blob: ce75ab9b89d74ff74b96440e0a32694c82ca24df [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 BEA Systems, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.internal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.env.Phase;
import org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.internal.env.AbstractCompilationEnv;
import org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.internal.env.BuildEnv;
import org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.internal.env.EclipseRoundCompleteEvent;
import org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.internal.env.ReconcileEnv;
import org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.internal.env.AbstractCompilationEnv.EnvCallback;
import org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.internal.generatedfile.GeneratedFileManager;
import org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.internal.util.FactoryPath;
import org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.util.AptConfig;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.BuildContext;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.ReconcileContext;
import com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessor;
import com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorFactory;
import com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorListener;
import com.sun.mirror.apt.RoundCompleteListener;
import com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationTypeDeclaration;
public class APTDispatchRunnable implements IWorkspaceRunnable
* This callback method is passed to a ReconcileEnv to be called within
* an AST pipeline in order to process a type during reconcile.
* Reconciles involve only one type at a time, but can recurse, so
* that multiple instances of this class are on the stack at one time.
private final class ReconcileEnvCallback implements EnvCallback {
private final ReconcileContext _context;
private final GeneratedFileManager _gfm;
private ReconcileEnvCallback(ReconcileContext context,
GeneratedFileManager gfm) {
_context = context;
_gfm = gfm;
public void run(AbstractCompilationEnv env) {
// This is a ReconcileEnvCallback, so we better be dealing with a ReconcileEnv!
ReconcileEnv reconcileEnv = (ReconcileEnv)env;
// Dispatch the annotation processors. Env will keep track of problems and generated types.
try {
dispatchToFileBasedProcessor(reconcileEnv, true, true);
} catch (Throwable t) {
AptPlugin.log(t, "Processor failure during reconcile"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// "Remove" any types that were generated in the past but not on this round.
// Because this is a reconcile, if a file exists on disk we can't really remove
// it, we can only create a blank WorkingCopy that hides it; thus, we can only
// remove Java source files, not arbitrary files.
ICompilationUnit parentWC = _context.getWorkingCopy();
Set<IFile> newlyGeneratedFiles = reconcileEnv.getAllGeneratedFiles();
_gfm.deleteObsoleteTypesAfterReconcile(parentWC, newlyGeneratedFiles);
// Report problems to the ReconcileContext.
final List<? extends CategorizedProblem> problemList = reconcileEnv.getProblems();
final int numProblems = problemList.size();
if (numProblems > 0) {
final CategorizedProblem[] aptCatProblems = new CategorizedProblem[numProblems];
// Tell the Env that the round is complete.
// This also calls resetAST() on the context.
private static final BuildContext[] NO_FILES_TO_PROCESS = new BuildContext[0];
private /*final*/ BuildContext[] _filesWithAnnotation = null;
private /*final*/ BuildContext[] _filesWithoutAnnotation = null;
private /*final*/ Map<IFile, CategorizedProblem[]> _problemRecorder = null;
private final AptProject _aptProject;
private final Map<AnnotationProcessorFactory, FactoryPath.Attributes> _factories;
/** Batch processor dispatched in the previous rounds */
private final Set<AnnotationProcessorFactory> _dispatchedBatchFactories;
/** Batch processor dispatched in the current round */
private Set<AnnotationProcessorFactory> _currentDispatchBatchFactories = Collections.emptySet();
private final boolean _isFullBuild;
public static Set<AnnotationProcessorFactory> runAPTDuringBuild(
BuildContext[] filesWithAnnotations,
BuildContext[] filesWithoutAnnotations,
Map<IFile, CategorizedProblem[]> problemRecorder,
AptProject aptProject,
Map<AnnotationProcessorFactory, FactoryPath.Attributes> factories,
Set<AnnotationProcessorFactory> dispatchedBatchFactories,
boolean isFullBuild){
if( filesWithAnnotations == null ){
filesWithAnnotations = NO_FILES_TO_PROCESS;
// If we're building, types can be generated, so we
// want to run this as an atomic workspace operation
APTDispatchRunnable runnable =
new APTDispatchRunnable(
aptProject, factories,
dispatchedBatchFactories, isFullBuild );
IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
try {, aptProject.getJavaProject().getResource(), IWorkspace.AVOID_UPDATE, null);
catch (CoreException ce) {
AptPlugin.log(ce, "Could not run APT"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return runnable._currentDispatchBatchFactories;
public static void runAPTDuringReconcile(
ReconcileContext reconcileContext,
AptProject aptProject,
Map<AnnotationProcessorFactory, FactoryPath.Attributes> factories)
// Reconciling, so we do not want to run this as an atomic workspace
// operation. If we do, it is easy to have locking issues when someone
// calls a reconcile from within a workspace lock
APTDispatchRunnable runnable = new APTDispatchRunnable( aptProject, factories );
runnable.reconcile(reconcileContext, aptProject.getJavaProject());
/** create a runnable used during build */
private APTDispatchRunnable(
BuildContext[] filesWithAnnotation,
BuildContext[] filesWithoutAnnotation,
Map<IFile, CategorizedProblem[]> problemRecorder,
AptProject aptProject,
Map<AnnotationProcessorFactory, FactoryPath.Attributes> factories,
Set<AnnotationProcessorFactory> dispatchedBatchFactories,
boolean isFullBuild)
assert filesWithAnnotation != null : "missing files"; //$NON-NLS-1$
_filesWithAnnotation = filesWithAnnotation;
_filesWithoutAnnotation = filesWithoutAnnotation;
_problemRecorder = problemRecorder;
_aptProject = aptProject;
_factories = factories;
_dispatchedBatchFactories = dispatchedBatchFactories;
_isFullBuild = isFullBuild;
/** create a runnable used during reconcile */
private APTDispatchRunnable(
AptProject aptProject,
Map<AnnotationProcessorFactory, FactoryPath.Attributes> factories)
_aptProject = aptProject;
_factories = factories;
_isFullBuild = false;
// does not apply in reconcile case. we don't generate file during
// reconcile and no apt rounding ever occur as a result.
_dispatchedBatchFactories = Collections.emptySet();
private void reconcile(final ReconcileContext reconcileContext,
IJavaProject javaProject)
if (_factories.size() == 0) {
if (AptPlugin.DEBUG)
trace("apt leaving project " + javaProject.getProject() + //$NON-NLS-1$
" early because there are no factories", //$NON-NLS-1$
//TODO: clean up generated working copies here? I think not necessary. - WSH 10/06
// Construct a reconcile time environment. This will invoke
// dispatch from inside the callback.
GeneratedFileManager gfm = _aptProject.getGeneratedFileManager();
EnvCallback callback = new ReconcileEnvCallback(reconcileContext, gfm);
AbstractCompilationEnv.newReconcileEnv(reconcileContext, callback);
public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor)
* Determine whether there are files to be processed.
* @return <code>true</code> iff APT processing should occur, return <code>false</code>
* otherwise.
* APT should should run one of the following is true
* 1) There are files with annotations
* 2) There are factories dispatched in an earlier round
private boolean shouldBuild()
if( (_factories == null || _factories.size() == 0) && _dispatchedBatchFactories.isEmpty() )
return false;
int totalFiles = _filesWithAnnotation == null ? 0 : _filesWithAnnotation.length;
// We are required to dispatch even though there are no files with annotations.
// This is a documented behavior in the mirror spec.
return totalFiles > 0 || !_dispatchedBatchFactories.isEmpty();
private void build(){
if ( !shouldBuild() )
// tracing
if ( AptPlugin.DEBUG )
String msg;
if ( (_factories == null || _factories.size() == 0) && _dispatchedBatchFactories.isEmpty() )
msg = "no AnnotationProcessoryFactory instances registered."; //$NON-NLS-1$
msg = "no files to dispatch to."; //$NON-NLS-1$
trace( "run(): leaving project " + _aptProject.getJavaProject().getProject() + //$NON-NLS-1$
" early because there are " + msg, //$NON-NLS-1$
assert _filesWithAnnotation != null :
"should never be invoked unless we are in build mode!"; //$NON-NLS-1$
EnvCallback buildCallback = new EnvCallback() {
public void run(AbstractCompilationEnv env) {
// Construct build environment, this invokes the build inside a callback
// in order to keep open the DOM AST pipeline
// We need to save the file dependency state regardless of whether any Java 5 processing
// was performed, because it may also contain Java 6 information.
* @param factories
* @return <code>true</code> iff there are factories that can only be run in batch mode.
private boolean hasBatchFactory()
for( FactoryPath.Attributes attr : _factories.values() ){
if( attr.runInBatchMode() )
return true;
return false;
* Batch processor should only be invoked during a clean build.
* @param factories
* @param processorEnv
* @return <code>true</code> iff batch processors should be dispatched.
* Return <code>false</code> otherwise. Return <code>false</code> if
* there are no batch processors.
private boolean shouldDispatchToBatchProcessor(final AbstractCompilationEnv processorEnv )
return ( _isFullBuild && processorEnv.getPhase() == Phase.BUILD && hasBatchFactory() );
private void runAPTInFileBasedMode(final BuildEnv processorEnv)
final BuildContext[] cpResults = processorEnv.getFilesWithAnnotation();
final GeneratedFileManager gfm = _aptProject.getGeneratedFileManager();
boolean projectEnablesReconcile = AptConfig.shouldProcessDuringReconcile(_aptProject.getJavaProject());
for (BuildContext curResult : cpResults ) {
dispatchToFileBasedProcessor(processorEnv, projectEnablesReconcile, false);
* @param curResult
* @param lastGeneratedFiles files generated from previous apt run.
* @param generatedFiles all files generated from current apt run.
* @param modifiedGeneratedFiles new generated files or files differs from those from
* previous run.
* @param problems problems from current apt run.
* @param deps
* @param gfm
* @param processorEnv
private void reportResult(
BuildContext curResult,
Set<IFile> java5GeneratedFiles,
Set<IFile> modifiedGeneratedFiles,
List<? extends CategorizedProblem> problems,
Set<String> deps,
GeneratedFileManager gfm,
BuildEnv processorEnv)
// Combine files generated by Java 5 and Java 6 processing phases
Set<IFile> allGeneratedFiles = null;
Set<IFile> java6GeneratedFiles = AptCompilationParticipant.getInstance().getJava6GeneratedFiles();
if (java5GeneratedFiles == null || java5GeneratedFiles.isEmpty()) {
if (java6GeneratedFiles.isEmpty()) {
allGeneratedFiles = Collections.emptySet();
else {
allGeneratedFiles = java6GeneratedFiles;
else {
if (java6GeneratedFiles.isEmpty()) {
allGeneratedFiles = java5GeneratedFiles;
else {
allGeneratedFiles = new HashSet<IFile>(java6GeneratedFiles);
// figure out exactly what got deleted
final List<IFile> deletedFiles = new ArrayList<IFile>();
IFile parentFile = curResult.getFile();
// report newly created or modified generated files
int numNewFiles = modifiedGeneratedFiles.size();
if( numNewFiles > 0 ){
final IFile[] newFilesArray = new IFile[numNewFiles];
// report deleted file.
int numDeletedFiles = deletedFiles.size();
if(numDeletedFiles > 0){
final IFile[] deletedFilesArray = new IFile[numDeletedFiles];
// report problems
final int numProblems = problems.size();
if( numProblems > 0 ){
final CategorizedProblem[] catProblemsArray = new CategorizedProblem[numProblems];
// Tell compilation participant about the problems, so it can report them
// again without reprocessing if a file is resubmitted.
_problemRecorder.put(curResult.getFile(), catProblemsArray);
// report dependency
final int numDeps = deps.size();
if( numDeps > 0 ){
final String[] depsArray = new String[numDeps];
* mixed mode - allow batch processor to be run as well as filed based ones.
* @param processorEnv
* @param currentRoundDispatchedBatchFactories output parameter. At return contains the
* set of batch factories that has been dispatched.
private void runAPTInMixedMode(final BuildEnv processorEnv)
final BuildContext[] cpResults = processorEnv.getFilesWithAnnotation();
final Map<BuildContext, Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration>> file2AnnotationDecls =
new HashMap<BuildContext, Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration>>(cpResults.length * 4/3 + 1);
final Map<String, AnnotationTypeDeclaration> annotationDecls =
if (annotationDecls.isEmpty() && _dispatchedBatchFactories.isEmpty() )
if ( AptPlugin.DEBUG )
trace( "runAPT: leaving early because annotationDecls is empty", //$NON-NLS-1$
if( AptPlugin.DEBUG )
trace( "annotations found " + annotationDecls.keySet(), processorEnv); //$NON-NLS-1$
// file based processing factory to the set of annotations that it 'claims'
final Map<AnnotationProcessorFactory, Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration>> fileFactory2Annos =
new HashMap<AnnotationProcessorFactory, Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration>>( _factories.size() * 4/3 + 1 );
// batch processing factory to the set of annotations that it 'claims'
final Map<AnnotationProcessorFactory, Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration>> batchFactory2Annos =
new HashMap<AnnotationProcessorFactory, Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration>>( _factories.size() * 4/3 + 1 );
for( Map.Entry<AnnotationProcessorFactory, FactoryPath.Attributes> entry : _factories.entrySet() ){
AnnotationProcessorFactory factory = entry.getKey();
Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration> annotationTypes = getFactorySupportedAnnotations(factory, annotationDecls);
if( annotationTypes != null ){
boolean batch = entry.getValue().runInBatchMode();
Map<AnnotationProcessorFactory, Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration> > factory2Annos =
batch ? batchFactory2Annos : fileFactory2Annos;
if( annotationTypes.size() == 0 ){
// this factory is claiming all (remaining) annotations.
annotationTypes = new HashSet<AnnotationTypeDeclaration>(annotationDecls.values());
factory2Annos.put(factory, annotationTypes);
factory2Annos.put(factory, annotationTypes);
if( annotationDecls.isEmpty() )
if( ! annotationDecls.isEmpty() ){
// TODO: (theodora) log unclaimed annotations?
// Dispatch to the batch process factories first.
// Batch processors only get executed on a full/clean build
if( !batchFactory2Annos.isEmpty() ||
(_dispatchedBatchFactories != null && !_dispatchedBatchFactories.isEmpty()) ){
if( !batchFactory2Annos.isEmpty()){
// Once we figure out which factory claims what annotation,
// the order of the factory doesn't matter.
// But in order to make things consists between runs, will
// dispatch base on factory order.
_currentDispatchBatchFactories = new LinkedHashSet<AnnotationProcessorFactory>();
for(AnnotationProcessorFactory factory : _factories.keySet() ){
final Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration> annotationTypes = batchFactory2Annos.get(factory);
if( annotationTypes == null ) continue;
final AnnotationProcessor processor =
factory.getProcessorFor(annotationTypes, processorEnv);
if( processor != null ){
if ( AptPlugin.DEBUG )
trace( "runAPT: invoking batch processor " + processor.getClass().getName(), //$NON-NLS-1$
processorEnv.setCurrentProcessorFactory(factory, false);
processorEnv.setCurrentProcessorFactory(null, false);
// We have to dispatch to factories even though we may not have discovered any annotations.
// This is a documented APT behavior that we have to observe.
for( AnnotationProcessorFactory prevRoundFactory : _dispatchedBatchFactories ){
final AnnotationProcessor processor =
prevRoundFactory.getProcessorFor(Collections.<AnnotationTypeDeclaration>emptySet(), processorEnv);
if( processor != null ){
if ( AptPlugin.DEBUG )
trace( "runAPT: invoking batch processor " + processor.getClass().getName(), //$NON-NLS-1$
processorEnv.setCurrentProcessorFactory(prevRoundFactory, false);
processorEnv.setCurrentProcessorFactory(null, false);
// Currently, we are putting everything in the first file annotations.
// TODO: Is this correct?
// Why is it ok (today):
// 1) Problems are reported as IMarkers and not IProblem thru the
// BuildContext API.
// 2) jdt is currently not doing anything about the parent->generated file relation
// so it doesn't matter which BuildContext we attach the
// creation/modification/deletion of generated files. -theodora
BuildContext firstResult = null;
if( cpResults.length > 0 )
firstResult = cpResults[0];
final BuildContext[] others = processorEnv.getFilesWithoutAnnotation();
if(others != null && others.length > 0 )
firstResult = others[0];
// If there are no files to be built, apt will not be involved.
assert firstResult != null : "don't know where to report results"; //$NON-NLS-1$
if(firstResult != null ){
final GeneratedFileManager gfm = _aptProject.getGeneratedFileManager();
firstResult, // just put it all in
processorEnv.getProblems(), // this is empty in batch mode.
processorEnv.getTypeDependencies(), // this is empty in batch mode.
// Now, do the file based dispatch
if( !fileFactory2Annos.isEmpty() ){
boolean projectEnablesReconcile = AptConfig.shouldProcessDuringReconcile(_aptProject.getJavaProject());
for(BuildContext curResult : cpResults ){
final Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration> annotationTypesInFile = file2AnnotationDecls.get(curResult);
if( annotationTypesInFile == null || annotationTypesInFile.isEmpty() )
for(AnnotationProcessorFactory factory : _factories.keySet() ){
final Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration> annotationTypesForFactory = fileFactory2Annos.get(factory);
if( annotationTypesForFactory == null || annotationTypesForFactory.isEmpty() )
final Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration> intersect = setIntersect(annotationTypesInFile, annotationTypesForFactory);
if( intersect != null && !intersect.isEmpty() ){
final AnnotationProcessor processor =
factory.getProcessorFor(intersect, processorEnv);
if( processor != null ){
if ( AptPlugin.DEBUG )
trace( "runAPT: invoking file-based processor " + processor.getClass().getName(), //$NON-NLS-1$
processorEnv );
//TODO in 3.4: also consider factory path attributes
boolean willReconcile = projectEnablesReconcile && AbstractCompilationEnv.doesFactorySupportReconcile(factory);
processorEnv.setCurrentProcessorFactory(factory, willReconcile);
processorEnv.setCurrentProcessorFactory(null, false);
final GeneratedFileManager gfm = _aptProject.getGeneratedFileManager();
* @param projectEnablesReconcile true if reconcile-time processing is enabled in the current project
* @param isReconcile true if this call is during reconcile, e.g., processorEnv is a ReconcileEnv
private void dispatchToFileBasedProcessor(
final AbstractCompilationEnv processorEnv,
boolean projectEnablesReconcile, boolean isReconcile){
Map<String, AnnotationTypeDeclaration> annotationDecls = processorEnv.getAnnotationTypes();
for( Map.Entry<AnnotationProcessorFactory, FactoryPath.Attributes> entry : _factories.entrySet() ){
if( entry.getValue().runInBatchMode() ) continue;
AnnotationProcessorFactory factory = entry.getKey();
//TODO in 3.4: also consider factory path attributes
boolean reconcileSupported = projectEnablesReconcile &&
if (isReconcile && !reconcileSupported)
Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration> factoryDecls = getFactorySupportedAnnotations(factory, annotationDecls);
if( factoryDecls != null ){
if(factoryDecls.size() == 0 ){
factoryDecls = new HashSet<AnnotationTypeDeclaration>(annotationDecls.values());
if (factoryDecls != null && factoryDecls.size() > 0) {
final AnnotationProcessor processor = factory
.getProcessorFor(factoryDecls, processorEnv);
if (processor != null)
if ( AptPlugin.DEBUG ) {
trace( "runAPT: invoking file-based processor " + processor.getClass().getName() + " on " + processorEnv.getFile(), //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
processorEnv.setCurrentProcessorFactory(factory, reconcileSupported);
processorEnv.setCurrentProcessorFactory(null, false);
if (annotationDecls.isEmpty())
if( ! annotationDecls.isEmpty() ){
// TODO: (theodora) log unclaimed annotations.
* @param processorEnv
* @param filesWithMissingType
* @param internalRound
* @param result output parameter
private Set<AnnotationProcessorFactory> build(final BuildEnv processorEnv)
try {
boolean mixedModeDispatch = shouldDispatchToBatchProcessor(processorEnv);
if( mixedModeDispatch ){
// notify the processor listeners
final Set<AnnotationProcessorListener> listeners = processorEnv
EclipseRoundCompleteEvent event = null;
for (AnnotationProcessorListener listener : listeners) {
if (listener instanceof RoundCompleteListener) {
if (event == null)
event = new EclipseRoundCompleteEvent(processorEnv);
final RoundCompleteListener rcListener = (RoundCompleteListener) listener;
if( _filesWithoutAnnotation != null ){
// log unclaimed annotations.
catch (Error t) {
// Don't catch junit exceptions. This prevents one from unit
// testing a processor
if (t.getClass().getName().startsWith("junit.framework")) //$NON-NLS-1$
throw t;
AptPlugin.logWarning(t, "Unexpected failure running APT on the file(s): " + getFileNamesForPrinting(processorEnv)); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (Throwable t) {
AptPlugin.logWarning(t, "Unexpected failure running APT on the file(s): " + getFileNamesForPrinting(processorEnv)); //$NON-NLS-1$
finally {
return Collections.emptySet();
* @param one
* @param two
* @return the set intersect of the two given sets
private Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration> setIntersect(Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration> one, Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration> two ){
Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration> intersect = null;
for( AnnotationTypeDeclaration obj : one ){
if( two.contains(obj) ){
if( intersect == null )
intersect = new HashSet<AnnotationTypeDeclaration>();
return intersect;
private void cleanupAllGeneratedFiles(){
private void cleanupAllGeneratedFilesFrom(BuildContext[] cpResults){
if (cpResults == null) {
final Set<IFile> deleted = new HashSet<IFile>();
GeneratedFileManager gfm = _aptProject.getGeneratedFileManager();
Set<IFile> java6GeneratedFiles = AptCompilationParticipant.getInstance().getJava6GeneratedFiles();
for( BuildContext cpResult : cpResults){
final IFile parentFile = cpResult.getFile();
if( deleted.size() > 0 ){
final IFile[] deletedFilesArray = new IFile[deleted.size()];
* Remove all the files that were previously generated
* from a particular parent file, but that were not generated
* in the most recent build pass.
* <p>
* Must be called during build phase, not reconcile
* @param parent the BuildContext associated with a single
* compiled parent file
* @param lastGeneratedFiles the files generated from parent
* on the previous build; typically obtained from the GFM just
* prior to beginning the current build.
* @param newGeneratedFiles the files generated from parent
* on the current build; typically stored in the BuildEnv, but
* an empty set can be passed in to remove all generated files
* of this parent.
* @param gfm
* @param processorEnv
* @param deleted
private void cleanupNoLongerGeneratedFiles(
IFile parentFile,
Set<IFile> newGeneratedFiles,
GeneratedFileManager gfm,
BuildEnv processorEnv,
Collection<IFile> deleted)
deleted.addAll(gfm.deleteObsoleteFilesAfterBuild(parentFile, newGeneratedFiles));
* @return the set of {@link AnnotationTypeDeclaration} that {@link #factory} supports or null
* if the factory doesn't support any of the declarations.
* If the factory supports "*", then the empty set will be returned
* This method will destructively modify {@link #declarations}. Entries will be removed from
* {@link #declarations} as the declarations are being added into the returned set.
private static Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration> getFactorySupportedAnnotations(
final AnnotationProcessorFactory factory,
final Map<String, AnnotationTypeDeclaration> declarations)
final Collection<String> supportedTypes = factory
if (supportedTypes == null || supportedTypes.size() == 0)
return Collections.emptySet();
final Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration> fDecls = new HashSet<AnnotationTypeDeclaration>();
for (Iterator<String> it = supportedTypes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
final String typeName =;
if (typeName.equals("*")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
// Warn that * was claimed, which is non-optimal
AptPlugin.logWarning(null, "Processor Factory " + factory + //$NON-NLS-1$
" claimed all annotations (*), which prevents any following factories from being dispatched."); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (typeName.endsWith("*")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
final String prefix = typeName.substring(0,
typeName.length() - 2);
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, AnnotationTypeDeclaration>> entries = declarations
.entrySet().iterator(); entries.hasNext();) {
final Map.Entry<String, AnnotationTypeDeclaration> entry = entries
final String key = entry.getKey();
if (key.startsWith(prefix)) {
} else {
final AnnotationTypeDeclaration decl = declarations
if (decl != null) {
return fDecls.isEmpty() ? null : fDecls;
private static void trace( String s, AbstractCompilationEnv processorEnv )
if (AptPlugin.DEBUG)
if (processorEnv != null) {
s = "[ phase = " + processorEnv.getPhase() + ", file = " + getFileNamesForPrinting(processorEnv) +" ] " + s; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
AptPlugin.trace( s );
private static String getFileNamesForPrinting(final AbstractCompilationEnv env){
if( env instanceof ReconcileEnv ){
return env.getFile().getName();
return getFileNamesForPrinting((BuildEnv)env);
* For debugging statements only!!
* @return the names of the files that we are currently processing.
private static String getFileNamesForPrinting(final BuildEnv processorEnv){
final IFile file = processorEnv.getFile();
if( file != null )
return file.getName();
final BuildContext[] results = processorEnv.getFilesWithAnnotation();
final int len = results.length;
switch( len )
case 0:
return "no file(s)"; //$NON-NLS-1$
case 1:
return results[0].getFile().getName();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean firstItem = true;
for (BuildContext curResult : results) {
if (firstItem) {
firstItem = false;
else {
sb.append(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$
return sb.toString();