blob: d8a0a85991e2493ac9b3946ae5c47958d87a8bfa [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2014 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.eval;
import java.util.Map;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ProblemReasons;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemSeverities;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.eval.GlobalVariable;
* Negative tests for code snippet. Only compilation problems should be reported in
* these tests.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public class NegativeCodeSnippetTest extends EvaluationTest implements ProblemSeverities, ProblemReasons {
* Creates a new NegativeCodeSnippetTest.
public NegativeCodeSnippetTest(String name) {
public static Test suite() {
return setupSuite(testClass());
* Test a scenario where the change of the package declaration causes a problem in a code snippet.
public void testChangePackage() {
if (isJRockitVM()) return;
try {
// define the package
// evaluate a code snippet that uses this variable
char[] codeSnippet = "new InflaterInputStream(new byte[0])).len".toCharArray();
// back to the default package but with correct import
this.context.setPackageName(new char[0]);
this.context.setImports(new char[][] {"*".toCharArray()});
// evaluate same code snippet
newProblem(IProblem.NotVisibleField, Error, 71, 73, 1)); // The field len is not visible
// back to the default package and with no imports
this.context.setImports(new char[0][]);
// evaluate same code snippet
newProblem(IProblem.UndefinedType, Error, 4, 22, 1)); // The type InflaterInputStream is undefined
} finally {
// Clean up
this.context.setPackageName(new char[0]);
this.context.setImports(new char[0][]);
public static Class testClass() {
return NegativeCodeSnippetTest.class;
* Test a code snippet which declares a class that uses an expression as a returned statement
* in one of its methods.
public void testExpressionInInnerClass() {
//TODO (david) Syntax error diagnose should be improved in this case.
evaluateWithExpectedProblem(buildCharArray(new String[] {
"class X {",
" int foo() {",
" 1 + 1",
" }",
"return new X().foo();"}),
newProblem(IProblem.ParsingError, Error, 21, 21, 2)); // Syntax error on token "+"
* Test extra closing curly bracket.
public void testExtraClosingCurlyBracket() {
//TODO (david) Syntax error diagnose should be improved in this case.
// just an expression with an extra curly bracket
"1 + 2}".toCharArray(),
newProblem(IProblem.ParsingError, Error, 0, 0, 1)); // Unmatched bracket
// a statement followed by an unreachable expression with an extra curly bracket
evaluateWithExpectedProblem(buildCharArray(new String[] {
"return 1 + 1;",
" 2 + 2}"}),
newProblem(IProblem.ParsingError, Error, 15, 15, 2)); // Unmatched bracket
* Test extra open round bracket.
public void testExtraOpenRoundBracket() {
newProblem(IProblem.ParsingErrorInsertToComplete, Error, 6, 6, 1)); // Unmatched bracket
* Test a code snippet that contains an expression followed by a semi-colon.
public void testExtraSemiColonInExpression() {
newProblem(IProblem.ParsingErrorInsertToComplete, Error, 0, 0, 1)); // Syntax error on token EOF
* Test access to a non existing field.
* (regression test for bug 25250 Scrapbook shows wrong error message)
public void testInvalidField() {
("String s = \"\";\n" +
"length cannot be resolved or is not a field\n");
* Test a code snippet which is valid but the evaluation context imports have problems.
public void testInvalidImport() {
try {
// problem on the first import
this.context.setImports(new char[][] {"bar.Y".toCharArray()});
evaluateWithExpectedImportProblem(buildCharArray(new String[] {
"class X {",
" Y foo = new Y();",
"return new X().foo;"}),
newProblem(IProblem.ImportNotFound, Error, 0, 4, 1)); // The import bar.Y could not be resolved
// problem on the second import
this.context.setImports(new char[][] {"*".toCharArray(), "{".toCharArray()});
evaluateWithExpectedImportProblem(buildCharArray(new String[] {
"new File(\"c:\\temp\")"}),
newProblem(IProblem.ParsingErrorInvalidToken, Error, 0, 0, 1)); // Syntax error on token "{", "Identifier" expected
} finally {
// Clean up
this.context.setImports(new char[0][]);
* Test use of this.
public void testInvalidUseOfThisInSnippet() {
"Cannot use this in a static context\n");
* Test use of this.
public void testInvalidUseOfThisInSnippet2() {
// just an expression with an extra curly bracket
"return this;".toCharArray(),
"Cannot use this in a static context\n");
* Test a code snippet that misses a closing round bracket.
public void testMissingClosingRoundBracket() {
evaluateWithExpectedProblem(buildCharArray(new String[] {
"System.out.println(\"3 + 3\";"}),
newProblem(IProblem.ParsingErrorInsertToComplete, Error, 19, 25, 1)); // Unmatched bracket
* Test a code snippet that contains a string that misses the closing double quote .
public void testMissingDoubleQuote() {
evaluateWithExpectedProblem(buildCharArray(new String[] {
"System.out.println(\"3 + 3 = );",
"3 + 3"}),
newProblem(IProblem.UnterminatedString , Error, 19, 29, 1)); // String literal is not properly closed by a double-quote
* Test an expression which is not the last statement.
public void testNonLastExpressionStatement() {
evaluateWithExpectedProblem(buildCharArray(new String[] {
"1 == '1';",
newProblem(IProblem.ParsingErrorInvalidToken, Error, 2, 3, 1)); // Syntax error on token "=="
* Test a problem in the returned expression.
public void testProblemInExpression() {
"new Object(); 3 + ".toCharArray(),
newProblem(IProblem.ParsingErrorDeleteToken, Error, 16, 16, 1)); // Syntax error on token '+'
* Test a problem in the returned expression.
public void testProblemInExpression2() {
"new UnknownClass()".toCharArray(),
newProblem(IProblem.UndefinedType, Error, 4, 15, 1)); // UnknownClass cannot be resolved to a type
* Test a code snippet which declares a class that has a problem.
public void testProblemInInnerClass() {
// class declared before the last expression
evaluateWithExpectedProblem(buildCharArray(new String[] {
"class X {",
" Y foo = new Y();",
"return new X().foo;"}),
newProblem(IProblem.UndefinedType, Error, 11, 11, 2)); // The type Y is undefined
// class declared as part of the last expression
evaluateWithExpectedWarningAndDisplayString(buildCharArray(new String[] {
"return new Object() {",
" public String toString() {",
" int i = 0;",
" return \"an inner class\";",
" }",
new CategorizedProblem[] {
newProblem(IProblem.LocalVariableIsNeverUsed, Warning, 56, 56, 3), // The local variable i is never used
"an inner class".toCharArray());
* Test a problem in the statement before the returned expression.
public void testProblemInPreviousStatement() {
//TODO (david) Syntax error diagnose should be improved in this case.
evaluateWithExpectedProblem(buildCharArray(new String[] {
"return foo(a a);",
"1 + 3"}),
newProblem(IProblem.ParsingErrorDeleteToken, Error, 13, 13, 1)); // Syntax error on token "a"
* Test a code snippet that has a problem in a return statement.
public void testProblemInReturnStatement() {
"return 1 ++ 1;".toCharArray(),
newProblem(IProblem.InvalidUnaryExpression, Error, 7, 7, 1)); // Invalid argument to operation ++/--
* Test a scenario where the removal of an import causes a problem in a code snippet.
public void testRemoveImport() {
try {
// define the import
this.context.setImports(new char[][] {"*".toCharArray()});
// evaluate a code snippet that uses this variable
char[] codeSnippet = "new File(\"c:\\\\temp\")".toCharArray();
// remove the import
this.context.setImports(new char[0][]);
// evaluate same code snippet
newProblem(IProblem.UndefinedType, Error, 4, 7, 1)); // The type File is undefined
} finally {
// Clean up
this.context.setImports(new char[0][]);
* Test a scenario where the removal of a variable causes a problem in a code snippet.
public void testRemoveVariable() {
GlobalVariable var = null;
try {
// define the variable
var = this.context.newVariable("int".toCharArray(), "i".toCharArray(), "1".toCharArray());
// evaluate a code snippet that uses this variable
char[] codeSnippet = "i".toCharArray();
// remove the variable
// evaluate same code snippet
newProblem(IProblem.UnresolvedVariable, Error, 0, 0, 1)); // i cannot be resolved to a variable
} finally {
// Clean up
if (var != null) {
* Test a code snippet that contains an expression which is not reachable.
public void testUnreachableExpression() {
evaluateWithExpectedProblem(buildCharArray(new String[] {
"return 1 + 1;",
"2 + 2"}),
newProblem(IProblem.CodeCannotBeReached, Error, 14, 18, 2)); // Unreachable code
* Test a code snippet which is valid but never uses the evaluation context imports.
* (regression test for bug 18922 Scrapbook does not come back when errors in snippet)
public void testUnusedImport() {
try {
this.context.setImports(new char[][] {"java.util.*".toCharArray()});
// evaluate with import as error
Map options = getCompilerOptions();
options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedImport, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
// force evaluation so that the following evaluation will use a CodeSnippetEvaluator instead
// of a VariableEvualator
evaluateWithExpectedValue("1".toCharArray(), "1".toCharArray(), "int".toCharArray());
"new String(\"NOPE\")".toCharArray(),
newProblem(IProblem.UnusedImport, Error, 0, 10, 1)); // The import java.util.* is unused
} finally {
// Clean up
this.context.setImports(new char[0][]);
* Test a code snippet that has warnings but no errors.
public void testWarning() {
evaluateWithExpectedWarningAndDisplayString(buildCharArray(new String[] {
"int i;",
"1 + 1"}),
new CategorizedProblem[] {
newProblem(IProblem.LocalVariableIsNeverUsed, Warning, 4, 4, 1), // The local variable i is never used