blob: 7aaa1bdc7d0ba28bf76ce7f89728cae9af8ab48a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.core.boot;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.boot.OldPlatformConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.InternalPlatform;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.environment.Constants;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.environment.EnvironmentInfo;
import org.eclipse.update.configurator.IPlatformConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.update.configurator.IPlatformConfigurationFactory;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
* Special boot loader class for the Eclipse Platform. This class cannot
* be instantiated; all functionality is provided by static methods.
* <p>
* The Eclipse Platform makes heavy use of Java class loaders for
* loading plug-ins. Even the Platform Core Runtime itself, including
* the <code>Platform</code> class, needs to be loaded by a special
* class loader. The upshot is that a client program (such as a Java main
* program, a servlet) cannot directly reference even the
* <code>Platform</code> class. Instead, a client must use this
* loader class for initializing the platform, invoking functionality
* defined in plug-ins, and shutting down the platform when done.
* </p>
* @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform
* TODO @deprecated
* In Eclipse 3.0 the runtime has been refactored such that the <code>BootLoader</code>
* class is no longer relevant. Most of the function found on <code>BootLoader</code> is
* however still supported and has been relocated described in the method comments.
* <p>
* This interface must only be used by plug-ins
* which explicitly require the org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility plug-in.
* </p>
public final class BootLoader implements Constants {
* Controls the debug of platform configuration.
public static boolean CONFIGURATION_DEBUG = false;
* The unique identifier constant (value "<code>org.eclipse.core.boot</code>")
* of the Core Boot (pseudo-) plug-in.
public static final String PI_BOOT = "org.eclipse.core.boot"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String[] ARCH_LIST = { //
ARCH_X86, //
private static final String[] OS_LIST = { //
OS_AIX, //
OS_QNX, //
OS_WIN32 //
private static final String[] WS_LIST = { //
WS_GTK, //
WS_WIN32 //
* Private constructor to block instance creation.
private BootLoader() {
// not allowed
* Returns the command line args provided to the platform when it was first run.
* Note that individual platform runnables may be provided with different arguments
* if they are being run individually rather than with <code></code>.
* @return the command line used to start the platform
* TODO @deprecated Replaced by {@link Platform#getCommandLineArgs()}.
public static String[] getCommandLineArgs() {
return InternalPlatform.getDefault().getApplicationArgs();
* Returns the current platform configuration.
* @return platform configuration used in current instance of platform
* @since 2.0
public static org.eclipse.core.boot.IPlatformConfiguration getCurrentPlatformConfiguration() {
BundleContext context = InternalPlatform.getDefault().getBundleContext();
// acquire factory service first
ServiceReference configFactorySR = context.getServiceReference(IPlatformConfigurationFactory.class.getName());
if (configFactorySR == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
IPlatformConfigurationFactory configFactory = (IPlatformConfigurationFactory) context.getService(configFactorySR);
if (configFactory == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
// get the configuration using the factory
IPlatformConfiguration currentConfig = configFactory.getCurrentPlatformConfiguration();
return new OldPlatformConfiguration(currentConfig);
* Returns URL at which the Platform runtime executables and libraries are installed.
* The returned value is distinct from the location of any given platform's data.
* @return the URL indicating where the platform runtime is installed.
* TODO @deprecated
public static URL getInstallURL() {
return InternalPlatform.getDefault().getInstallURL();
* Returns the string name of the current locale for use in finding files
* whose path starts with <code>$nl$</code>.
* @return the string name of the current locale
* TODO @deprecated Replaced by {@link Platform#getNL()}.
public static String getNL() {
return InternalPlatform.getDefault().getNL();
* Returns the string name of the current operating system for use in finding
* files whose path starts with <code>$os$</code>. <code>OS_UNKNOWN</code> is
* returned if the operating system cannot be determined.
* The value may indicate one of the operating systems known to the platform
* (as specified in <code>knownOSValues</code>) or a user-defined string if
* the operating system name is specified on the command line.
* @return the string name of the current operating system
* @see #knownOSValues
* TODO @deprecated Replaced by {@link Platform#getOS()}.
public static String getOS() {
return InternalPlatform.getDefault().getOS();
* Returns the string name of the current system architecture.
* The value is a user-defined string if the architecture is
* specified on the command line, otherwise it is the value
* returned by <code>java.lang.System.getProperty("os.arch")</code>.
* @return the string name of the current system architecture
* @since 2.0
* TODO @deprecated Replaced by {@link Platform#getOSArch()}.
public static String getOSArch() {
return InternalPlatform.getDefault().getOSArch();
* Returns a platform configuration object, optionally initialized with previously saved
* configuration information.
* @param url location of previously save configuration information. If <code>null</code>
* is specified, an empty configuration object is returned
* @return platform configuration used in current instance of platform
* @since 2.0
public static org.eclipse.core.boot.IPlatformConfiguration getPlatformConfiguration(URL url) throws IOException {
BundleContext context = InternalPlatform.getDefault().getBundleContext();
// acquire factory service first
ServiceReference configFactorySR = context.getServiceReference(IPlatformConfigurationFactory.class.getName());
if (configFactorySR == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
IPlatformConfigurationFactory configFactory = (IPlatformConfigurationFactory) context.getService(configFactorySR);
if (configFactory == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
// get the configuration using the factory
IPlatformConfiguration config = configFactory.getPlatformConfiguration(url);
return new OldPlatformConfiguration(config);
* Returns the string name of the current window system for use in finding files
* whose path starts with <code>$ws$</code>. <code>null</code> is returned
* if the window system cannot be determined.
* @return the string name of the current window system or <code>null</code>
* TODO @deprecated Replaced by {@link Platform#getWS()}.
public static String getWS() {
return InternalPlatform.getDefault().getWS();
* Returns a list of known system architectures.
* <p>
* Note that this list is not authoritative; there may be legal values
* not included in this list. Indeed, the value returned by
* <code>getOSArch</code> may not be in this list. Also, this list may
* change over time as Eclipse comes to run on more operating environments.
* </p>
* @return the list of system architectures known to the system
* @see #getOSArch
* @since 2.0
* XXX @deprecated Unclear whether or not this is required. We could put it on
* EnvironmentInfo
public static String[] knownOSArchValues() {
return ARCH_LIST;
* Returns a list of known operating system names.
* <p>
* Note that this list is not authoritative; there may be legal values
* not included in this list. Indeed, the value returned by
* <code>getOS</code> may not be in this list. Also, this list may
* change over time as Eclipse comes to run on more operating environments.
* </p>
* @return the list of operating systems known to the system
* @see #getOS
* @since 2.0
* XXX @deprecated Unclear whether or not this is required. We could put it on
* EnvironmentInfo
public static String[] knownOSValues() {
return OS_LIST;
* Returns a list of known windowing system names.
* <p>
* Note that this list is not authoritative; there may be legal values
* not included in this list. Indeed, the value returned by
* <code>getWS</code> may not be in this list. Also, this list may
* change over time as Eclipse comes to run on more operating environments.
* </p>
* @return the list of window systems known to the system
* @see #getWS
* @since 2.0
* XXX @deprecated Unclear whether or not this is required. We could put it on
* EnvironmentInfo
public static String[] knownWSValues() {
return WS_LIST;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the platform is currently running in
* debug mode. The platform is run
* in debug mode using the "-debug" command line argument.
* @return whether or not the platform is running in debug mode
* TODO @deprecated Replaced by {@link EnvironmentInfo#inDebugMode()}.
public static boolean inDebugMode() {
// TODO: need an API to access this (at least a constant for the property name)
return System.getProperty("osgi.debug") != null; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns <code>true</code> if the platform is currently running in
* development mode. That is, if special procedures are to be
* taken when defining plug-in class paths. The platform is run
* in development mode using the "-dev" command line argument.
* @return whether or not the platform is running in development mode
* TODO @deprecated Replaced by {@link EnvironmentInfo#inDevMode()}.
public static boolean inDevelopmentMode() {
// TODO: need an API to access this (at least a constant for the property name)
return System.getProperty("") != null; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns whether the platform is running.
* The <code>startup</code> method starts the platform running;
* the <code>shutdown</code> method stops it.
* @return <code>true</code> if the platform is running,
* and <code>false</code> otherwise
* @see #startup
* @see #shutdown
public static boolean isRunning() {
return InternalPlatform.getDefault().isRunning();
* Returns the complete plugin path defined by the file at the given location.
* If the given location is <code>null</code> or does not indicate a valid
* plug-in path definition file, <code>null</code> is returned.
* @return the complete set of URLs which locate plug-ins
public static URL[] getPluginPath(URL pluginPathLocation) {
return InternalPlatform.getDefault().getPluginPath(pluginPathLocation);