blob: ecbf678b66b1144a197338a190b7adba565bb6d1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2016 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Mickael Istria (Red Hat Inc.) - Bug 485227
package org.eclipse.core.internal.content;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.*;
public class ContentTypeManager extends ContentTypeMatcher implements IContentTypeManager {
private static class ContentTypeRegistryChangeListener implements IRegistryChangeListener {
public void registryChanged(IRegistryChangeEvent event) {
// no changes related to the content type registry
if (event.getExtensionDeltas(IContentConstants.RUNTIME_NAME, ContentTypeBuilder.PT_CONTENTTYPES).length == 0
&& event.getExtensionDeltas(IContentConstants.CONTENT_NAME,
ContentTypeBuilder.PT_CONTENTTYPES).length == 0)
private static IRegistryChangeListener runtimeExtensionListener = new ContentTypeRegistryChangeListener();
private static IRegistryChangeListener contentExtensionListener = new ContentTypeRegistryChangeListener();
private static ContentTypeManager instance;
public static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 0x400;
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_PREF_NODE = IContentConstants.RUNTIME_NAME + IPath.SEPARATOR + "content-types"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String OPTION_DEBUG_CONTENT_TYPES = "org.eclipse.core.contenttype/debug"; //$NON-NLS-1$;
static final boolean DEBUGGING = Activator.getDefault().getBooleanDebugOption(OPTION_DEBUG_CONTENT_TYPES, false);
private ContentTypeCatalog catalog;
private int catalogGeneration;
* List of registered listeners (element type:
* <code>IContentTypeChangeListener</code>).
* These listeners are to be informed when
* something in a content type changes.
protected final ListenerList<IContentTypeChangeListener> contentTypeListeners = new ListenerList<>();
* Creates and initializes the platform's content type manager. A reference to the
* content type manager can later be obtained by calling <code>getInstance()</code>.
// TODO we can remove this sometime, it is no longer needed
public static void startup() {
public static void addRegistryChangeListener(IExtensionRegistry registry) {
if (registry == null)
// Different instances of listener required. See documentation of
// IExtensionRegistry.addRegistryChangeListener(IRegistryChangeListener, String).
registry.addRegistryChangeListener(runtimeExtensionListener, IContentConstants.RUNTIME_NAME);
registry.addRegistryChangeListener(contentExtensionListener, IContentConstants.CONTENT_NAME);
* Shuts down the platform's content type manager. After this call returns,
* the content type manager will be closed for business.
public static void shutdown() {
// there really is nothing left to do except null the instance.
instance = null;
public static void removeRegistryChangeListener(IExtensionRegistry registry) {
if (registry == null)
* Obtains this platform's content type manager.
* @return the content type manager
public static ContentTypeManager getInstance() {
if (instance == null)
instance = new ContentTypeManager();
return instance;
* Returns the extension for a file name (omitting the leading '.').
static String getFileExtension(String fileName) {
int dotPosition = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');
return (dotPosition == -1 || dotPosition == fileName.length() - 1) ? "" : fileName.substring(dotPosition + 1); //$NON-NLS-1$
protected static ILazySource readBuffer(InputStream contents) {
return new LazyInputStream(contents, BLOCK_SIZE);
protected static ILazySource readBuffer(Reader contents) {
return new LazyReader(contents, BLOCK_SIZE);
public ContentTypeManager() {
super(null, InstanceScope.INSTANCE);
protected ContentTypeBuilder createBuilder(ContentTypeCatalog newCatalog) {
return new ContentTypeBuilder(newCatalog);
public IContentType[] getAllContentTypes() {
ContentTypeCatalog currentCatalog = getCatalog();
IContentType[] types = currentCatalog.getAllContentTypes();
IContentType[] result = new IContentType[types.length];
int generation = currentCatalog.getGeneration();
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
result[i] = new ContentTypeHandler((ContentType) types[i], generation);
return result;
protected synchronized ContentTypeCatalog getCatalog() {
if (catalog != null)
// already has one
return catalog;
// create new catalog
ContentTypeCatalog newCatalog = new ContentTypeCatalog(this, catalogGeneration++);
// build catalog by parsing the extension registry
ContentTypeBuilder builder = createBuilder(newCatalog);
try {
// only remember catalog if building it was successful
catalog = newCatalog;
} catch (InvalidRegistryObjectException e) {
// the registry has stale objects... just don't remember the returned (incomplete) catalog
return newCatalog;
public IContentType getContentType(String contentTypeIdentifier) {
ContentTypeCatalog currentCatalog = getCatalog();
ContentType type = currentCatalog.getContentType(contentTypeIdentifier);
return type == null ? null : new ContentTypeHandler(type, currentCatalog.getGeneration());
public IContentTypeMatcher getMatcher(final ISelectionPolicy customPolicy, final IScopeContext context) {
return new ContentTypeMatcher(customPolicy, context == null ? getContext() : context);
IEclipsePreferences getPreferences() {
return getPreferences(getContext());
IEclipsePreferences getPreferences(IScopeContext context) {
return context.getNode(CONTENT_TYPE_PREF_NODE);
* Causes a new catalog to be built afresh next time an API call is made.
synchronized void invalidate() {
if (ContentTypeManager.DEBUGGING && catalog != null)
ContentMessages.message("Registry discarded"); //$NON-NLS-1$
catalog = null;
public void addContentTypeChangeListener(IContentTypeChangeListener listener) {
public void removeContentTypeChangeListener(IContentTypeChangeListener listener) {
public void fireContentTypeChangeEvent(ContentType type) {
IContentType eventObject = new ContentTypeHandler(type, type.getCatalog().getGeneration());
for (final IContentTypeChangeListener listener : this.contentTypeListeners) {
final ContentTypeChangeEvent event = new ContentTypeChangeEvent(eventObject);
ISafeRunnable job = new ISafeRunnable() {
public void handleException(Throwable exception) {
// already logged in SafeRunner#run()
public void run() throws Exception {
public IContentDescription getSpecificDescription(BasicDescription description) {
// this is the platform content type manager, no specificities
return description;