blob: 9c8e979795064dd17b59cd773adb3692d63ae1b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Google, Inc and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Stefan Xenos (Google) - Initial implementation
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.Nd;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.NdNode;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.db.Database;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.db.IString;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.db.IndexException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldList;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldLong;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldOneToMany;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldOneToMany.Visitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldSearchIndex.IResultRank;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldSearchIndex.SearchCriteria;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldSearchKey;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldShort;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldString;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.StructDef;
* Represents a source of java classes (such as a .jar or .class file).
public class NdResourceFile extends NdNode {
public static final FieldSearchKey<JavaIndex> FILENAME;
public static final FieldOneToMany<NdType> TYPES;
public static final FieldLong TIME_LAST_USED;
public static final FieldLong TIME_LAST_SCANNED;
public static final FieldLong SIZE_LAST_SCANNED;
public static final FieldLong HASHCODE_LAST_SCANNED;
public static final FieldOneToMany<NdWorkspaceLocation> WORKSPACE_MAPPINGS;
public static final FieldString JAVA_ROOT;
public static final FieldLong JDK_LEVEL;
public static final FieldList<NdZipEntry> ZIP_ENTRIES;
public static final FieldString MANIFEST_CONTENT;
public static final FieldShort FILE_FLAGS;
* Flag indicating that this is a corrupted zip file.
public static final int FLG_CORRUPT_ZIP_FILE = 0x0001;
public static final StructDef<NdResourceFile> type;
static {
type = StructDef.create(NdResourceFile.class, NdNode.type);
FILENAME = FieldSearchKey.create(type, JavaIndex.FILES);
TYPES = FieldOneToMany.create(type, NdType.FILE, 16);
TIME_LAST_USED = type.addLong();
TIME_LAST_SCANNED = type.addLong();
SIZE_LAST_SCANNED = type.addLong();
WORKSPACE_MAPPINGS = FieldOneToMany.create(type, NdWorkspaceLocation.RESOURCE);
JAVA_ROOT = type.addString();
JDK_LEVEL = type.addLong();
ZIP_ENTRIES = FieldList.create(type, NdZipEntry.type, 1);
MANIFEST_CONTENT = type.addString();
FILE_FLAGS = type.addShort();
private long jdkLevel;
public NdResourceFile(Nd dom, long address) {
super(dom, address);
public NdResourceFile(Nd nd) {
public boolean isCorruptedZipFile() {
return hasAllFlags(FLG_CORRUPT_ZIP_FILE);
public int getFlags() {
return FILE_FLAGS.get(getNd(), this.address);
public boolean hasAllFlags(int flags) {
int ourFlags = getFlags();
return (ourFlags & flags) == flags;
public void setFlags(int flags) {
FILE_FLAGS.put(getNd(), this.address, (short) (getFlags() | flags));
* Returns the set of all leaf zip entries that are not .class files. Does not include non-empty directories
* or .class files, but will contain all other zip entries from the original jar file. Returns the empty list
* for non-jar files.
public List<NdZipEntry> getZipEntries() {
return ZIP_ENTRIES.asList(getNd(), getAddress());
* Returns the content of the JAR's MANIFEST.MF file, or null if either this isn't a .JAR file or it didn't contain
* a MANIFEST.MF file.
public IString getManifestContent() {
return MANIFEST_CONTENT.get(getNd(), getAddress());
* Stores the content of the JAR's MANIFEST.MF file. This should only be invoked on resources that correspond to JAR
* files.
public void setManifestContent(char[] newContent) {
MANIFEST_CONTENT.put(getNd(), getAddress(), newContent);
public long getJdkLevel() {
if (this.jdkLevel == 0) {
this.jdkLevel = JDK_LEVEL.get(getNd(), this.address);
return this.jdkLevel;
public void setJdkLevel(long jdkLevel) {
if (getJdkLevel() != jdkLevel) {
JDK_LEVEL.put(getNd(), this.address, jdkLevel);
* Determines whether this file is still in the index. If a {@link NdResourceFile} instance is retained while the
* database lock is released and reobtained, this method should be invoked to ensure that the {@link NdResourceFile}
* has not been deleted in the meantime.
public boolean isInIndex() {
try {
// In the common case where the resource file was deleted and the memory hasn't yet been reused,
// this will fail.
if (!this.nd.isValidAddress(this.address)
|| NODE_TYPE.get(this.nd, this.address) != this.nd.getNodeType(getClass())) {
return false;
char[] filename = FILENAME.get(getNd(), this.address).getChars();
NdResourceFile result = JavaIndex.FILES.findBest(this.nd, Database.DATA_AREA_OFFSET,
SearchCriteria.create(filename), new IResultRank() {
public long getRank(Nd testNd, long testAddress) {
if (testAddress == NdResourceFile.this.address) {
return 1;
return -1;
return (this.equals(result));
} catch (IndexException e) {
// Read errors are expected here. It's possible that the resource file has been deleted and something
// new was written to this address, in which case we may be reading random gibberish from the database.
// This is likely to cause an exception.
return false;
public List<IPath> getAllWorkspaceLocations() {
final List<IPath> result = new ArrayList<>();
WORKSPACE_MAPPINGS.accept(getNd(), this.address, new Visitor<NdWorkspaceLocation>() {
public void visit(int index, NdWorkspaceLocation toVisit) {
result.add(new Path(toVisit.getPath().getString()));
return result;
public IPath getFirstWorkspaceLocation() {
if (WORKSPACE_MAPPINGS.isEmpty(getNd(), this.address)) {
return Path.EMPTY;
return new Path(WORKSPACE_MAPPINGS.get(getNd(), this.address, 0).getPath().toString());
public IPath getAnyOpenWorkspaceLocation(IWorkspaceRoot root) {
int numMappings = WORKSPACE_MAPPINGS.size(getNd(), this.address);
for (int mapping = 0; mapping < numMappings; mapping++) {
NdWorkspaceLocation nextMapping = WORKSPACE_MAPPINGS.get(getNd(), this.address, mapping);
IPath nextPath = new Path(nextMapping.getPath().getString());
if (nextPath.isEmpty()) {
IProject project = root.getProject(nextPath.segment(0));
if (project.isOpen()) {
return nextPath;
return Path.EMPTY;
* Returns a workspace path to this resource if possible and the absolute filesystem location if not.
public IPath getPath() {
IPath workspacePath = getFirstWorkspaceLocation();
if (workspacePath.isEmpty()) {
return new Path(getLocation().getString());
return workspacePath;
public List<NdWorkspaceLocation> getWorkspaceMappings() {
return WORKSPACE_MAPPINGS.asList(getNd(), this.address);
public IString getLocation() {
return FILENAME.get(getNd(), this.address);
public void setLocation(String filename) {
FILENAME.put(getNd(), this.address, filename);
public FileFingerprint getFingerprint() {
return new FileFingerprint(
private long getHashcodeLastScanned() {
return HASHCODE_LAST_SCANNED.get(getNd(), this.address);
* Returns true iff the indexer has finished writing the contents of this file to the index. Returns false if
* indexing may still be going on. If this returns false, readers should ignore all contents of this file.
* @return true iff the contents of this file are usable
public boolean isDoneIndexing() {
return getTimeLastScanned() != 0;
public long getTimeLastScanned() {
return TIME_LAST_SCANNED.get(getNd(), this.address);
public long getSizeLastScanned() {
return SIZE_LAST_SCANNED.get(getNd(), this.address);
public long getTimeLastUsed() {
return TIME_LAST_USED.get(getNd(), this.address);
public void setTimeLastUsed(long timeLastUsed) {
TIME_LAST_USED.put(getNd(), this.address, timeLastUsed);
public void setFingerprint(FileFingerprint newFingerprint) {
TIME_LAST_SCANNED.put(getNd(), this.address, newFingerprint.getTime());
HASHCODE_LAST_SCANNED.put(getNd(), this.address, newFingerprint.getHash());
SIZE_LAST_SCANNED.put(getNd(), this.address, newFingerprint.getSize());
public void setPackageFragmentRoot(char[] javaRoot) {
JAVA_ROOT.put(getNd(), this.address, javaRoot);
* Returns the absolute path to the java root for this .jar or .class file. If this is a .jar file, it returns its
* own filename.
public IString getPackageFragmentRoot() {
IString javaRoot = JAVA_ROOT.get(getNd(), this.address);
if (javaRoot.length() == 0) {
return getLocation();
return javaRoot;
public void markAsInvalid() {
TIME_LAST_SCANNED.put(getNd(), this.address, 0);
public int getTypeCount() {
return TYPES.size(getNd(), this.address);
public List<NdType> getTypes() {
return TYPES.asList(getNd(), this.address);
public NdType getType(int index) {
return TYPES.get(getNd(), this.address, index);
public String toString() {
try {
return FILENAME.get(getNd(), this.address).toString();
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// This is called most often from the debugger, so we want to return something meaningful even
// if the code is buggy, the database is corrupt, or we don't have a read lock.
return super.toString();
public void allocateZipEntries(int expectedNumberOfZipEntries) {
ZIP_ENTRIES.allocate(this.nd, this.address, expectedNumberOfZipEntries);
public NdZipEntry addZipEntry(String fileName) {
NdZipEntry result = ZIP_ENTRIES.append(getNd(), getAddress());
return result;