blob: f74824a10d158c7a960a8b17a1d844aab7b44358 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2017 Cloudsmith Inc. and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Cloudsmith Inc. - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.equinox.p2.tests.ql;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.*;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.expression.*;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.query.*;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.metadata.IMetadataRepository;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.tests.AbstractProvisioningTest;
public class TestQueryReimplementation extends AbstractProvisioningTest {
public static class UpdateQuery extends ExpressionMatchQuery<IInstallableUnit> {
private static final IExpression expr1;
private static final IExpression expr2;
static {
IExpressionParser parser = ExpressionUtil.getParser();
// This expression is used in case the updateFrom is an IInstallableUnitPatch
expr1 = parser.parse("$0 ~= updateDescriptor && ($ != id || $0.version < version)");
// When updateFrom is not an IInstallableUnitPatch, we need to do one of two things depending
// on if the current item is an InstallableUnitPatch or not.
expr2 = parser.parse("this ~= class('org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.IInstallableUnitPatch')" + //
"? $0 ~= lifeCycle" + //
": $0 ~= updateDescriptor && ($ != id || $0.version < version)");
public UpdateQuery(IInstallableUnit updateFrom) {
super(IInstallableUnit.class, ExpressionUtil.getFactory().matchExpression(updateFrom instanceof IInstallableUnitPatch ? expr1 : expr2, updateFrom, IInstallableUnitPatch.class));
public static class IUPropertyQuery extends ExpressionMatchQuery<IInstallableUnit> {
private static final IExpression expr = ExpressionUtil.getParser().parse("properties[$0] == $1");
public IUPropertyQuery(String propertyName, String propertyValue) {
super(IInstallableUnit.class, ExpressionUtil.getFactory().matchExpression(expr, propertyName, propertyValue));
public static class InstallableUnitQuery extends ExpressionMatchQuery<IInstallableUnit> {
* A convenience query that will match any {@link IInstallableUnit}
* it encounters.
public static final IQuery<IInstallableUnit> ANY = QueryUtil.createMatchQuery("");
private static final IExpression idVersionQuery;
private static final IExpression idRangeQuery;
static {
IExpressionParser parser = ExpressionUtil.getParser();
idVersionQuery = parser.parse("($0 == null || $0 == id) && ($1 == null || $1 == version)");
idRangeQuery = parser.parse("($0 == null || $0 == id) && ($1 == null || version ~= $1)");
* Creates a query that will match any {@link IInstallableUnit} with the given
* id, regardless of version.
* @param id The installable unit id to match, or <code>null</code> to match any id
public InstallableUnitQuery(String id) {
this(id, (Version) null);
* Creates a query that will match any {@link IInstallableUnit} with the given
* id, and whose version falls in the provided range.
* @param id The installable unit id to match, or <code>null</code> to match any id
* @param range The version range to match
public InstallableUnitQuery(String id, VersionRange range) {
super(IInstallableUnit.class, ExpressionUtil.getFactory().matchExpression(idRangeQuery, id, range));
* Creates a query that will match any {@link IInstallableUnit} with the given
* id and version.
* @param id The installable unit id to match, or <code>null</code> to match any id
* @param version The precise version that a matching unit must have
public InstallableUnitQuery(String id, Version version) {
super(IInstallableUnit.class, ExpressionUtil.getFactory().matchExpression(idVersionQuery, id, version));
* Creates a query that will match any {@link IInstallableUnit} with the given
* id and version.
* @param versionedId The precise id/version combination that a matching unit must have
public InstallableUnitQuery(IVersionedId versionedId) {
this(versionedId.getId(), versionedId.getVersion());
private IInstallableUnit a1;
private IInstallableUnit updateOfA;
private IInstallableUnit a11;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
a1 = createIU("A", Version.create("2.0.0"));
IUpdateDescriptor update = MetadataFactory.createUpdateDescriptor("A", new VersionRange("[2.0.0, 2.0.0]"), 0, "update description");
updateOfA = createIU("UpdateA", Version.createOSGi(1, 0, 0), null, NO_REQUIRES, NO_PROVIDES, NO_PROPERTIES, null, NO_TP_DATA, false, update, NO_REQUIRES);
a11 = createIUUpdate();
public void testUpdateWithDifferentId() {
IMetadataRepository repo = createTestMetdataRepository(new IInstallableUnit[] {a1, updateOfA});
IQueryResult<IInstallableUnit> c = repo.query(new UpdateQuery(a1), null);
assertEquals(1, queryResultSize(c));
assertEquals(updateOfA, c.iterator().next());
public void testWithSuperiorVersion() {
IMetadataRepository repo2 = createTestMetdataRepository(new IInstallableUnit[] {a11, a1});
IQueryResult<IInstallableUnit> c2 = repo2.query(new UpdateQuery(a1), null);
assertEquals(1, queryResultSize(c2));
assertEquals(a11, c2.iterator().next());
private IInstallableUnit createIUUpdate() {
return createIU("A", Version.create("2.1.0"), null, NO_REQUIRES, NO_PROVIDES, NO_PROPERTIES, ITouchpointType.NONE, NO_TP_DATA, false, MetadataFactory.createUpdateDescriptor("A", new VersionRange("[2.0.0, 2.1.0]"), 0, "update description"), null);