blob: 92485b30e6a00cefe2dc329a145ebbad9cbcce5c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Cloudsmith Inc - ongoing development
package org.eclipse.equinox.p2.tests.touchpoint.natives;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.natives.NativeTouchpoint;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.natives.actions.ActionConstants;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.natives.actions.ChmodAction;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine.IProfile;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.tests.AbstractProvisioningTest;
public class ChmodActionTest extends AbstractProvisioningTest {
public ChmodActionTest(String name) {
public ChmodActionTest() {
public void testExecuteUndo() {
Properties profileProperties = new Properties();
File installFolder = getTempFolder();
profileProperties.setProperty(IProfile.PROP_INSTALL_FOLDER, installFolder.toString());
IProfile profile = createProfile("testExecuteUndo", profileProperties);
File zipSource = getTestData("1.0", "/testData/nativeTouchpoint/");
File zipTarget = new File(installFolder, "");
copy("2.0", zipSource, zipTarget);
File subDir = new File(installFolder, "subfolder");
File zipTarget2 = new File(subDir, "");
copy("3.0", zipSource, zipTarget2);
Map parameters = new HashMap();
parameters.put(ActionConstants.PARM_PROFILE, profile);
NativeTouchpoint touchpoint = new NativeTouchpoint();
touchpoint.initializePhase(null, profile, "testExecuteUndo", parameters);
parameters.put(ActionConstants.PARM_TARGET_DIR, installFolder.getAbsolutePath());
parameters.put(ActionConstants.PARM_TARGET_FILE, "");
parameters.put(ActionConstants.PARM_PERMISSIONS, "+x");
Map xparameters = Collections.unmodifiableMap(parameters);
// TODO: We need a way to verify
// one idea is to run an executable here (or chmod with -w, -r and then test that files are unreadable
// and unwriteable. But, that would make this test fail on non UN*X.
// This is currently just going through the paces to check for any runtime exceptions
ChmodAction action = new ChmodAction();
// does nothing so should not alter parameters
// make a recursive run as well...
action = new ChmodAction();
parameters.put(ActionConstants.PARM_OPTIONS, "-R"); // recursive
parameters.put(ActionConstants.PARM_TARGET_FILE, "subfolder");
xparameters = Collections.unmodifiableMap(parameters);
// and one with two parameters
action = new ChmodAction();
parameters.put(ActionConstants.PARM_OPTIONS, "-R -H"); // recursive, modify symlinks (follow link).
parameters.put(ActionConstants.PARM_TARGET_FILE, "subfolder");
parameters.put(ActionConstants.PARM_PERMISSIONS, "700");
xparameters = Collections.unmodifiableMap(parameters);
// and check one that should fail
action = new ChmodAction();
parameters.put(ActionConstants.PARM_TARGET_FILE, "JimmyHoffa");
parameters.put(ActionConstants.PARM_PERMISSIONS, "700");
xparameters = Collections.unmodifiableMap(parameters);
IStatus result = action.execute(xparameters);
assertFalse("Missing file should result in error", result.isOK());