blob: 6a2901ac78ef4bd98906e403f0b07b72a589278a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2007, 2018 IBM Corporation and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
artifact_not_found=Artifact not found: {0}.
available_already_in=The artifact is already available in the repository {0}.
no_location=No location for {0}.
downloading=Downloading {0}
error_closing_stream=Error closing the output stream for {0} on repository {1}.
io_failedRead=Unable to read repository at {0}.
io_parseError=Error parsing simple artifact repository.
io_incompatibleVersion=Simple artifact repository has incompatible version {0}; expected {1}.
io_invalidLocation=Invalid repository location: {0}.
io_failedWrite=Error occurred while writing repository at {0}.
repoFailedWrite=Unable to write to repository: {0}.
repoMan_internalError=Internal error.
SignatureVerification_failedRead=Error reading signed content:
SignatureVerification_invalidContent=Invalid content:
SignatureVerification_invalidFileContent=File has invalid content:
SignatureVerifier_OutOfMemory=Out of memory: Cannot verify signed content.
sar_downloading=Download {0} artifacts
sar_downloadJobName=Install download
sar_failedMkdir=Failed to create directory {0}.
sar_reportStatus=Problems downloading artifact: {0}.
mirror_alreadyExists=Artifact: {0} already exists in repository: {1}.
message_artifactsFromChildRepos=Messages while reading artifacts from child repositories
message_problemReadingArtifact=Problems while reading artifacts from {0}
exception_comparatorNotFound = The Artifact Comparator {0} was not found. Available artifact comparators: {1}.
exception_noComparators = No Artifact Comparators are available.
MirrorLog_Console_Log=Logging to the console instead.
MirrorLog_Exception_Occurred=An exception occurred while writing to the log:
MirrorRequest_multipleDownloadProblems=Multiple problems occurred while downloading.
MirrorRequest_transferFailed=Failed to transfer artifact {0}.
exception_unsupportedAddToComposite = Cannot add descriptors to a composite repository.
exception_unsupportedGetOutputStream=Cannot write artifacts to a composite repository.
exception_unsupportedRemoveFromComposite = Cannot remove descriptors from a composite repository.
calculateChecksum_file=Calculating checksums for file {0}.
calculateChecksum_ok=Calculated checksum using id={0} algorithm={1} provider={2}: {3}.
calculateChecksum_error=Error calculating checksum using id={0} algorithm={1} provider={2}.
calculateChecksum_providerError=Checksum provider id={0} algorithm={1} provider={2} error.
exception_unableToCreateParentDir = Unable to create parent directory.
folder_artifact_not_file_repo=Artifact {0} is a folder but the repository is an archive or remote location.
retryRequest=Download of {0} failed on repository {1}. Retrying.
error_copying_local_file=An error occurred copying file {0}.
onlyInsecureDigestAlgorithmUsed = The digest algorithms ({0}) used to verify {1} have severely compromised security. Please report this concern to the artifact provider.
noDigestAlgorithmToVerifyDownload = No digest algorithm is available to verify download of {0}.