blob: 29082c9305d893f55fc04d54517a603ca97c32e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Scanner;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEdit;
* Java compilation unit AST node type. This is the type of the root of an AST.
* <p>
* The source range for this type of node is ordinarily the entire source file,
* including leading and trailing whitespace and comments.
* </p>
* For 2.0 (corresponding to JLS2):
* <pre>
* CompilationUnit:
* [ PackageDeclaration ]
* { ImportDeclaration }
* { TypeDeclaration | <b>;</b> }
* </pre>
* For 3.0 (corresponding to JLS3), the kinds of type declarations
* grew to include enum and annotation type declarations:
* <pre>
* CompilationUnit:
* [ PackageDeclaration ]
* { ImportDeclaration }
* { TypeDeclaration | EnumDeclaration | AnnotationTypeDeclaration | <b>;</b> }
* </pre>
* @since 2.0
public class CompilationUnit extends ASTNode {
* The "package" structural property of this node type.
* @since 3.0
public static final ChildPropertyDescriptor PACKAGE_PROPERTY =
new ChildPropertyDescriptor(CompilationUnit.class, "package", PackageDeclaration.class, OPTIONAL, NO_CYCLE_RISK); //$NON-NLS-1$
* The "imports" structural property of this node type.
* @since 3.0
public static final ChildListPropertyDescriptor IMPORTS_PROPERTY =
new ChildListPropertyDescriptor(CompilationUnit.class, "imports", ImportDeclaration.class, NO_CYCLE_RISK); //$NON-NLS-1$
* The "types" structural property of this node type.
* @since 3.0
public static final ChildListPropertyDescriptor TYPES_PROPERTY =
new ChildListPropertyDescriptor(CompilationUnit.class, "types", AbstractTypeDeclaration.class, CYCLE_RISK); //$NON-NLS-1$
* A list of property descriptors (element type:
* {@link StructuralPropertyDescriptor}),
* or null if uninitialized.
* @since 3.0
private static final List PROPERTY_DESCRIPTORS;
static {
PROPERTY_DESCRIPTORS = reapPropertyList();
* Returns a list of structural property descriptors for this node type.
* Clients must not modify the result.
* @param apiLevel the API level; one of the
* <code>AST.LEVEL_&ast;</code> constants
* @return a list of property descriptors (element type:
* {@link StructuralPropertyDescriptor})
* @since 3.0
public static List propertyDescriptors(int apiLevel) {
* The comment table, or <code>null</code> if none; initially
* <code>null</code>. This array is the storage underlying
* the <code>optionalCommentList</code> ArrayList.
* @since 3.0
Comment[] optionalCommentTable = null;
* The comment list (element type: <code>Comment</code>,
* or <code>null</code> if none; initially <code>null</code>.
* @since 3.0
private List optionalCommentList = null;
* The package declaration, or <code>null</code> if none; initially
* <code>null</code>.
private PackageDeclaration optionalPackageDeclaration = null;
* The list of import declarations in textual order order;
* initially none (elementType: <code>ImportDeclaration</code>).
private ASTNode.NodeList imports =
* The list of type declarations in textual order order;
* initially none (elementType: <code>AbstractTypeDeclaration</code>)
private ASTNode.NodeList types =
* Line end table. If <code>lineEndTable[i] == p</code> then the
* line number <code>i+1</code> ends at character position
* <code>p</code>. Except for the last line, the positions are that
* of the last character of the line delimiter.
* For example, the source string <code>A\nB\nC</code> has
* line end table {1, 3} (if \n is one character).
private int[] lineEndTable = new int[0];
* Canonical empty list of messages.
private static final Message[] EMPTY_MESSAGES = new Message[0];
* Canonical empty list of problems.
private static final IProblem[] EMPTY_PROBLEMS = new IProblem[0];
* Messages reported by the compiler during parsing or name resolution.
private Message[] messages;
* Problems reported by the compiler during parsing or name resolution.
private IProblem[] problems = EMPTY_PROBLEMS;
* The comment mapper, or <code>null</code> in none;
* initially <code>null</code>.
* @since 3.0
private DefaultCommentMapper commentMapper = null;
* Sets the line end table for this compilation unit.
* If <code>lineEndTable[i] == p</code> then line number <code>i+1</code>
* ends at character position <code>p</code>. Except for the last line, the
* positions are that of (the last character of) the line delimiter.
* For example, the source string <code>A\nB\nC</code> has
* line end table {1, 3, 4}.
* @param lineEndtable the line end table
void setLineEndTable(int[] lineEndTable) {
if (lineEndTable == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
// alternate root is *not* considered a structural property
// but we protect them nevertheless
this.lineEndTable = lineEndTable;
* Creates a new AST node for a compilation owned by the given AST.
* The compilation unit initially has no package declaration, no
* import declarations, and no type declarations.
* <p>
* N.B. This constructor is package-private; all subclasses must be
* declared in the same package; clients are unable to declare
* additional subclasses.
* </p>
* @param ast the AST that is to own this node
CompilationUnit(AST ast) {
/* (omit javadoc for this method)
* Method declared on ASTNode.
* @since 3.0
final List internalStructuralPropertiesForType(int apiLevel) {
return propertyDescriptors(apiLevel);
/* (omit javadoc for this method)
* Method declared on ASTNode.
final ASTNode internalGetSetChildProperty(ChildPropertyDescriptor property, boolean get, ASTNode child) {
if (property == PACKAGE_PROPERTY) {
if (get) {
return getPackage();
} else {
setPackage((PackageDeclaration) child);
return null;
// allow default implementation to flag the error
return super.internalGetSetChildProperty(property, get, child);
/* (omit javadoc for this method)
* Method declared on ASTNode.
final List internalGetChildListProperty(ChildListPropertyDescriptor property) {
if (property == IMPORTS_PROPERTY) {
return imports();
if (property == TYPES_PROPERTY) {
return types();
// allow default implementation to flag the error
return super.internalGetChildListProperty(property);
/* (omit javadoc for this method)
* Method declared on ASTNode.
final int getNodeType0() {
/* (omit javadoc for this method)
* Method declared on ASTNode.
ASTNode clone0(AST target) {
CompilationUnit result = new CompilationUnit(target);
// n.b do not copy line number table or messages
result.setSourceRange(this.getStartPosition(), this.getLength());
(PackageDeclaration) ASTNode.copySubtree(target, getPackage()));
result.imports().addAll(ASTNode.copySubtrees(target, imports()));
result.types().addAll(ASTNode.copySubtrees(target, types()));
return result;
/* (omit javadoc for this method)
* Method declared on ASTNode.
final boolean subtreeMatch0(ASTMatcher matcher, Object other) {
// dispatch to correct overloaded match method
return matcher.match(this, other);
/* (omit javadoc for this method)
* Method declared on ASTNode.
void accept0(ASTVisitor visitor) {
boolean visitChildren = visitor.visit(this);
if (visitChildren) {
// visit children in normal left to right reading order
acceptChild(visitor, getPackage());
acceptChildren(visitor, this.imports);
acceptChildren(visitor, this.types);
* Returns the node for the package declaration of this compilation
* unit, or <code>null</code> if this compilation unit is in the
* default package.
* @return the package declaration node, or <code>null</code> if none
public PackageDeclaration getPackage() {
return this.optionalPackageDeclaration;
* Sets or clears the package declaration of this compilation unit
* node to the given package declaration node.
* @param pkgDecl the new package declaration node, or
* <code>null</code> if this compilation unit does not have a package
* declaration (that is in the default package)
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
* <ul>
* <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
* <li>the node already has a parent</li>
* </ul>
public void setPackage(PackageDeclaration pkgDecl) {
ASTNode oldChild = this.optionalPackageDeclaration;
preReplaceChild(oldChild, pkgDecl, PACKAGE_PROPERTY);
this.optionalPackageDeclaration = pkgDecl;
postReplaceChild(oldChild, pkgDecl, PACKAGE_PROPERTY);
* Returns the live list of nodes for the import declarations of this
* compilation unit, in order of appearance.
* @return the live list of import declaration nodes
* (elementType: <code>ImportDeclaration</code>)
public List imports() {
return this.imports;
* Returns the live list of nodes for the top-level type declarations of this
* compilation unit, in order of appearance.
* <p>
* Note that in 3.0, the types may include both enum declarations
* and annotation type declarations introduced in JDK 1.5.
* For 2.0, the elements are always <code>TypeDeclaration</code>.
* </p>
* @return the live list of top-level type declaration
* nodes (elementType: <code>AbstractTypeDeclaration</code>)
public List types() {
return this.types;
* Finds the corresponding AST node in the given compilation unit from
* which the given binding originated. Returns <code>null</code> if the
* binding does not correspond to any node in this compilation unit.
* This method always returns <code>null</code> if bindings were not requested
* when this AST was built.
* <p>
* The following table indicates the expected node type for the various
* different kinds of bindings:
* <ul>
* <li></li>
* <li>package - a <code>PackageDeclaration</code></li>
* <li>class or interface - a <code>TypeDeclaration</code> or a
* <code>AnonymousClassDeclaration</code> (for anonymous classes)</li>
* <li>primitive type - none</li>
* <li>array type - none</li>
* <li>field - a <code>VariableDeclarationFragment</code> in a
* <code>FieldDeclaration</code> </li>
* <li>local variable - a <code>SingleVariableDeclaration</code>, or
* a <code>VariableDeclarationFragment</code> in a
* <code>VariableDeclarationStatement</code> or
* <code>VariableDeclarationExpression</code></li>
* <li>method - a <code>MethodDeclaration</code> </li>
* <li>constructor - a <code>MethodDeclaration</code> </li>
* <li>annotation type - an <code>AnnotationTypeDeclaration</code></li>
* <li>annotation type member - an <code>AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration</code></li>
* <li>enum type - an <code>EnumDeclaration</code></li>
* <li>enum constant - an <code>EnumConstantDeclaration</code></li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Each call to {@link ASTParser#createAST(IProgressMonitor)} with a request for bindings
* gives rise to separate universe of binding objects. This method always returns
* <code>null</code> when the binding object comes from a different AST.
* Use <code>findDeclaringNode(binding.getKey())</code> when the binding comes
* from a different AST.
* </p>
* @param binding the binding
* @return the corresponding node where the given binding is declared,
* or <code>null</code> if the binding does not correspond to a node in this
* compilation unit or if bindings were not requested when this AST was built
* @see #findDeclaringNode(String)
public ASTNode findDeclaringNode(IBinding binding) {
return this.ast.getBindingResolver().findDeclaringNode(binding);
* Finds the corresponding AST node in the given compilation unit from
* which the binding with the given key originated. Returns
* <code>null</code> if the corresponding node cannot be determined.
* This method always returns <code>null</code> if bindings were not requested
* when this AST was built.
* <p>
* The following table indicates the expected node type for the various
* different kinds of binding keys:
* <ul>
* <li></li>
* <li>package - a <code>PackageDeclaration</code></li>
* <li>class or interface - a <code>TypeDeclaration</code> or a
* <code>AnonymousClassDeclaration</code> (for anonymous classes)</li>
* <li>primitive type - none</li>
* <li>array type - none</li>
* <li>field - a <code>VariableDeclarationFragment</code> in a
* <code>FieldDeclaration</code> </li>
* <li>local variable - a <code>SingleVariableDeclaration</code>, or
* a <code>VariableDeclarationFragment</code> in a
* <code>VariableDeclarationStatement</code> or
* <code>VariableDeclarationExpression</code></li>
* <li>method - a <code>MethodDeclaration</code> </li>
* <li>constructor - a <code>MethodDeclaration</code> </li>
* <li>annotation type - an <code>AnnotationTypeDeclaration</code></li>
* <li>annotation type member - an <code>AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration</code></li>
* <li>enum type - an <code>EnumDeclaration</code></li>
* <li>enum constant - an <code>EnumConstantDeclaration</code></li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Note that as explained in {@link IBinding#getKey() IBinding.getkey}
* there may be no keys for finding the declaring node for local variables,
* local or anonymous classes, etc.
* </p>
* @param key the binding key, or <code>null</code>
* @return the corresponding node where a binding with the given
* key is declared, or <code>null</code> if the key is <code>null</code>
* or if the key does not correspond to a node in this compilation unit
* or if bindings were not requested when this AST was built
* @see IBinding#getKey()
* @since 2.1
public ASTNode findDeclaringNode(String key) {
return this.ast.getBindingResolver().findDeclaringNode(key);
* Returns the internal comment mapper.
* @return the comment mapper, or <code>null</code> if none.
* @since 3.0
DefaultCommentMapper getCommentMapper() {
return this.commentMapper;
* Initializes the internal comment mapper with the given
* scanner.
* @param scanner the scanner
* @since 3.0
void initCommentMapper(Scanner scanner) {
this.commentMapper = new DefaultCommentMapper(this.optionalCommentTable);
this.commentMapper.initialize(this, scanner);
* Returns the extended start position of the given node. Unlike
* {@link ASTNode#getStartPosition()} and {@link ASTNode#getLength()()},
* the extended source range may include comments and whitespace
* immediately before or after the normal source range for the node.
* @param node the node
* @return the 0-based character index, or <code>-1</code>
* if no source position information is recorded for this node
* @see #getExtendedLength(ASTNode)
* @since 3.0
public int getExtendedStartPosition(ASTNode node) {
if (this.commentMapper == null) {
return -1;
} else {
return this.commentMapper.getExtendedStartPosition(node);
* Returns the extended source length of the given node. Unlike
* {@link ASTNode#getStartPosition()} and {@link ASTNode#getLength()()},
* the extended source range may include comments and whitespace
* immediately before or after the normal source range for the node.
* @param node the node
* @return a (possibly 0) length, or <code>0</code>
* if no source position information is recorded for this node
* @see #getExtendedStartPosition(ASTNode)
* @since 3.0
public int getExtendedLength(ASTNode node) {
if (this.commentMapper == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return this.commentMapper.getExtendedLength(node);
* Returns the line number corresponding to the given source character
* position in the original source string. The initial line of the
* compilation unit is numbered 1, and each line extends through the
* last character of the end-of-line delimiter. The very last line extends
* through the end of the source string and has no line delimiter.
* For example, the source string <code>class A\n{\n}</code> has 3 lines
* corresponding to inclusive character ranges [0,7], [8,9], and [10,10].
* Returns 1 for a character position that does not correspond to any
* source line, or if no line number information is available for this
* compilation unit.
* @param position a 0-based character position, possibly
* negative or out of range
* @return the 1-based line number, or <code>1</code> if the character
* position does not correspond to a source line in the original
* source file or if line number information is not known for this
* compilation unit
* @see ASTParser
public int lineNumber(int position) {
int length = lineEndTable.length;
if (length == 0) {
// no line number info
return 1;
int low = 0;
if (position <= lineEndTable[low]) {
// position illegal or before the first line delimiter
return 1;
// assert position > lineEndTable[low+1] && low == 0
int hi = length - 1;
if (position > lineEndTable[hi]) {
// position beyond the last line separator
if (position >= getStartPosition() + getLength()) {
// this is beyond the end of the source length
return 1;
} else {
return length + 1;
// assert lineEndTable[low] < position <= lineEndTable[hi]
// && low == 0 && hi == length - 1 && low < hi
// binary search line end table
while (true) {
// invariant lineEndTable[low] < position <= lineEndTable[hi]
// && 0 <= low < hi <= length - 1
// reducing measure hi - low
if (low + 1 == hi) {
// assert lineEndTable[low] < position <= lineEndTable[low+1]
// position is on line low+1 (line number is low+2)
return low + 2;
// assert hi - low >= 2, so average is truly in between
int mid = (low + hi) / 2;
// assert 0 <= low < mid < hi <= length - 1
if (position <= lineEndTable[mid]) {
// assert lineEndTable[low] < position <= lineEndTable[mid]
// && 0 <= low < mid < hi <= length - 1
hi = mid;
} else {
// position > lineEndTable[mid]
// assert lineEndTable[mid] < position <= lineEndTable[hi]
// && 0 <= low < mid < hi <= length - 1
low = mid;
// in both cases, invariant reachieved with reduced measure
* Returns the list of messages reported by the compiler during the parsing
* or the type checking of this compilation unit. This list might be a subset of
* errors detected and reported by a Java compiler.
* <p>
* This list of messages is suitable for simple clients that do little
* more than log the messages or display them to the user. Clients that
* need further details should call <code>getProblems</code> to get
* compiler problem objects.
* </p>
* @return the list of messages, possibly empty
* @see #getProblems()
* @see ASTParser
public Message[] getMessages() {
if (this.messages == null) {
int problemLength = this.problems.length;
if (problemLength == 0) {
this.messages = EMPTY_MESSAGES;
} else {
this.messages = new Message[problemLength];
for (int i = 0; i < problemLength; i++) {
IProblem problem = this.problems[i];
int start = problem.getSourceStart();
int end = problem.getSourceEnd();
messages[i] = new Message(problem.getMessage(), start, end - start + 1);
return this.messages;
* Returns the list of detailed problem reports noted by the compiler
* during the parsing or the type checking of this compilation unit. This
* list might be a subset of errors detected and reported by a Java
* compiler.
* <p>
* Simple clients that do little more than log the messages or display
* them to the user should probably call <code>getMessages</code> instead.
* </p>
* @return the list of detailed problem objects, possibly empty
* @see #getMessages()
* @see ASTParser
* @since 2.1
public IProblem[] getProblems() {
return this.problems;
* Sets the array of problems reported by the compiler during the parsing or
* name resolution of this compilation unit.
* @param problems the list of problems
void setProblems(IProblem[] problems) {
if (problems == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.problems = problems;
* Returns a list of the comments encountered while parsing
* this compilation unit.
* <p>
* Since the Java language allows comments to appear most anywhere
* in the source text, it is problematic to locate comments in relation
* to the structure of an AST. The one exception is doc comments
* which, by convention, immediately precede type, field, and
* method declarations; these comments are located in the AST
* by {@link BodyDeclaration#getJavadoc BodyDeclaration.getJavadoc}.
* Other comments do not show up in the AST. The table of comments
* is provided for clients that need to find the source ranges of
* all comments in the original source string. It includes entries
* for comments of all kinds (line, block, and doc), arranged in order
* of increasing source position.
* </p>
* Note on comment parenting: The {@link ASTNode#getParent() getParent()}
* of a doc comment associated with a body declaration is the body
* declaration node; for these comment nodes
* {@link ASTNode#getRoot() getRoot()} will return the compilation unit
* (assuming an unmodified AST) reflecting the fact that these nodes
* are property located in the AST for the compilation unit.
* However, for other comment nodes, {@link ASTNode#getParent() getParent()}
* will return <code>null</code>, and {@link ASTNode#getRoot() getRoot()}
* will return the comment node itself, indicating that these comment nodes
* are not directly connected to the AST for the compilation unit. The
* {@link Comment#getAlternateRoot Comment.getAlternateRoot}
* method provides a way to navigate from a comment to its compilation
* unit.
* </p>
* <p>
* A note on visitors: The only comment nodes that will be visited when
* visiting a compilation unit are the doc comments parented by body
* declarations. To visit all comments in normal reading order, iterate
* over the comment table and call {@link ASTNode#accept(ASTVisitor) accept}
* on each element.
* </p>
* <p>
* Clients cannot modify the resulting list.
* </p>
* @return an unmodifiable list of comments in increasing order of source
* start position, or <code>null</code> if comment information
* for this compilation unit is not available
* @see ASTParser
* @since 3.0
public List getCommentList() {
return this.optionalCommentList;
* Sets the list of the comments encountered while parsing
* this compilation unit.
* @param commentTable a list of comments in increasing order
* of source start position, or <code>null</code> if comment
* information for this compilation unit is not available
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the comment table is
* not in increasing order of source position
* @see #getCommentList()
* @see ASTParser
* @since 3.0
void setCommentTable(Comment[] commentTable) {
// double check table to ensure that all comments have
// source positions and are in strictly increasing order
if (commentTable == null) {
this.optionalCommentList = null;
this.optionalCommentTable = null;
} else {
int nextAvailablePosition = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < commentTable.length; i++) {
Comment comment = commentTable[i];
if (comment == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int start = comment.getStartPosition();
int length = comment.getLength();
if (start < 0 || length < 0 || start < nextAvailablePosition) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
nextAvailablePosition = comment.getStartPosition() + comment.getLength();
this.optionalCommentTable = commentTable;
List commentList = Arrays.asList(commentTable);
// protect the list from further modification
this.optionalCommentList = Collections.unmodifiableList(commentList);
/* (omit javadoc for this method)
* Method declared on ASTNode.
void appendDebugString(StringBuffer buffer) {
buffer.append("CompilationUnit"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// include the type names
buffer.append("["); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (Iterator it = types().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
AbstractTypeDeclaration d = (AbstractTypeDeclaration);
if (it.hasNext()) {
buffer.append(","); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
/* (omit javadoc for this method)
* Method declared on ASTNode.
int memSize() {
int size = BASE_NODE_SIZE + 8 * 4;
if (this.lineEndTable != null) {
size += HEADERS + 4 * this.lineEndTable.length;
if (this.optionalCommentTable != null) {
size += HEADERS + 4 * this.optionalCommentTable.length;
// ignore the space taken up by optionalCommentList
return size;
/* (omit javadoc for this method)
* Method declared on ASTNode.
int treeSize() {
int size = memSize();
if (this.optionalPackageDeclaration != null) {
size += getPackage().treeSize();
size += this.imports.listSize();
size += this.types.listSize();
// include disconnected comments
if (this.optionalCommentList != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.optionalCommentList.size(); i++) {
Comment comment = (Comment) this.optionalCommentList.get(i);
if (comment != null && comment.getParent() == null) {
size += comment.treeSize();
return size;
* Enables the recording of changes to this compilation
* unit and its descendents. The compilation unit must have
* been created by <code>ASTParser</code> and still be in
* its original state. Once recording is on,
* arbitrary changes to the subtree rooted at this compilation
* unit are recorded internally. Once the modification has
* been completed, call <code>rewrite</code> to get an object
* representing the corresponding edits to the original
* source code string.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if this compilation unit is
* marked as unmodifiable, or if this compilation unit has already
* been tampered with, or recording has already been enabled
* @since 3.0
public void recordModifications() {
* Converts all modifications recorded for this compilation
* unit into an object representing the corresponding text
* edits to the given document containing the original source
* code for this compilation unit.
* <p>
* The compilation unit must have been created by
* <code>ASTParser</code> from the source code string in the
* given document, and recording must have been turned
* on with a prior call to <code>recordModifications</code>
* while the AST was still in its original state.
* </p>
* <p>
* Calling this methods does not discard the modifications
* on record. Subsequence modifications made to the AST
* are added to the ones already on record. If this method
* is called again later, the resulting text edit object will
* accurately reflect the net cumulative affect of all those
* changes.
* </p>
* @param document original document containing source code
* for this compilation unit
* @param options the table of formatter options
* (key type: <code>String</code>; value type: <code>String</code>);
* or <code>null</code> to use the standard global options
* {@link JavaCore#getOptions() JavaCore.getOptions()}.
* @return text edit object describing the changes to the
* document corresponding to the recorded AST modifications
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the document passed is
* <code>null</code> or does not correspond to this AST
* @exception IllegalStateException if <code>recordModifications</code>
* was not called to enable recording
* @see #recordModifications()
* @since 3.0
public TextEdit rewrite(IDocument document, Map options) {
return getAST().rewrite(document, options);