Cosmetic changes to the administration section.
diff --git a/content/en_admin.php b/content/en_admin.php
index 6d3849f..51c4bef 100644
--- a/content/en_admin.php
+++ b/content/en_admin.php
@@ -94,9 +94,8 @@
     <p>When your click the SUBMIT button, Jemo starts a process where it runs the following commands:
-      <pre> > git clone --single-branch --branch monitor-plugins-improvements <repoUrl> cicd/1
- > mvn deploy -f cicd/1/demos/jemo-trader-app/pom.xml -Djemo.username=<JEMO_ADMIN_USER_NAME> -Djemo.password=<JEMO_ADMIN_PASSWORD> -Djemo.endpoint=http://localhost
-      </pre>
+      <pre> > git clone --single-branch --branch monitor-plugins-improvements &lt;repoUrl&gt; cicd/1
+ > mvn deploy -f cicd/1/demos/jemo-trader-app/pom.xml -Djemo.username=&lt;JEMO_ADMIN_USER_NAME&gt; -Djemo.password=&lt;JEMO_ADMIN_PASSWORD&gt; -Djemo.endpoint=http://localhost</pre>
       The output of these commands is displayed on your screen, along with a message at the top notifying you
       about the status of the deployment (success or failure).
       You can browse back on your browser and select the <code>Admin Panel</code> option