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<h1>Pages in Guides</h1>
<a href="" title="Run hawkBit">
<h2>Run hawkBit</h2>
In this guide we describe how to run a full featured hawkBit setup based on a production ready infrastructure. It is based on the hawkBit example modules and update server. <br><a href="">[...]</a>
<a href="" title="Feign Client">
<h2>Feign Client</h2>
In this guide we describe how to create a <a href="">Feign</a> Rest Client based on a <a href="">Spring Boot</a> Application. <br><a href="">[...]</a>
<a href="" title="Clustering">
hawkBit is able to run in a cluster with some constraints. This guide provides insights in the basic concepts and how to setup your own cluster. You can find additional information in the <a href="">hawkBit runtimes&rsquo;s README</a>. <br><a href="">[...]</a>
<a href="" title="Custom Theme">
<h2>Custom Theme</h2>
This guide provides details about using and creating themes that control the visual look of Eclipse hawkBit Management UI. Theme customization is done using Sass, which is an extension of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). <br><a href="">[...]</a>
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