blob: 5360104dc40a7fcd93f25f794975bfa57ca09269 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2020 IBM Corporation.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt.tests.processors.elements;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.processing.Filer;
import javax.annotation.processing.Messager;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedAnnotationTypes;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedSourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.AnnotatedConstruct;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.Directive;
import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.DirectiveKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.ExportsDirective;
import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.ProvidesDirective;
import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.RequiresDirective;
import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.NoType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt.tests.processors.base.BaseProcessor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt.tests.processors.util.TestDirectiveVisitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
* A processor that explores the java 9 specific elements and validates the lambda and
* type annotated elements. To enable this processor, add
* -Aorg.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt.tests.processors.elements.Java9ElementProcessor to the command line.
* @since 3.14
public class Java9ElementProcessor extends BaseProcessor {
boolean reportSuccessAlready = true;
RoundEnvironment roundEnv = null;
Messager _messager = null;
boolean isJre12;
boolean isJre11;
boolean isJre10;
int roundNo = 0;
public synchronized void init(ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv) {
_typeUtils = processingEnv.getTypeUtils();
_messager = processingEnv.getMessager();
String property = System.getProperty("java.specification.version");
if (property.equals(CompilerOptions.VERSION_10)) {
this.isJre10 = true;
} else if (property.equals(CompilerOptions.VERSION_11)) {
this.isJre11 = true;
} else {
char c = '.';
if (property.indexOf(c) == -1) {
int ver12 = Integer.parseInt(CompilerOptions.VERSION_12);
int current = Integer.parseInt(property);
if (current >= ver12) this.isJre12 = true;
// Always return false from this processor, because it supports "*".
// The return value does not signify success or failure!
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
if (roundEnv.processingOver()) {
return false;
this.roundEnv = roundEnv;
Map<String, String> options = processingEnv.getOptions();
if (!options.containsKey(this.getClass().getName())) {
// Disable this processor unless we are intentionally performing the test.
return false;
} else {
try {
if (!invokeTestMethods(options)) {
if (this.reportSuccessAlready) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
} catch (Throwable e) {
return false;
private boolean invokeTestMethods(Map<String, String> options) throws Throwable {
Method testMethod = null;
Set<String> keys = options.keySet();
boolean testsFound = false;
for (String option : keys) {
if (option.startsWith("test")) {
try {
testMethod = this.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(option, new Class[0]);
if (testMethod != null) {
testsFound = true;
testMethod.invoke(this, new Object[0]);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw e.getCause();
} catch (Exception e) {
return testsFound;
public void testAll() throws AssertionFailedError {
private Element getRoot(Element elem) {
Element enclosingElement = elem.getEnclosingElement();
while (enclosingElement != null) {
if (enclosingElement instanceof ModuleElement) {
return enclosingElement;
enclosingElement = enclosingElement.getEnclosingElement();
return enclosingElement;
public void testRootElements1() {
Set<? extends Element> rootElements = this.roundEnv.getRootElements();
int typeCount = 0;
int moduleCount = 0;
List<String> types = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> modules = new ArrayList<>();
for (Element element : rootElements) {
Element root = getRoot(element);
if (element instanceof ModuleElement) {
ModuleElement mod = (ModuleElement) element;
assertNull("module should not have an enclosing element", root);
} else {
if (element instanceof TypeElement) {
types.add(((TypeElement) element).getQualifiedName().toString());
assertTrue("Should be a module element", (root instanceof ModuleElement));
assertFalse("should be a named module", ((ModuleElement) root).isUnnamed());
Collections.sort(types, (x, y) -> x.compareTo(y));
Collections.sort(modules, (x, y) -> x.compareTo(y));
assertEquals("incorrect no of modules in root elements", 2, moduleCount);
assertEquals("incorrect modules among root elements", "[mod.a, mod.b]", modules.toString());
assertEquals("incorrect no of types in root elements", 5, typeCount);
assertEquals("incorrect types among root elements",
"[abc.A, abc.internal.A, abc.internal.TypeInAModule, abc.internal.pqr.A, pqr.ext.B]",
// Test the types part of root elements get the modules right
public void testRootElements2() {
Set<? extends Element> rootElements = this.roundEnv.getRootElements();
TypeElement type = null;
ModuleElement modFromRoot = null;
for (Element element : rootElements) {
if (element instanceof TypeElement && ((TypeElement) element).getSimpleName().toString().equals("TypeInAModule")) {
type = (TypeElement) element;
if (element instanceof ModuleElement && ((ModuleElement) element).getQualifiedName().toString().equals("mod.a")) {
modFromRoot = (ModuleElement) element;
assertNotNull("type should not be null", type);
assertNotNull("module from root elements should not be null", modFromRoot);
ModuleElement module = _elementUtils.getModuleOf(type);
assertNotNull("type's module should not be null", module);
assertEquals("modules should be equals", module, modFromRoot);
* Test module element can be retrieved and
* annotations on module declarations can be retrieved
public void testModuleAnnotation1() {
CharSequence name = "mod.a";
ModuleElement mod = _elementUtils.getModuleElement(name);
assertNotNull("Module element should not be null", mod);
List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotationMirrors = mod.getAnnotationMirrors();
assertNotNull("Should not be null", annotationMirrors);
verifyAnnotations(mod, new String[]{"@java.lang.Deprecated()"});
List<? extends Element> enclosedElements = mod.getEnclosedElements();
PackageElement pack = null;
for (Element element : enclosedElements) {
if (element instanceof PackageElement) {
pack = (PackageElement) element;
assertNotNull("Package not found", pack);
Element elem = pack.getEnclosingElement();
assertNotNull("Parent not found", elem);
assertTrue("Parent should be a module", (elem instanceof ModuleElement));
assertEquals("Incorrect module element", "mod.a", ((ModuleElement) elem).getQualifiedName().toString());
* Test module element can be retrieved and attributed are
* verified against declaration
public void testModuleElement1() {
CharSequence name = "mod.a";
ModuleElement mod = _elementUtils.getModuleElement(name);
assertEquals("incorrect qualified name", "mod.a", mod.getQualifiedName().toString());
assertEquals("incorrect simple name", "a", mod.getSimpleName().toString());
List<? extends Element> enclosedElements = mod.getEnclosedElements();
PackageElement pack = null;
for (Element element : enclosedElements) {
if (element instanceof PackageElement && ((PackageElement) element).getQualifiedName().toString().equals("abc.internal")) {
pack = (PackageElement) element;
assertNotNull("Package not found", pack);
Element elem = pack.getEnclosingElement();
assertNotNull("Parent not found", elem);
assertTrue("Parent should be a module", (elem instanceof ModuleElement));
assertEquals("Incorrect module element", "mod.a", ((ModuleElement) elem).getQualifiedName().toString());
* Test type elements can be retrieved from Elements API with and without
* the context of the module the type is in.
public void testModuleElement2() {
CharSequence name = "mod.a";
ModuleElement mod = _elementUtils.getModuleElement(name);
TypeElement typeElement = _elementUtils.getTypeElement(mod, "abc.internal.TypeInAModule");
assertNotNull("Type should not be null", typeElement);
typeElement = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("abc.internal.TypeInAModule");
assertNotNull("Type should not be null", typeElement);
ModuleElement m = _elementUtils.getModuleOf(typeElement);
assertEquals("modules should be same", mod, m);
ModuleElement mElement = _elementUtils.getModuleOf(typeElement);
assertNotNull("module should not be null", mElement);
assertEquals("Incorrect module element", "mod.a", mElement.getQualifiedName().toString());
* Test binary modules from JRT system can be loaded and its attributes
* as expected
public void testModuleElement3() {
Set<? extends ModuleElement> allModuleElements = _elementUtils.getAllModuleElements();
ModuleElement base = null;
ModuleElement compiler = null;
for (ModuleElement moduleElement : allModuleElements) {
if (moduleElement.getQualifiedName().toString().equals("java.base")) {
base = moduleElement;
if (moduleElement.getQualifiedName().toString().equals("java.compiler")) {
compiler = moduleElement;
assertNotNull("java.base module null", base);
assertNotNull("java.compiler module null", compiler);
assertNull("Enclosing element should be null", base.getEnclosingElement());
assertEquals("Incorrect element kind", ElementKind.MODULE, base.getKind());
assertFalse("Should be named", base.isUnnamed());
assertFalse("Should not be open", base.isOpen());
* Test packages can be retrieved with the Elements API with and without
* the context of its module.
public void testModuleElement4() {
CharSequence name = "mod.a";
ModuleElement mod = _elementUtils.getModuleElement(name);
PackageElement pElement = _elementUtils.getPackageElement("abc.internal");
assertNotNull("Package should not be null", pElement);
pElement = _elementUtils.getPackageElement(mod, "abc.internal");
assertNotNull("Package should not be null", pElement);
ModuleElement mElement = _elementUtils.getModuleOf(pElement);
assertNotNull("module should not be null", mElement);
assertEquals("Incorrect module element", "mod.a", mElement.getQualifiedName().toString());
assertEquals("Modules should be same", mod, mElement);
* Test packages can be retrieved with Elements API and they contain
* the right module element.
public void testModuleElement5() {
CharSequence name = "mod.a";
ModuleElement mod = _elementUtils.getModuleElement(name);
Set<? extends PackageElement> allPackageElements = _elementUtils.getAllPackageElements("abc.internal.pqr");
assertEquals("Incorrect no of packages", 1, allPackageElements.size());
PackageElement pElement = null;
for (PackageElement packageElement : allPackageElements) {
pElement = packageElement;
assertNotNull("Package should not be null", pElement);
ModuleElement mElement = _elementUtils.getModuleOf(pElement);
assertNotNull("module should not be null", mElement);
assertEquals("Incorrect module element", "mod.a", mElement.getQualifiedName().toString());
assertEquals("Modules should be same", mod, mElement);
allPackageElements = _elementUtils.getAllPackageElements("abc");
assertEquals("Incorrect no of packages", 2, allPackageElements.size());
List<ModuleElement> mods = new ArrayList<>();
for (PackageElement packageElement : allPackageElements) {
mElement = _elementUtils.getModuleOf(packageElement);
assertEquals("incorrect no of modules", 2, mods.size());
mod = _elementUtils.getModuleElement("mod.b");
assertNotNull("mod b should not be null", mod);
assertEquals("incorrect no of modules", 0, mods.size());
* Test type elements can be loaded and contain the correct module
* elements
public void testModuleElement6() {
CharSequence name = "mod.a";
ModuleElement mod = _elementUtils.getModuleElement(name);
Set<? extends TypeElement> typeElements = _elementUtils.getAllTypeElements("abc.internal.A");
assertNotNull("Type should not be null", typeElements);
assertEquals("Incorrect no of types", 1, typeElements.size());
TypeElement tElement = null;
for (TypeElement typeElement : typeElements) {
tElement = typeElement;
assertNotNull("Package should not be null", tElement);
ModuleElement mElement = _elementUtils.getModuleOf(tElement);
assertNotNull("module should not be null", mElement);
assertEquals("Incorrect module element", "mod.a", mElement.getQualifiedName().toString());
assertEquals("Modules should be same", mod, mElement);
* Test that a module not part of the root modules can NOT be retrieved.
public void testModuleElement7() {
// test that a random module from system unrelated to the module we are compiling is not loaded by the compiler
Set<? extends ModuleElement> allModuleElements = _elementUtils.getAllModuleElements();
ModuleElement mod = null;
for (ModuleElement moduleElement : allModuleElements) {
if (moduleElement.getQualifiedName().toString().equals("java.desktop")) {
mod = moduleElement;
assertNull("module java.desktop should not be found", mod);
* Test java.base module can be loaded and verify its exports attributes
public void testModuleJavaBase1() {
try {
} catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) {
Set<? extends ModuleElement> allModuleElements = _elementUtils.getAllModuleElements();
ModuleElement base = null;
for (ModuleElement moduleElement : allModuleElements) {
if (moduleElement.getQualifiedName().toString().equals("java.base")) {
base = moduleElement;
assertNotNull("java.base module null", base);
List<? extends Directive> directives = base.getDirectives();
List<Directive> filterDirective = filterDirective(directives, DirectiveKind.EXPORTS);
assertTrue("missing exports", filterDirective.size() > 100);
ExportsDirective pack = null;
for (Directive directive : filterDirective) {
ModuleElement.ExportsDirective exports = (ExportsDirective) directive;
if (exports.getPackage().getQualifiedName().toString().equals("sun.reflect.annotation")) {
pack = exports;
assertNotNull("Package export not found", pack);
List<? extends ModuleElement> targetModules = pack.getTargetModules();
assertEquals("incorrect no of targets", 1, targetModules.size());
ModuleElement mod = targetModules.get(0);
assertEquals("incorrect module element", "jdk.compiler", mod.getQualifiedName().toString());
* Test java.base module can be loaded and verify its requires attributes
public void testModuleJavaBase2() {
Set<? extends ModuleElement> allModuleElements = _elementUtils.getAllModuleElements();
ModuleElement base = null;
for (ModuleElement moduleElement : allModuleElements) {
if (moduleElement.getQualifiedName().toString().equals("java.base")) {
base = moduleElement;
assertNotNull("java.base module null", base);
List<? extends Directive> directives = base.getDirectives();
List<Directive> filterDirective = filterDirective(directives, DirectiveKind.REQUIRES);
assertEquals("Incorrect no of requires", 0, filterDirective.size());
* Test java.base module can be loaded and verify its 'opens' attributes
public void testModuleJavaBase3() {
Set<? extends ModuleElement> allModuleElements = _elementUtils.getAllModuleElements();
ModuleElement base = null;
for (ModuleElement moduleElement : allModuleElements) {
if (moduleElement.getQualifiedName().toString().equals("java.base")) {
base = moduleElement;
assertNotNull("java.base module null", base);
List<? extends Directive> directives = base.getDirectives();
List<Directive> filterDirective = filterDirective(directives, DirectiveKind.OPENS);
assertEquals("incorrect no of opens", 0 , filterDirective.size());
* Test java.base module can be loaded and verify its 'uses' attributes
public void testModuleJavaBase4() {
Set<? extends ModuleElement> allModuleElements = _elementUtils.getAllModuleElements();
ModuleElement base = null;
for (ModuleElement moduleElement : allModuleElements) {
if (moduleElement.getQualifiedName().toString().equals("java.base")) {
base = moduleElement;
assertNotNull("java.base module null", base);
List<? extends Directive> directives = base.getDirectives();
List<Directive> filterDirective = filterDirective(directives, DirectiveKind.USES);
assertEquals("incorrect no of uses", (this.isJre11 || this.isJre12) ? 33 : 34, filterDirective.size());
* Test java.base module can be loaded and verify its 'provides' attributes
public void testModuleJavaBase5() {
Set<? extends ModuleElement> allModuleElements = _elementUtils.getAllModuleElements();
ModuleElement base = null;
for (ModuleElement moduleElement : allModuleElements) {
if (moduleElement.getQualifiedName().toString().equals("java.base")) {
base = moduleElement;
assertNotNull("java.base module null", base);
List<? extends Directive> directives = base.getDirectives();
List<Directive> filterDirective = filterDirective(directives, DirectiveKind.PROVIDES);
assertEquals("incorrect no of provides", 1 , filterDirective.size());
ProvidesDirective provides = (ProvidesDirective) filterDirective.get(0);
assertEquals("incorrect service name", "java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider", provides.getService().getQualifiedName().toString());
List<? extends TypeElement> implementations = provides.getImplementations();
assertEquals("incorrect no of implementations", 1 , implementations.size());
TypeElement typeElement = implementations.get(0);
assertEquals("incorrect implementation name", "jdk.internal.jrtfs.JrtFileSystemProvider", typeElement.getQualifiedName().toString());
public void testModuleTypeMirror1() {
ModuleElement base = _elementUtils.getModuleElement("java.base");
assertNotNull("java.base module null", base);
TypeMirror asType = base.asType();
assertNotNull("module type should not be null", asType);
assertEquals("incorrect type kind", TypeKind.MODULE, asType.getKind());
assertEquals("must be a NoType", (asType instanceof NoType));
public void testModuleTypeMirror2() {
ModuleElement base = _elementUtils.getModuleElement("mod.a");
assertNotNull("mod.a module null", base);
TypeMirror asType = base.asType();
assertNotNull("module type should not be null", asType);
verifyAnnotations(asType, new String[]{});
* Test java.sql module can be loaded and verify its requires attributes
public void testModuleJavaSql1() {
Set<? extends ModuleElement> allModuleElements = _elementUtils.getAllModuleElements();
ModuleElement base = null;
for (ModuleElement moduleElement : allModuleElements) {
if (moduleElement.getQualifiedName().toString().equals("java.sql")) {
base = moduleElement;
assertNotNull("java.sql module null", base);
List<? extends Directive> directives = base.getDirectives();
List<Directive> filterDirective = filterDirective(directives, DirectiveKind.REQUIRES);
assertEquals("Incorrect no of requires", (this.isJre11 || this.isJre12) ? 4 : 3, filterDirective.size());
RequiresDirective req = null;
for (Directive directive : filterDirective) {
if (((RequiresDirective) directive).getDependency().getQualifiedName().toString().equals("java.logging")) {
req = (RequiresDirective) directive;
assertNotNull("dependency on java.logging not found", req);
assertTrue("dependency should be transitive", req.isTransitive());
* Test a source module can be retrieved and verify its requires attributes
public void testSourceModule1() {
ModuleElement mod = _elementUtils.getModuleElement("mod.a");
assertNotNull("mod.a module null", mod);
List<? extends Directive> directives = mod.getDirectives();
List<Directive> filterDirective = filterDirective(directives, DirectiveKind.REQUIRES);
assertEquals("Incorrect no of requires", 3, filterDirective.size());
RequiresDirective reqCompiler = null;
RequiresDirective reqSql = null;
for (Directive directive : filterDirective) {
if (((RequiresDirective) directive).getDependency().getQualifiedName().toString().equals("java.compiler")) {
reqCompiler = (RequiresDirective) directive;
if (((RequiresDirective) directive).getDependency().getQualifiedName().toString().equals("java.sql")) {
reqSql = (RequiresDirective) directive;
assertNotNull("dependency on java.sql not found", reqSql);
assertNotNull("dependency on java.sql not found", reqCompiler);
assertTrue("dependency should be transitive", reqSql.isTransitive());
assertTrue("dependency should be transitive", reqCompiler.isTransitive());
* Test a source module can be retrieved and verify its requires attributes
public void testSourceModule2() {
ModuleElement mod = _elementUtils.getModuleElement("mod.b");
assertNotNull("mod.b module null", mod);
List<? extends Directive> directives = mod.getDirectives();
List<Directive> filterDirective = filterDirective(directives, DirectiveKind.REQUIRES);
assertEquals("Incorrect no of requires", 2, filterDirective.size());
RequiresDirective reqCompiler = null;
RequiresDirective reqSql = null;
RequiresDirective reqA = null;
for (Directive directive : filterDirective) {
if (((RequiresDirective) directive).getDependency().getQualifiedName().toString().equals("java.compiler")) {
reqCompiler = (RequiresDirective) directive;
if (((RequiresDirective) directive).getDependency().getQualifiedName().toString().equals("java.sql")) {
reqSql = (RequiresDirective) directive;
if (((RequiresDirective) directive).getDependency().getQualifiedName().toString().equals("mod.a")) {
reqA = (RequiresDirective) directive;
assertNull("dependency on java.sql should not be visible", reqSql);
assertNull("dependency on java.compiler should not be visible", reqCompiler);
assertNotNull("dependency on mod.a not found", reqA);
assertFalse("dependency should not be transitive", reqA.isTransitive());
public void testUnnamedModule1() {
Set<? extends Element> rootElements = this.roundEnv.getRootElements();
ModuleElement mod = null;
for (Element element : rootElements) {
if (element instanceof TypeElement) {
mod = _elementUtils.getModuleOf(element);
assertNotNull("module should not be null", mod);
assertTrue("module should be unnamed", mod.isUnnamed());
List<? extends Element> enclosedElements = mod.getEnclosedElements();
List<? extends Directive> directives = mod.getDirectives();
assertEquals("incorrect no of directives", 0, directives.size());
List<Element> filterElements = filterElements(enclosedElements, ElementKind.PACKAGE);
assertEquals("incorrect no of packages", 4, filterElements.size());
// FIXME: Note Javac fails here as well
// PackageElement packageOf = _elementUtils.getPackageOf(mod);
// assertNotNull("package should not be null", packageOf);
public void testUnnamedModule2() {
Set<? extends PackageElement> allPackageElements = _elementUtils.getAllPackageElements("targets.model9.p");
assertEquals("incorrect no of packages", 1, allPackageElements.size());
TypeElement typeElement =_elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.model9.p.A");
assertNotNull("Type should not be null", typeElement);
ModuleElement m = _elementUtils.getModuleOf(typeElement);
assertEquals("module should be unnamed", "", m.getQualifiedName().toString());
public void testUnnamedModule3() {
Set<? extends Element> rootElements = this.roundEnv.getRootElements();
ModuleElement moduleElement = _elementUtils.getModuleElement("");
assertNotNull("module should not be null", moduleElement);
ModuleElement mod = null;
for (Element element : rootElements) {
if (element instanceof TypeElement) {
mod = (ModuleElement) element.getEnclosingElement().getEnclosingElement();
assertEquals("modules should be equal", mod, moduleElement);
assertNotNull("module should not be null", mod);
List<Element> filterElements = filterElements(mod.getEnclosedElements(), ElementKind.PACKAGE);
assertEquals("incorrect no of packages", 1, filterElements.size());
public void testUnnamedModule4() {
ModuleElement moduleElement = _elementUtils.getModuleElement("");
assertNotNull("module should not be null", moduleElement);
List<Element> filterElements = filterElements(moduleElement.getEnclosedElements(), ElementKind.PACKAGE);
PackageElement pack = (PackageElement) filterElements.get(0);
assertEquals("incorect package", "targets.model9a.internal", pack.getQualifiedName().toString());
List<? extends Element> enclosedElements = pack.getEnclosedElements();
assertEquals("incorrect no of types", 2, enclosedElements.size());
public void testUnnamedModule5() {
ModuleElement moduleElement = _elementUtils.getModuleElement("");
assertNotNull("module should not be null", moduleElement);
List<Element> filterElements = filterElements(moduleElement.getEnclosedElements(), ElementKind.PACKAGE);
PackageElement pack = (PackageElement) filterElements.get(0);
assertEquals("incorect package", "targets.model9x", pack.getQualifiedName().toString());
List<? extends Element> enclosedElements = pack.getEnclosedElements();
assertEquals("incorrect no of types", 1, enclosedElements.size());
public void testBug521723() {
// private int foo1(int i) { return i; }
// default int foo2(int i) {return foo(i); }
// public default void foo3() {}
// static void foo4() {}
// private static void foo5() {}
// public static void foo6() {}
Modifier[] f1 = new Modifier[] {Modifier.PRIVATE};
Modifier[] f2 = new Modifier[] {Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.DEFAULT};
Modifier[] f3 = f2;
Modifier[] f4 = new Modifier[] {Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.PUBLIC};
Modifier[] f5 = new Modifier[] {Modifier.PRIVATE, Modifier.STATIC};
Modifier[] f6 = f4;
Set<? extends Element> rootElements = roundEnv.getRootElements();
TypeElement t = null;
for (Element element : rootElements) {
if (element instanceof TypeElement) {
if (((TypeElement) element).getQualifiedName().toString().equals("targets.bug521723.I")) {
t = (TypeElement) element;
assertNotNull("type should not be null", t);
List<? extends Element> enclosedElements = t.getEnclosedElements();
for (Element element : enclosedElements) {
if (element instanceof ExecutableElement) {
String string = element.getSimpleName().toString();
if (string.equals("foo1")) {
validateModifiers((ExecutableElement) element, f1);
} else if (string.equals("foo2")) {
validateModifiers((ExecutableElement) element, f2);
} else if (string.equals("foo3")) {
validateModifiers((ExecutableElement) element, f3);
} else if (string.equals("foo4")) {
validateModifiers((ExecutableElement) element, f4);
} else if (string.equals("foo5")) {
validateModifiers((ExecutableElement) element, f5);
} else if (string.equals("foo6")) {
validateModifiers((ExecutableElement) element, f6);
public void testDirectiveVisitor() {
ModuleElement mod = _elementUtils.getModuleElement("mod.b");
assertNotNull("mod.b module null", mod);
try {
TestDirectiveVisitor<Object, Object> t = new TestDirectiveVisitor<>();
List<? extends Directive> directives = mod.getDirectives();
for (Directive directive : directives) {
Object result = t.visit(directive);
assertSame("Objects should be same", result, directive);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
public void testTypesImpl() {
ModuleElement mod = _elementUtils.getModuleElement("mod.a");
Set<? extends TypeElement> typeElements = _elementUtils.getAllTypeElements("abc.internal.A");
assertNotNull("mod.b module null", mod);
assertNotNull("Type should not be null", typeElements);
assertEquals("Incorrect no of types", 1, typeElements.size());
TypeElement tElement = null;
for (TypeElement typeElement : typeElements) {
tElement = typeElement;
assertNotNull("Package should not be null", tElement);
TypeMirror t = tElement.asType();
boolean exception = false;
try {
} catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) {
exception = true;
assertTrue("Exception not thrown", exception);
exception = false;
try {
} catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) {
exception = true;
assertTrue("Exception not thrown", exception);
exception = false;
try {
} catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) {
exception = true;
assertTrue("Exception not thrown", exception);
exception = false;
try {
_typeUtils.isSubtype(mod.asType(), t);
} catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) {
exception = true;
assertTrue("Exception not thrown", exception);
exception = false;
try {
_typeUtils.isAssignable(mod.asType(), t);
} catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) {
exception = true;
assertTrue("Exception not thrown", exception);
exception = false;
try {
_typeUtils.contains(mod.asType(), t);
} catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) {
exception = true;
assertTrue("Exception not thrown", exception);
public void testBug498022a() {
Set<? extends Element> rootElements = roundEnv.getRootElements();
TypeElement type = null;
for (Element element : rootElements) {
if (element.getSimpleName().toString().equals("Main")) {
type = (TypeElement) element;
VariableElement field = null;
if (type != null) {
List<? extends Element> members = _elementUtils.getAllMembers(type);
for (Element member : members) {
if ("someField".equals(member.getSimpleName().toString())) {
field = (VariableElement) member;
assertNotNull("field should not be null", field);
TypeMirror asType = field.asType();
DeclaredType declaredType = (DeclaredType) asType;
Element asElement = declaredType.asElement();
verifyAnnotations(asElement, new String[] {"@org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt.tests.annotations.Type(value=c)"});
public void testBug498022b() {
Set<? extends Element> rootElements = roundEnv.getRootElements();
TypeElement type = null;
TypeElement anotherType = null;
for (Element element : rootElements) {
if (element.getSimpleName().toString().equals("OtherAnnotatedClass")) {
type = (TypeElement) element;
} else if (element.getSimpleName().toString().equals("SomeAnnotatedClass")) {
anotherType = (TypeElement) element;
verifyAnnotations(type, new String[] {"@targets.model9.q.FooBarAnnotation()"});
verifyAnnotations(anotherType, new String[] {"@targets.model9.q.FooBarAnnotation(otherClasses=[targets.model9.q.OtherAnnotatedClass.class,])"});
List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annots = anotherType.getAnnotationMirrors();
AnnotationMirror annotationMirror = annots.get(0);
Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> values = annotationMirror.getElementValues();
AnnotationValue value = null;
Set<? extends ExecutableElement> keys = values.keySet();
for (ExecutableElement executableElement : keys) {
if (executableElement.getSimpleName().toString().equals("otherClasses"))
value = values.get(executableElement);
assertNotNull("value should not be null", value);
List list = (List) value.getValue();
assertEquals("Incorrect no of values", 1, list.size());
AnnotationValue annotVal = (AnnotationValue) list.get(0);
DeclaredType declaredType = (DeclaredType) annotVal.getValue();
TypeElement typeEl = (TypeElement) declaredType.asElement();
verifyAnnotations(typeEl, new String[] {"@targets.model9.q.FooBarAnnotation()"});
public boolean testBug535819() {
if (++roundNo == 1) {
this.reportSuccessAlready = false;
try {
TypeElement annotatedType = _elementUtils.getTypeElement("targets.bug535819.Entity1");
Filer filer = processingEnv.getFiler();
JavaFileObject jfo = filer.createSourceFile("targets.bug535819.query.QEntity1", annotatedType);
Writer writer = jfo.openWriter();
writer.write("package targets.bug535819.query;\n" +
" \n" +
"import targets.bug535819.Entity1;\n" +
"public class QEntity1 {\n" +
" private static final QEntity1 _alias = new QEntity1(true);\n" +
" public QEntity1() {\n" +
" super(Entity1.class);\n" +
" }\n" +
" private QEntity1(boolean dummy) {\n" +
" super(dummy);\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static class Alias {\n" +
" }\n" +
jfo = filer.createSourceFile("targets.bug535819.assoc.QAssocEntity1", annotatedType);
writer = jfo.openWriter();
writer.write("package targets.bug535819.query.assoc;\n" +
" \n" +
"import targets.bug535819.Entity1;\n" +
"import targets.bug535819.query.QEntity1;\n" +
"public class QAssocEntity1<R> {\n" +
" public QAssocEntity1(String name, R root) {\n" +
" super(name, root);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
} catch (IOException e) {
//System.setProperty(this.getClass().getName(), "Processor did not fully do the job");
} else if (roundNo == 2){
this.reportSuccessAlready = true;
return false;
private void validateModifiers(ExecutableElement method, Modifier[] expected) {
Set<Modifier> modifiers = method.getModifiers();
List<Modifier> list = new ArrayList<>(modifiers);
for (Modifier modifier : expected) {
assertTrue("modifiers still present: " + list.toString(), list.isEmpty());
protected <E extends Element> List<Element> filterElements(Iterable<? extends E> list, ElementKind kind) {
List<Element> elements = new ArrayList<>();
for (Element e : list) {
if (e.getKind() == kind)
return elements;
protected <D extends Directive> List<Directive> filterDirective(Iterable<? extends Directive> list, DirectiveKind kind) {
List<Directive> directives = new ArrayList<>();
for (Directive d : list) {
if (d.getKind() == kind)
return directives;
public void reportError(String msg) {
throw new AssertionFailedError(msg);
protected String getExceptionStackTrace(Throwable t) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(t.getMessage());
StackTraceElement[] traces = t.getStackTrace();
for (int i = 0; i < traces.length; i++) {
StackTraceElement trace = traces[i];
buf.append("\n\tat " + trace);
if (i == 12)
break; // Don't dump all stacks
return buf.toString();
public void assertModifiers(Set<Modifier> modifiers, String[] expected) {
assertEquals("Incorrect no of modifiers", modifiers.size(), expected.length);
Set<String> actual = new HashSet<String>(expected.length);
for (Modifier modifier : modifiers) {
for(int i = 0, length = expected.length; i < length; i++) {
boolean result = actual.remove(expected[i]);
if (!result) reportError("Modifier not present :" + expected[i]);
if (!actual.isEmpty()) {
reportError("Unexpected modifiers present:" + actual.toString());
public void assertTrue(String msg, boolean value) {
if (!value) reportError(msg);
public void assertFalse(String msg, boolean value) {
if (value) reportError(msg);
public void assertSame(String msg, Object obj1, Object obj2) {
if (obj1 != obj2) {
reportError(msg + ", should be " + obj1.toString() + " but " + obj2.toString());
public void assertNotSame(String msg, Object obj1, Object obj2) {
if (obj1 == obj2) {
reportError(msg + ", " + obj1.toString() + " should not be same as " + obj2.toString());
public void assertNotNull(String msg, Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
public void assertNull(String msg, Object obj) {
if (obj != null) {
public void assertEquals(String message, Object expected, Object actual) {
if (equalsRegardingNull(expected, actual)) {
} else {
reportError(message + ", expected " + expected.toString() + " but was " + actual.toString());
public void assertEquals(String message, Object expected, Object alternateExpected, Object actual) {
if (equalsRegardingNull(expected, actual) || equalsRegardingNull(alternateExpected, actual)) {
} else {
reportError(message + ", expected " + expected.toString() + " but was " + actual.toString());
static boolean equalsRegardingNull(Object expected, Object actual) {
if (expected == null) {
return actual == null;
return expected.equals(actual);
public void assertEquals(String msg, int expected, int actual) {
if (expected != actual) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append(", expected " + expected + " but was " + actual);
public void assertEquals(Object expected, Object actual) {
if (expected != actual) {
private void verifyAnnotations(AnnotatedConstruct construct, String[] annots) {
List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotations = construct.getAnnotationMirrors();
assertEquals("Incorrect no of annotations", annots.length, annotations.size());
for(int i = 0, length = annots.length; i < length; i++) {
AnnotationMirror mirror = annotations.get(i);
assertEquals("Invalid annotation value", annots[i], getAnnotationString(mirror));
private String getAnnotationString(AnnotationMirror annot) {
DeclaredType annotType = annot.getAnnotationType();
TypeElement type = (TypeElement) annotType.asElement();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("@" + type.getQualifiedName());
Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> values = annot.getElementValues();
Set<? extends ExecutableElement> keys = values.keySet();
for (ExecutableElement executableElement : keys) { // @Marker3()
AnnotationValue value = values.get(executableElement);
if (value.getValue() instanceof List) {
List list = (List) value.getValue();
for (Object obj : list) {
} else {
return buf.toString();
private class AssertionFailedError extends Error {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public AssertionFailedError(String msg) {