blob: bf175222dd873e69d52c1e17969e97b2ba0c2d9c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2007, 2017 IBM Corporation and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# SAP AG - ongoing development
exception_stateAddition = An error has occurred while adding the bundle {0}.
exception_errorReadingManifest = An error occurred while parsing the bundle manifest {0}: {1}.
exception_errorLoadingManifest = An error occurred while loading the manifest {0}.
exception_errorPublishingBundle = An error occurred while publishing bundle {0}: {1}
exception_noBundlesOrLocations=No bundles or locations provided.
exception_noFeaturesOrLocations=No features or locations provided.
exception_noArtifactRepo=An artifact repository must be specified in order to publish artifacts.
exception_noMetadataRepo=A metadata repository must be specified.
exception_invalidSiteReference=Invalid site reference: {0}
exception_invalidSiteReferenceInFeature=Invalid site reference {0} in feature {1}.
exception_repoMustBeURL=Repository location ({0}) must be a URL.
exception_sourcePath=Source location ({0}) must be a valid file-system path.
exception_nonExistingJreLocationFile=Provided location to JRE \"{0}\" does not exist on the file system.
message_bundlesPublisherMultistatus=Messages while publishing bundles
message_eeDuplicateVersionAttribute=Cannot specify both ''version:Version'' and ''version:List<Version>'' in one entry: {0}
message_eeIgnoringNamespace=Ignoring unknown capability namespace ''{0}''
message_eeInvalidVersionAttribute=Syntax error in version ''{0}''
message_eeMissingNameAttribute=Attribute '''' is missing in entry {0}
message_eeMissingVersionAttribute=Either ''version:Version'' or ''version:List<Version>'' must be specified in entry {0}
message_generatingMetadata = Generating metadata for {0}.
message_generationCompleted = Generation completed with success [{0} seconds].
message_noSimpleconfigurator = Could not find simpleconfigurator bundle.
message_resultException=Product publishing ended with the following exception:
message_publisherArguments=Product publisher application was executed with the following arguments:
message_problemsWhileParsingProfileProperty=Problems while parsing profile property {0}
message_problemsWhilePublishingEE=Problems while publishing execution environment {0}
exception_artifactRepoNoAppendDestroysInput = Not appending to artifact repository ({0}) may destroy input files.
error_rootIU_generation = Could not generate root IU {0}, {1}, {2}..
exception_errorLoadingProductFile = An error has occurred while loading product file {0}. Exception details: {1}.