blob: ac3ede103ec3e08d863f7ef91b9f26617c5014fa [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Google, Inc and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Stefan Xenos (Google) - Initial implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.db.Database;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.db.IndexException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldInt;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldPointer;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldShort;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.StructDef;
* Implements a growable array of pointers that supports constant-time insertions and removals. Items are inserted at
* the end of the array, and each insertion hands back a unique identifier that can be used to remove the item quickly
* at a later time.
* <p>
* The memory format contains a header is as follows:
* <p>
* <pre>
* Byte Meaning
* --------------------------------------------
* 0..3 Pointer to the growable block. Null if the number of records <= inlineRecordCount
* 4..7 Record [0]
* 8..11 Record [1]
* ...
* k...k+4 Record [inlineRecordCount-1]
* </pre>
* As shown above, the first few records are stored inline with the array. inlineRecordCount is a tunable parameter
* which may be 0. If there are fewer than inlineRecordCount records, there is no growable block and all records are
* stored in the header. Storing the first few records in the header is intended as an optimization for very small
* arrays in the case where small arrays are expected to be a common case. If there are fewer than inlineRecordCount
* records stored in the array, the size of the array is not stored explicitly. It is computed on demand by searching
* for the first null entry among the inline records.
* <p>
* The memory format for a growable block is as follows:
* <p>
* <pre>
* Byte Meaning
* --------------------------------------------
* 0..3 Size of the array, including all inline records. This is also the index at which the next entry will
* be inserted
* 4..7 Capacity of this growable block.
* 8..11 Record [n]
* 12..15 Record [n+1]
* ...
* k...k+4 Record [blockSize-1]
* </pre>
* <p>
* The growable block itself begins with a 4-byte int holding the size of the array, followed by a 4-byte int holding
* the capacity of the growable block. In the event that the array is larger than
* {@link GrowableBlockHeader#MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE} enough to be using a metablock, there will be multiple growable blocks
* in use. In this case, the size and capacity stored in the metablock is used for the array and the size and capacity
* stored in each growable block will be filled in with 0s.
* <p>
* If capacity <= MAX_BLOCK_SIZE then this is a normal block containing a flat array of record pointers starting from
* the element numbered inlineRecordCount. If capacity > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE then then it is a metablock which holds record
* pointers to separate growable blocks, each of which holds exactly MAX_BLOCK_SIZE elements.
* <p>
* Every time an element is inserted in the array, the add method returns the element's index. Indices can be used to
* remove elements in constant time, but will be reassigned by the RawGrowableArray during removes by swapping the
* removed element with the last element in the array. If the owner of the array is keeping track of indices, it should
* update the relevant indices on remove.
* <p>
* The array itself is tightly packed. When an element is removed, the last element in the array is swapped into its
* location. Anyone keeping track of indices may rely on the fact that they are consecutive integers.
* <p>
* These arrays preserve insertion order until the first call to "remove". If element order matters, you should not
* remove individual elements but should instead destroy and rebuild the entire array.
* <p>
* Element additions and removals run in constant amortized time.
* <p>
* There are a lot of ints and longs used in the implementation of this class. In order to help clarify their function,
* they get the following suffixes:
* <ul>
* <li>index - holds an index into the array
* <li>size - holds a count of the number of indices
* <li>value - holds one of the pointer values inserted into the array
* <li>address - holds a pointer into the database (refers to a full 8-byte long, not the compressed 4-byte version)
* <li>bytes - holds the size (in bytes) of something in the database
* <li>block - holds a block number (in the case where a metablock is in use, the growable blocks are identified by
* block numbers).
* <li>blockCount - holds a number of blocks
* </ul>
public final class RawGrowableArray {
private static final FieldPointer GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS;
private static final int ARRAY_HEADER_BYTES;
private static final StructDef<RawGrowableArray> type;
static {
type = StructDef.createAbstract(RawGrowableArray.class);
GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS = type.addPointer();
ARRAY_HEADER_BYTES = type.size();
private static class GrowableBlockHeader {
public static final FieldInt ARRAY_SIZE;
public static final FieldInt ALLOCATED_SIZE;
public static final int GROWABLE_BLOCK_HEADER_BYTES;
public static final int MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE;
private static final StructDef<GrowableBlockHeader> type;
static {
type = StructDef.createAbstract(GrowableBlockHeader.class);
ARRAY_SIZE = type.addInt();
ALLOCATED_SIZE = type.addInt();
/ Database.PTR_SIZE;
private static final class MetaBlockHeader extends GrowableBlockHeader {
* Holds the number of pages used for the metablock. Note that the start of the metablock array needs to be
* 4-byte aligned. Since all malloc calls are always 2 bytes away from 4-byte alignment, we need to use at
* least one short in this struct. */
public static final FieldShort METABLOCK_NUM_PAGES;
public static final int META_BLOCK_HEADER_BYTES;
private static final StructDef<MetaBlockHeader> type;
static {
type = StructDef.createAbstract(MetaBlockHeader.class, GrowableBlockHeader.type);
METABLOCK_NUM_PAGES = type.addShort();
private final int inlineSize;
public RawGrowableArray(int inlineRecords) {
this.inlineSize = inlineRecords;
public static int getMaxGrowableBlockSize() {
return GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE;
* Returns the size of the array.
* @param address address of the array
* @return the array size, in number elements
public int size(Nd nd, long address) {
Database db = nd.getDB();
long growableBlockAddress = GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS.get(nd, address);
if (growableBlockAddress == 0) {
// If there is no growable block or metablock, then the size is determined by the position of the first
// null pointer among the inline records.
long inlineRecordStartAddress = address + ARRAY_HEADER_BYTES;
for (int index = 0; index < this.inlineSize; index++) {
long nextAddress = inlineRecordStartAddress + index * Database.PTR_SIZE;
long nextValue = db.getRecPtr(nextAddress);
if (nextValue == 0) {
return index;
return this.inlineSize;
return GrowableBlockHeader.ARRAY_SIZE.get(nd, growableBlockAddress);
* Adds the given value to the array. Returns an index which can be later passed into remove in order to
* remove the element at a later time.
public int add(Nd nd, long address, long value) {
if (value == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null pointers cannot be inserted into " + getClass().getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
Database db = nd.getDB();
int insertionIndex = size(nd, address);
int newSize = insertionIndex + 1;
try {
ensureCapacity(nd, address, newSize);
long recordAddress = getAddressOfRecord(nd, address, insertionIndex);
db.putRecPtr(recordAddress, value);
setSize(nd, address, newSize);
} catch (IndexException e) {
IndexExceptionBuilder descriptor = nd.describeProblem();
addSizeTo(nd, address, descriptor);
throw e;
return insertionIndex;
* Returns the element at the given index (nonzero). The given index must be < size().
public long get(Nd nd, long address, int index) {
long recordAddress = getAddressOfRecord(nd, address, index);
return nd.getDB().getRecPtr(recordAddress);
* Ensures that the array contains at least enough space allocated to fit the given number of new elements.
public void ensureCapacity(Nd nd, long address, int desiredSize) {
int growableBlockNeededSize = desiredSize - this.inlineSize;
long growableBlockAddress = GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS.get(nd, address);
int growableBlockCurrentSize = growableBlockAddress == 0 ? 0
: GrowableBlockHeader.ALLOCATED_SIZE.get(nd, growableBlockAddress);
// The growable region is already large enough.
if (growableBlockNeededSize <= growableBlockCurrentSize) {
Database db = nd.getDB();
int neededBlockSize = getGrowableRegionSizeFor(desiredSize);
if (neededBlockSize > GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE) {
// We need a metablock.
long metablockAddress = growableBlockAddress;
// neededBlockSize should always be a multiple of the max block size when metablocks are in use
assert neededBlockSize % GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE == 0;
// Create extra growable blocks if necessary.
int requiredBlockCount = divideRoundingUp(neededBlockSize, GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE);
int neededMetablockPages = computeMetablockPagesForBlocks(requiredBlockCount);
if (neededMetablockPages > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IndexException("A metablock overflowed. Unable to allocate " + neededMetablockPages //$NON-NLS-1$
+ " pages."); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!(growableBlockCurrentSize > GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE)) {
// We weren't using a metablock previously
int currentSize = size(nd, address);
// Need to convert to using metablocks.
long firstGrowableBlockAddress = resizeBlock(nd, address, GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE);
metablockAddress = db.malloc(Database.getBytesThatFitInChunks(neededMetablockPages),
GrowableBlockHeader.ARRAY_SIZE.put(nd, metablockAddress, currentSize);
GrowableBlockHeader.ALLOCATED_SIZE.put(nd, metablockAddress,
MetaBlockHeader.METABLOCK_NUM_PAGES.put(nd, metablockAddress, (short)neededMetablockPages);
// Link the first block into the metablock.
db.putRecPtr(metablockAddress + MetaBlockHeader.META_BLOCK_HEADER_BYTES,
GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS.put(nd, address, metablockAddress);
short metablockCurrentPages = MetaBlockHeader.METABLOCK_NUM_PAGES.get(nd, metablockAddress);
if (metablockCurrentPages < neededMetablockPages) {
short newMetablockPages = (short)Math.min(Short.MAX_VALUE, neededMetablockPages * 1.5);
long newMetablockAddress = db.malloc(Database.getBytesThatFitInChunks(newMetablockPages),
int oldNumPages = MetaBlockHeader.METABLOCK_NUM_PAGES.get(nd, metablockAddress);
db.memcpy(newMetablockAddress, metablockAddress, (int)Database.getBytesThatFitInChunks(oldNumPages));, Database.POOL_GROWABLE_ARRAY);
metablockAddress = newMetablockAddress;
MetaBlockHeader.METABLOCK_NUM_PAGES.put(nd, metablockAddress, newMetablockPages);
GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS.put(nd, address, metablockAddress);
int currentAllocatedSize = GrowableBlockHeader.ALLOCATED_SIZE.get(nd, metablockAddress);
assert currentAllocatedSize % GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE == 0;
int currentBlockCount = currentAllocatedSize / GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE;
for (int nextBlock = currentBlockCount; nextBlock < requiredBlockCount; nextBlock++) {
long nextBlockAddress = db.malloc(computeBlockBytes(GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE),
db.putRecPtr(metablockAddress + MetaBlockHeader.META_BLOCK_HEADER_BYTES
+ nextBlock * Database.PTR_SIZE, nextBlockAddress);
GrowableBlockHeader.ALLOCATED_SIZE.put(nd, metablockAddress, neededBlockSize);
} else {
long newBlockAddress = resizeBlock(nd, address, neededBlockSize);
GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS.put(nd, address, newBlockAddress);
private static int divideRoundingUp(int neededBlockSize, int maxGrowableSize) {
return (neededBlockSize + maxGrowableSize - 1) / maxGrowableSize;
private int computeMetablockPagesForBlocks(int requiredBlockCount) {
return Database.getChunksNeededForBytes(
requiredBlockCount * Database.PTR_SIZE + GrowableBlockHeader.GROWABLE_BLOCK_HEADER_BYTES);
* Allocates a new normal block, copies the contents of the old block to it, and deletes the old block. Should not
* be used if the array is using metablocks. Returns the address of the newly-allocated block.
private long resizeBlock(Nd nd, long address, int newBlockSize) {
Database db = nd.getDB();
long oldGrowableBlockAddress = GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS.get(nd, address);
// Check if the existing block is already exactly the right size
if (oldGrowableBlockAddress != 0) {
if (newBlockSize == 0) {, Database.POOL_GROWABLE_ARRAY);
return 0;
int oldAllocatedSize = GrowableBlockHeader.ALLOCATED_SIZE.get(nd, oldGrowableBlockAddress);
if (oldAllocatedSize == newBlockSize) {
return oldGrowableBlockAddress;
int arraySize = size(nd, address);
int numToCopySize = Math.min(Math.max(0, arraySize - this.inlineSize), newBlockSize);
long newGrowableBlockAddress = db.malloc(computeBlockBytes(newBlockSize), Database.POOL_GROWABLE_ARRAY);
if (oldGrowableBlockAddress != 0) {
db.memcpy(newGrowableBlockAddress, oldGrowableBlockAddress, computeBlockBytes(numToCopySize));, Database.POOL_GROWABLE_ARRAY);
GrowableBlockHeader.ARRAY_SIZE.put(nd, newGrowableBlockAddress, arraySize);
GrowableBlockHeader.ALLOCATED_SIZE.put(nd, newGrowableBlockAddress, newBlockSize);
return newGrowableBlockAddress;
private int computeBlockBytes(int size) {
return size * Database.PTR_SIZE + GrowableBlockHeader.GROWABLE_BLOCK_HEADER_BYTES;
* @param size
private void setSize(Nd nd, long address, int size) {
long growableBlockAddress = GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS.get(nd, address);
// If we're not using a growable block, we don't explicitly store the size
if (growableBlockAddress == 0) {
GrowableBlockHeader.ARRAY_SIZE.put(nd, growableBlockAddress, size);
* Returns a record address given a record number
private long getAddressOfRecord(Nd nd, long address, int index) {
int growableBlockRelativeIndex = index - this.inlineSize;
if (growableBlockRelativeIndex >= 0) {
Database db = nd.getDB();
// This record is located within the growable region
long growableBlockAddress = GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS.get(nd, address);
int size = size(nd, address);
// We use reads of 1 past the end of the array to handle insertions.
if (index > size) {
IndexExceptionBuilder builder = nd.describeProblem();
addSizeTo(nd, address, builder);
builder.addProblemAddress(GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS, address);
"Record index " + index + " out of range. Array contains " + size + " elements"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
int growableBlockSize = GrowableBlockHeader.ALLOCATED_SIZE.get(nd, growableBlockAddress);
if (growableBlockSize > GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE) {
// If this array is so big that it's using a metablock, look up the correct sub-block and use the
// correct address within the sub-block
int blockRelativeIndex = growableBlockRelativeIndex % GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE;
int block = growableBlockRelativeIndex / GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE;
long dataBlockAddress = growableBlockAddress + MetaBlockHeader.META_BLOCK_HEADER_BYTES
+ block * Database.PTR_SIZE;
growableBlockAddress = db.getRecPtr(dataBlockAddress);
if (growableBlockAddress == 0) {
throw nd.describeProblem()
.addProblemAddress("backpointer number " + block, dataBlockAddress, Database.PTR_SIZE) //$NON-NLS-1$
.addProblemAddress(GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS, address)
.build("Null data block found in metablock"); //$NON-NLS-1$
growableBlockRelativeIndex = blockRelativeIndex;
long dataStartAddress = growableBlockAddress + GrowableBlockHeader.GROWABLE_BLOCK_HEADER_BYTES;
return dataStartAddress + growableBlockRelativeIndex * Database.PTR_SIZE;
} else {
// This record is one of the ones inlined in the header
return address + ARRAY_HEADER_BYTES + index * Database.PTR_SIZE;
private void addSizeTo(Nd nd, long address, IndexExceptionBuilder builder) {
long growableBlockAddress = GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS.get(nd, address);
if (growableBlockAddress != 0) {
builder.addProblemAddress(GrowableBlockHeader.ARRAY_SIZE, growableBlockAddress);
* Removes an entry from the array, given an element index. If the given index is not the last element
* in the list, the last element will have its index swapped with the removed element. If another element
* was swapped into the position of the removed element, this returns the value of that element. Otherwise,
* it returns 0.
public long remove(Nd nd, long address, int index) {
int currentSize = size(nd, address);
int lastElementIndex = currentSize - 1;
Database db = nd.getDB();
if (index > lastElementIndex || index < 0) {
IndexExceptionBuilder descriptor = nd.describeProblem().addProblemAddress(GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS, address);
addSizeTo(nd, address, descriptor);
throw"Attempt to remove nonexistent element " + index //$NON-NLS-1$
+ " from an array of size " + (lastElementIndex + 1)); //$NON-NLS-1$
long toRemoveAddress = getAddressOfRecord(nd, address, index);
long returnValue;
// If we're removing the last element
if (index == lastElementIndex) {
returnValue = 0;
// Clear out the removed element
db.putRecPtr(toRemoveAddress, 0);
} else {
long lastElementAddress = getAddressOfRecord(nd, address, lastElementIndex);
long lastElementValue = db.getRecPtr(lastElementAddress);
// Move the last element into the position occupied by the element being removed (this is a noop if
// removing the last element)
db.putRecPtr(toRemoveAddress, lastElementValue);
// Clear out the last element
db.putRecPtr(lastElementAddress, 0);
returnValue = lastElementValue;
// Update the array size
setSize(nd, address, currentSize - 1);
repackIfNecessary(nd, address, currentSize);
return returnValue;
* Checks if we should reduce the amount of allocated in the growable region, such that the array can hold the given
* number of elements.
* @param desiredSize
* the new current size of the array or 0 to free up all memory
private void repackIfNecessary(Nd nd, long address, int desiredSize) {
long growableBlockAddress = GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS.get(nd, address);
// If there is no growable block then the array is already as small as we can make it. Nothing to do.
if (growableBlockAddress == 0) {
int desiredGrowableSize = desiredSize - this.inlineSize;
int currentGrowableSize = GrowableBlockHeader.ALLOCATED_SIZE.get(nd, growableBlockAddress);
int newGrowableSize = getGrowableRegionSizeFor(desiredSize);
// We only need to repack if the new size is smaller than the old one
if (newGrowableSize >= currentGrowableSize) {
Database db = nd.getDB();
if (currentGrowableSize > GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE) {
// We are currently using a metablock
int desiredBlockCount = (newGrowableSize + GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE - 1)
/ GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE;
int currentBlockCount = currentGrowableSize / GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE;
// Only deallocate memory if either there are either two full unused blocks
// or the desired size is less than or equal to half of a block + 1. We add one to ensure
// that the newly-shrunk array will still be about double the size of the used elements.
boolean needsRepacking = (currentBlockCount - desiredBlockCount > 1)
|| (newGrowableSize <= (GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE / 2 + 1));
if (!needsRepacking) {
long metablockRecordsAddress = growableBlockAddress + MetaBlockHeader.META_BLOCK_HEADER_BYTES;
int currentBlock = currentBlockCount;
while (--currentBlock >= desiredBlockCount) {
long nextAddress = metablockRecordsAddress + currentBlock * Database.PTR_SIZE;
long oldBlockAddress = db.getRecPtr(nextAddress);, Database.POOL_GROWABLE_ARRAY);
db.putRecPtr(nextAddress, 0);
// If we still need to be using a metablock, we're done
if (newGrowableSize > GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE) {
// First record the new growable region size
GrowableBlockHeader.ALLOCATED_SIZE.put(nd, growableBlockAddress, newGrowableSize);
// Else we need to stop using a metablock.
// Dispose the metablock and replace it with the first growable block
long firstBlockAddress = db.getRecPtr(metablockRecordsAddress);
int oldSize = GrowableBlockHeader.ARRAY_SIZE.get(nd, growableBlockAddress);, Database.POOL_GROWABLE_ARRAY);
GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS.put(nd, address, firstBlockAddress);
if (firstBlockAddress != 0) {
currentGrowableSize = GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE;
GrowableBlockHeader.ARRAY_SIZE.put(nd, firstBlockAddress, oldSize);
GrowableBlockHeader.ALLOCATED_SIZE.put(nd, firstBlockAddress,
// Then we'll fall through to the normal (non-metablock) case, which may shrink the size of the last
// growable block further
// If we're not using metablocks, we only resize the growable region once the size of the array shrinks
// such that we're only using 1/4 of it.
if (desiredGrowableSize <= (currentGrowableSize / 4 + 1)) {
long newBlockAddress = resizeBlock(nd, address, newGrowableSize);
GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS.put(nd, address, newBlockAddress);
* Returns the number of elements that should actually be allocated in the growable region for an array of the given
* size
private int getGrowableRegionSizeFor(int arraySize) {
int growableRegionSize = arraySize - this.inlineSize;
if (growableRegionSize <= 0) {
return 0;
// Find the next power of two that is equal or greater than the required size. We use inlineSize
// as the minimum growable block size since we tend to assign a large inlineSize to lists with a large
// average number of elements, and these are also the lists that will benefit from a larger initial block size.
int nextGrowableSize = getNextPowerOfTwo(Math.max(growableRegionSize, this.inlineSize));
if (nextGrowableSize > GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE) {
// If the next power of two is greater than the max block size but the requested size is smaller than it,
// clamp it to the the max block size
if (growableRegionSize <= GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE) {
return GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE;
// For sizes larger than the max block size, we need to use a metablock. In this case, the allocated size
// will be a multiple of the max block size.
return roundUpToMultipleOf(GrowableBlockHeader.MAX_GROWABLE_SIZE, growableRegionSize);
return nextGrowableSize;
* Returns the largest power of two that is less than or equal to the given integer
private static int getPrevPowerOfTwo(int n) {
n |= (n >> 1);
n |= (n >> 2);
n |= (n >> 4);
n |= (n >> 8);
n |= (n >> 16);
return n - (n >> 1);
* Returns the next power of two that is equal to or greater than the given int.
private static int getNextPowerOfTwo(int toTest) {
int highBit = getPrevPowerOfTwo(toTest);
int nextGrowableSize = highBit;
if (highBit != toTest) {
assert (nextGrowableSize << 1) != 0;
nextGrowableSize <<= 1;
return nextGrowableSize;
* Rounds a value up to the nearest multiple of another value
private static int roundUpToMultipleOf(int unit, int valueToRound) {
int numberOfMetablocks = (valueToRound + unit - 1) / unit;
return numberOfMetablocks * unit;
* Returns the record size for a RawGrowableSize with the given number of inline records
public int getRecordSize() {
return ARRAY_HEADER_BYTES + Database.PTR_SIZE * this.inlineSize;
public void destruct(Nd nd, long address) {
repackIfNecessary(nd, address, 0);
* Returns true iff the size of the array is 0
* @param address address of the array
* @return the array size, in number elements
public boolean isEmpty(Nd nd, long address) {
Database db = nd.getDB();
long growableBlockAddress = GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS.get(nd, address);
if (growableBlockAddress == 0) {
if (this.inlineSize == 0) {
return true;
// If there is no growable block or metablock, then the size is determined by the position of the first
// null pointer among the inline records.
long firstValue = db.getRecPtr(address + ARRAY_HEADER_BYTES);
return firstValue == 0;
return GrowableBlockHeader.ARRAY_SIZE.get(nd, growableBlockAddress) == 0;
public int getCapacity(Nd nd, long address) {
long growableBlockAddress = GROWABLE_BLOCK_ADDRESS.get(nd, address);
if (growableBlockAddress == 0) {
return this.inlineSize;
int growableBlockCurrentSize = GrowableBlockHeader.ALLOCATED_SIZE.get(nd, growableBlockAddress);
return growableBlockCurrentSize + this.inlineSize;