Bug 573153: Fix whitespace issues in compiler usage texts

First and foremost, 'misc.usage.warn' contained tabs instead of spaces,
making assuming a tab width of 4 inside the properties file. But on the
console usually tabs are displayed as 8 spaces. As this is
user-configurable, though, it makes sense to expand the tabs. BTW, not
even when setting the console tab width to 4, output looks correct,
because in the file each continuation line begins with a '\' character,
making the first tab expand to position 4 in the file, but position 3 on
the output line because the backslash is not printed. This makes using
tabs unreliable at best, when trying to predict what the usage text
might look like on the console. Hence, all tabs were expanded to spaces.

In a few other places where indentation for the column layout was also
broken using normal using normal space, I made a few more cosmetic

Signed-off-by: Alexander Kriegisch <Alexander@Kriegisch.name>
Change-Id: Icc25a1e2384c9f22a89a4480c8bf3d39d4ac81aa
Reviewed-on: https://git.eclipse.org/r/c/jdt/eclipse.jdt.core/+/180757
Tested-by: JDT Bot <jdt-bot@eclipse.org>
Reviewed-by: Jay Arthanareeswaran <jarthana@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/jdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/BatchCompilerTest.java b/org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/jdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/BatchCompilerTest.java
index e2ca23b..c11a04e 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/jdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/BatchCompilerTest.java
+++ b/org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/jdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/BatchCompilerTest.java
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@
         "    --processor-module-path <directories separated by " + File.pathSeparator + ">\n" +
         "                       specify module path where annotation processors\n" +
         "                       can be found\n" +
-        "    --system <jdk>      Override location of system modules\n" +
+        "    --system <jdk>     Override location of system modules\n" +
         "    --add-exports <module>/<package>=<other-module>(,<other-module>)*\n" +
         "                       specify additional package exports clauses to the\n" +
         "                       given modules\n" +
@@ -658,8 +658,7 @@
         "                       resolved to be root modules\n" +
         "    --limit-modules <module>(,<module>)*\n" +
         "                       specify the observable module names\n" +
-        "    --release <release>\n" +
-        "                       compile for a specific VM version\n" +
+        "    --release <release> compile for a specific VM version\n" +
         " \n" +
         " Compliance options:\n" +
         "    -1.3               use 1.3 compliance (-source 1.3 -target 1.1)\n" +
@@ -702,18 +701,18 @@
         "                                      reported as errors\n" +
         " \n" +
         " Info options:\n" +
-        "    -info:<warnings separated by ,>    convert exactly the listed warnings\n" +
+        "    -info:<warnings separated by ,>   convert exactly the listed warnings\n" +
         "                                      to be reported as infos\n" +
-        "    -info:+<warnings separated by ,>   enable additional warnings to be\n" +
+        "    -info:+<warnings separated by ,>  enable additional warnings to be\n" +
         "                                      reported as infos\n" +
-        "    -info:-<warnings separated by ,>   disable specific warnings to be\n" +
+        "    -info:-<warnings separated by ,>  disable specific warnings to be\n" +
         "                                      reported as infos\n" +
         " \n" +
         " Setting warning, error or info options using properties file:\n" +
         "    -properties <file>   set warnings/errors/info option based on the properties\n" +
-        "                          file contents. This option can be used with -nowarn,\n" +
-        "                          -err:.., -info: or -warn:.. options, but the last one\n" +
-        "                          on the command line sets the options to be used.\n" +
+        "                         file contents. This option can be used with -nowarn,\n" +
+        "                         -err:.., -info: or -warn:.. options, but the last one\n" +
+        "                         on the command line sets the options to be used.\n" +
         " \n" +
         " Debug options:\n" +
         "    -g[:lines,vars,source] custom debug info\n" +
@@ -819,11 +818,11 @@
         "    -deprecation         + deprecation outside deprecated code\n" +
         "    -nowarn -warn:none disable all warnings and infos\n" +
         "    -nowarn:[<directories separated by " + File.pathSeparator+ ">]\n" +
-        "                       specify directories from which optional problems should\n" +
-        "                       be ignored\n" +
-        "    -warn:<warnings separated by ,>    enable exactly the listed warnings\n" +
-        "    -warn:+<warnings separated by ,>   enable additional warnings\n" +
-        "    -warn:-<warnings separated by ,>   disable specific warnings\n" +
+        "                           specify directories from which optional problems\n" +
+        "                           should be ignored\n" +
+        "    -warn:<warnings separated by ,>   enable exactly the listed warnings\n" +
+        "    -warn:+<warnings separated by ,>  enable additional warnings\n" +
+        "    -warn:-<warnings separated by ,>  disable specific warnings\n" +
         "      all                  enable all warnings\n" +
         "      allDeadCode          dead code including trivial if(DEBUG) check\n" +
         "      allDeprecation       deprecation including inside deprecated code\n" +
@@ -850,7 +849,7 @@
         "      finalBound           type parameter with final bound\n" +
         "      finally            + finally block not completing normally\n" +
         "      forbidden          + use of types matching a forbidden access rule\n" +
-        "      hashCode              missing hashCode() method when overriding equals()\n" +
+        "      hashCode             missing hashCode() method when overriding equals()\n" +
         "      hiding               macro for fieldHiding, localHiding, typeHiding and\n" +
         "                           maskedCatchBlock\n" +
         "      includeAssertNull    raise null warnings for variables\n" +
@@ -863,42 +862,45 @@
         "      invalidJavadoc       all warnings for malformed javadoc tags\n" +
         "      invalidJavadocTag    validate javadoc tag arguments\n" +
         "      invalidJavadocTagDep validate deprecated references in javadoc tag args\n" +
-        "      invalidJavadocTagNotVisible  validate non-visible references in javadoc\n" +
-        "							tag args\n" +
-        "      invalidJavadocVisibility(<visibility>)  specify visibility modifier\n" +
-        "							for malformed javadoc tag warnings\n" +
+        "      invalidJavadocTagNotVisible\n" +
+        "                           validate non-visible references in javadoc tag args\n" +
+        "      invalidJavadocVisibility(<visibility>)\n" +
+        "                           specify visibility modifier for malformed javadoc\n" +
+        "                           tag warnings\n" +
         "      javadoc              invalid javadoc\n" +
         "      localHiding          local variable hiding another variable\n" +
         "      maskedCatchBlock   + hidden catch block\n" +
         "      missingJavadocTags   missing Javadoc tags\n" +
         "      missingJavadocTagsOverriding missing Javadoc tags in overriding methods\n" +
         "      missingJavadocTagsMethod missing Javadoc tags for method type parameter\n" +
-        "      missingJavadocTagsVisibility(<visibility>)  specify visibility modifier\n" +
-        "							for missing javadoc tags warnings\n" +
-        "      missingJavadocComments   missing Javadoc comments\n" +
-        "      missingJavadocCommentsOverriding   missing Javadoc tags in overriding\n" +
-        "							methods\n" +
+        "      missingJavadocTagsVisibility(<visibility>)\n" +
+        "                           specify visibility modifier for missing javadoc\n" +
+        "                           tags warnings\n" +
+        "      missingJavadocComments  missing Javadoc comments\n" +
+        "      missingJavadocCommentsOverriding\n" +
+        "                           missing Javadoc tags in overriding methods\n" +
         "      missingJavadocCommentsVisibility(<visibility>)  specify visibility\n" +
-        "							modifier for missing javadoc comments warnings\n" +
+        "                           modifier for missing javadoc comments warnings\n" +
         "      module             + module related problems.\n" +
         "      nls                  string literal lacking non-nls tag //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" +
         "      noEffectAssign     + assignment without effect\n" +
         "      null                 potential missing or redundant null check\n" +
-        "      nullAnnot(<annot. names separated by |>)   annotation based null analysis,\n" +
+        "      nullAnnot(<annot. names separated by |>)\n" +
+        "                           annotation based null analysis,\n" +
         "                           nullable|nonnull|nonnullbydefault annotation types\n" +
         "                           optionally specified using fully qualified names.\n" +
-        "							Enabling this option enables all null-annotation\n" +
-        "							related sub-options. These can be individually\n" +
-        "							controlled using options listed below.\n" +
+        "                           Enabling this option enables all null-annotation\n" +
+        "                           related sub-options. These can be individually\n" +
+        "                           controlled using options listed below.\n" +
         "      nullAnnotConflict    conflict between null annotation specified\n" +
-        "							and nullness inferred. Is effective only with\n" +
-        "							nullAnnot option enabled.\n" +
+        "                           and nullness inferred. Is effective only with\n" +
+        "                           nullAnnot option enabled.\n" +
         "      nullAnnotRedundant   redundant specification of null annotation. Is\n" +
-        "							effective only with nullAnnot option enabled.\n" +
+        "                           effective only with nullAnnot option enabled.\n" +
         "      nullDereference    + missing null check\n" +
-        "	   nullUncheckedConversion unchecked conversion from non-annotated type\n" +
-        "							to @NonNull type. Is effective only with\n" +
-        "							nullAnnot option enabled.\n" +
+        "      nullUncheckedConversion  unchecked conversion from non-annotated type\n" +
+        "                           to @NonNull type. Is effective only with\n" +
+        "                           nullAnnot option enabled.\n" +
         "      over-ann             missing @Override annotation (superclass)\n" +
         "      paramAssign          assignment to a parameter\n" +
         "      pkgDefaultMethod   + attempt to override package-default method\n" +
@@ -919,39 +921,39 @@
         "      syncOverride         missing synchronized in synchr. method override\n" +
         "      syntacticAnalysis    perform syntax-based null analysis for fields\n" +
         "      syntheticAccess      synthetic access for innerclass\n" +
-        "      tasks(<tags separated by |>) tasks identified by tags inside comments\n" +
+        "      tasks(<tags separated by |>)  tasks identified by tags inside comments\n" +
         "      typeHiding         + type parameter hiding another type\n" +
-        "      unavoidableGenericProblems + ignore unavoidable type safety problems\n" +
-        "                                   due to raw APIs\n" +
+        "      unavoidableGenericProblems  + ignore unavoidable type safety problems\n" +
+        "                           due to raw APIs\n" +
         "      unchecked          + unchecked type operation\n" +
         "      unlikelyCollectionMethodArgumentType\n" +
         "                         + unlikely argument type for collection method\n" +
         "                           declaring an Object parameter\n" +
-        "      unlikelyEqualsArgumentType unlikely argument type for method equals()\n" +
+        "      unlikelyEqualsArgumentType  unlikely argument type for method equals()\n" +
         "      unnecessaryElse      unnecessary else clause\n" +
         "      unqualifiedField     unqualified reference to field\n" +
         "      unused               macro for unusedAllocation, unusedArgument,\n" +
-        "                               unusedImport, unusedLabel, unusedLocal,\n" +
-        "                               unusedPrivate, unusedThrown, and unusedTypeArgs,\n" +
-        "								unusedExceptionParam\n"+
+        "                           unusedImport, unusedLabel, unusedLocal,\n" +
+        "                           unusedPrivate, unusedThrown, and unusedTypeArgs,\n" +
+        "                           unusedExceptionParam\n" +
         "      unusedAllocation     allocating an object that is not used\n" +
         "      unusedArgument       unread method parameter\n" +
         "      unusedExceptionParam unread exception parameter\n" +
         "      unusedImport       + unused import declaration\n" +
         "      unusedLabel        + unused label\n" +
         "      unusedLocal        + unread local variable\n" +
-        "      unusedParam		    unused parameter\n" +
-        "      unusedParamOverriding unused parameter for overriding method\n" +
-        "      unusedParamImplementing unused parameter for implementing method\n" +
-        "      unusedParamIncludeDoc unused parameter documented in comment tag\n" +
+        "      unusedParam          unused parameter\n" +
+        "      unusedParamOverriding  unused parameter for overriding method\n" +
+        "      unusedParamImplementing  unused parameter for implementing method\n" +
+        "      unusedParamIncludeDoc  unused parameter documented in comment tag\n" +
         "      unusedPrivate      + unused private member declaration\n" +
         "      unusedThrown         unused declared thrown exception\n" +
-        "      unusedThrownWhenOverriding unused declared thrown exception in \n" +
-        "							overriding method\n" +
-        "      unusedThrownIncludeDocComment     unused declared thrown exception,\n" +
-        "							documented in a comment tag\n" +
+        "      unusedThrownWhenOverriding  unused declared thrown exception in \n" +
+        "                           overriding method\n" +
+        "      unusedThrownIncludeDocComment  unused declared thrown exception,\n" +
+        "                           documented in a comment tag\n" +
         "      unusedThrownExemptExceptionThrowable  unused declared thrown exception,\n" +
-        "							exempt Exception and Throwable\n" +
+        "                           exempt Exception and Throwable\n" +
         "      unusedTypeArgs     + unused type arguments for method and constructor\n" +
         "      uselessTypeCheck     unnecessary cast/instanceof operation\n" +
         "      varargsCast        + varargs argument need explicit cast\n" +
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/batch/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/messages.properties b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/batch/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/messages.properties
index 9616478..01911fb 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/batch/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/messages.properties
+++ b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/batch/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/messages.properties
@@ -9,19 +9,19 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 # Contributors:
-#     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
-#		Benjamin Muskalla - Contribution for bug 239066
-#		Stephan Herrmann - Contributions for
-#								bug 236385 - [compiler] Warn for potential programming problem if an object is created but not used
-#								bug 295551 - Add option to automatically promote all warnings to errors
-#								bug 359721 - [options] add command line option for new warning token "resource"
-#								bug 365208 - [compiler][batch] command line options for annotation based null analysis
-#								bug 374605 - Unreasonable warning for enum-based switch statements
-#								bug 388281 - [compiler][null] inheritance of null annotations as an option
-#								bug 440687 - [compiler][batch][null] improve command line option for external annotations
-#								Bug 408815 - [batch][null] Add CLI option for COMPILER_PB_SYNTACTIC_NULL_ANALYSIS_FOR_FIELDS
-#		Alan Moraes <alan@kelon.org> - Contribution for bug 383644
-#		Jesper S Moller - Contribution for bug 407297 - [1.8][compiler] Control generation of parameter names by option
+#   IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
+#   Benjamin Muskalla - Contribution for bug 239066
+#   Stephan Herrmann - Contributions for
+#     bug 236385 - [compiler] Warn for potential programming problem if an object is created but not used
+#     bug 295551 - Add option to automatically promote all warnings to errors
+#     bug 359721 - [options] add command line option for new warning token "resource"
+#     bug 365208 - [compiler][batch] command line options for annotation based null analysis
+#     bug 374605 - Unreasonable warning for enum-based switch statements
+#     bug 388281 - [compiler][null] inheritance of null annotations as an option
+#     bug 440687 - [compiler][batch][null] improve command line option for external annotations
+#     Bug 408815 - [batch][null] Add CLI option for COMPILER_PB_SYNTACTIC_NULL_ANALYSIS_FOR_FIELDS
+#   Alan Moraes <alan@kelon.org> - Contribution for bug 383644
+#   Jesper S Moller - Contribution for bug 407297 - [1.8][compiler] Control generation of parameter names by option
 ### JavaBatchCompiler messages.
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
 \    --processor-module-path <directories separated by {0}>\n\
 \                       specify module path where annotation processors\n\
 \                       can be found\n\
-\    --system <jdk>      Override location of system modules\n\
+\    --system <jdk>     Override location of system modules\n\
 \    --add-exports <module>/<package>=<other-module>(,<other-module>)*\n\
 \                       specify additional package exports clauses to the\n\
 \                       given modules\n\
@@ -234,8 +234,7 @@
 \                       resolved to be root modules\n\
 \    --limit-modules <module>(,<module>)*\n\
 \                       specify the observable module names\n\
-\    --release <release>\n\
-\                       compile for a specific VM version\n\
+\    --release <release> compile for a specific VM version\n\
 \ \n\
 \ Compliance options:\n\
 \    -1.3               use 1.3 compliance (-source 1.3 -target 1.1)\n\
@@ -278,18 +277,18 @@
 \                                      reported as errors\n\
 \ \n\
 \ Info options:\n\
-\    -info:<warnings separated by ,>    convert exactly the listed warnings\n\
+\    -info:<warnings separated by ,>   convert exactly the listed warnings\n\
 \                                      to be reported as infos\n\
-\    -info:+<warnings separated by ,>   enable additional warnings to be\n\
+\    -info:+<warnings separated by ,>  enable additional warnings to be\n\
 \                                      reported as infos\n\
-\    -info:-<warnings separated by ,>   disable specific warnings to be\n\
+\    -info:-<warnings separated by ,>  disable specific warnings to be\n\
 \                                      reported as infos\n\
 \ \n\
 \ Setting warning, error or info options using properties file:\n\
 \    -properties <file>   set warnings/errors/info option based on the properties\n\
-\                          file contents. This option can be used with -nowarn,\n\
-\                          -err:.., -info: or -warn:.. options, but the last one\n\
-\                          on the command line sets the options to be used.\n\
+\                         file contents. This option can be used with -nowarn,\n\
+\                         -err:.., -info: or -warn:.. options, but the last one\n\
+\                         on the command line sets the options to be used.\n\
 \ \n\
 \ Debug options:\n\
 \    -g[:lines,vars,source] custom debug info\n\
@@ -366,11 +365,11 @@
 \    -deprecation         + deprecation outside deprecated code\n\
 \    -nowarn -warn:none disable all warnings and infos\n\
 \    -nowarn:[<directories separated by {0}>]\n\
-\                       specify directories from which optional problems should\n\
-\                       be ignored\n\
-\    -warn:<warnings separated by ,>    enable exactly the listed warnings\n\
-\    -warn:+<warnings separated by ,>   enable additional warnings\n\
-\    -warn:-<warnings separated by ,>   disable specific warnings\n\
+\                           specify directories from which optional problems\n\
+\                           should be ignored\n\
+\    -warn:<warnings separated by ,>   enable exactly the listed warnings\n\
+\    -warn:+<warnings separated by ,>  enable additional warnings\n\
+\    -warn:-<warnings separated by ,>  disable specific warnings\n\
 \      all                  enable all warnings\n\
 \      allDeadCode          dead code including trivial if(DEBUG) check\n\
 \      allDeprecation       deprecation including inside deprecated code\n\
@@ -397,7 +396,7 @@
 \      finalBound           type parameter with final bound\n\
 \      finally            + finally block not completing normally\n\
 \      forbidden          + use of types matching a forbidden access rule\n\
-\      hashCode              missing hashCode() method when overriding equals()\n\
+\      hashCode             missing hashCode() method when overriding equals()\n\
 \      hiding               macro for fieldHiding, localHiding, typeHiding and\n\
 \                           maskedCatchBlock\n\
 \      includeAssertNull    raise null warnings for variables\n\
@@ -410,42 +409,45 @@
 \      invalidJavadoc       all warnings for malformed javadoc tags\n\
 \      invalidJavadocTag    validate javadoc tag arguments\n\
 \      invalidJavadocTagDep validate deprecated references in javadoc tag args\n\
-\      invalidJavadocTagNotVisible  validate non-visible references in javadoc\n\
-\							tag args\n\
-\      invalidJavadocVisibility(<visibility>)  specify visibility modifier\n\
-\							for malformed javadoc tag warnings\n\
+\      invalidJavadocTagNotVisible\n\
+\                           validate non-visible references in javadoc tag args\n\
+\      invalidJavadocVisibility(<visibility>)\n\
+\                           specify visibility modifier for malformed javadoc\n\
+\                           tag warnings\n\
 \      javadoc              invalid javadoc\n\
 \      localHiding          local variable hiding another variable\n\
 \      maskedCatchBlock   + hidden catch block\n\
 \      missingJavadocTags   missing Javadoc tags\n\
 \      missingJavadocTagsOverriding missing Javadoc tags in overriding methods\n\
 \      missingJavadocTagsMethod missing Javadoc tags for method type parameter\n\
-\      missingJavadocTagsVisibility(<visibility>)  specify visibility modifier\n\
-\							for missing javadoc tags warnings\n\
-\      missingJavadocComments   missing Javadoc comments\n\
-\      missingJavadocCommentsOverriding   missing Javadoc tags in overriding\n\
-\							methods\n\
+\      missingJavadocTagsVisibility(<visibility>)\n\
+\                           specify visibility modifier for missing javadoc\n\
+\                           tags warnings\n\
+\      missingJavadocComments  missing Javadoc comments\n\
+\      missingJavadocCommentsOverriding\n\
+\                           missing Javadoc tags in overriding methods\n\
 \      missingJavadocCommentsVisibility(<visibility>)  specify visibility\n\
-\							modifier for missing javadoc comments warnings\n\
+\                           modifier for missing javadoc comments warnings\n\
 \      module             + module related problems.\n\
 \      nls                  string literal lacking non-nls tag //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n\
 \      noEffectAssign     + assignment without effect\n\
 \      null                 potential missing or redundant null check\n\
-\      nullAnnot(<annot. names separated by |>)   annotation based null analysis,\n\
+\      nullAnnot(<annot. names separated by |>)\n\
+\                           annotation based null analysis,\n\
 \                           nullable|nonnull|nonnullbydefault annotation types\n\
 \                           optionally specified using fully qualified names.\n\
-\							Enabling this option enables all null-annotation\n\
-\							related sub-options. These can be individually\n\
-\							controlled using options listed below.\n\
+\                           Enabling this option enables all null-annotation\n\
+\                           related sub-options. These can be individually\n\
+\                           controlled using options listed below.\n\
 \      nullAnnotConflict    conflict between null annotation specified\n\
-\							and nullness inferred. Is effective only with\n\
-\							nullAnnot option enabled.\n\
+\                           and nullness inferred. Is effective only with\n\
+\                           nullAnnot option enabled.\n\
 \      nullAnnotRedundant   redundant specification of null annotation. Is\n\
-\							effective only with nullAnnot option enabled.\n\
+\                           effective only with nullAnnot option enabled.\n\
 \      nullDereference    + missing null check\n\
-\	   nullUncheckedConversion unchecked conversion from non-annotated type\n\
-\							to @NonNull type. Is effective only with\n\
-\							nullAnnot option enabled.\n\
+\      nullUncheckedConversion  unchecked conversion from non-annotated type\n\
+\                           to @NonNull type. Is effective only with\n\
+\                           nullAnnot option enabled.\n\
 \      over-ann             missing @Override annotation (superclass)\n\
 \      paramAssign          assignment to a parameter\n\
 \      pkgDefaultMethod   + attempt to override package-default method\n\
@@ -466,39 +468,39 @@
 \      syncOverride         missing synchronized in synchr. method override\n\
 \      syntacticAnalysis    perform syntax-based null analysis for fields\n\
 \      syntheticAccess      synthetic access for innerclass\n\
-\      tasks(<tags separated by |>) tasks identified by tags inside comments\n\
+\      tasks(<tags separated by |>)  tasks identified by tags inside comments\n\
 \      typeHiding         + type parameter hiding another type\n\
-\      unavoidableGenericProblems + ignore unavoidable type safety problems\n\
-\                                   due to raw APIs\n\
+\      unavoidableGenericProblems  + ignore unavoidable type safety problems\n\
+\                           due to raw APIs\n\
 \      unchecked          + unchecked type operation\n\
 \      unlikelyCollectionMethodArgumentType\n\
 \                         + unlikely argument type for collection method\n\
 \                           declaring an Object parameter\n\
-\      unlikelyEqualsArgumentType unlikely argument type for method equals()\n\
+\      unlikelyEqualsArgumentType  unlikely argument type for method equals()\n\
 \      unnecessaryElse      unnecessary else clause\n\
 \      unqualifiedField     unqualified reference to field\n\
 \      unused               macro for unusedAllocation, unusedArgument,\n\
-\                               unusedImport, unusedLabel, unusedLocal,\n\
-\                               unusedPrivate, unusedThrown, and unusedTypeArgs,\n\
-\								unusedExceptionParam\n\
+\                           unusedImport, unusedLabel, unusedLocal,\n\
+\                           unusedPrivate, unusedThrown, and unusedTypeArgs,\n\
+\                           unusedExceptionParam\n\
 \      unusedAllocation     allocating an object that is not used\n\
 \      unusedArgument       unread method parameter\n\
 \      unusedExceptionParam unread exception parameter\n\
 \      unusedImport       + unused import declaration\n\
 \      unusedLabel        + unused label\n\
 \      unusedLocal        + unread local variable\n\
-\      unusedParam		    unused parameter\n\
-\      unusedParamOverriding unused parameter for overriding method\n\
-\      unusedParamImplementing unused parameter for implementing method\n\
-\      unusedParamIncludeDoc unused parameter documented in comment tag\n\
+\      unusedParam          unused parameter\n\
+\      unusedParamOverriding  unused parameter for overriding method\n\
+\      unusedParamImplementing  unused parameter for implementing method\n\
+\      unusedParamIncludeDoc  unused parameter documented in comment tag\n\
 \      unusedPrivate      + unused private member declaration\n\
 \      unusedThrown         unused declared thrown exception\n\
-\      unusedThrownWhenOverriding unused declared thrown exception in \n\
-\							overriding method\n\
-\      unusedThrownIncludeDocComment     unused declared thrown exception,\n\
-\							documented in a comment tag\n\
+\      unusedThrownWhenOverriding  unused declared thrown exception in \n\
+\                           overriding method\n\
+\      unusedThrownIncludeDocComment  unused declared thrown exception,\n\
+\                           documented in a comment tag\n\
 \      unusedThrownExemptExceptionThrowable  unused declared thrown exception,\n\
-\							exempt Exception and Throwable\n\
+\                           exempt Exception and Throwable\n\
 \      unusedTypeArgs     + unused type arguments for method and constructor\n\
 \      uselessTypeCheck     unnecessary cast/instanceof operation\n\
 \      varargsCast        + varargs argument need explicit cast\n\