo();
info.repository = new SoftReference(repository); = repository.getName();
info.description = repository.getDescription();
info.location = repository.getLocation();
String value = (String) repository.getProperties().get(IRepository.PROP_SYSTEM);
info.isSystem = value == null ? false : Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue();
info.suffix = suffix;
added = repositories.put(getKey(repository), info) == null;
// save the given repository in the preferences.
remember(repository, suffix);
if (added && signalAdd)
broadcastChangeEvent(repository.getLocation(), IRepository.TYPE_METADATA, RepositoryEvent.ADDED);
public void addRepository(URL location) {
addRepository(location, true);
private void addRepository(URL location, boolean isEnabled) {
RepositoryInfo info = new RepositoryInfo();
info.location = location;
info.isEnabled = isEnabled;
boolean added = true;
synchronized (repositoryLock) {
if (repositories == null)
added = repositories.put(getKey(location), info) == null;
// save the given repository in the preferences.
if (added)
broadcastChangeEvent(location, IRepository.TYPE_ARTIFACT, RepositoryEvent.ADDED);
* Check if we recently attempted to load the given location and failed
* to find anything. Returns <code>true</code> if the repository was not
* found, and <code>false</code> otherwise.
private boolean checkNotFound(URL location) {
if (unavailableRepositories == null)
return false;
List badRepos = (List) unavailableRepositories.get();
if (badRepos == null)
return false;
return badRepos.contains(location);
* Clear the fact that we tried to load a repository at this location and did not find anything.
private void clearNotFound(URL location) {
List badRepos;
if (unavailableRepositories != null) {
badRepos = (List) unavailableRepositories.get();
if (badRepos != null) {
public IArtifactRequest createDownloadRequest(IArtifactKey key, IPath destination) {
return new FileDownloadRequest(key, destination);
private Object createExecutableExtension(IExtension extension, String element) {
IConfigurationElement[] elements = extension.getConfigurationElements();
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (elements[i].getName().equals(element)) {
try {
return elements[i].createExecutableExtension("class"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (CoreException e) {
log("Error loading repository extension: " + extension.getUniqueIdentifier(), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
log("Malformed repository extension: " + extension.getUniqueIdentifier(), null); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
public IArtifactRequest createMirrorRequest(IArtifactKey key, IArtifactRepository destination) {
return createMirrorRequest(key, destination, null, null);
public IArtifactRequest createMirrorRequest(IArtifactKey key, IArtifactRepository destination, Properties destinationDescriptorProperties, Properties destinationRepositoryProperties) {
return new MirrorRequest(key, destination, destinationDescriptorProperties, destinationRepositoryProperties);
public IArtifactRepository createRepository(URL location, String name, String type, Map properties) throws ProvisionException {
boolean loaded = false;
try {
loadRepository(location, (IProgressMonitor) null, type, true);
loaded = true;
} catch (ProvisionException e) {
//expected - fall through and create a new repository
if (loaded)
fail(location, ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_EXISTS);
IExtension extension = RegistryFactory.getRegistry().getExtension(Activator.REPO_PROVIDER_XPT, type);
if (extension == null)
fail(location, ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_UNKNOWN_TYPE);
IArtifactRepositoryFactory factory = (IArtifactRepositoryFactory) createExecutableExtension(extension, EL_FACTORY);
if (factory == null)
fail(location, ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_FAILED_READ);
IArtifactRepository result = factory.create(location, name, type, properties);
if (result == null)
fail(location, ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_FAILED_READ);
return result;
private void fail(URL location, int code) throws ProvisionException {
String msg = null;
switch (code) {
case ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_EXISTS :
msg = NLS.bind(Messages.repoMan_exists, location);
case ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_UNKNOWN_TYPE :
msg = NLS.bind(Messages.repoMan_unknownType, location);
case ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_FAILED_READ :
msg = NLS.bind(Messages.repoMan_failedRead, location);
case ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND :
msg = NLS.bind(Messages.repoMan_notExists, location);
if (msg == null)
msg = Messages.repoMan_internalError;
throw new ProvisionException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, code, msg, null));
private IExtension[] findMatchingRepositoryExtensions(String suffix, String type) {
IConfigurationElement[] elt = null;
if (type != null && type.length() > 0) {
IExtension ext = RegistryFactory.getRegistry().getExtension(Activator.REPO_PROVIDER_XPT, type);
elt = (ext != null) ? ext.getConfigurationElements() : new IConfigurationElement[0];
} else {
elt = RegistryFactory.getRegistry().getConfigurationElementsFor(Activator.REPO_PROVIDER_XPT);
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < elt.length; i++) {
if (EL_FILTER.equals(elt[i].getName())) {
if (!suffix.equals(elt[i].getAttribute(ATTR_SUFFIX))) {
elt[i] = null;
} else {
} else {
elt[i] = null;
IExtension[] results = new IExtension[count];
for (int i = 0; i < elt.length; i++) {
if (elt[i] != null)
results[--count] = elt[i].getDeclaringExtension();
return results;
private String[] getAllSuffixes() {
IConfigurationElement[] elements = RegistryFactory.getRegistry().getConfigurationElementsFor(Activator.REPO_PROVIDER_XPT);
ArrayList result = new ArrayList(elements.length);
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (elements[i].getName().equals(EL_FILTER)) {
String suffix = elements[i].getAttribute(ATTR_SUFFIX);
if (!result.contains(suffix))
return (String[]) result.toArray(new String[result.size()]);
* Return an encoded repository key that is suitable for using
* as the name of a preference node.
private String getKey(IArtifactRepository repository) {
return getKey(repository.getLocation());
* Return a string key based on the given repository location which
* is suitable for use as a preference node name.
private String getKey(URL location) {
return location.toExternalForm().replace('/', '_');
public URL[] getKnownRepositories(int flags) {
synchronized (repositoryLock) {
if (repositories == null)
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
int i = 0;
for (Iterator it = repositories.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) {
RepositoryInfo info = (RepositoryInfo);
if (matchesFlags(info, flags))
return (URL[]) result.toArray(new URL[result.size()]);
* Return the root preference node where we store the repository information.
private Preferences getPreferences() {
return new ConfigurationScope().getNode(Activator.ID).node(NODE_REPOSITORIES);
public IArtifactRepository getRepository(URL location) {
synchronized (repositoryLock) {
if (repositories == null)
for (Iterator it = repositories.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
RepositoryInfo info = (RepositoryInfo);
if (URLUtil.sameURL(info.location, location)) {
if (info.repository == null)
return null;
IArtifactRepository repo = (IArtifactRepository) info.repository.get();
//update our repository info because the repository may have changed
if (repo != null)
return repo;
return null;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.artifact.repository.IArtifactRepositoryManager#getRepositoryProperty(, java.lang.String)
public String getRepositoryProperty(URL location, String key) {
synchronized (repositoryLock) {
if (repositories == null)
for (Iterator it = repositories.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
RepositoryInfo info = (RepositoryInfo);
if (URLUtil.sameURL(info.location, location)) {
if (IRepository.PROP_DESCRIPTION.equals(key))
return info.description;
if (IRepository.PROP_NAME.equals(key))
// Key not known, return null
return null;
// Repository not found, return null
return null;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.artifact.repository.IArtifactRepositoryManager#getEnabled(
public boolean isEnabled(URL location) {
synchronized (repositoryLock) {
if (repositories == null)
for (Iterator it = repositories.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
RepositoryInfo info = (RepositoryInfo);
if (URLUtil.sameURL(info.location, location)) {
return info.isEnabled;
// Repository not found, return false
return false;
public IArtifactRepository loadRepository(URL location, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws ProvisionException {
return loadRepository(location, monitor, null, true);
private IArtifactRepository loadRepository(URL location, IProgressMonitor monitor, String type, boolean signalAdd) throws ProvisionException {
// TODO do something with the monitor
IArtifactRepository result = getRepository(location);
if (result != null)
return result;
if (checkNotFound(location))
fail(location, ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND);
String[] suffixes = sortSuffixes(getAllSuffixes(), location);
SubMonitor sub = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, suffixes.length * 100);
for (int i = 0; i < suffixes.length; i++) {
result = loadRepository(location, suffixes[i], type, sub.newChild(100));
if (result != null) {
addRepository(result, signalAdd, suffixes[i]);
return result;
fail(location, ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND);
return null;
private IArtifactRepository loadRepository(URL location, String suffix, String type, SubMonitor monitor) {
IExtension[] providers = findMatchingRepositoryExtensions(suffix, type);
// Loop over the candidates and return the first one that successfully loads
monitor.beginTask("", providers.length * 10); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < providers.length; i++)
try {
IArtifactRepositoryFactory factory = (IArtifactRepositoryFactory) createExecutableExtension(providers[i], EL_FACTORY);
if (factory != null)
return factory.load(location, monitor.newChild(10));
} catch (CoreException e) {
if (e.getStatus().getCode() != ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND)
log("Unable to load repository: " + location, e); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
protected void log(String message, Throwable t) {
LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, message, t));
private boolean matchesFlags(RepositoryInfo info, int flags) {
if (!info.isSystem)
return false;
if (info.isSystem)
return false;
if (info.isEnabled)
return false;
} else {
//ignore disabled repositories for all other flag types
if (!info.isEnabled)
return false;
return "file".equals(info.location.getProtocol()); //$NON-NLS-1$
return true;
* @see org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.core.eventbus.ProvisioningListener#notify(java.util.EventObject)
public void notify(EventObject o) {
if (o instanceof RepositoryEvent) {
RepositoryEvent event = (RepositoryEvent) o;
if (event.getKind() == RepositoryEvent.DISCOVERED && event.getRepositoryType() == IRepository.TYPE_ARTIFACT)
addRepository(event.getRepositoryLocation(), event.isRepositoryEnabled());
* Sets a preference and returns <code>true</code> if the preference
* was actually changed.
private boolean putValue(Preferences node, String key, String newValue) {
String oldValue = node.get(key, null);
if (oldValue == newValue || (oldValue != null && oldValue.equals(newValue)))
return false;
if (newValue == null)
node.put(key, newValue);
return true;
public IArtifactRepository refreshRepository(URL location, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws ProvisionException {
if (!removeRepository(location))
fail(location, ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND);
return loadRepository(location, monitor, null, false);
* Add the given repository object to the preferences and save.
private void remember(IArtifactRepository repository, String suffix) {
boolean changed = false;
Preferences node = getPreferences().node(getKey(repository));
changed |= putValue(node, KEY_URL, repository.getLocation().toExternalForm());
changed |= putValue(node, KEY_DESCRIPTION, repository.getDescription());
changed |= putValue(node, KEY_NAME, repository.getName());
changed |= putValue(node, KEY_PROVIDER, repository.getProvider());
changed |= putValue(node, KEY_TYPE, repository.getType());
changed |= putValue(node, KEY_VERSION, repository.getVersion());
changed |= putValue(node, KEY_SYSTEM, (String) repository.getProperties().get(IRepository.PROP_SYSTEM));
changed |= putValue(node, KEY_SUFFIX, suffix);
if (changed)
* Save the list of repositories in the preference store.
private void remember(RepositoryInfo info) {
boolean changed = false;
Preferences node = getPreferences().node(getKey(info.location));
changed |= putValue(node, KEY_URL, info.location.toExternalForm());
changed |= putValue(node, KEY_SYSTEM, Boolean.toString(info.isSystem));
changed |= putValue(node, KEY_DESCRIPTION, info.description);
changed |= putValue(node, KEY_NAME,;
changed |= putValue(node, KEY_ENABLED, Boolean.toString(info.isEnabled));
changed |= putValue(node, KEY_SUFFIX, info.suffix);
if (changed)
* Cache the fact that we tried to load a repository at this location and did not find anything.
private void rememberNotFound(URL location) {
List badRepos;
if (unavailableRepositories != null) {
badRepos = (List) unavailableRepositories.get();
if (badRepos != null) {
badRepos = new ArrayList();
unavailableRepositories = new SoftReference(badRepos);
public boolean removeRepository(URL toRemove) {
final String repoKey = getKey(toRemove);
synchronized (repositoryLock) {
if (repositories == null)
if (repositories.remove(repoKey) == null)
return false;
// remove the repository from the preference store
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
log("Error saving preferences", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
broadcastChangeEvent(toRemove, IRepository.TYPE_ARTIFACT, RepositoryEvent.REMOVED);
return true;
private void restoreDownloadCache() {
// TODO while recreating, we may want to have proxies on repo instead of the real repo object to limit what is activated.
AgentLocation location = (AgentLocation) ServiceHelper.getService(Activator.getContext(), AgentLocation.class.getName());
if (location == null)
// TODO should do something here since we are failing to restore.
try {
loadRepository(location.getArtifactRepositoryURL(), null);
} catch (ProvisionException e) {
// log but still continue and try to create a new one
if (e.getStatus().getCode() != ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND)
LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, "Error occurred while loading download cache.", e)); //$NON-NLS-1$
try {
Map properties = new HashMap(1);
properties.put(IRepository.PROP_SYSTEM, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
createRepository(location.getArtifactRepositoryURL(), "download cache", TYPE_SIMPLE_REPOSITORY, properties); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (ProvisionException e) {
* Load the list of repositories from the preferences.
private void restoreFromPreferences() {
// restore the list of repositories from the preference store
Preferences node = getPreferences();
String[] children;
try {
children = node.childrenNames();
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
log("Error restoring repositories from preferences", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
Preferences child = node.node(children[i]);
String locationString = child.get(KEY_URL, null);
if (locationString == null)
try {
RepositoryInfo info = new RepositoryInfo();
info.location = new URL(locationString); = child.get(KEY_NAME, null);
info.description = child.get(KEY_DESCRIPTION, null);
info.isSystem = child.getBoolean(KEY_SYSTEM, false);
info.isEnabled = child.getBoolean(KEY_ENABLED, true);
info.suffix = child.get(KEY_SUFFIX, null);
repositories.put(getKey(info.location), info);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
log("Error while restoring repository: " + locationString, e); //$NON-NLS-1$
// now that we have loaded everything, remember them
private void restoreFromSystemProperty() {
String locationString = Activator.getContext().getProperty("eclipse.p2.artifactRepository"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (locationString != null) {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(locationString, ","); //$NON-NLS-1$
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
try {
addRepository(new URL(tokenizer.nextToken()));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
log("Error while restoring repository " + locationString, e); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Restores the repository list.
protected void restoreRepositories() {
synchronized (repositoryLock) {
repositories = new HashMap();
* Save the list of repositories to the file-system.
private void saveToPreferences() {
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
log("Error while saving repositories in preferences", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
* @see org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.artifact.repository.IArtifactRepositoryManager#setEnabled(, boolean)
public void setEnabled(URL location, boolean enablement) {
synchronized (repositoryLock) {
if (repositories == null)
RepositoryInfo info = (RepositoryInfo) repositories.get(getKey(location));
if (info == null || info.isEnabled == enablement)
info.isEnabled = enablement;
* Optimize the order in which repository suffixes are searched by trying
* the last successfully loaded suffix first.
private String[] sortSuffixes(String[] suffixes, URL location) {
synchronized (repositoryLock) {
if (repositories == null)
RepositoryInfo info = (RepositoryInfo) repositories.get(getKey(location));
if (info == null || info.suffix == null)
return suffixes;
//move lastSuffix to the front of the list but preserve order of remaining entries
String lastSuffix = info.suffix;
for (int i = 0; i < suffixes.length; i++) {
if (lastSuffix.equals(suffixes[i])) {
System.arraycopy(suffixes, 0, suffixes, 1, i);
suffixes[0] = lastSuffix;
return suffixes;
return suffixes;