blob: bd983ae860850c34b8f07edd73c9c9a06b3523fa [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2010 Code 9 and others. All rights reserved. This
* program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of
* the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
* available at
* Contributors:
* Code 9 - initial API and implementation
* IBM - ongoing development
package org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.updatesite;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.IPublisherAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.core.helpers.Tracing;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.*;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
* A publishing action that processes a remote (URL-based) update site and generates
* metadata and artifacts for the features, bundles and site index (categories etc). The
* IUs generated for the bundles are "partial" as the bundles themselves are not downloaded.
public class RemoteUpdateSiteAction implements IPublisherAction {
private UpdateSite updateSite;
private final String categoryQualifier;
* Creates a local remote updatesite publisher action from an UpdateSite
* @param updateSite The UpdateSite to use
* @param categoryQualifier The qualifier to prepend to categories. This qualifier is used
* to ensure that the category IDs are unique between update sites. If <b>null</b> a default
* qualifier will be generated
public RemoteUpdateSiteAction(UpdateSite updateSite, String categoryQualifier) {
this.updateSite = updateSite;
this.categoryQualifier = categoryQualifier;
public IStatus perform(IPublisherInfo info, IPublisherResult results, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
Tracing.debug("Generating metadata for update site: " + updateSite.getLocation()); //$NON-NLS-1$
IPublisherAction[] actions = createActions();
MultiStatus finalStatus = new MultiStatus(this.getClass().getName(), 0, NLS.bind(Messages.Error_Generation, updateSite != null ? updateSite.getLocation().toString() : "Unknown"), null); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
if (monitor.isCanceled())
return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
finalStatus.merge(actions[i].perform(info, results, monitor));
Tracing.debug("Generation for update site complete: " + updateSite.getLocation()); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!finalStatus.isOK())
return finalStatus;
return Status.OK_STATUS;
protected IPublisherAction[] createActions() {
ArrayList<IPublisherAction> result = new ArrayList<IPublisherAction>();
result.add(new RemoteFeaturesAction(updateSite));
return result.toArray(new IPublisherAction[result.size()]);
private IPublisherAction createSiteXMLAction() {
return new SiteXMLAction(updateSite, categoryQualifier);