blob: 6555cd7f1e8bfb276530cab104eab0827c73fd03 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2014 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.eval;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.eval.EvaluationResult;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.eval.GlobalVariable;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.eval.IRequestor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.eval.InstallException;
* Sanity test the IEvaluationContext interface.
* For in depth tests, see VariableTest or CodeSnippetTest.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
public class SanityTestEvaluationContext extends EvaluationTest {
* Creates a new SanityEvaluationContextTest.
public SanityTestEvaluationContext(String name) {
public static Test suite() {
return setupSuite(testClass());
* Sanity test of IEvaluationContext.allVariables()
public void testAllVariables() {
// No variables defined yet
GlobalVariable[] vars = this.context.allVariables();
assertEquals("No variables should be defined", 0, vars.length);
// Define 3 variables
this.context.newVariable("int".toCharArray(), "foo".toCharArray(), "1".toCharArray());
this.context.newVariable("Object".toCharArray(), "bar".toCharArray(), null);
this.context.newVariable("String".toCharArray(), "zip".toCharArray(), "\"abcdefg\"".toCharArray());
vars = this.context.allVariables();
assertEquals("3 variables should be defined", 3, vars.length);
assertEquals("1st variable", "foo".toCharArray(), vars[0].getName());
assertEquals("2nd variable", "bar".toCharArray(), vars[1].getName());
assertEquals("3rd variable", "zip".toCharArray(), vars[2].getName());
// Remove 2nd variable
vars = this.context.allVariables();
assertEquals("2 variables should be defined", 2, vars.length);
assertEquals("1st variable", "foo".toCharArray(), vars[0].getName());
assertEquals("2nd variable", "zip".toCharArray(), vars[1].getName());
// Remove last variable
vars = this.context.allVariables();
assertEquals("1 variable should be defined", 1, vars.length);
assertEquals("1st variable", "foo".toCharArray(), vars[0].getName());
// Remove 1st variable
vars = this.context.allVariables();
assertEquals("No variables should be defined", 0, vars.length);
public static Class testClass() {
return SanityTestEvaluationContext.class;
* Sanity test of IEvaluationContext.evaluate(char[], INameEnvironment, ConfigurableOption[], IRequestor , IProblemFactory)
public void testEvaluate() {
Requestor requestor = new Requestor();
char[] snippet = "return 1;".toCharArray();
try {
this.context.evaluate(snippet, getEnv(), getCompilerOptions(), requestor, getProblemFactory());
} catch (InstallException e) {
assertTrue("No targetException " + e.getMessage(), false);
assertTrue("Got one result", requestor.resultIndex == 0);
EvaluationResult result = requestor.results[0];
assertTrue("No problems with the code snippet", !result.hasProblems());
assertTrue("Result has a value", result.hasValue());
assertEquals("Value", "1".toCharArray(), result.getValueDisplayString());
assertEquals("Type", "int".toCharArray(), result.getValueTypeName());
* Sanity test of IEvaluationContext.evaluateImports(INameEnvironment, IRequestor , IProblemFactory)
public void testEvaluateImports() {
try {
// Define imports
this.context.setImports(new char[][] {"java.util.*".toCharArray(), "java.lang.reflect.Method".toCharArray()});
// Evaluate them
IRequestor requestor = new Requestor() {
public void acceptResult(EvaluationResult result) {
assertTrue("No problems with the imports", !result.hasProblems());
this.context.evaluateImports(getEnv(), requestor, getProblemFactory());
} finally {
// Clean up
this.context.setImports(new char[0][]);
* Sanity test of IEvaluationContext.evaluateVariable(IGlobalVariable, IRequestor)
public void testEvaluateVariable() {
GlobalVariable var = null;
try {
// Create the variable
var = this.context.newVariable("int".toCharArray(), "foo".toCharArray(), "1".toCharArray());
// Install it
class NoPbRequestor extends Requestor {
public void acceptResult(EvaluationResult result) {
assertTrue("No problems with the variable", !result.hasProblems());
try {
this.context.evaluateVariables(getEnv(), getCompilerOptions(), new NoPbRequestor(), getProblemFactory());
} catch (InstallException e) {
assertTrue("No targetException " + e.getMessage(), false);
// Get its value
Requestor requestor = new Requestor();
try {
this.context.evaluateVariable(var, getEnv(), getCompilerOptions(), requestor, getProblemFactory());
} catch (InstallException e) {
assertTrue("No targetException " + e.getMessage(), false);
assertTrue("Got one result", requestor.resultIndex == 0);
EvaluationResult result = requestor.results[0];
assertTrue("Result has value", result.hasValue());
assertEquals("Value", "1".toCharArray(), result.getValueDisplayString());
assertEquals("Type", "int".toCharArray(), result.getValueTypeName());
} finally {
// Clean up
if (var != null) {
* Sanity test of IEvaluationContext.evaluateVariables(INameEnvironment, ConfigurableOption[], IRequestor, IProblemFactory)
public void testEvaluateVariables() {
GlobalVariable var = null;
try {
// Create 1 variable
var = this.context.newVariable("int".toCharArray(), "foo".toCharArray(), "1".toCharArray());
// Install it and get its value
Requestor requestor = new Requestor();
try {
this.context.evaluateVariables(getEnv(), getCompilerOptions(), requestor, getProblemFactory());
} catch (InstallException e) {
assertTrue("No targetException " + e.getMessage(), false);
assertTrue("Got one result", requestor.resultIndex == 0);
EvaluationResult result = requestor.results[0];
assertTrue("No problems with the variable", !result.hasProblems());
assertTrue("Result has value", result.hasValue());
assertEquals("Value", "1".toCharArray(), result.getValueDisplayString());
assertEquals("Type", "int".toCharArray(), result.getValueTypeName());
} finally {
// Clean up
if (var != null) {
* Sanity test of IEvaluationContext.getImports() and IEvaluationContext.setImports(char[][])
public void testGetSetImports() {
try {
// No imports
assertTrue("No imports defined", this.context.getImports().length == 0);
// Define some imports
char[][] imports = new char[][] {"java.util".toCharArray(), "java.lang.reflect.Method".toCharArray()};
char[][] storedImports = this.context.getImports();
assertEquals("Same length", imports.length, storedImports.length);
for (int i = 0; i < imports.length; i++){
assertEquals("Import #" + i, imports[i], storedImports[i]);
} finally {
// Clean up
this.context.setImports(new char[0][]);
* Sanity test of IEvaluationContext.getPackageName() and IEvaluationContext.setPackageName(char[])
public void testGetSetPackageName() {
try {
// Default package
assertTrue("Default package", this.context.getPackageName().length == 0);
// Define a package
char[] packageName = "x.y.z".toCharArray();
char[] storedPackageName = this.context.getPackageName();
assertEquals("Same package name", packageName, storedPackageName);
} finally {
// Clean up
this.context.setPackageName(new char[0]);
* Sanity test of IEvaluationContext.newVariable(char[], char[], char[]) and
* IEvaluationContext.deleteVariable(IGlobalVariable)
public void testNewDeleteVariable() {
// Define 1 variable
GlobalVariable var = this.context.newVariable("int".toCharArray(), "deleted".toCharArray(), null);
// Delete it
GlobalVariable[] vars = this.context.allVariables();
for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
assertTrue("Variable should not exist", !var.getName().equals(vars[i].getName()));