blob: d43b149d569497e1cc5c4b8bfd6eda5b7db246f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2012 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.core.tests.runtime;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
* Tests for the {@link URIUtil} class.
public class URIUtilTest extends RuntimeTest {
/** Constant value indicating if the current platform is Windows */
private static final boolean WINDOWS = == '\\';
private static final String[] testPaths = new String[] {"abc", "with spaces", "with%percent"};
public static Test suite() {
return new TestSuite(URIUtilTest.class);
// re-enable once bug 331314 is fixed
public void testBug331314() {
doTestBug331314("File with spaces");
private void doTestBug331314(String name) {
File f = new File(new File(System.getProperty("")), name);
URI original = f.toURI();
URI base = f.getParentFile().toURI();
URI relative = URIUtil.makeRelative(original, base);
assertFalse(name, relative.isAbsolute());
assertEquals("Wrong ssp", name, relative.getSchemeSpecificPart());
* Tests for {@link URIUtil#toJarURI(URI, IPath)}.
public void testToJARURI() {
URL locationURL = FileLocator.find(Platform.getBundle(RuntimeTestsPlugin.PI_RUNTIME_TESTS), new Path("Plugin_Testing/uriutil/test.jar"), null);
try {
locationURL = FileLocator.resolve(locationURL);
URI location = URIUtil.toURI(locationURL);
final String suffix = "test/1029/test.txt";
URI jar = URIUtil.toJarURI(location, new Path(suffix));
InputStream is = jar.toURL().openStream();
//null entry path
URI jar2 = URIUtil.toJarURI(location, null);
assertEquals("2.0", jar.toString(), jar2.toString() + suffix);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
fail("1.0", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("1.1", e);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
fail("1.2", e);
* Tests for {@link URIUtil#toFile(URI)}.
* @throws URISyntaxException
public void testToFile() throws URISyntaxException {
File base = new File(System.getProperty(""));
for (int i = 0; i < testPaths.length; i++) {
File original = new File(base, testPaths[i]);
URI uri = original.toURI();
File result = URIUtil.toFile(uri);
assertEquals("1." + i, original, result);
* Tests for {@link URIUtil#toFile(URI)} involving UNC paths.
* @throws URISyntaxException
public void testToFileUNC() throws URISyntaxException {
//UNC paths
URI path = new URI("file://HOST/some/path");
File result = URIUtil.toFile(path);
if (File.pathSeparatorChar == '/')
assertTrue("2.0", result.getAbsolutePath().startsWith("//"));
assertTrue("2.1", result.getAbsolutePath().startsWith("\\\\"));
assertTrue("2.2", new Path(result.toString()).isUNC());
* Tests for {@link URIUtil#toUnencodedString(URI)}.
public void testToUnencodedString() throws URISyntaxException {
assertEquals("1.0", "", URIUtil.toUnencodedString(new URI("")));
assertEquals("1.1", "", URIUtil.toUnencodedString(new URI("")));
assertEquals("1.2", "", URIUtil.toUnencodedString(new URI("")));
assertEquals("1.3", "#fragment", URIUtil.toUnencodedString(new URI("#fragment")));
assertEquals("2.1", " b", URIUtil.toUnencodedString(new URI("")));
assertEquals("2.2", " c", URIUtil.toUnencodedString(new URI("")));
assertEquals("2.3", " b", URIUtil.toUnencodedString(new URI("")));
assertEquals("2.4", "#a b", URIUtil.toUnencodedString(new URI("#a%20b")));
* Tests for {@link URIUtil#fromString(String)}.
public void testFromString() throws URISyntaxException {
assertEquals("1.1", new URI(""), URIUtil.fromString(" b"));
assertEquals("1.2", new URI(""), URIUtil.fromString(" c"));
assertEquals("1.3", new URI(""), URIUtil.fromString(" b"));
assertEquals("1.4", new URI("#a%20b"), URIUtil.fromString("#a b"));
assertEquals("1.5", new URI("file:/C:/"), URIUtil.fromString("file:/C:/ b"));
//percent character
assertEquals("2.1", new URI(""), URIUtil.fromString(""));
assertEquals("2.2", new URI(""), URIUtil.fromString(""));
assertEquals("2.3", new URI(""), URIUtil.fromString(""));
assertEquals("2.4", new URI("#a%2520b"), URIUtil.fromString("#a%20b"));
assertEquals("2.5", new URI("file:/C:/"), URIUtil.fromString("file:/C:/"));
//relative URI
assertEquals("3.1", new URI("a/b"), URIUtil.fromString("file:a/b"));
assertEquals("3.2", new URI("a/b"), URIUtil.fromString("a/b"));
if (WINDOWS) {
assertEquals("3.3", new URI("file:/c:/a/b"), URIUtil.fromString("file:c:/a/b"));
assertEquals("3.4", new URI("file:/c:/a/b"), URIUtil.fromString("file:c:\\a\\b"));
assertEquals("3.5", new URI("file:/c:/a/b"), URIUtil.fromString("file:/c:\\a\\b"));
assertEquals("3.6", new URI("file:/a/b/c"), URIUtil.fromString("file:/a/b/c"));//bug 264101
assertEquals("3.7", new URI("file:/a/b/c"), URIUtil.fromString("file:\\a\\b\\c"));//bug 264101
//encoded legal character
assertEquals("4.1", new URI("").getSchemeSpecificPart(), URIUtil.fromString(",b").getSchemeSpecificPart());
assertEquals("4.2", new URI("file:/").getSchemeSpecificPart(), URIUtil.fromString("file:/,b").getSchemeSpecificPart());
URI uri = URIUtil.fromString("a\\b");
* Tests for {@link URIUtil#toURI(}.
public void testURLtoURI() throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException {
assertEquals("1.1", new URI(""), URIUtil.toURI(new URL(" b")));
assertEquals("1.2", new URI(""), URIUtil.toURI(new URL(" c")));
//% characters
assertEquals("2.1", new URI(""), URIUtil.toURI(new URL("")));
//UNC paths
assertEquals("3.1", new URI("file:////SERVER/some/path"), URIUtil.toURI(new URL("file://SERVER/some/path")));
assertEquals("3.2", new URI("file:////SERVER/some/path"), URIUtil.toURI(new URL("file:////SERVER/some/path")));
* Tests for {@link URIUtil#toURL(}.
public void testURItoURL() throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException {
assertEquals("1.1", new URL(""), URIUtil.toURL(new URI("")));
assertEquals("1.2", new URL(""), URIUtil.toURL(new URI("")));
//% characters
assertEquals("2.1", new URL(""), URIUtil.toURL(new URI("")));
//UNC paths
assertEquals("3.1", new URL("file:////SERVER/some/path"), URIUtil.toURL(new URI("file:////SERVER/some/path")));
assertEquals("3.2", new URL("file://SERVER/some/path"), URIUtil.toURL(new URI("file://SERVER/some/path")));
* Tests handling of Absolute file system paths on Windows incorrectly encoded as
* relative URIs (file:c:/tmp).
public void testWindowsPathsFromURI() throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException {
assertEquals("1.1", new URI("file:/c:/foo/bar.txt"), URIUtil.toURI(new URL("file:c:/foo/bar.txt")));
assertEquals("1.2", new URI("file:/c:/foo/bar.txt"), URIUtil.toURI(new URL("file:/c:/foo/bar.txt")));
* Tests handling of Absolute file system paths on Windows incorrectly encoded as
* relative URIs (file:c:/tmp).
public void testWindowsPathsFromString() throws URISyntaxException {
assertEquals("1.1", new URI("file:/c:/foo/bar.txt"), URIUtil.fromString("file:c:/foo/bar.txt"));
assertEquals("1.2", new URI("file:/c:/foo/bar.txt"), URIUtil.fromString("file:/c:/foo/bar.txt"));
* Tests handling of conversion from a File with spaces to URL and File to URI and equivalence of the resulting URI
public void testFileWithSpaces() throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException {
File fileWithSpaces = new File("/c:/with spaces/goo");
URI correctURI = fileWithSpaces.toURI();
URL fileURL = fileWithSpaces.toURL();
URI fileURI = null;
try {
fileURI = fileURL.toURI();
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
fileURI = URIUtil.toURI(fileURL);
assertEquals("1.1", correctURI, fileURI);
try {
fileURI = new URI(fileURL.toString());
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
fileURI = URIUtil.fromString(fileURL.toString());
assertEquals("1.2", correctURI, fileURI);
* Tests handling of conversion from a File with spaces to URL and File to URI and equivalence of the resulting URI
public void testFileWithBrackets() throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException {
File fileWithSpaces = new File("/c:/with[brackets]/goo");
URI correctURI = fileWithSpaces.toURI();
URL fileURL = fileWithSpaces.toURL();
URI fileURI = null;
try {
fileURI = fileURL.toURI();
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
fileURI = URIUtil.toURI(fileURL);
assertEquals("1.1", correctURI, fileURI);
try {
fileURI = new URI(fileURL.toString());
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
fileURI = URIUtil.fromString(fileURL.toString());
assertEquals("1.2", correctURI, fileURI);
* Tests for {@link URIUtil#append(URI, String)}.
* @throws URISyntaxException
public void testAppend() throws URISyntaxException {
URI base = new URI("http://a.b.c/a%20b/");
URI result = URIUtil.append(base, "file.txt");
assertEquals("1.0", "http://a.b.c/a%20b/file.txt", result.toString());
assertEquals("1.1", "//a.b.c/a b/file.txt", result.getSchemeSpecificPart());
base = new URI("http://a.b.c/a%20b/");
result = URIUtil.append(base, "a b.txt");
assertEquals("2.0", "http://a.b.c/a%20b/a%20b.txt", result.toString());
assertEquals("2.1", "//a.b.c/a b/a b.txt", result.getSchemeSpecificPart());
* Tests for {@link URIUtil#append(URI, String)} when dealing with UNC paths.
public void testAppendUNC() throws URISyntaxException {
//UNC paths
URI base = new URI("file:////SERVER/some/path/");
URI relative = new URI("plugins/javax.servlet_2.4.0.v200806031604.jar");
URI expectedResolved = new URI("file:////SERVER/some/path/plugins/javax.servlet_2.4.0.v200806031604.jar");
URI resolved = URIUtil.append(base, relative.toString());
assertEquals("1.0", expectedResolved, resolved);
* Tests for {@link URIUtil#append(URI, String)} when dealing with paths containing brackets.
* @throws URISyntaxException
public void testAppendWithBrackets() throws URISyntaxException {
//append a simple string
URI base = new URI("");
URI result = URIUtil.append(base, "file[with brackets].txt");
assertEquals("1.0", "", result.toString());
assertEquals("1.1", "/base/file[with brackets].txt", result.getPath());
//append a relative path
result = URIUtil.append(base, "some/path/file[with brackets].txt");
assertEquals("2.0", "", result.toString());
assertEquals("2.1", "/base/some/path/file[with brackets].txt", result.getPath());
//simple string where base has no trailing separator
base = new URI("");
result = URIUtil.append(base, "file[with brackets].txt");
assertEquals("3.0", "", result.toString());
assertEquals("3.1", "/base/file[with brackets].txt", result.getPath());
//append a path where base has no trailing separator
result = URIUtil.append(base, "some/path/file[with brackets].txt");
assertEquals("4.0", "", result.toString());
assertEquals("4.1", "/base/some/path/file[with brackets].txt", result.getPath());
//TODO opaque URI
// URI opaque = new URI("opaque:something/opaque/");
// result = URIUtil.append(opaque, "some/path/file[with brackets].txt");
// assertEquals("5.0", "opaque:something/opaque/some/path/file%5Bwith%20brackets%5D.txt", result.toString());
// assertEquals("5.1", null, result.getPath());
public void testBug286339() throws URISyntaxException {
//single letter server path
URI base = new URI("file:////S/some/path/");
URI relative = new URI("plugins/javax.servlet_2.4.0.v200806031604.jar");
URI expectedResolved = new URI("file:////S/some/path/plugins/javax.servlet_2.4.0.v200806031604.jar");
URI resolved = URIUtil.append(base, relative.toString());
assertEquals("1.1", expectedResolved, resolved);
public void testAppendWindows() throws URISyntaxException {
URI base = new URI("file:/C:/a%20b");
URI result = URIUtil.append(base, "file.txt");
assertEquals("1.0", "file:/C:/a%20b/file.txt", result.toString());
assertEquals("1.1", "/C:/a b/file.txt", result.getSchemeSpecificPart());
base = new URI("file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/aniefer/junit-workspace/");
result = URIUtil.append(base, "content.jar");
assertEquals("2.0", "file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/aniefer/junit-workspace/", result.toString());
assertEquals("2.1", "/C:/Documents and Settings/aniefer/junit-workspace/", result.getSchemeSpecificPart());
* Tests handling of conversion from a File with %20 to URL and File to URI and equivalence of the resulting URI
public void testFileWithPercent20() throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException {
File fileWithPercent20 = new File("/c:/with%20spaces/goo");
URI correctURI = fileWithPercent20.toURI();
URL fileURL = fileWithPercent20.toURL();
assertNotSame("1.1", correctURI, fileURL.toURI());
assertEquals("1.2", correctURI, URIUtil.toURI(fileURL));
assertNotSame("1.3", correctURI, new URI(fileURL.toString()));
// we expect these to not be the same because fromString assumes a decoded URL String
assertNotSame("1.4", correctURI, URIUtil.fromString(fileURL.toString()));
public void testRemoveExtension() {
try {
URI uri1 = new URI("file:/foo/bar/zoo.txt");
assertEquals(new URI("file:/foo/bar/zoo"), URIUtil.removeFileExtension(uri1));
URI uri2 = new URI("file:/foo/bar.zoo/foo.txt");
assertEquals(new URI("file:/foo/bar.zoo/foo"), URIUtil.removeFileExtension(uri2));
URI uri3 = new URI("file:/foo/bar.zoo/foo");
assertEquals(new URI("file:/foo/bar.zoo/foo"), URIUtil.removeFileExtension(uri3));
URI uri4 = new URI("file:/C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/testRepo/plugins/org.junit_3.8.2.v200706111738.jar");
assertEquals(new URI("file:/C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/testRepo/plugins/org.junit_3.8.2.v200706111738"), URIUtil.removeFileExtension(uri4));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
fail("URI syntax exception", e);
public void testRemoveFileExtensionFromFile() {
String fileName = "/c:/some.dir/afile";
File testFileWithExtension = new File(fileName + ".extension");
File testFileWithOutExtension = new File(fileName);
URI correctURI = testFileWithOutExtension.toURI();
assertEquals(correctURI, URIUtil.removeFileExtension(testFileWithExtension.toURI()));
assertEquals(correctURI, URIUtil.removeFileExtension(testFileWithOutExtension.toURI()));
public void testSameURI() throws URISyntaxException {
assertFalse("1.0", URIUtil.sameURI(new File("a").toURI(), URIUtil.fromString("file:a")));
assertFalse("1.1", URIUtil.sameURI(new URI("file:/a"), URIUtil.fromString("file:a")));
//encoded characters
assertTrue("2.0", URIUtil.sameURI(new URI("foo:/a%2Cb"), new URI("foo:/a,b")));
assertTrue("2.1", URIUtil.sameURI(new URI("file:/a%2Cb"), new URI("file:/a,b")));
public void testSameURIWindows() throws URISyntaxException {
//device and case variants
assertTrue("1.0", URIUtil.sameURI(new URI("file:C:/a"), new URI("file:c:/a")));
assertTrue("1.1", URIUtil.sameURI(new URI("file:/C:/a"), new URI("file:/c:/a")));
assertTrue("1.2", URIUtil.sameURI(new URI("file:/A"), new URI("file:/a")));
assertTrue("1.3", URIUtil.sameURI(new URI("file:A"), new URI("file:a")));
assertTrue("1.4", URIUtil.sameURI(new URI("file:/A/"), new URI("file:/a/")));
//negative cases
assertFalse("2.0", URIUtil.sameURI(new URI("file:/a/b"), new URI("file:/c:/a/b")));
public void testMakeAbsolute() throws URISyntaxException {
URI[][] data = new URI[][] {
// simple path
new URI[] {new URI("b"), new URI("file:/a/"), new URI("file:/a/b")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("b"), new URI("file:/a"), new URI("file:/a/b")},
// common root
new URI[] {new URI("plugins/foo.jar"), new URI("file:/eclipse/"), new URI("file:/eclipse/plugins/foo.jar")},
// non-local
new URI[] {new URI("http:/"), new URI("file:/a/x"), new URI("http:/")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("file:/a/b"), new URI("http:/"), new URI("file:/a/b")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("../plugins/foo.jar"), new URI("file:/eclipse/configuration"), new URI("file:/eclipse/plugins/foo.jar")}, //
//cases that can't be made absolute
//different scheme
new URI[] {new URI("file:../plugins/foo.jar"), new URI("http:/eclipse/configuration"), new URI("file:../plugins/foo.jar")}, //
//already absolute
new URI[] {new URI("file:../plugins/foo.jar"), new URI("file:/eclipse/configuration"), new URI("file:../plugins/foo.jar")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("file:/foo.jar"), new URI("file:/eclipse/configuration"), new URI("file:/foo.jar")}, //
//encoded characters
new URI[] {new URI("plugins%5Cfoo.jar"), new URI("file:/eclipse/"), new URI("file:/eclipse/plugins%5Cfoo.jar")},//
new URI[] {new URI("a%20b"), new URI("file:/eclipse/"), new URI("file:/eclipse/a%20b")},//
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
URI location = data[i][0];
URI root = data[i][1];
URI expected = data[i][2];
URI actual = URIUtil.makeAbsolute(location, root);
assertEquals("1." + Integer.toString(i), expected, actual);
// run some Windows-specific tests with drive letters
data = new URI[][] {
// simple path
new URI[] {new URI("b"), new URI("file:/c:/a/"), new URI("file:/c:/a/b")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("b"), new URI("file:/c:/a"), new URI("file:/c:/a/b")},
// common root
new URI[] {new URI("plugins/foo.jar"), new URI("file:/c:/eclipse/"), new URI("file:/c:/eclipse/plugins/foo.jar")},
// different drives
new URI[] {new URI("file:/c:/a/b"), new URI("file:/d:/a/x"), new URI("file:/c:/a/b")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("file:/c:/eclipse/plugins/foo.jar"), new URI("file:/d:/eclipse/"), new URI("file:/c:/eclipse/plugins/foo.jar")},
// non-local
new URI[] {new URI("http:/c:/a/b"), new URI("file:/c:/a/x"), new URI("http:/c:/a/b")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("file:/c:/a/b"), new URI("http:/c:/a/x"), new URI("file:/c:/a/b")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("b"), new URI("file:/C:/a/"), new URI("file:/C:/a/b")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("b"), new URI("file:/C:/a"), new URI("file:/C:/a/b")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("file:/c:/"), new URI("file:/d:/"), new URI("file:/c:/")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("/c:/a/b/c"), new URI("file:/d:/a/b/"), new URI("file:/c:/a/b/c")}, //
new URI[] {new URI(""), new URI("file:/c:/"), new URI("file:/c:/")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("../plugins/foo.jar"), new URI("file:/c:/eclipse/configuration"), new URI("file:/c:/eclipse/plugins/foo.jar")}, //
//already absolute
new URI[] {new URI("file:../plugins/foo.jar"), new URI("file:/c:/eclipse/configuration"), new URI("file:../plugins/foo.jar")}, //
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
URI location = data[i][0];
URI root = data[i][1];
URI expected = data[i][2];
URI actual = URIUtil.makeAbsolute(location, root);
assertEquals("2." + Integer.toString(i), expected, actual);
* Tests for {@link URIUtil#makeAbsolute(URI, URI)} involving UNC paths.
public void testMakeAbsoluteUNC() throws URISyntaxException {
URI base = new URI("file:////SERVER/some/path/");
URI relative = new URI("plugins/javax.servlet_2.4.0.v200806031604.jar");
URI result = URIUtil.makeAbsolute(relative, base);
assertEquals("1.0", new URI("file:////SERVER/some/path/plugins/javax.servlet_2.4.0.v200806031604.jar"), result);
//an absolute URI should not be resolved
URI absolute = new URI("file:////ANOTHERSERVER/another/path");
URI resolved = URIUtil.makeAbsolute(absolute, base);
assertEquals("1.1", absolute, resolved);
public void testMakeRelative() throws URISyntaxException {
URI[][] data = new URI[][] {
// simple path
new URI[] {new URI("file:/a/b"), new URI("file:/a/x"), new URI("../b")},
// common root
new URI[] {new URI("file:/eclipse/plugins/foo.jar"), new URI("file:/eclipse/"), new URI("plugins/foo.jar")},
// non-local
new URI[] {new URI("http:/"), new URI("file:/a/x"), new URI("http:/")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("file:/a/b"), new URI("http:/"), new URI("file:/a/b")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("file:/"), new URI("file:/"), new URI("")}, //
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
URI location = data[i][0];
URI root = data[i][1];
URI expected = data[i][2];
URI actual = URIUtil.makeRelative(location, root);
assertEquals("1." + Integer.toString(i), expected, actual);
// test some Windows-specific paths with drive letters
data = new URI[][] {
// simple path
new URI[] {new URI("file:/c:/a/b"), new URI("file:/c:/a/x"), new URI("../b")},
// common root
new URI[] {new URI("file:/c:/eclipse/plugins/foo.jar"), new URI("file:/c:/eclipse/"), new URI("plugins/foo.jar")},
// different drives
new URI[] {new URI("file:/c:/a/b"), new URI("file:/d:/a/x"), new URI("file:/c:/a/b")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("file:/c:/eclipse/plugins/foo.jar"), new URI("file:/d:/eclipse/"), new URI("file:/c:/eclipse/plugins/foo.jar")},
// non-local
new URI[] {new URI("http:/c:/a/b"), new URI("file:/c:/a/x"), new URI("http:/c:/a/b")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("file:/c:/a/b"), new URI("http:/c:/a/x"), new URI("file:/c:/a/b")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("file:/c:/a/b"), new URI("file:/C:/a/x"), new URI("../b")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("file:/c:/"), new URI("file:/d:/"), new URI("file:/c:/")}, //
new URI[] {new URI("file:/c:/"), new URI("file:/c:/"), new URI("")}, //
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
URI location = data[i][0];
URI root = data[i][1];
URI expected = data[i][2];
URI actual = URIUtil.makeRelative(location, root);
assertEquals("2." + Integer.toString(i), expected, actual);