blob: 969a893c097c41dde51ffb5c7cc0841b31c60f80 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Google, Inc and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Stefan Xenos (Google) - Initial implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.db.Database;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.db.IndexException;
* {@link NdRawLinkedList} stores a list of fixed-sized records. Along with the records themselves, there is also
* a bit field associated with each record which can hold a small number of bits of metadata per record.
* The underlying format is as follows:
* <pre>
* Bytes Content
* ----------------
* 4 Pointer to the next block. If this is 0, this is the last block and it is not yet full. The number of
* elements will be stored at the position where the last element would normally start. If this points back
* to the start of the block, this is the last block and it is full. If this holds any other value, the
* block is full and this points to the next block.
* headerSize Bit field for this block (the bits for each element are tightly packed)
* recordSize The content of the first element in the block
* recordSize The content of the second element in the block
* ... repeated recordsPerBlock times
* recordSize If the block is full, this holds the last
* </pre>
* stored in linked blocks where each block is an array of record pointers. Each block contains a pointer to the
* subsequent block, so they can be chained.
* <p>
* The size of the blocks are generally hardcoded. All blocks are the same size except for the first block whose size
* may be configured independently. The size of the first block may be zero, in which case the first "block" is
* simply a pointer to the following block or null.
public class NdRawLinkedList {
private static final int NEXT_MEMBER_BLOCK = 0;
private static final int ELEMENT_START_POSITION = NEXT_MEMBER_BLOCK + Database.PTR_SIZE;
private final long address;
private final Nd nd;
private final int firstBlockRecordCount;
private final int recordCount;
private final int elementRecordSize;
private final int metadataBitsPerRecord;
// Derived data. Holds the address for the last block we know about
private long lastKnownBlock;
public static interface ILinkedListVisitor {
public void visit(long address, short metadataBits, int index) throws IndexException;
* @param nd the Nd object
* @param address pointer to the start of the linked list
* @param recordsPerBlock number of records per block. This is normally a hardcoded value.
public NdRawLinkedList(Nd nd, long address, int elementRecordSize, int firstBlockRecordCount, int recordsPerBlock,
int metadataBitsPerRecord) {
assert(recordsPerBlock > 0);
assert(firstBlockRecordCount >= 0);
this.nd = nd;
this.address = address;
this.firstBlockRecordCount = firstBlockRecordCount;
this.recordCount = recordsPerBlock;
this.elementRecordSize = elementRecordSize;
this.lastKnownBlock = address;
this.metadataBitsPerRecord = metadataBitsPerRecord;
* Returns the record size for a linked list with the given element record size and number of
* records per block
public static int recordSize(int elementRecordSize, int recordsPerBlock, int metadataBitsPerRecord) {
int metadataSize = 0;
if (metadataBitsPerRecord > 0) {
int metadataRecordsPerShort = 16 / metadataBitsPerRecord;
int numberOfShorts = (recordsPerBlock + metadataRecordsPerShort - 1) / metadataRecordsPerShort;
metadataSize = 2 * numberOfShorts;
return Database.PTR_SIZE + elementRecordSize * recordsPerBlock + metadataSize;
public Nd getNd() {
return this.nd;
private int getElementsInBlock(long currentRecord, long ptr, int currentRecordCount) throws IndexException {
if (ptr == 0 && currentRecordCount > 0) {
return getDB().getInt(getAddressOfElement(currentRecord, currentRecordCount - 1));
return currentRecordCount;
private Database getDB() {
return this.nd.getDB();
public long getAddress() {
return this.address;
* Adds a new element to the list and returns the record pointer to the start of the newly-allocated object
* @param metadataBits the metadata bits to attach to the new member. Use 0 if this list does not use metadata.
public long addMember(short metadataBits) throws IndexException {
Database db = getDB();
long current = this.lastKnownBlock;
int thisBlockRecordCount = this.firstBlockRecordCount;
while (true) {
long ptr = db.getRecPtr(current + NEXT_MEMBER_BLOCK);
int elementsInBlock = getElementsInBlock(current, ptr, thisBlockRecordCount);
// If there's room in this block
if (elementsInBlock < thisBlockRecordCount) {
long positionOfElementCount = getAddressOfElement(current, thisBlockRecordCount - 1);
// If there's only one space left
if (elementsInBlock == thisBlockRecordCount - 1) {
// We use the fact that the next pointer points to itself as a sentinel to indicate that the
// block is full and there are no further blocks
db.putRecPtr(current + NEXT_MEMBER_BLOCK, current);
// Zero out the int we've been using to hold the count of elements
db.putInt(positionOfElementCount, 0);
} else {
// Increment the element count
db.putInt(positionOfElementCount, elementsInBlock + 1);
if (this.metadataBitsPerRecord > 0) {
int metadataMask = (1 << this.metadataBitsPerRecord) - 1;
int metadataRecordsPerShort = this.metadataBitsPerRecord == 0 ? 0
: (16 / this.metadataBitsPerRecord);
metadataBits &= metadataMask;
int metadataBitOffset = elementsInBlock % metadataRecordsPerShort;
long metadataStart = getAddressOfMetadata(current, thisBlockRecordCount);
int whichShort = elementsInBlock / metadataRecordsPerShort;
long metadataOffset = metadataStart + 2 * whichShort;
short metadataValue = db.getShort(metadataOffset);
// Resetting the previous visibility bits of the target member.
metadataValue &= ~(metadataMask << metadataBitOffset * this.metadataBitsPerRecord);
// Setting the new visibility bits of the target member.
metadataValue |= metadataBits << metadataBitOffset * this.metadataBitsPerRecord;
getDB().putShort(metadataOffset, metadataValue);
this.lastKnownBlock = current;
return getAddressOfElement(current, elementsInBlock);
} else {
// When ptr == current, this is a sentinel indicating that the block is full and there are no
// further blocks. If this is the case, create a new block
if (isLastBlock(current, ptr)) {
current = db.malloc(
recordSize(this.elementRecordSize, this.recordCount, this.metadataBitsPerRecord), Database.POOL_LINKED_LIST);
db.putRecPtr(current + NEXT_MEMBER_BLOCK, current);
} else {
thisBlockRecordCount = this.recordCount;
// Else, there are more blocks following this one so advance
current = ptr;
private long getAddressOfElement(long blockRecordStart, int elementNumber) {
return blockRecordStart + ELEMENT_START_POSITION + elementNumber * this.elementRecordSize;
private long getAddressOfMetadata(long blockRecordStart, int blockRecordCount) {
return getAddressOfElement(blockRecordStart, blockRecordCount);
public void accept(ILinkedListVisitor visitor) throws IndexException {
int count = 0;
Database db = getDB();
int blockRecordCount = this.firstBlockRecordCount;
int metadataMask = (1 << this.metadataBitsPerRecord) - 1;
int metadataRecordsPerShort = this.metadataBitsPerRecord == 0 ? 0 : (16 / this.metadataBitsPerRecord);
long current = this.address;
while (true) {
long ptr = db.getRecPtr(current + NEXT_MEMBER_BLOCK);
int elementsInBlock = getElementsInBlock(current, ptr, blockRecordCount);
long metadataStart = getAddressOfMetadata(current, blockRecordCount);
for (int idx = 0; idx < elementsInBlock; idx++) {
long elementRecord = getAddressOfElement(current, idx);
short metadataBits = 0;
if (metadataRecordsPerShort > 0) {
int metadataBitOffset = idx % metadataRecordsPerShort;
int whichShort = idx / metadataRecordsPerShort;
long metadataOffset = metadataStart + 2 * whichShort;
metadataBits = getDB().getShort(metadataOffset);
metadataBits >>>= metadataBits * metadataBitOffset;
metadataBits &= metadataMask;
visitor.visit(elementRecord, metadataBits, count++);
blockRecordCount = this.recordCount;
if (isLastBlock(current, ptr)) {
current = ptr;
public void destruct() throws IndexException {
Database db = getDB();
long current = this.address;
while (true) {
long ptr = db.getRecPtr(current + NEXT_MEMBER_BLOCK);, Database.POOL_LINKED_LIST);
if (isLastBlock(current, ptr)) {
current = ptr;
private boolean isLastBlock(long blockAddress, long pointerToNextBlock) {
return pointerToNextBlock == 0 || pointerToNextBlock == blockAddress;
* Returns the number of elements in this list. This is an O(n) operation.
* @throws IndexException
public int size() throws IndexException {
int count = 0;
Database db = getDB();
int currentRecordCount = this.firstBlockRecordCount;
long current = this.address;
while (true) {
long ptr = db.getRecPtr(current + NEXT_MEMBER_BLOCK);
count += getElementsInBlock(current, ptr, currentRecordCount);
if (isLastBlock(current, ptr)) {
currentRecordCount = this.recordCount;
current = ptr;
return count;