blob: b5cc328f56cb834e77555684df4e5b4ad476ea55 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Eclipse contributors and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact.spi;
import java.util.*;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKey;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.UIServices;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.UIServices.TrustInfo;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.IArtifactKey;
* An interface optionally implemented by {@link UIServices} to provide richer
* information for the users. In particular, the users often wish to know which
* artifacts are signed by which certificates or which keys when they are
* {@link UIServices#getTrustInfo(Certificate[][], Collection, String[])
* prompted} whether to trust such certificates or keys.
* @since 2.6
* @see UIServices#getTrustInfo(Certificate[][], Collection, String[])
public interface IArtifactUIServices {
* Opens a UI prompt to capture information about trusted content.
* @param untrustedCertificateChains a map from untrusted certificate chains to
* the set of keys of the artifacts signed by
* that chain.
* @param untrustedPGPKeys a map of untrusted PGP public keys to the
* set of keys of the artifacts signed by that
* key.
* @param unsignedArtifacts a set of keys of the artifacts that are not
* signed.
* @param artifactFiles a map from artifact keys to the file
* associated with that artifact key.
* @return the TrustInfo that describes the user's choices for trusting
* certificates, keys, and unsigned content.
* @see #getTrustInfo(UIServices, Map, Map, Set, Map)
* @see UIServices
TrustInfo getTrustInfo( //
Map<List<Certificate>, Set<IArtifactKey>> untrustedCertificateChains, //
Map<PGPPublicKey, Set<IArtifactKey>> untrustedPGPKeys, //
Set<IArtifactKey> unsignedArtifacts, //
Map<IArtifactKey, File> artifactFiles);
* Opens a UI prompt to capture information about trusted content. This
* implementation is useful for delegating to an old-style
* {@link UIServices#getTrustInfo(Certificate[][], Collection, String[])
* UIServices implementation} that does not support the IArtifactUIServices
* interface.
* @param uiServices the delegate UI services.
* @param untrustedCertificateChains a map from untrusted certificate chains to
* the set of keys of the artifacts signed by
* that chain.
* @param untrustedPGPKeys a map of untrusted PGP public keys to the
* set of keys of the artifacts signed by that
* key.
* @param unsignedArtifacts a set of keys of the artifacts that are not
* signed.
* @param artifactFiles a map from artifact keys to the file
* associated with that artifact key.
* @return the TrustInfo that describes the user's choices for trusting
* certificates, keys, and unsigned content.
* @see #getTrustInfo(Map, Map, Set, Map)
* @see UIServices#getTrustInfo(Certificate[][], Collection, String[])
static TrustInfo getTrustInfo(UIServices uiServices, //
Map<List<Certificate>, Set<IArtifactKey>> untrustedCertificateChains, //
Map<PGPPublicKey, Set<IArtifactKey>> untrustedPGPKeys, //
Set<IArtifactKey> unsignedArtifacts, //
Map<IArtifactKey, File> artifactFiles) {
Certificate[][] unTrustedCertificateChainsArray = untrustedCertificateChains.keySet().stream()
.map(c -> c.toArray(Certificate[]::new)).toArray(Certificate[][]::new);
String[] details = unsignedArtifacts.isEmpty() ? null
return uiServices.getTrustInfo(unTrustedCertificateChainsArray, untrustedPGPKeys.keySet(), details);