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<h1>Authentication </h1>
<p>A hawkBit update server can be accessed in four different ways:</p>
<li><em>Direct Device Integration (DDI) API</em> by <strong>targets</strong>.</li>
<li><em>Management API</em> by 3rd party <strong>applications</strong>.</li>
<li><em>Device Management Federation (DMF) API</em> by 3rd party <strong>applications</strong> through AMQP.</li>
<li><em>Management UI</em> by <strong>users</strong>.</li>
<h2 id="ddi-api-authentication-modes">DDI API Authentication Modes</h2>
<h3 id="security-token">Security Token</h3>
<p>hawkBit supports multiple ways to authenticate a target against the server. The different authentication modes can be individual enabled and disabled within hawkBit. Both on system level (with Spring Boot properties) as per individual tenant.</p>
<h4 id="target-security-token-authentication">Target Security Token Authentication</h4>
<p>There is a 32 alphanumeric character security-token for each created target within IoT hawkBit. This token can be used to authenticate the target at hawkBit through the HTTP-Authorization header with the custom scheme <em>TargetToken</em>.</p>
<pre><code>GET /SPDEMO/controller/v1/0e945f95-9117-4500-9b0a-9c6d72fa6c07 HTTP/1.1
Host: your.hawkBit.server
Authorization: TargetToken bH7XXAprK1ChnLfKSdtlsp7NOlPnZAYY
<p>The target security token is provided in <a href="../../apis/dmf_api/">DMF API</a> as part of the update message in order to allow DMF clients to leverage the feature or can it be manually retrieved per target by <a href="../../apis/management_api/">Management API</a> or in the <a href="../../ui">Management UI</a> in the target details.</p>
<p>Note: needs to be enabled in your hawkBit installation <strong>and</strong> in the tenant configuration. That allows both the operator as well as the individual customer (if run in a multi-tenant setup) to enable this access method. See <a href="">DdiSecurityProperties</a> for system wide enablement.</p>
<p>The additional activation for the individual tenant:</p>
<p><img src="../../images/security/targetToken.png" alt="Enable Target Token" /></p>
<h4 id="gateway-security-token-authentication">Gateway Security Token Authentication</h4>
<p>Often the targets are connected through a gateway which manages the targets directly and as a result are indirectly connected to the hawkBit update server.</p>
<p>To authenticate this gateway and allow it to manage all target instances under its tenant there is a <em>GatewayToken</em> to authenticate this gateway through the HTTP-Authorization header with a custom scheme <em>GatewayToken</em>. This is of course also handy during development or for testing purposes. However, we generally recommend to use this token with care as it allows to act <em>in the name of</em> any device.</p>
<pre><code>GET /SPDEMO/controller/v1/0e945f95-9117-4500-9b0a-9c6d72fa6c07 HTTP/1.1
Host: your.hawkBit.server
Authorization: GatewayToken 3nkswAZhX81oDtktq0FF9Pn0Tc0UGXPW
<p>Note: needs to be enabled in your hawkBit installation <strong>and</strong> in the tenant configuration. That allows both the operator as well as the individual customer (if run in a multi-tenant setup) to enable this access method. See <a href="">DdiSecurityProperties</a> for system wide enablement.</p>
<p>The additional activation for the individual tenant:</p>
<p><img src="../../images/security/gatewayToken.png" alt="Enable Gateway Token" /></p>
<h4 id="anonymous-access">Anonymous access</h4>
<p>Here we offer general anonymous access for all targets (see <a href="">DdiSecurityProperties</a>) which we consider not really sufficient for a production system but it might come in handy to get a project started in the beginning.</p>
<p>However, anonymous download on the other side might be interesting even in production for scenarios where the artifact itself is already encrypted.</p>
<p>The activation for the individual tenant:</p>
<p><img src="../../images/security/anonymousDownload.png" alt="Enable Anonymous Download" /></p>
<h2 id="dmf-api">DMF API</h2>
<p>Authentication is provided by <em>RabbitMQ</em> <a href="">vhost and user credentials</a> that is used for the integration.</p>
<h2 id="management-api">Management API</h2>
<li>Basic Auth</li>
<h2 id="management-ui">Management UI</h2>
<li>Login Dialog</li>
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