blob: 02e4351bd12574f73fa10b83c57f4a611b42a7e7 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.*;
public class BlockScope extends Scope {
// Local variable management
public LocalVariableBinding[] locals;
public int localIndex; // position for next variable
public int analysisIndex; // for setting flow-analysis id
public int startIndex; // start position in this scope - for ordering scopes vs. variables
public final static VariableBinding[] EmulationPathToImplicitThis = {};
public Scope[] subscopes = new Scope[1]; // need access from code assist
public int scopeIndex = 0; // need access from code assist
protected BlockScope(int kind, Scope parent) {
super(kind, parent);
public BlockScope(BlockScope parent) {
this(BLOCK_SCOPE, parent);
locals = new LocalVariableBinding[5];
this.startIndex = parent.localIndex;
public BlockScope(BlockScope parent, int variableCount) {
this(BLOCK_SCOPE, parent);
locals = new LocalVariableBinding[variableCount];
this.startIndex = parent.localIndex;
/* Create the class scope & binding for the anonymous type.
public final void addAnonymousType(TypeDeclaration anonymousType, ReferenceBinding superBinding) {
ClassScope anonymousClassScope = new ClassScope(this, anonymousType);
anonymousClassScope.buildAnonymousTypeBinding(enclosingSourceType(), superBinding);
/* provide some "default" name?
char[][] enclosingName = enclosing.compoundName;
enclosingName, 0,
binding.compoundName = new char[enclosingName.length+1][], 0,
binding.compoundName[enclosingName.length] = ANONYMOUS_EMPTY_NAME;
/* Create the class scope & binding for the local type.
public final void addLocalType(TypeDeclaration localType) {
// check that the localType does not conflict with an enclosing type
ReferenceBinding type = enclosingSourceType();
do {
if (CharOperation.equals(type.sourceName, {
type = type.enclosingType();
} while (type != null);
// check that the localType does not conflict with another sibling local type
Scope scope = this;
do {
if (((BlockScope) scope).findLocalType( != null) {
} while ((scope = scope.parent) instanceof BlockScope);
ClassScope localTypeScope = new ClassScope(this, localType);
/* Insert a local variable into a given scope, updating its position
* and checking there are not too many locals or arguments allocated.
public final void addLocalVariable(LocalVariableBinding binding) {
// insert local in scope
if (localIndex == locals.length)
System.arraycopy(locals, 0, (locals = new LocalVariableBinding[localIndex * 2]), 0, localIndex);
locals[localIndex++] = binding;
// update local variable binding
binding.declaringScope = this; = this.outerMostMethodScope().analysisIndex++; // share the outermost method scope analysisIndex
// update localIndex
TypeBinding resolvedType;
if (((resolvedType = binding.type) == LongBinding) || (resolvedType == DoubleBinding)) {
localIndex += 2;
} else {
if (binding.isArgument) {
// check argument count < 255 words
if (localIndex > 255) {
} else {
// ensure local index < 65535 words
if (localIndex > 65535) {
private void addSubscope(Scope childScope) {
if (scopeIndex == subscopes.length)
System.arraycopy(subscopes, 0, (subscopes = new Scope[scopeIndex * 2]), 0, scopeIndex);
subscopes[scopeIndex++] = childScope;
/* Answer true if the receiver is suitable for assigning final blank fields.
* i.e. is inside an initializer, a constructor or a clinit
public final boolean allowBlankFinalFieldAssignment(FieldBinding binding) {
if (enclosingSourceType() != binding.declaringClass)
return false;
MethodScope methodScope = methodScope();
if (methodScope.isStatic != binding.isStatic())
return false;
return methodScope.isInsideInitializer() // inside initializer
|| ((AbstractMethodDeclaration) methodScope.referenceContext).isInitializationMethod(); // inside constructor or clinit
String basicToString(int tab) {
String newLine = "\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = tab; --i >= 0;)
newLine += "\t"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String s = newLine + "--- Block Scope ---"; //$NON-NLS-1$
newLine += "\t"; //$NON-NLS-1$
s += newLine + "locals:"; //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < localIndex; i++)
s += newLine + "\t" + locals[i].toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$
s += newLine + "startIndex = " + startIndex; //$NON-NLS-1$
return s;
private void checkAndSetModifiersForVariable(LocalVariableBinding varBinding) {
int modifiers = varBinding.modifiers;
if ((modifiers & AccAlternateModifierProblem) != 0)
int realModifiers = modifiers & AccJustFlag;
int unexpectedModifiers = ~AccFinal;
if ((realModifiers & unexpectedModifiers) != 0)
varBinding.modifiers = modifiers;
/* Compute variable positions in scopes given an initial position offset
* ignoring unused local variables.
public final void computeLocalVariablePositions(int offset, CodeStream codeStream) {
// local variable init
int ilocal = 0, maxLocals = 0, localsLength = locals.length;
while ((maxLocals < localsLength) && (locals[maxLocals] != null))
boolean hasMoreVariables = maxLocals > 0;
// scope init
int iscope = 0, maxScopes = 0, subscopesLength = subscopes.length;
while ((maxScopes < subscopesLength) && (subscopes[maxScopes] != null))
boolean hasMoreScopes = maxScopes > 0;
// iterate scopes and variables in parallel
while (hasMoreVariables || hasMoreScopes) {
if (hasMoreScopes && (!hasMoreVariables || (subscopes[iscope].startIndex() <= ilocal))) {
// consider subscope first
if (subscopes[iscope] instanceof BlockScope)
((BlockScope) subscopes[iscope]).computeLocalVariablePositions(offset, codeStream);
hasMoreScopes = ++iscope < maxScopes;
} else {
// consider variable first
LocalVariableBinding local = locals[ilocal];
// check if variable is actually used, and may force it to be preserved
boolean generatesLocal = (local.used && (local.constant == Constant.NotAConstant)) || local.isArgument;
if (!local.used && (local.declaration != null)) { // unused (and non secret) local
if (local.isArgument) // method argument
else if (!(local.declaration instanceof Argument)) // catch variable
if (!generatesLocal) {
if (local.declaration != null && referenceCompilationUnit().problemReporter.options.preserveAllLocalVariables) {
generatesLocal = true; // force it to be preserved in the generated code
local.used = true;
if (generatesLocal) {
if (local.declaration != null)
codeStream.record(local); // record user local variables for attribute generation
local.resolvedPosition = offset;
// check for too many arguments/local variables
if (offset > 0xFF){ // no more than 255 words of arguments
} else {
if(offset > 0xFFFF){ // no more than 65535 words of locals
if ((local.type == LongBinding) || (local.type == DoubleBinding))
offset += 2;
} else {
local.resolvedPosition = -1; // not generated
hasMoreVariables = ++ilocal < maxLocals;
/* Answer true if the variable name already exists within the receiver's scope.
public final LocalVariableBinding duplicateName(char[] name) {
for (int i = 0; i < localIndex; i++)
if (CharOperation.equals(name, locals[i].name))
return locals[i];
if (this instanceof MethodScope)
return null;
return ((BlockScope) parent).duplicateName(name);
* Record the suitable binding denoting a synthetic field or constructor argument,
* mapping to the actual outer local variable in the scope context.
* Note that this may not need any effect, in case the outer local variable does not
* need to be emulated and can directly be used as is (using its back pointer to its
* declaring scope).
public void emulateOuterAccess(LocalVariableBinding outerLocalVariable) {
MethodScope currentMethodScope;
if ((currentMethodScope = this.methodScope()) != outerLocalVariable.declaringScope.methodScope()) {
NestedTypeBinding currentType = (NestedTypeBinding) this.enclosingSourceType();
//do nothing for member types, pre emulation was performed already
// must also add a synthetic field if we're not inside a constructor
if (!currentMethodScope.isInsideInitializerOrConstructor()) {
} else {
* Record the suitable binding denoting a synthetic field or constructor argument,
* mapping to a given actual enclosing instance type in the scope context.
* Skip it if the enclosingType is actually the current scope's enclosing type.
public void emulateOuterAccess(ReferenceBinding targetEnclosingType, boolean useDirectReference) {
ReferenceBinding currentType = enclosingSourceType();
if (currentType.isNestedType() && currentType != targetEnclosingType) {
NestedTypeBinding currentNestedType = (NestedTypeBinding) currentType;
if (useDirectReference) {
// the target enclosing type is not in scope, we directly refer it
// must also add a synthetic field if we're not inside a constructor
if (methodScope().isInsideInitializerOrConstructor())
} else if (currentNestedType.isLocalType()) {
// direct enclosing instance link
// must also add a synthetic field if we're not inside a constructor
currentType = currentNestedType.enclosingType;
if (methodScope().isInsideInitializerOrConstructor())
// further indirect cases
while (currentType != targetEnclosingType && !targetEnclosingType.isSuperclassOf(currentType)) {
currentNestedType = (NestedTypeBinding) currentType;
currentType = currentNestedType.enclosingType;
/* Note that it must never produce a direct access to the targetEnclosingType,
but instead a field sequence (this$2.this$1.this$0) so as to handle such a test case:
class XX {
void foo() {
class A {
class B {
class C {
boolean foo() {
return (Object) A.this == (Object) B.this;
new A().new B().new C();
where we only want to deal with ONE enclosing instance for C (could not figure out an A for C)
public final ReferenceBinding findLocalType(char[] name) {
for (int i = 0, length = scopeIndex; i < length; i++) {
if (subscopes[i] instanceof ClassScope) {
SourceTypeBinding sourceType = ((ClassScope) subscopes[i]).referenceContext.binding;
if (CharOperation.equals(sourceType.sourceName(), name))
return sourceType;
return null;
public LocalVariableBinding findVariable(char[] variable) {
int variableLength = variable.length;
for (int i = 0, length = locals.length; i < length; i++) {
LocalVariableBinding local = locals[i];
if (local == null)
return null;
if ( == variableLength && CharOperation.prefixEquals(, variable))
return local;
return null;
/* API
flag is a mask of the following values VARIABLE (= FIELD or LOCAL), TYPE.
Only bindings corresponding to the mask will be answered.
if the VARIABLE mask is set then
If the first name provided is a field (or local) then the field (or local) is answered
Otherwise, package names and type names are consumed until a field is found.
In this case, the field is answered.
if the TYPE mask is set,
package names and type names are consumed until the end of the input.
Only if all of the input is consumed is the type answered
All other conditions are errors, and a problem binding is returned.
NOTE: If a problem binding is returned, senders should extract the compound name
from the binding & not assume the problem applies to the entire compoundName.
The VARIABLE mask has precedence over the TYPE mask.
InvocationSite implements
isSuperAccess(); this is used to determine if the discovered field is visible.
setFieldIndex(int); this is used to record the number of names that were consumed.
For example, getBinding({"foo","y","q", VARIABLE, site) will answer
the binding for the field or local named "foo" (or an error binding if none exists).
In addition, setFieldIndex(1) will be sent to the invocation site.
If a type named "foo" exists, it will not be detected (and an error binding will be answered)
IMPORTANT NOTE: This method is written under the assumption that compoundName is longer than length 1.
public Binding getBinding(char[][] compoundName, int mask, InvocationSite invocationSite) {
Binding binding = getBinding(compoundName[0], mask | TYPE | PACKAGE, invocationSite);
if (!binding.isValidBinding() || binding instanceof VariableBinding)
return binding;
int length = compoundName.length;
int currentIndex = 1;
foundType: if (binding instanceof PackageBinding) {
PackageBinding packageBinding = (PackageBinding) binding;
while (currentIndex < length) {
binding = packageBinding.getTypeOrPackage(compoundName[currentIndex++]);
if (binding == null) {
if (currentIndex == length) // must be a type if its the last name, otherwise we have no idea if its a package or type
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), NotFound);
return new ProblemBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), NotFound);
if (binding instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
if (!binding.isValidBinding())
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), binding.problemId());
compilationUnitScope().addTypeReference((ReferenceBinding) binding);
if (!((ReferenceBinding) binding).canBeSeenBy(this))
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), NotVisible);
break foundType;
packageBinding = (PackageBinding) binding;
// It is illegal to request a PACKAGE from this method.
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), NotFound);
// know binding is now a ReferenceBinding
while (currentIndex < length) {
ReferenceBinding typeBinding = (ReferenceBinding) binding;
char[] nextName = compoundName[currentIndex++];
if ((binding = findField(typeBinding, nextName, invocationSite)) != null) {
if (!binding.isValidBinding())
return new ProblemFieldBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), binding.problemId());
break; // binding is now a field
if ((binding = findMemberType(nextName, typeBinding)) == null)
return new ProblemBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), typeBinding, NotFound);
if (!binding.isValidBinding())
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), binding.problemId());
if ((mask & FIELD) != 0 && (binding instanceof FieldBinding)) { // was looking for a field and found a field
FieldBinding field = (FieldBinding) binding;
if (!field.isStatic())
return new ProblemFieldBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), NonStaticReferenceInStaticContext);
return binding;
if ((mask & TYPE) != 0 && (binding instanceof ReferenceBinding)) { // was looking for a type and found a type
return binding;
// handle the case when a field or type was asked for but we resolved the compoundName to a type or field
return new ProblemBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), NotFound);
// Added for code assist... NOT Public API
public final Binding getBinding(char[][] compoundName, InvocationSite invocationSite) {
int currentIndex = 0;
int length = compoundName.length;
Binding binding = getBinding(compoundName[currentIndex++], VARIABLE | TYPE | PACKAGE, invocationSite);
if (!binding.isValidBinding())
return binding;
foundType: if (binding instanceof PackageBinding) {
while (currentIndex < length) {
PackageBinding packageBinding = (PackageBinding) binding;
binding = packageBinding.getTypeOrPackage(compoundName[currentIndex++]);
if (binding == null) {
if (currentIndex == length) // must be a type if its the last name, otherwise we have no idea if its a package or type
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), NotFound);
return new ProblemBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), NotFound);
if (binding instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
if (!binding.isValidBinding())
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), binding.problemId());
if (!((ReferenceBinding) binding).canBeSeenBy(this))
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), NotVisible);
break foundType;
return binding;
foundField: if (binding instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
while (currentIndex < length) {
ReferenceBinding typeBinding = (ReferenceBinding) binding;
char[] nextName = compoundName[currentIndex++];
if ((binding = findField(typeBinding, nextName, invocationSite)) != null) {
if (!binding.isValidBinding())
return new ProblemFieldBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), binding.problemId());
if (!((FieldBinding) binding).isStatic())
return new ProblemFieldBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), NonStaticReferenceInStaticContext);
break foundField; // binding is now a field
if ((binding = findMemberType(nextName, typeBinding)) == null)
return new ProblemBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), typeBinding, NotFound);
if (!binding.isValidBinding())
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), binding.problemId());
return binding;
VariableBinding variableBinding = (VariableBinding) binding;
while (currentIndex < length) {
TypeBinding typeBinding = variableBinding.type;
if (typeBinding == null)
return new ProblemFieldBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex+1), NotFound);
variableBinding = findField(typeBinding, compoundName[currentIndex++], invocationSite);
if (variableBinding == null)
return new ProblemFieldBinding(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), NotFound);
if (!variableBinding.isValidBinding())
return variableBinding;
return variableBinding;
/* API
Answer the binding that corresponds to the argument name.
flag is a mask of the following values VARIABLE (= FIELD or LOCAL), TYPE, PACKAGE.
Only bindings corresponding to the mask can be answered.
For example, getBinding("foo", VARIABLE, site) will answer
the binding for the field or local named "foo" (or an error binding if none exists).
If a type named "foo" exists, it will not be detected (and an error binding will be answered)
The VARIABLE mask has precedence over the TYPE mask.
If the VARIABLE mask is not set, neither fields nor locals will be looked for.
InvocationSite implements:
isSuperAccess(); this is used to determine if the discovered field is visible.
Limitations: cannot request FIELD independently of LOCAL, or vice versa
public Binding getBinding(char[] name, int mask, InvocationSite invocationSite) {
Binding binding = null;
FieldBinding problemField = null;
if ((mask & VARIABLE) != 0) {
if (this.kind == BLOCK_SCOPE || this.kind == METHOD_SCOPE) {
LocalVariableBinding variableBinding = findVariable(name); // looks in this scope only
if (variableBinding != null) return variableBinding;
boolean insideStaticContext = false;
boolean insideConstructorCall = false;
if (this.kind == METHOD_SCOPE) {
MethodScope methodScope = (MethodScope) this;
insideStaticContext |= methodScope.isStatic;
insideConstructorCall |= methodScope.isConstructorCall;
FieldBinding foundField = null; // can be a problem field which is answered if a valid field is not found
ProblemFieldBinding foundInsideProblem = null; // inside Constructor call or inside static context
Scope scope = parent;
int depth = 0;
done : while (true) { // done when a COMPILATION_UNIT_SCOPE is found
switch (scope.kind) {
MethodScope methodScope = (MethodScope) scope;
insideStaticContext |= methodScope.isStatic;
insideConstructorCall |= methodScope.isConstructorCall;
// Fall through... could duplicate the code below to save a cast - questionable optimization
LocalVariableBinding variableBinding = ((BlockScope) scope).findVariable(name); // looks in this scope only
if (variableBinding != null) {
if (foundField != null && foundField.isValidBinding())
return new ProblemFieldBinding(name, InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName);
if (depth > 0)
return variableBinding;
ClassScope classScope = (ClassScope) scope;
SourceTypeBinding enclosingType = classScope.referenceContext.binding;
FieldBinding fieldBinding = classScope.findField(enclosingType, name, invocationSite);
// Use next line instead if willing to enable protected access accross inner types
// FieldBinding fieldBinding = findField(enclosingType, name, invocationSite);
if (fieldBinding != null) { // skip it if we did not find anything
if (fieldBinding.problemId() == Ambiguous) {
if (foundField == null || foundField.problemId() == NotVisible)
// supercedes any potential InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName problem
return fieldBinding;
// make the user qualify the field, likely wants the first inherited field (javac generates an ambiguous error instead)
return new ProblemFieldBinding(name, InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName);
ProblemFieldBinding insideProblem = null;
if (fieldBinding.isValidBinding()) {
if (!fieldBinding.isStatic()) {
if (insideConstructorCall) {
insideProblem = new ProblemFieldBinding(name, NonStaticReferenceInConstructorInvocation);
} else if (insideStaticContext) {
insideProblem = new ProblemFieldBinding(name, NonStaticReferenceInStaticContext);
if (enclosingType == fieldBinding.declaringClass) { // found a valid field in the 'immediate' scope (ie. not inherited)
if (foundField == null) {
if (depth > 0)
// return the fieldBinding if it is not declared in a superclass of the scope's binding (i.e. "inherited")
return insideProblem == null ? fieldBinding : insideProblem;
if (foundField.isValidBinding()) // if a valid field was found, complain when another is found in an 'immediate' enclosing type (ie. not inherited)
if (foundField.declaringClass != fieldBinding.declaringClass) // ie. have we found the same field - do not trust field identity yet
return new ProblemFieldBinding(name, InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName);
if (foundField == null || (foundField.problemId() == NotVisible && fieldBinding.problemId() != NotVisible)) {
// only remember the fieldBinding if its the first one found or the previous one was not visible & fieldBinding is...
if (depth > 0)
foundInsideProblem = insideProblem;
foundField = fieldBinding;
insideStaticContext |= enclosingType.isStatic();
// 1EX5I8Z - accessing outer fields within a constructor call is permitted
// in order to do so, we change the flag as we exit from the type, not the method
// itself, because the class scope is used to retrieve the fields.
MethodScope enclosingMethodScope = scope.methodScope();
insideConstructorCall = enclosingMethodScope == null ? false : enclosingMethodScope.isConstructorCall;
break done;
scope = scope.parent;
if (foundInsideProblem != null)
return foundInsideProblem;
if (foundField != null) {
if (foundField.isValidBinding())
return foundField;
problemField = foundField;
// We did not find a local or instance variable.
if ((mask & TYPE) != 0) {
if ((binding = getBaseType(name)) != null)
return binding;
binding = getTypeOrPackage(name, (mask & PACKAGE) == 0 ? TYPE : TYPE | PACKAGE);
if (binding.isValidBinding() || mask == TYPE)
return binding; // answer the problem type binding if we are only looking for a type
} else if ((mask & PACKAGE) != 0) {
if ((binding = environment().getTopLevelPackage(name)) != null)
return binding;
if (problemField != null)
return problemField;
return new ProblemBinding(name, enclosingSourceType(), NotFound);
* This retrieves the argument that maps to an enclosing instance of the suitable type,
* if not found then answers nil -- do not create one
* #implicitThis : the implicit this will be ok
* #((arg) this$n) : available as a constructor arg
* #((arg) this$n access$m... access$p) : available as as a constructor arg + a sequence of synthetic accessors to synthetic fields
* #((fieldDescr) this$n access#m... access$p) : available as a first synthetic field + a sequence of synthetic accessors to synthetic fields
* nil : not found
public Object[] getCompatibleEmulationPath(ReferenceBinding targetEnclosingType) {
MethodScope currentMethodScope = this.methodScope();
SourceTypeBinding sourceType = currentMethodScope.enclosingSourceType();
// identity check
if ((!currentMethodScope.isStatic) && (sourceType == targetEnclosingType || targetEnclosingType.isSuperclassOf(sourceType))) {
return EmulationPathToImplicitThis; // implicit this is good enough
if (!sourceType.isNestedType() || sourceType.isStatic()){ // no emulation from within non-inner types
return null;
boolean insideConstructor = currentMethodScope.isInsideInitializerOrConstructor();
// use synthetic constructor arguments if possible
if (insideConstructor) {
SyntheticArgumentBinding syntheticArg;
if ((syntheticArg = ((NestedTypeBinding) sourceType).getSyntheticArgument(targetEnclosingType, this, false)) != null) {
return new Object[] {syntheticArg};
// use a direct synthetic field then
if (!currentMethodScope.isStatic) {
FieldBinding syntheticField;
if ((syntheticField = sourceType.getSyntheticField(targetEnclosingType, this, false)) != null) {
return new Object[] {syntheticField};
// could be reached through a sequence of enclosing instance link (nested members)
Object[] path = new Object[2]; // probably at least 2 of them
ReferenceBinding currentType = sourceType.enclosingType();
if (insideConstructor) {
path[0] = ((NestedTypeBinding) sourceType).getSyntheticArgument((SourceTypeBinding)currentType, this, false);
} else {
path[0] = sourceType.getSyntheticField((SourceTypeBinding)currentType, this, false);
if (path[0] != null) { // keep accumulating
int count = 1;
ReferenceBinding currentEnclosingType;
while ((currentEnclosingType = currentType.enclosingType()) != null) {
if (currentType == targetEnclosingType || targetEnclosingType.isSuperclassOf(currentType)) break;
syntheticField = ((NestedTypeBinding)currentType).getSyntheticField((SourceTypeBinding)currentEnclosingType, this, false);
if (syntheticField == null) break;
// append inside the path
if (count == path.length) {
System.arraycopy(path, 0, (path = new Object[count + 1]), 0, count);
// private access emulation is necessary since synthetic field is private
path[count++] = syntheticField.getSyntheticReadAccess();
currentType = currentEnclosingType;
if (currentType == targetEnclosingType || targetEnclosingType.isSuperclassOf(currentType)) {
return path;
return null;
/* API
Answer the constructor binding that corresponds to receiverType, argumentTypes.
InvocationSite implements
isSuperAccess(); this is used to determine if the discovered constructor is visible.
If no visible constructor is discovered, an error binding is answered.
public MethodBinding getConstructor(ReferenceBinding receiverType, TypeBinding[] argumentTypes, InvocationSite invocationSite) {
MethodBinding methodBinding = receiverType.getExactConstructor(argumentTypes);
if (methodBinding != null)
if (methodBinding.canBeSeenBy(invocationSite, this))
return methodBinding;
MethodBinding[] methods = receiverType.getMethods(ConstructorDeclaration.ConstantPoolName);
if (methods == NoMethods)
return new ProblemMethodBinding(ConstructorDeclaration.ConstantPoolName, argumentTypes, NotFound);
MethodBinding[] compatible = new MethodBinding[methods.length];
int compatibleIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0, length = methods.length; i < length; i++)
if (areParametersAssignable(methods[i].parameters, argumentTypes))
compatible[compatibleIndex++] = methods[i];
if (compatibleIndex == 0)
return new ProblemMethodBinding(ConstructorDeclaration.ConstantPoolName, argumentTypes, NotFound); // need a more descriptive error... cannot convert from X to Y
MethodBinding[] visible = new MethodBinding[compatibleIndex];
int visibleIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < compatibleIndex; i++) {
MethodBinding method = compatible[i];
if (method.canBeSeenBy(invocationSite, this))
visible[visibleIndex++] = method;
if (visibleIndex == 1)
return visible[0];
if (visibleIndex == 0)
return new ProblemMethodBinding(ConstructorDeclaration.ConstantPoolName, argumentTypes, NotVisible);
return mostSpecificClassMethodBinding(visible, visibleIndex);
* This retrieves the argument that maps to an enclosing instance of the suitable type,
* if not found then answers nil -- do not create one
* #implicitThis : the implicit this will be ok
* #((arg) this$n) : available as a constructor arg
* #((arg) this$n ... this$p) : available as as a constructor arg + a sequence of fields
* #((fieldDescr) this$n ... this$p) : available as a sequence of fields
* nil : not found
* Note that this algorithm should answer the shortest possible sequence when
* shortcuts are available:
* this$0 . this$0 . this$0
* instead of
* this$2 . this$1 . this$0 . this$1 . this$0
* thus the code generation will be more compact and runtime faster
public VariableBinding[] getEmulationPath(LocalVariableBinding outerLocalVariable) {
MethodScope currentMethodScope = this.methodScope();
SourceTypeBinding sourceType = currentMethodScope.enclosingSourceType();
// identity check
if (currentMethodScope == outerLocalVariable.declaringScope.methodScope()){
return new VariableBinding[]{ outerLocalVariable }; // implicit this is good enough
// use synthetic constructor arguments if possible
if (currentMethodScope.isInsideInitializerOrConstructor() && (sourceType.isNestedType())){
SyntheticArgumentBinding syntheticArg;
if ((syntheticArg =((NestedTypeBinding)sourceType).getSyntheticArgument(outerLocalVariable)) != null){
return new VariableBinding[]{ syntheticArg };
// use a synthetic field then
if (!currentMethodScope.isStatic){
FieldBinding syntheticField;
if ((syntheticField = sourceType.getSyntheticField(outerLocalVariable)) != null){
return new VariableBinding[]{ syntheticField };
return null;
| mapping mappingSequence targetFieldKey traversedType investigateArguments staticInvocationSite
targetDepth nameEnvironment |
targetDepth := expectedEnclosingClass enclosingDepth.
targetFieldKey := 'this$' , targetDepth printString. "$NON-NLS$"
mappingSequence := OrderedCollection new.
investigateArguments := enclosingMethod isConstructor.
staticInvocationSite := enclosingMethod isJavaStatic.
nameEnvironment := enclosingMethod nameEnvironment.
"If possible looks through the available constructor arguments (if we are in context only)"
ifTrue: [
(mapping :=
self generatedConstructorArguments "get back an argument local"
at: targetFieldKey
ifAbsent: [])
ifTrue: [
(mapping resolvedType
isCompatibleWith: expectedEnclosingClass
in: nameEnvironment)
ifTrue: [
add: mapping;
"Cannot look into synthetic field on static invocation site"
staticInvocationSite ifTrue: [^nil].
"We now have to compute the <[argument|field]field*> sequence to retrieve the correct enclosing instance,
using the traversedType collection from one of them we will be able to reach the correct
target type, but difficult to foresee the correct one since the fields this$0... this$n may
be sparsely allocated."
traversedType := self.
[traversedType isNil] whileFalse: [| info |
info :=
(investigateArguments and: [traversedType == self])
ifTrue: [ "use argument" traversedType generatedConstructorArguments]
ifFalse: [ "use field" traversedType generatedAccessFields].
mapping :=
info "try a direct shortcut"
at: targetFieldKey
ifAbsent: [
info "one level-up"
at: 'this$' , (traversedType enclosingDepth - 1) printString "$NON-NLS$"
ifAbsent: [ "cannot proceed" ^nil]].
mappingSequence add: mapping.
"If the mapping matches the expected type, then we are done."
((mapping isJavaFieldDescriptor ifTrue: [mapping type] ifFalse: [mapping resolvedType])
isCompatibleWith: expectedEnclosingClass
in: nameEnvironment)
ifTrue: [^mappingSequence].
"Go to the next enclosing type"
traversedType := traversedType enclosingType].
"Not suitable enclosing instance available -- should never reach this point since detected above"
enclosingMethod errorInterface
abortDueToInternalError: (NlsCatJDEV indexedMsg: 439). "$NLS$ Failed to emulate access to enclosing instance"
* This retrieves the argument that maps to an enclosing instance of the suitable type,
* if not found then answers nil -- do not create one
* #implicitThis : the implicit this will be ok
* #((arg) this$n) : available as a constructor arg
* #((arg) this$n access$m... access$p) : available as as a constructor arg + a sequence of synthetic accessors to synthetic fields
* #((fieldDescr) this$n access#m... access$p) : available as a first synthetic field + a sequence of synthetic accessors to synthetic fields
* nil : not found
* EXACT MATCH VERSION - no type compatibility is performed
public Object[] getExactEmulationPath(ReferenceBinding targetEnclosingType) {
MethodScope currentMethodScope = this.methodScope();
SourceTypeBinding sourceType = currentMethodScope.enclosingSourceType();
// identity check
if ((!currentMethodScope.isStatic) && (sourceType == targetEnclosingType)) {
return EmulationPathToImplicitThis; // implicit this is good enough
if (!sourceType.isNestedType() || sourceType.isStatic()){ // no emulation from within non-inner types
return null;
boolean insideConstructor = currentMethodScope.isInsideInitializerOrConstructor();
// use synthetic constructor arguments if possible
if (insideConstructor) {
SyntheticArgumentBinding syntheticArg;
if ((syntheticArg = ((NestedTypeBinding) sourceType).getSyntheticArgument(targetEnclosingType, this, true)) != null) {
return new Object[] {syntheticArg};
// use a direct synthetic field then
if (!currentMethodScope.isStatic) {
FieldBinding syntheticField;
if ((syntheticField = sourceType.getSyntheticField(targetEnclosingType, this, true)) != null) {
return new Object[] {syntheticField};
// could be reached through a sequence of enclosing instance link (nested members)
Object[] path = new Object[2]; // probably at least 2 of them
ReferenceBinding currentType = sourceType.enclosingType();
if (insideConstructor) {
path[0] = ((NestedTypeBinding) sourceType).getSyntheticArgument((SourceTypeBinding)currentType, this, true);
} else {
path[0] = sourceType.getSyntheticField((SourceTypeBinding)currentType, this, true);
if (path[0] != null) { // keep accumulating
int count = 1;
ReferenceBinding currentEnclosingType;
while ((currentEnclosingType = currentType.enclosingType()) != null) {
if (currentType == targetEnclosingType) break;
syntheticField = ((NestedTypeBinding)currentType).getSyntheticField((SourceTypeBinding)currentEnclosingType, this, true);
if (syntheticField == null) break;
// append inside the path
if (count == path.length) {
System.arraycopy(path, 0, (path = new Object[count + 1]), 0, count);
// private access emulation is necessary since synthetic field is private
path[count++] = syntheticField.getSyntheticReadAccess();
currentType = currentEnclosingType;
if (currentType == targetEnclosingType) {
return path;
return null;
/* API
Answer the field binding that corresponds to fieldName.
Start the lookup at the receiverType.
InvocationSite implements
isSuperAccess(); this is used to determine if the discovered field is visible.
Only fields defined by the receiverType or its supertypes are answered;
a field of an enclosing type will not be found using this API.
If no visible field is discovered, an error binding is answered.
public FieldBinding getField(TypeBinding receiverType, char[] fieldName, InvocationSite invocationSite) {
FieldBinding field = findField(receiverType, fieldName, invocationSite);
if (field == null)
return new ProblemFieldBinding(fieldName, NotFound);
return field;
/* API
Answer the method binding that corresponds to selector, argumentTypes.
Start the lookup at the enclosing type of the receiver.
InvocationSite implements
isSuperAccess(); this is used to determine if the discovered method is visible.
setDepth(int); this is used to record the depth of the discovered method
relative to the enclosing type of the receiver. (If the method is defined
in the enclosing type of the receiver, the depth is 0; in the next enclosing
type, the depth is 1; and so on
If no visible method is discovered, an error binding is answered.
public MethodBinding getImplicitMethod(char[] selector, TypeBinding[] argumentTypes, InvocationSite invocationSite) {
boolean insideStaticContext = false;
boolean insideConstructorCall = false;
MethodBinding foundMethod = null;
ProblemMethodBinding foundFuzzyProblem = null; // the weird method lookup case (matches method name in scope, then arg types, then visibility)
ProblemMethodBinding foundInsideProblem = null; // inside Constructor call or inside static context
Scope scope = this;
int depth = 0;
done : while (true) { // done when a COMPILATION_UNIT_SCOPE is found
switch(scope.kind) {
MethodScope methodScope = (MethodScope) scope;
insideStaticContext |= methodScope.isStatic;
insideConstructorCall |= methodScope.isConstructorCall;
ClassScope classScope = (ClassScope) scope;
SourceTypeBinding receiverType = classScope.referenceContext.binding;
boolean isExactMatch = true;
// retrieve an exact visible match (if possible)
MethodBinding methodBinding =
(foundMethod == null)
? classScope.findExactMethod(receiverType, selector, argumentTypes, invocationSite)
: classScope.findExactMethod(receiverType, foundMethod.selector, foundMethod.parameters, invocationSite);
// ? findExactMethod(receiverType, selector, argumentTypes, invocationSite)
// : findExactMethod(receiverType, foundMethod.selector, foundMethod.parameters, invocationSite);
if (methodBinding == null && foundMethod == null) {
// answers closest approximation, may not check argumentTypes or visibility
isExactMatch = false;
methodBinding = classScope.findMethod(receiverType, selector, argumentTypes, invocationSite);
// methodBinding = findMethod(receiverType, selector, argumentTypes, invocationSite);
if (methodBinding != null) { // skip it if we did not find anything
if (methodBinding.problemId() == Ambiguous) {
if (foundMethod == null || foundMethod.problemId() == NotVisible)
// supercedes any potential InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName problem
return methodBinding;
// make the user qualify the method, likely wants the first inherited method (javac generates an ambiguous error instead)
return new ProblemMethodBinding(selector, argumentTypes, InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName);
ProblemMethodBinding fuzzyProblem = null;
ProblemMethodBinding insideProblem = null;
if (methodBinding.isValidBinding()) {
if (!isExactMatch) {
if (!areParametersAssignable(methodBinding.parameters, argumentTypes)) {
fuzzyProblem = new ProblemMethodBinding(methodBinding, selector, argumentTypes, NotFound);
} else if (!methodBinding.canBeSeenBy(receiverType, invocationSite, classScope)) {
// using <classScope> instead of <this> for visibility check does grant all access to innerclass
fuzzyProblem = new ProblemMethodBinding(selector, argumentTypes, methodBinding.declaringClass, NotVisible);
if (fuzzyProblem == null && !methodBinding.isStatic()) {
if (insideConstructorCall) {
insideProblem = new ProblemMethodBinding(methodBinding.selector, methodBinding.parameters, NonStaticReferenceInConstructorInvocation);
} else if (insideStaticContext) {
insideProblem = new ProblemMethodBinding(methodBinding.selector, methodBinding.parameters, NonStaticReferenceInStaticContext);
if (receiverType == methodBinding.declaringClass || (receiverType.getMethods(selector)) != NoMethods) {
// found a valid method in the 'immediate' scope (ie. not inherited)
// OR the receiverType implemented a method with the correct name
if (foundMethod == null) {
if (depth > 0)
// return the methodBinding if it is not declared in a superclass of the scope's binding (i.e. "inherited")
if (fuzzyProblem != null)
return fuzzyProblem;
if (insideProblem != null)
return insideProblem;
return methodBinding;
// if a method was found, complain when another is found in an 'immediate' enclosing type (ie. not inherited)
// NOTE: Unlike fields, a non visible method hides a visible method
if (foundMethod.declaringClass != methodBinding.declaringClass) // ie. have we found the same method - do not trust field identity yet
return new ProblemMethodBinding(methodBinding.selector, methodBinding.parameters, InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName);
if (foundMethod == null || (foundMethod.problemId() == NotVisible && methodBinding.problemId() != NotVisible)) {
// only remember the methodBinding if its the first one found or the previous one was not visible & methodBinding is...
// remember that private methods are visible if defined directly by an enclosing class
if (depth > 0)
foundFuzzyProblem = fuzzyProblem;
foundInsideProblem = insideProblem;
if (fuzzyProblem == null)
foundMethod = methodBinding; // only keep it if no error was found
insideStaticContext |= receiverType.isStatic();
// 1EX5I8Z - accessing outer fields within a constructor call is permitted
// in order to do so, we change the flag as we exit from the type, not the method
// itself, because the class scope is used to retrieve the fields.
MethodScope enclosingMethodScope = scope.methodScope();
insideConstructorCall = enclosingMethodScope == null ? false : enclosingMethodScope.isConstructorCall;
break done;
scope = scope.parent;
if (foundFuzzyProblem != null)
return foundFuzzyProblem;
if (foundInsideProblem != null)
return foundInsideProblem;
if (foundMethod != null)
return foundMethod;
return new ProblemMethodBinding(selector, argumentTypes, NotFound);
/* API
Answer the method binding that corresponds to selector, argumentTypes.
Start the lookup at the receiverType.
InvocationSite implements
isSuperAccess(); this is used to determine if the discovered method is visible.
Only methods defined by the receiverType or its supertypes are answered;
use getImplicitMethod() to discover methods of enclosing types.
If no visible method is discovered, an error binding is answered.
public MethodBinding getMethod(TypeBinding receiverType, char[] selector, TypeBinding[] argumentTypes, InvocationSite invocationSite) {
if (receiverType.isArrayType())
return findMethodForArray((ArrayBinding) receiverType, selector, argumentTypes, invocationSite);
if (receiverType.isBaseType())
return new ProblemMethodBinding(selector, argumentTypes, NotFound);
ReferenceBinding currentType = (ReferenceBinding) receiverType;
if (!currentType.canBeSeenBy(this))
return new ProblemMethodBinding(selector, argumentTypes, NotVisible); // *** Need a new problem id - TypeNotVisible?
// retrieve an exact visible match (if possible)
MethodBinding methodBinding = findExactMethod(currentType, selector, argumentTypes, invocationSite);
if (methodBinding != null)
return methodBinding;
// answers closest approximation, may not check argumentTypes or visibility
methodBinding = findMethod(currentType, selector, argumentTypes, invocationSite);
if (methodBinding == null)
return new ProblemMethodBinding(selector, argumentTypes, NotFound);
if (methodBinding.isValidBinding()) {
if (!areParametersAssignable(methodBinding.parameters, argumentTypes))
return new ProblemMethodBinding(methodBinding, selector, argumentTypes, NotFound);
if (!methodBinding.canBeSeenBy(currentType, invocationSite, this))
return new ProblemMethodBinding(selector, argumentTypes, methodBinding.declaringClass, NotVisible);
return methodBinding;
/* Answer the problem reporter to use for raising new problems.
* Note that as a side-effect, this updates the current reference context
* (unit, type or method) in case the problem handler decides it is necessary
* to abort.
public ProblemReporter problemReporter() {
return outerMostMethodScope().problemReporter();
* Code responsible to request some more emulation work inside the invocation type, so as to supply
* correct synthetic arguments to any allocation of the target type.
public void propagateInnerEmulation(ReferenceBinding targetType, boolean isEnclosingInstanceSupplied, boolean useDirectReference) {
// perform some emulation work in case there is some and we are inside a local type only
// propage emulation of the enclosing instances
ReferenceBinding[] syntheticArgumentTypes;
if ((syntheticArgumentTypes = targetType.syntheticEnclosingInstanceTypes()) != null) {
for (int i = 0, max = syntheticArgumentTypes.length; i < max; i++) {
ReferenceBinding syntheticArgType = syntheticArgumentTypes[i];
// need to filter out the one that could match a supplied enclosing instance
if (!(isEnclosingInstanceSupplied && (syntheticArgType == targetType.enclosingType()))) {
this.emulateOuterAccess(syntheticArgType, useDirectReference);
SyntheticArgumentBinding[] syntheticArguments;
if ((syntheticArguments = targetType.syntheticOuterLocalVariables()) != null) {
for (int i = 0, max = syntheticArguments.length; i < max; i++) {
SyntheticArgumentBinding syntheticArg = syntheticArguments[i];
// need to filter out the one that could match a supplied enclosing instance
if (!(isEnclosingInstanceSupplied && (syntheticArg.type == targetType.enclosingType()))) {
/* Answer the reference type of this scope.
* i.e. the nearest enclosing type of this scope.
public TypeDeclaration referenceType() {
return methodScope().referenceType();
// start position in this scope - for ordering scopes vs. variables
int startIndex(){
return startIndex;
public String toString() {
return toString(0);
public String toString(int tab) {
String s = basicToString(tab);
for (int i = 0; i < scopeIndex; i++)
if (subscopes[i] instanceof BlockScope)
s += ((BlockScope) subscopes[i]).toString(tab + 1) + "\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return s;