blob: aabf3db8b3a627d568eb1acc1e24b82a0ef35e21 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2018 Code 9 and others.
* This
* program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of
* the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
* available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Code 9 - initial API and implementation
* IBM - ongoing development
* SAP AG - make optional dependencies non-greedy by default; allow setting greedy through directive (bug 247099)
* Red Hat Inc. - Bug 460967
package org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.eclipse;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.equinox.frameworkadmin.BundleInfo;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.core.helpers.LogHelper;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.ArtifactKey;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.publisher.Messages;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.publisher.eclipse.GeneratorBundleInfo;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.*;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.MetadataFactory.InstallableUnitDescription;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.MetadataFactory.InstallableUnitFragmentDescription;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.VersionRange;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.expression.IMatchExpression;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.*;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.actions.*;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.query.IQueryResult;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact.IArtifactDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact.IArtifactRepository;
import org.eclipse.equinox.spi.p2.publisher.LocalizationHelper;
import org.eclipse.equinox.spi.p2.publisher.PublisherHelper;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.util.Headers;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.*;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.ManifestElement;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.pde.internal.publishing.Activator;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleException;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleRequirement;
import org.osgi.resource.Namespace;
* Publish IUs for all of the bundles in a given set of locations or described
* by a set of bundle descriptions. The locations can be actual locations of the
* bundles or folders of bundles.
* This action consults the following types of advice:
* </ul>
* <li>{@link IAdditionalInstallableUnitAdvice }</li>
* <li>{@link IBundleShapeAdvice}</li>
* <li>{@link ICapabilityAdvice}</li>
* <li>{@link IPropertyAdvice}</li>
* <li>{@link ITouchpointAdvice}</li>
* </ul>
public class BundlesAction extends AbstractPublisherAction {
* A capability name in the {@link PublisherHelper#NAMESPACE_ECLIPSE_TYPE}
* namespace representing and OSGi bundle resource
* @see IProvidedCapability#getName()
public static final String TYPE_ECLIPSE_BUNDLE = "bundle"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* A capability name in the {@link PublisherHelper#NAMESPACE_ECLIPSE_TYPE}
* namespace representing a source bundle
* @see IProvidedCapability#getName()
public static final String TYPE_ECLIPSE_SOURCE = "source"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String OSGI_BUNDLE_CLASSIFIER = "osgi.bundle"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String CAPABILITY_NS_OSGI_BUNDLE = "osgi.bundle"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String CAPABILITY_NS_OSGI_FRAGMENT = "osgi.fragment"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final IProvidedCapability BUNDLE_CAPABILITY = MetadataFactory.createProvidedCapability(
PublisherHelper.NAMESPACE_ECLIPSE_TYPE, TYPE_ECLIPSE_BUNDLE, Version.createOSGi(1, 0, 0));
public static final IProvidedCapability SOURCE_BUNDLE_CAPABILITY = MetadataFactory.createProvidedCapability(
PublisherHelper.NAMESPACE_ECLIPSE_TYPE, TYPE_ECLIPSE_SOURCE, Version.createOSGi(1, 0, 0));
static final String DEFAULT_BUNDLE_LOCALIZATION = "OSGI-INF/l10n/bundle"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String[] BUNDLE_IU_PROPERTY_MAP = { Constants.BUNDLE_NAME, IInstallableUnit.PROP_NAME,
public static final int BUNDLE_LOCALIZATION_INDEX = PublisherHelper.BUNDLE_LOCALIZED_PROPERTIES.length - 1;
public static final String DIR = "dir"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String JAR = "jar"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String BUNDLE_SHAPE = "Eclipse-BundleShape"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Manifest header directive for specifying how optional runtime requirements
* shall be handled during installation.
public static final String INSTALLATION_DIRECTIVE = "x-installation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Value for {@link #INSTALLATION_DIRECTIVE} indicating that an optional
* requirement shall be installed unless this is prevented by other mandatory
* requirements. Optional requirements without this directive value are ignored
* during installation.
public static final String INSTALLATION_GREEDY = "greedy"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private File[] locations;
private BundleDescription[] bundles;
protected MultiStatus finalStatus;
public static IArtifactKey createBundleArtifactKey(String bsn, String version) {
return new ArtifactKey(OSGI_BUNDLE_CLASSIFIER, bsn, Version.parseVersion(version));
public static IInstallableUnit createBundleConfigurationUnit(String hostId, Version cuVersion,
boolean isBundleFragment, GeneratorBundleInfo configInfo, String configurationFlavor,
IMatchExpression<IInstallableUnit> filter) {
if (configInfo == null)
return null;
InstallableUnitFragmentDescription cu = new InstallableUnitFragmentDescription();
String configUnitId = configurationFlavor + hostId;
// Indicate the IU to which this CU apply
Version hostVersion = Version.parseVersion(configInfo.getVersion());
VersionRange range = hostVersion == Version.emptyVersion ? VersionRange.emptyRange
: new VersionRange(hostVersion, true, Version.MAX_VERSION, true);
cu.setHost(new IRequirement[] { //
MetadataFactory.createRequirement(CAPABILITY_NS_OSGI_BUNDLE, hostId, range, null, false, false, true), //
MetadataFactory.createRequirement(PublisherHelper.NAMESPACE_ECLIPSE_TYPE, TYPE_ECLIPSE_BUNDLE,
new VersionRange(Version.createOSGi(1, 0, 0), true, Version.createOSGi(2, 0, 0), false), null,
false, false, false) });
// Adds capabilities for fragment, self, and describing the flavor supported
cu.setProperty(InstallableUnitDescription.PROP_TYPE_FRAGMENT, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
cu.setCapabilities(new IProvidedCapability[] { PublisherHelper.createSelfCapability(configUnitId, cuVersion),
MetadataFactory.createProvidedCapability(PublisherHelper.NAMESPACE_FLAVOR, configurationFlavor,
Version.createOSGi(1, 0, 0)) });
Map<String, String> touchpointData = new HashMap<>();
touchpointData.put("install", "installBundle(bundle:${artifact})"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
touchpointData.put("uninstall", "uninstallBundle(bundle:${artifact})"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
touchpointData.put("configure", createConfigScript(configInfo, isBundleFragment)); //$NON-NLS-1$
touchpointData.put("unconfigure", createUnconfigScript(configInfo, isBundleFragment)); //$NON-NLS-1$
return MetadataFactory.createInstallableUnit(cu);
public static IInstallableUnit createBundleIU(BundleDescription bd, IArtifactKey key, IPublisherInfo info) {
return new BundlesAction(new BundleDescription[] { bd }).doCreateBundleIU(bd, key, info);
protected IInstallableUnit doCreateBundleIU(BundleDescription bd, IArtifactKey key, IPublisherInfo info) {
Map<String, String> manifest = (Map<String, String>) bd.getUserObject();
Map<Locale, Map<String, String>> manifestLocalizations = null;
if (manifest != null && bd.getLocation() != null) {
manifestLocalizations = getManifestLocalizations(manifest, new File(bd.getLocation()));
InstallableUnitDescription iu = new MetadataFactory.InstallableUnitDescription();
computeUpdateRange(bd.getVersion()), IUpdateDescriptor.NORMAL, null));
iu.setArtifacts(new IArtifactKey[] { key });
boolean isFragment = (bd.getHost() != null);
// Gather requirements here
List<IRequirement> requirements = new ArrayList<>();
// Process required fragment host
if (isFragment) {
requirements.add(MetadataFactory.createRequirement(CAPABILITY_NS_OSGI_BUNDLE, bd.getHost().getName(),
PublisherHelper.fromOSGiVersionRange(bd.getHost().getVersionRange()), null, false, false));
// Process required bundles
ManifestElement[] rawRequireBundleHeader = parseManifestHeader(Constants.REQUIRE_BUNDLE, manifest,
for (BundleSpecification requiredBundle : bd.getRequiredBundles()) {
addRequireBundleRequirement(requirements, requiredBundle, rawRequireBundleHeader);
// Process the import packages
ManifestElement[] rawImportPackageHeader = parseManifestHeader(Constants.IMPORT_PACKAGE, manifest,
for (ImportPackageSpecification importedPackage : bd.getImportPackages()) {
if (!isDynamicImport(importedPackage)) {
addImportPackageRequirement(requirements, importedPackage, rawImportPackageHeader);
// Process generic requirements
ManifestElement[] rawRequireCapHeader = parseManifestHeader(Constants.REQUIRE_CAPABILITY, manifest,
for (GenericSpecification requiredCap : bd.getGenericRequires()) {
addRequirement(requirements, requiredCap, rawRequireCapHeader, bd);
iu.setRequirements(requirements.toArray(new IRequirement[requirements.size()]));
// Create set of provided capabilities
List<IProvidedCapability> providedCapabilities = new ArrayList<>();
// Add identification capabilities
bd.getSymbolicName(), PublisherHelper.fromOSGiVersion(bd.getVersion())));
// Process exported packages
for (ExportPackageDescription packageExport : bd.getExportPackages()) {
packageExport.getName(), PublisherHelper.fromOSGiVersion(packageExport.getVersion())));
// Process generic capabilities
// IProvidedCapability may have to be extended to contain the OSGi directives as
// well which may be needed for
// Bug 360659, Bug 525368. E.g. with IProvidedCapability.getDirectives()
// It may be possible map the "osgi.identity" capability to elements of the IU
// like the id, the license, etc.
// It may be better to derive it at runtime.
int capNo = 0;
for (GenericDescription genericCap : bd.getGenericCapabilities()) {
addCapability(providedCapabilities, genericCap, iu, capNo);
// Add capability to describe the type of bundle
if (manifest != null && manifest.containsKey("Eclipse-SourceBundle")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
// If needed add an additional capability to identify this as an OSGi fragment
if (isFragment) {
bd.getHost().getName(), PublisherHelper.fromOSGiVersion(bd.getVersion())));
if (manifestLocalizations != null) {
for (Entry<Locale, Map<String, String>> locEntry : manifestLocalizations.entrySet()) {
Locale locale = locEntry.getKey();
Map<String, String> translatedStrings = locEntry.getValue();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : translatedStrings.entrySet()) {
iu.setProperty(locale.toString() + '.' + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
providedCapabilities.add(PublisherHelper.makeTranslationCapability(bd.getSymbolicName(), locale));
iu.setCapabilities(providedCapabilities.toArray(new IProvidedCapability[providedCapabilities.size()]));
// Process advice
processUpdateDescriptorAdvice(iu, info);
processCapabilityAdvice(iu, info);
// Set certain properties from the manifest header attributes as IU properties.
// The values of these attributes may be localized (strings starting with '%')
// with the translated values appearing in the localization IU fragments
// associated with the bundle IU.
if (manifest != null) {
int i = 0;
while (i < BUNDLE_IU_PROPERTY_MAP.length) {
if (manifest.containsKey(BUNDLE_IU_PROPERTY_MAP[i])) {
String value = manifest.get(BUNDLE_IU_PROPERTY_MAP[i]);
if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
iu.setProperty(BUNDLE_IU_PROPERTY_MAP[i + 1], value);
i += 2;
// Define the immutable metadata for this IU. In this case immutable means
// that this is something that will not impact the configuration.
Map<String, String> touchpointData = new HashMap<>();
touchpointData.put("manifest", toManifestString(manifest)); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (isDir(bd, info)) {
touchpointData.put("zipped", "true"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// Process more advice
processTouchpointAdvice(iu, touchpointData, info);
processInstallableUnitPropertiesAdvice(iu, info);
return MetadataFactory.createInstallableUnit(iu);
protected void addImportPackageRequirement(ArrayList<IRequirement> reqsDeps, ImportPackageSpecification importSpec,
ManifestElement[] rawImportPackageHeader) {
addImportPackageRequirement((List<IRequirement>) reqsDeps, importSpec, rawImportPackageHeader);
protected void addImportPackageRequirement(List<IRequirement> reqsDeps, ImportPackageSpecification importSpec,
ManifestElement[] rawImportPackageHeader) {
VersionRange versionRange = PublisherHelper.fromOSGiVersionRange(importSpec.getVersionRange());
final boolean optional = isOptional(importSpec);
final boolean greedy;
if (optional) {
greedy = INSTALLATION_GREEDY.equals(getInstallationDirective(importSpec.getName(), rawImportPackageHeader));
} else {
greedy = true;
// TODO this needs to be refined to take into account all the attribute handled
// by imports
reqsDeps.add(MetadataFactory.createRequirement(PublisherHelper.CAPABILITY_NS_JAVA_PACKAGE, importSpec.getName(),
versionRange, null, optional, false, greedy));
protected void addRequireBundleRequirement(ArrayList<IRequirement> reqsDeps, BundleSpecification requiredBundle,
ManifestElement[] rawRequireBundleHeader) {
addRequireBundleRequirement((List<IRequirement>) reqsDeps, requiredBundle, rawRequireBundleHeader);
protected void addRequireBundleRequirement(List<IRequirement> reqsDeps, BundleSpecification requiredBundle,
ManifestElement[] rawRequireBundleHeader) {
final boolean optional = requiredBundle.isOptional();
final boolean greedy;
if (optional) {
.equals(getInstallationDirective(requiredBundle.getName(), rawRequireBundleHeader));
} else {
greedy = true;
reqsDeps.add(MetadataFactory.createRequirement(CAPABILITY_NS_OSGI_BUNDLE, requiredBundle.getName(),
PublisherHelper.fromOSGiVersionRange(requiredBundle.getVersionRange()), null, optional ? 0 : 1, 1,
// TODO Handle the "effective:=" directive somehow?
protected void addRequirement(List<IRequirement> reqsDeps, GenericSpecification requireCapSpec,
ManifestElement[] rawRequireCapabilities) {
BundleRequirement req = requireCapSpec.getRequirement();
String namespace = req.getNamespace();
Map<String, String> directives = req.getDirectives();
String capFilter = directives.get(Namespace.REQUIREMENT_FILTER_DIRECTIVE);
boolean optional = directives.get(Namespace.REQUIREMENT_RESOLUTION_DIRECTIVE) == Namespace.RESOLUTION_OPTIONAL;
boolean greedy = optional ? INSTALLATION_GREEDY.equals(directives.get(INSTALLATION_DIRECTIVE)) : true;
IRequirement requireCap = MetadataFactory.createRequirement(namespace, capFilter, null, optional ? 0 : 1, 1,
protected void addRequirement(List<IRequirement> reqsDeps, GenericSpecification requireCapSpec,
ManifestElement[] rawRequireCapabilities, BundleDescription bd) {
BundleRequirement req = requireCapSpec.getRequirement();
String namespace = req.getNamespace();
Map<String, String> directives = req.getDirectives();
String capFilter = directives.get(Namespace.REQUIREMENT_FILTER_DIRECTIVE);
boolean optional = directives.get(Namespace.REQUIREMENT_RESOLUTION_DIRECTIVE) == Namespace.RESOLUTION_OPTIONAL;
boolean greedy = optional ? INSTALLATION_GREEDY.equals(directives.get(INSTALLATION_DIRECTIVE)) : true;
IRequirement requireCap = MetadataFactory.createRequirement(namespace, capFilter, null, optional ? 0 : 1, 1,
greedy, bd.getSymbolicName());
protected void addCapability(List<IProvidedCapability> caps, GenericDescription provideCapDesc,
InstallableUnitDescription iu, int capNo) {
// Convert the values to String, Version, List of String or Version
Map<String, Object> capAttrs = provideCapDesc.getDeclaredAttributes().entrySet().stream()
.collect(toMap(Entry::getKey, e -> convertAttribute(e.getValue())));
// Resolve the namespace
String capNs = provideCapDesc.getType();
// Resolve the mandatory p2 name
// By convention OSGi capabilities have an attribute named like the capability
// namespace.
// If this is not the case synthesize a unique name (e.g. "osgi.service" has an
// "objectClass" attribute instead).
// TODO If present but not a String log a warning somehow that it is ignored? Or
// fail the publication?
(k, v) -> (v instanceof String) ? v : String.format("%s_%s-%s", iu.getId(), iu.getVersion(), capNo)); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Resolve the mandatory p2 version
// By convention versioned OSGi capabilities have a "version" attribute
// containing the OSGi Version object
// If this is not the case use an empty version (e.g. "" has a list of
// versions).
// TODO If present but not a Version log a warning somehow that it is ignored?
// Or fail the publication?
(k, v) -> (v instanceof Version) ? v : Version.emptyVersion);
caps.add(MetadataFactory.createProvidedCapability(capNs, capAttrs));
private Object convertAttribute(Object attr) {
if (attr instanceof Collection<?>) {
return ((Collection<?>) attr).stream().map(this::convertScalarAttribute).collect(toList());
return convertScalarAttribute(attr);
private Object convertScalarAttribute(Object attr) {
if (attr instanceof org.osgi.framework.Version) {
org.osgi.framework.Version osgiVer = (org.osgi.framework.Version) attr;
return Version.createOSGi(osgiVer.getMajor(), osgiVer.getMinor(), osgiVer.getMicro(),
return attr.toString();
static VersionRange computeUpdateRange(org.osgi.framework.Version base) {
VersionRange updateRange = null;
if (!base.equals(org.osgi.framework.Version.emptyVersion)) {
updateRange = new VersionRange(Version.emptyVersion, true, PublisherHelper.fromOSGiVersion(base), false);
} else {
updateRange = VersionRange.emptyRange;
return updateRange;
private IInstallableUnitFragment createHostLocalizationFragment(IInstallableUnit bundleIU, BundleDescription bd,
String hostId, String[] hostBundleManifestValues) {
Map<Locale, Map<String, String>> hostLocalizations = getHostLocalizations(new File(bd.getLocation()),
if (hostLocalizations == null || hostLocalizations.isEmpty())
return null;
return createLocalizationFragmentOfHost(bd, hostId, hostBundleManifestValues, hostLocalizations);
* @param hostId
* @param bd
* @param locale
* @param localizedStrings
* @return installableUnitFragment
private static IInstallableUnitFragment createLocalizationFragmentOfHost(BundleDescription bd, String hostId,
String[] hostManifestValues, Map<Locale, Map<String, String>> hostLocalizations) {
InstallableUnitFragmentDescription fragment = new MetadataFactory.InstallableUnitFragmentDescription();
String fragmentId = makeHostLocalizationFragmentId(bd.getSymbolicName());
fragment.setVersion(PublisherHelper.fromOSGiVersion(bd.getVersion())); // TODO: is this a meaningful version?
HostSpecification hostSpec = bd.getHost();
IRequirement[] hostReqs = new IRequirement[] {
MetadataFactory.createRequirement(IInstallableUnit.NAMESPACE_IU_ID, hostSpec.getName(),
PublisherHelper.fromOSGiVersionRange(hostSpec.getVersionRange()), null, false, false, false) };
fragment.setProperty(InstallableUnitDescription.PROP_TYPE_FRAGMENT, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
// Create a provided capability for each locale and add the translated
// properties.
ArrayList<IProvidedCapability> providedCapabilities = new ArrayList<>(hostLocalizations.size());
providedCapabilities.add(PublisherHelper.createSelfCapability(fragmentId, fragment.getVersion()));
for (Entry<Locale, Map<String, String>> localeEntry : hostLocalizations.entrySet()) {
Locale locale = localeEntry.getKey();
Map<String, String> translatedStrings = localeEntry.getValue();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : translatedStrings.entrySet()) {
fragment.setProperty(locale.toString() + '.' + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
providedCapabilities.add(PublisherHelper.makeTranslationCapability(hostId, locale));
fragment.setCapabilities(providedCapabilities.toArray(new IProvidedCapability[providedCapabilities.size()]));
return MetadataFactory.createInstallableUnitFragment(fragment);
* @param id
* @return the id for the iu fragment containing localized properties for the
* fragment with the given id.
private static String makeHostLocalizationFragmentId(String id) {
return id + ".translated_host_properties"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static String createConfigScript(GeneratorBundleInfo configInfo, boolean isBundleFragment) {
if (configInfo == null)
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
String configScript = "";//$NON-NLS-1$
if (!isBundleFragment && configInfo.getStartLevel() != BundleInfo.NO_LEVEL) {
configScript += "setStartLevel(startLevel:" + configInfo.getStartLevel() + ");"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (!isBundleFragment && configInfo.isMarkedAsStarted()) {
configScript += "markStarted(started: true);"; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (configInfo.getSpecialConfigCommands() != null) {
configScript += configInfo.getSpecialConfigCommands();
return configScript;
private static String createDefaultBundleConfigScript(GeneratorBundleInfo configInfo) {
return createConfigScript(configInfo, false);
public static IInstallableUnit createDefaultBundleConfigurationUnit(GeneratorBundleInfo configInfo,
GeneratorBundleInfo unconfigInfo, String configurationFlavor) {
InstallableUnitFragmentDescription cu = new InstallableUnitFragmentDescription();
String configUnitId = PublisherHelper.createDefaultConfigUnitId(OSGI_BUNDLE_CLASSIFIER, configurationFlavor);
Version configUnitVersion = Version.createOSGi(1, 0, 0);
// Add capabilities for fragment, self, and describing the flavor supported
cu.setProperty(InstallableUnitDescription.PROP_TYPE_FRAGMENT, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
new IProvidedCapability[] { PublisherHelper.createSelfCapability(configUnitId, configUnitVersion),
MetadataFactory.createProvidedCapability(PublisherHelper.NAMESPACE_FLAVOR, configurationFlavor,
Version.createOSGi(1, 0, 0)) });
// Create a required capability on bundles
IRequirement[] reqs = new IRequirement[] {
MetadataFactory.createRequirement(PublisherHelper.NAMESPACE_ECLIPSE_TYPE, TYPE_ECLIPSE_BUNDLE,
VersionRange.emptyRange, null, false, true, false) };
Map<String, String> touchpointData = new HashMap<>();
touchpointData.put("install", "installBundle(bundle:${artifact})"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
touchpointData.put("uninstall", "uninstallBundle(bundle:${artifact})"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
touchpointData.put("configure", createDefaultBundleConfigScript(configInfo)); //$NON-NLS-1$
touchpointData.put("unconfigure", createDefaultBundleUnconfigScript(unconfigInfo)); //$NON-NLS-1$
return MetadataFactory.createInstallableUnit(cu);
private static String createDefaultBundleUnconfigScript(GeneratorBundleInfo unconfigInfo) {
return createUnconfigScript(unconfigInfo, false);
private static String createUnconfigScript(GeneratorBundleInfo unconfigInfo, boolean isBundleFragment) {
if (unconfigInfo == null)
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
String unconfigScript = "";//$NON-NLS-1$
if (!isBundleFragment && unconfigInfo.getStartLevel() != BundleInfo.NO_LEVEL) {
unconfigScript += "setStartLevel(startLevel:" + BundleInfo.NO_LEVEL + ");"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (!isBundleFragment && unconfigInfo.isMarkedAsStarted()) {
unconfigScript += "markStarted(started: false);"; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (unconfigInfo.getSpecialUnconfigCommands() != null) {
unconfigScript += unconfigInfo.getSpecialUnconfigCommands();
return unconfigScript;
private static boolean isDynamicImport(ImportPackageSpecification importedPackage) {
return importedPackage.getDirective(Constants.RESOLUTION_DIRECTIVE)
protected static boolean isOptional(ImportPackageSpecification importedPackage) {
return importedPackage.getDirective(Constants.RESOLUTION_DIRECTIVE)
private static String toManifestString(Map<String, String> p) {
if (p == null)
return null;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
// See We are trying to reduce the size of the
// manifest data in
// the eclipse touchpoint. We've removed the code that requires it but in order
// for old clients
// to still be able to use recent repositories, we're going to keep around the
// manifest properties
// they need.
final String[] interestingKeys = new String[] { Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME, Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION,
Constants.FRAGMENT_HOST };
for (String key : interestingKeys) {
String value = p.get(key);
if (value != null)
result.append(key).append(": ").append(value).append('\n'); //$NON-NLS-1$
return result.length() == 0 ? null : result.toString();
// Return a map from locale to property set for the manifest localizations
// from the given bundle directory and given bundle localization path/name
// manifest property value.
private static Map<Locale, Map<String, String>> getManifestLocalizations(Map<String, String> manifest,
File bundleLocation) {
Map<Locale, Map<String, String>> localizations;
Locale defaultLocale = null; // = Locale.ENGLISH; // TODO: get this from GeneratorInfo
String[] bundleManifestValues = getManifestCachedValues(manifest);
String bundleLocalization = bundleManifestValues[BUNDLE_LOCALIZATION_INDEX]; // Bundle localization is the last
// one in the list
if ("jar".equalsIgnoreCase(new Path(bundleLocation.getName()).getFileExtension()) && //$NON-NLS-1$
bundleLocation.isFile()) {
localizations = LocalizationHelper.getJarPropertyLocalizations(bundleLocation, bundleLocalization,
defaultLocale, bundleManifestValues);
// localizations = getJarManifestLocalization(bundleLocation,
// bundleLocalization, defaultLocale, bundleManifestValues);
} else {
localizations = LocalizationHelper.getDirPropertyLocalizations(bundleLocation, bundleLocalization,
defaultLocale, bundleManifestValues);
// localizations = getDirManifestLocalization(bundleLocation,
// bundleLocalization, defaultLocale, bundleManifestValues);
return localizations;
public static String[] getExternalizedStrings(IInstallableUnit iu) {
String[] result = new String[PublisherHelper.BUNDLE_LOCALIZED_PROPERTIES.length];
int j = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < BUNDLE_IU_PROPERTY_MAP.length - 1; i += 2) {
if (iu.getProperty(BUNDLE_IU_PROPERTY_MAP[i]) != null
&& iu.getProperty(BUNDLE_IU_PROPERTY_MAP[i]).length() > 0
&& iu.getProperty(BUNDLE_IU_PROPERTY_MAP[i]).charAt(0) == '%')
result[j++] = iu.getProperty(BUNDLE_IU_PROPERTY_MAP[i]).substring(1);
// The last string is the location
return result;
public static String[] getManifestCachedValues(Map<String, String> manifest) {
String[] cachedValues = new String[PublisherHelper.BUNDLE_LOCALIZED_PROPERTIES.length];
for (int j = 0; j < PublisherHelper.BUNDLE_LOCALIZED_PROPERTIES.length; j++) {
String value = manifest.get(PublisherHelper.BUNDLE_LOCALIZED_PROPERTIES[j]);
if (value == null)
cachedValues[j] = value;
} else if (value != null && value.length() > 1 && value.charAt(0) == '%') {
cachedValues[j] = value.substring(1);
return cachedValues;
// Return a map from locale to property set for the manifest localizations
// from the given bundle directory and given bundle localization path/name
// manifest property value.
public static Map<Locale, Map<String, String>> getHostLocalizations(File bundleLocation,
String[] hostBundleManifestValues) {
Map<Locale, Map<String, String>> localizations;
Locale defaultLocale = null; // = Locale.ENGLISH; // TODO: get this from GeneratorInfo
String hostBundleLocalization = hostBundleManifestValues[BUNDLE_LOCALIZATION_INDEX];
if (hostBundleLocalization == null)
return null;
if ("jar".equalsIgnoreCase(new Path(bundleLocation.getName()).getFileExtension()) && //$NON-NLS-1$
bundleLocation.isFile()) {
localizations = LocalizationHelper.getJarPropertyLocalizations(bundleLocation, hostBundleLocalization,
defaultLocale, hostBundleManifestValues);
// localizations = getJarManifestLocalization(bundleLocation,
// hostBundleLocalization, defaultLocale, hostBundleManifestValues);
} else {
localizations = LocalizationHelper.getDirPropertyLocalizations(bundleLocation, hostBundleLocalization,
defaultLocale, hostBundleManifestValues);
// localizations = getDirManifestLocalization(bundleLocation,
// hostBundleLocalization, defaultLocale, hostBundleManifestValues);
return localizations;
public static BundleDescription createBundleDescription(Dictionary<String, String> enhancedManifest,
File bundleLocation) {
try {
BundleDescription descriptor = StateObjectFactory.defaultFactory.createBundleDescription(null,
enhancedManifest, bundleLocation == null ? null : bundleLocation.getAbsolutePath(), 1); // TODO Do
// we need
// to have a
// real
// bundle id
return descriptor;
} catch (BundleException e) {
String message = NLS.bind(Messages.exception_stateAddition,
bundleLocation == null ? null : bundleLocation.getAbsoluteFile());
IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.WARNING, Activator.ID, message, e);
return null;
* @deprecated use {@link #createBundleDescription(File)} instead.
public static BundleDescription createBundleDescriptionIgnoringExceptions(File bundleLocation) {
try {
return createBundleDescription(bundleLocation);
} catch (IOException e) {
logWarning(bundleLocation, e);
return null;
} catch (BundleException e) {
logWarning(bundleLocation, e);
return null;
private static void logWarning(File bundleLocation, Throwable t) {
String message = NLS.bind(Messages.exception_errorLoadingManifest, bundleLocation);
LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, Activator.ID, message, t));
public static BundleDescription createBundleDescription(File bundleLocation) throws IOException, BundleException {
Dictionary<String, String> manifest = loadManifest(bundleLocation);
if (manifest == null)
return null;
return createBundleDescription(manifest, bundleLocation);
* @deprecated use {@link #loadManifest(File)} instead.
public static Dictionary<String, String> loadManifestIgnoringExceptions(File bundleLocation) {
try {
return loadManifest(bundleLocation);
} catch (IOException e) {
logWarning(bundleLocation, e);
return null;
} catch (BundleException e) {
logWarning(bundleLocation, e);
return null;
public static Dictionary<String, String> loadManifest(File bundleLocation) throws IOException, BundleException {
Dictionary<String, String> manifest = basicLoadManifest(bundleLocation);
if (manifest == null)
return null;
// if the bundle itself does not define its shape, infer the shape from the
// current form
if (manifest.get(BUNDLE_SHAPE) == null)
manifest.put(BUNDLE_SHAPE, bundleLocation.isDirectory() ? DIR : JAR);
return manifest;
* @deprecated use {@link #basicLoadManifest(File)} instead.
public static Dictionary<String, String> basicLoadManifestIgnoringExceptions(File bundleLocation) {
try {
return basicLoadManifest(bundleLocation);
} catch (IOException e) {
logWarning(bundleLocation, e);
return null;
} catch (BundleException e) {
logWarning(bundleLocation, e);
return null;
public static Dictionary<String, String> basicLoadManifest(File bundleLocation)
throws IOException, BundleException {
InputStream manifestStream = null;
ZipFile jarFile = null;
if ("jar".equalsIgnoreCase(new Path(bundleLocation.getName()).getFileExtension()) && bundleLocation.isFile()) { //$NON-NLS-1$
jarFile = new ZipFile(bundleLocation, ZipFile.OPEN_READ);
ZipEntry manifestEntry = jarFile.getEntry(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);
if (manifestEntry != null) {
manifestStream = jarFile.getInputStream(manifestEntry);
} else {
File manifestFile = new File(bundleLocation, JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);
if (manifestFile.exists()) {
manifestStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(manifestFile));
Dictionary<String, String> manifest = null;
try {
if (manifestStream != null) {
manifest = parseBundleManifestIntoModifyableDictionaryWithCaseInsensitiveKeys(manifestStream);
} finally {
try {
if (jarFile != null)
} catch (IOException e2) {
// Ignore
return manifest;
* @return the same result as {@link Headers#parseManifest(InputStream)}, but
* with a modifiable {@link Headers} instance
private static Headers<String, String> parseBundleManifestIntoModifyableDictionaryWithCaseInsensitiveKeys(
InputStream manifestStream) throws IOException, BundleException {
return (Headers<String, String>) ManifestElement.parseBundleManifest(manifestStream,
new Headers<String, String>(10));
private static ManifestElement[] parseManifestHeader(String header, Map<String, String> manifest,
String bundleLocation) {
try {
return ManifestElement.parseHeader(header, manifest.get(header));
} catch (BundleException e) {
String message = NLS.bind(Messages.exception_errorReadingManifest, bundleLocation, e.getMessage());
LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, message, e));
return null;
private static String getInstallationDirective(String requirementId, ManifestElement[] correspondingBundleHeader) {
for (ManifestElement manifestElement : correspondingBundleHeader) {
String[] packages = manifestElement.getValueComponents();
for (String pckg : packages) {
if (requirementId.equals(pckg)) {
return manifestElement.getDirective(INSTALLATION_DIRECTIVE);
// TODO this case indicates an internal error -> return assertion error status
return null;
public BundlesAction(File[] locations) {
this.locations = locations;
public BundlesAction(BundleDescription[] bundles) {
this.bundles = bundles;
public IStatus perform(IPublisherInfo publisherInfo, IPublisherResult results, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
if (bundles == null && locations == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(Messages.exception_noBundlesOrLocations);
finalStatus = new MultiStatus(Activator.ID, IStatus.OK, Messages.message_bundlesPublisherMultistatus, null);
try {
if (bundles == null)
bundles = getBundleDescriptions(expandLocations(locations), monitor);
generateBundleIUs(bundles, publisherInfo, results, monitor);
bundles = null;
} catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
if (!finalStatus.isOK()) {
return finalStatus;
return Status.OK_STATUS;
protected void publishArtifact(IArtifactDescriptor descriptor, File base, File[] inclusions,
IPublisherInfo publisherInfo) {
IArtifactRepository destination = publisherInfo.getArtifactRepository();
if (descriptor == null || destination == null)
// publish the given files
publishArtifact(descriptor, inclusions, null, publisherInfo, createRootPrefixComputer(base));
protected void publishArtifact(IArtifactDescriptor descriptor, File jarFile, IPublisherInfo publisherInfo) {
// no files to publish so this is done.
if (jarFile == null || publisherInfo == null)
// if the destination already contains the descriptor, there is nothing to do.
IArtifactRepository destination = publisherInfo.getArtifactRepository();
if (destination == null || destination.contains(descriptor))
super.publishArtifact(descriptor, jarFile, publisherInfo);
// if we are assimilating pack200 files then add the packed descriptor
// into the repo assuming it does not already exist.
boolean reuse = "true" //$NON-NLS-1$
if (reuse && (publisherInfo.getArtifactOptions() & IPublisherInfo.A_PUBLISH) > 0) {
File packFile = new Path(jarFile.getAbsolutePath()).addFileExtension("pack.gz").toFile(); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (packFile.exists()) {
IArtifactDescriptor ad200 = createPack200ArtifactDescriptor(descriptor.getArtifactKey(), packFile,
publishArtifact(ad200, packFile, publisherInfo);
private File[] expandLocations(File[] list) {
ArrayList<File> result = new ArrayList<>();
expandLocations(list, result);
return result.toArray(new File[result.size()]);
private void expandLocations(File[] list, ArrayList<File> result) {
if (list == null)
for (File location : list) {
if (location.isDirectory()) {
// if the location is itself a bundle, just add it. Otherwise r down
if (new File(location, JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME).exists())
else if (new File(location, "plugin.xml").exists() || new File(location, "fragment.xml").exists()) //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
result.add(location); // old style bundle without manifest
expandLocations(location.listFiles(), result);
} else {
* Publishes bundle IUs to the p2 metadata and artifact repositories.
* @param bundleDescriptions Equinox framework descriptions of the bundles to
* publish.
* @param result Used to attach status for the publication
* operation.
* @param monitor Used to fire progress events.
* @deprecated Use
* {@link #generateBundleIUs(BundleDescription[] bundleDescriptions, IPublisherInfo info, IPublisherResult result, IProgressMonitor monitor)}
* with {@link IPublisherInfo} set to <code>null</code>
protected void generateBundleIUs(BundleDescription[] bundleDescriptions, IPublisherResult result,
IProgressMonitor monitor) {
generateBundleIUs(bundleDescriptions, null, result, monitor);
* Publishes bundle IUs to the p2 metadata and artifact repositories.
* @param bundleDescriptions Equinox framework descriptions of the bundles to
* publish.
* @param info Configuration and publication advice information.
* @param result Used to attach status for the publication
* operation.
* @param monitor Used to fire progress events.
protected void generateBundleIUs(BundleDescription[] bundleDescriptions, IPublisherInfo info,
IPublisherResult result, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
// This assumes that hosts are processed before fragments because for each
// fragment the host
// is queried for the strings that should be translated.
for (BundleDescription bd : bundleDescriptions) {
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new OperationCanceledException();
if (bd == null || bd.getSymbolicName() == null || bd.getVersion() == null) {
// First check to see if there is already an IU around for this
IInstallableUnit bundleIU = queryForIU(result, bd.getSymbolicName(),
IArtifactKey bundleArtKey = createBundleArtifactKey(bd.getSymbolicName(), bd.getVersion().toString());
if (bundleIU == null) {
createAdviceFileAdvice(bd, info);
// Create the bundle IU according to any shape advice we have
bundleIU = doCreateBundleIU(bd, bundleArtKey, info);
File bundleLocation = new File(bd.getLocation());
IArtifactDescriptor ad = PublisherHelper.createArtifactDescriptor(info, bundleArtKey, bundleLocation);
processArtifactPropertiesAdvice(bundleIU, ad, info);
// Publish according to the shape on disk
if (bundleLocation.isDirectory()) {
publishArtifact(ad, bundleLocation, bundleLocation.listFiles(), info);
} else {
publishArtifact(ad, bundleLocation, info);
IInstallableUnit fragment = null;
if (isFragment(bd)) {
String hostId = bd.getHost().getName();
VersionRange hostVersionRange = PublisherHelper.fromOSGiVersionRange(bd.getHost().getVersionRange());
IQueryResult<IInstallableUnit> hosts = queryForIUs(result, hostId, hostVersionRange);
for (IInstallableUnit host : hosts) {
String fragmentId = makeHostLocalizationFragmentId(bd.getSymbolicName());
fragment = queryForIU(result, fragmentId, PublisherHelper.fromOSGiVersion(bd.getVersion()));
if (fragment == null) {
String[] externalizedStrings = getExternalizedStrings(host);
fragment = createHostLocalizationFragment(bundleIU, bd, hostId, externalizedStrings);
result.addIU(bundleIU, IPublisherResult.ROOT);
if (fragment != null) {
result.addIU(fragment, IPublisherResult.NON_ROOT);
InstallableUnitDescription[] others = processAdditionalInstallableUnitsAdvice(bundleIU, info);
for (int iuIndex = 0; others != null && iuIndex < others.length; iuIndex++) {
result.addIU(MetadataFactory.createInstallableUnit(others[iuIndex]), IPublisherResult.ROOT);
* Adds advice for any p2.inf file found in this bundle.
protected void createAdviceFileAdvice(BundleDescription bundleDescription, IPublisherInfo publisherInfo) {
String location = bundleDescription.getLocation();
if (location == null)
AdviceFileAdvice advice = new AdviceFileAdvice(bundleDescription.getSymbolicName(),
PublisherHelper.fromOSGiVersion(bundleDescription.getVersion()), new Path(location),
if (advice.containsAdvice())
private static boolean isDir(BundleDescription bundle, IPublisherInfo info) {
Collection<IBundleShapeAdvice> advice = info.getAdvice(null, true, bundle.getSymbolicName(),
PublisherHelper.fromOSGiVersion(bundle.getVersion()), IBundleShapeAdvice.class);
// if the advice has a shape, use it
if (advice != null && !advice.isEmpty()) {
// we know there is some advice but if there is more than one, take the first.
String shape = advice.iterator().next().getShape();
if (shape != null)
return shape.equals(IBundleShapeAdvice.DIR);
// otherwise go with whatever we figured out from the manifest or the shape on
// disk
Map<String, String> manifest = (Map<String, String>) bundle.getUserObject();
String format = manifest.get(BUNDLE_SHAPE);
return DIR.equals(format);
private boolean isFragment(BundleDescription bd) {
return (bd.getHost() != null ? true : false);
protected BundleDescription[] getBundleDescriptions(File[] bundleLocations, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
if (bundleLocations == null)
return new BundleDescription[0];
List<BundleDescription> result = new ArrayList<>(bundleLocations.length);
for (File bundleLocation : bundleLocations) {
if (monitor.isCanceled())
throw new OperationCanceledException();
BundleDescription description = null;
try {
description = createBundleDescription(bundleLocation);
} catch (IOException e) {
addPublishingErrorToFinalStatus(e, bundleLocation);
} catch (BundleException e) {
addPublishingErrorToFinalStatus(e, bundleLocation);
if (description != null) {
return result.toArray(new BundleDescription[0]);
private void addPublishingErrorToFinalStatus(Throwable t, File bundleLocation) {
finalStatus.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID,
NLS.bind(Messages.exception_errorPublishingBundle, bundleLocation, t.getMessage()), t));