blob: 2c85efa38194b175ce2a7f7002601b822c609774 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import java.util.*;
public class PlatformMetaArea {
IPath location;
/* package */ static final String F_DESCRIPTION = ".platform";
/* package */ static final String F_META_AREA = ".metadata";
/* package */ static final String F_PLUGIN_PATH = ".plugin-path";
/* package */ static final String F_PLUGIN_DATA = ".plugins";
/* package */ static final String F_REGISTRY = ".registry";
/* package */ static final String F_SNAP = ".snap";
/* package */ static final String F_LOG = ".log";
/* package */ static final String F_BACKUP = ".bak";
/* package */ static final String F_OPTIONS = ".options";
/* package */ static final String F_KEYRING = ".keyring";
/* package */ static final String F_LOCK_FILE = ".lock";
public PlatformMetaArea(IPath location) {
this.location = location;
private Properties buildPathProperties(Hashtable paths) {
Properties result = new Properties();
for (Enumeration keys = paths.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements();) {
String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
StringBuffer entry = new StringBuffer(100);
IPath[] list = (IPath[]) paths.get(key);
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
result.put(key, entry.toString());
return result;
public void createLocation() throws CoreException {
File file = getLocation().toFile();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
String message = Policy.bind("meta.couldNotCreate", file.getAbsolutePath());
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Platform.PI_RUNTIME, Platform.FAILED_WRITE_METADATA, message, e));
if (!file.canWrite()) {
String message = Policy.bind("meta.readonly", file.getAbsolutePath());
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Platform.PI_RUNTIME, Platform.FAILED_WRITE_METADATA, message, null));
public IPath getBackupFilePathFor(IPath file) {
return file.removeLastSegments(1).append(file.lastSegment() + F_BACKUP);
* Returns the location of the platform's meta area.
public IPath getLocation() {
return location.append(F_META_AREA);
public IPath getLogLocation() {
return getLocation().append(F_LOG);
public IPath getOptionsLocation() {
return getLocation().append(F_OPTIONS);
* Returns the read/write location in which the given plugin can manage
* private state.
public IPath getPluginStateLocation(Plugin plugin) {
IPath result = getLocation().append(F_PLUGIN_DATA);
String id = plugin.getDescriptor().getUniqueIdentifier();
return result.append(id);
public IPath getRegistryPath() {
return getLocation().append(F_REGISTRY);
public IPath getSnapshotPath() {
return getLocation().append(F_SNAP);
private Hashtable parsePathProperties(Properties props) {
Hashtable result = new Hashtable(5);
for (Enumeration keys = props.propertyNames(); keys.hasMoreElements();) {
String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
String entry = props.getProperty(key);
Vector list = new Vector(4);
for (StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(entry, ";"); tokens.hasMoreTokens();)
list.addElement(new Path(tokens.nextToken()));
IPath[] paths = new IPath[list.size()];
result.put(key, paths);
return result;
public Hashtable readPluginPath(IPath location) throws CoreException {
Properties props = new Properties();
location = location.append(F_PLUGIN_PATH);
IPath tempLocation = getBackupFilePathFor(location);
SafeFileInputStream stream = null;
try {
try {
stream = new SafeFileInputStream(location.toOSString(), tempLocation.toOSString());
} finally {
if (stream != null)
} catch (IOException e) {
String message = Policy.bind("meta.readPlatformMeta", location.toString());
IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Platform.PI_RUNTIME, Platform.FAILED_READ_METADATA, message, e);
throw new CoreException (status);
return parsePathProperties(props);
* @see IWorkbenchProtected#setPluginPath
public void writePluginPath(Hashtable paths, IPath location) throws CoreException {
Properties props = buildPathProperties(paths);
location = location.append(F_PLUGIN_PATH);
IPath tempLocation = getBackupFilePathFor(location);
SafeFileOutputStream stream = null;
try {
try {
stream = new SafeFileOutputStream(location.toOSString(), tempLocation.toOSString());, null);
} finally {
if (stream != null)
} catch (IOException e) {
String message = Policy.bind("meta.writePlatformMeta", location.toString());
IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Platform.PI_RUNTIME, Platform.FAILED_WRITE_METADATA, message, e);
throw new CoreException (status);