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<h1>Authorization </h1>
<p>Authorization is handled separately for <em>Direct Device Integration (DDI) API</em> and <em>Device Management Federation (DMF) API</em> (where successful authentication includes full authorization) and <em>Management API</em> and <em>UI</em> which is based on Spring security <a href="">authorities</a>.</p>
<p>However, keep in mind that hawkBit does not offer an off the shelf authentication provider to leverage these permissions and the underlying multi user/tenant capabilities of hawkBit. Check out <a href="">Spring security documentation</a> for further information. In hawkBit <a href="">SecurityAutoConfiguration</a> is a good starting point for integration.</p>
<p>The default implementation is single user/tenant with basic auth and the logged in user is provided with all permissions.</p>
<h2 id="ddi-api">DDI API</h2>
<p>An authenticated target is permitted to:
- retrieve commands from the server
- provide feedback to the the server
- download artifacts that are assigned to it</p>
<p>A target might be permitted to download artifacts without authentication (if enabled, see above). Only the download can be permitted to disable the authentication. This can be used in scenarios where the artifacts itself are e.g. signed and secured.</p>
<h2 id="management-api-and-ui">Management API and UI</h2>
<h3 id="delivered-permissions">Delivered Permissions</h3>
<li><p>READ<em>/UPDATE</em>/CREATE_/DELETE_TARGETS for:</p>
<li>Target entities including metadata (that includes also the installed and assigned distribution sets)</li>
<li>Target tags</li>
<li>Target actions</li>
<li>Target registration rules</li>
<li>Bulk operations</li>
<li>Target filters</li>
<li>Distribution sets</li>
<li>Software Modules</li>
<li>DS tags</li>
<li>Permission to read the target security token. The security token is security concerned and should be protected.</li>
<li>Permission to download artifacts of an software module (Note: READ_REPOSITORY allows only to read the metadata).</li>
<li>Permission to administrate the tenant settings.</li>
<li>Permission to provision targets through rollouts.</li>
<h3 id="permission-matrix-for-example-uses-cases-that-need-more-than-one-permission">Permission Matrix for example uses cases that need more than one permission</h3>
<th>Use Case</th>
<th>Needed permissions</th>
<td>Search <em>targets</em> by installed or assigned <em>distribution set</em></td>
<td>Assign <em>DS</em> to a <em>target</em></td>
<td>Assign DS to target through a <em>Rollout</em>, i.e. <em>Rollout</em> creation and start</td>
<td>Read <em>Rollout</em> status including its <em>deployment groups</em></td>
<td>Checks <em>targets</em> inside <em>Rollout deployment group</em></td>
<h2 id="device-management-federation-api">Device Management Federation API</h2>
<p>The provided <em>RabbitMQ</em> <a href="">vhost and user</a> should be provided with the necessary permissions to send messages to hawkBit through the exchange and receive messages from it through the specified queue.</p>
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