blob: ffeceb9999e3c101c6ea508804de526199f53080 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileReader;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.ReferenceInfoAdapter;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
* A SourceMapper maps source code in a ZIP file to binary types in
* a JAR. The SourceMapper uses the fuzzy parser to identify source
* fragments in a .java file, and attempts to match the source code
* with children in a binary type. A SourceMapper is associated
* with a JarPackageFragment by an AttachSourceOperation.
* @see AttachSourceOperation
* @see JarPackageFragment
public class SourceMapper extends ReferenceInfoAdapter implements ISourceElementRequestor {
* The binary type source is being mapped for
protected BinaryType fType;
* The location of the zip file containing source.
protected IPath fZipPath;
* Specifies the location of the package fragment root within
* the zip (empty specifies the default root). <code>null</code> is
* not a valid root path.
protected String fRootPath;
* The Java Model this source mapper is working for.
protected JavaModel fJavaModel;
* Used for efficiency
protected static String[] fgEmptyStringArray = new String[0];
* Table that maps a binary element to its <code>SourceRange</code>s.
* Keys are the element handles, entries are <code>SourceRange[]</code> which
* is a two element array; the first being source range, the second
* being name range.
protected Hashtable fSourceRanges;
* The unknown source range {-1, 0}
protected static SourceRange fgUnknownRange= new SourceRange(-1, 0);
* The position within the source of the start of the
* current member element, or -1 if we are outside a member.
protected int fMemberDeclarationStart = -1;
* The <code>SourceRange</code> of the name of the current member element.
protected SourceRange fMemberNameRange;
* The name of the current member element.
protected String fMemberName;
* The parameter types for the current member method element.
protected char[][] fMethodParameterTypes;
* The element searched for
protected IJavaElement searchedElement;
* Enclosing type information
IType[] types;
int[] typeDeclarationStarts;
SourceRange[] typeNameRanges;
int typeDepth;
* Creates a <code>SourceMapper</code> that locates source in the zip file
* at the given location in the specified package fragment root.
public SourceMapper(IPath zipPath, String rootPath, JavaModel model) {
fZipPath= zipPath;
fRootPath= rootPath.replace('\\', '/');
if (fRootPath.endsWith("/"/*nonNLS*/)) {
fRootPath = fRootPath.substring(0, fRootPath.lastIndexOf('/'));
fJavaModel= model;
fSourceRanges= new Hashtable();
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void acceptImport(int declarationStart, int declarationEnd, char[] name, boolean onDemand) {
//do nothing
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void acceptInitializer(int modifiers, int declarationSourceStart, int declarationSourceEnd) {
//do nothing
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void acceptLineSeparatorPositions(int[] positions) {
//do nothing
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void acceptPackage(int declarationStart, int declarationEnd, char[] name) {
//do nothing
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void acceptProblem(IProblem problem) {
//do nothing
* Closes this <code>SourceMapper</code>'s zip file. Once this is done, this
* <code>SourceMapper</code> cannot be used again.
public void close() throws JavaModelException {
fSourceRanges= null;
* Converts these type names to signatures.
* @see Signature.
public String[] convertTypeNamesToSigs(char[][] typeNames) {
if (typeNames == null)
return fgEmptyStringArray;
int n = typeNames.length;
if (n == 0)
return fgEmptyStringArray;
String[] typeSigs = new String[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
typeSigs[i] = Signature.createTypeSignature(typeNames[i], false);
return typeSigs;
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void enterClass(int declarationStart, int modifiers, char[] name, int nameSourceStart, int nameSourceEnd, char[] superclass, char[][] superinterfaces) {
if (this.typeDepth == this.types.length){ // need to grow
System.arraycopy(this.types, 0, this.types = new IType[this.typeDepth*2], 0, this.typeDepth);
System.arraycopy(this.typeNameRanges, 0, this.typeNameRanges = new SourceRange[this.typeDepth*2], 0, this.typeDepth);
System.arraycopy(this.typeDeclarationStarts, 0, this.typeDeclarationStarts = new int[this.typeDepth*2], 0, this.typeDepth);
this.types[typeDepth] = this.getType(new String(name));
this.typeNameRanges[typeDepth] = new SourceRange(nameSourceStart, nameSourceEnd - nameSourceStart + 1);
this.typeDeclarationStarts[typeDepth] = declarationStart;
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void enterCompilationUnit() {
// do nothing
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void enterConstructor(int declarationStart, int modifiers, char[] name, int nameSourceStart, int nameSourceEnd, char[][] parameterTypes, char[][] parameterNames, char[][] exceptionTypes) {
enterMethod(declarationStart, modifiers, null, name, nameSourceStart, nameSourceEnd, parameterTypes, parameterNames, exceptionTypes);
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void enterField(int declarationStart, int modifiers, char[] type, char[] name, int nameSourceStart, int nameSourceEnd) {
if (typeDepth >= 0 && fMemberDeclarationStart == -1) { // don't allow nested member (can only happen with anonymous inner classes)
fMemberDeclarationStart= declarationStart;
fMemberNameRange= new SourceRange(nameSourceStart, nameSourceEnd - nameSourceStart + 1);
fMemberName= new String(name);
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void enterInterface(int declarationStart, int modifiers, char[] name, int nameSourceStart, int nameSourceEnd, char[][] superinterfaces) {
enterClass(declarationStart, modifiers, name, nameSourceStart, nameSourceEnd, null, superinterfaces);
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void enterMethod(int declarationStart, int modifiers, char[] returnType, char[] name, int nameSourceStart, int nameSourceEnd, char[][] parameterTypes, char[][] parameterNames, char[][] exceptionTypes) {
if (typeDepth >= 0 && fMemberDeclarationStart == -1) { // don't allow nested member (can only happen with anonymous inner classes)
fMemberName= new String(name);
fMemberNameRange= new SourceRange(nameSourceStart, nameSourceEnd - nameSourceStart + 1);
fMemberDeclarationStart= declarationStart;
fMethodParameterTypes= parameterTypes;
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void exitClass(int declarationEnd) {
if (typeDepth >= 0) {
IType currentType = this.types[typeDepth];
new SourceRange(
this.typeDeclarationStarts[typeDepth] ,
declarationEnd - this.typeDeclarationStarts[typeDepth] + 1),
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void exitCompilationUnit(int declarationEnd) {
//do nothing
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void exitConstructor(int declarationEnd) {
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void exitField(int declarationEnd) {
if (typeDepth >= 0 && fMemberDeclarationStart != -1) {
IType currentType = this.types[typeDepth];
setSourceRange(currentType.getField(fMemberName), new SourceRange(fMemberDeclarationStart, declarationEnd - fMemberDeclarationStart + 1), fMemberNameRange);
fMemberDeclarationStart = -1;
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void exitInterface(int declarationEnd) {
* @see ISourceElementRequestor
public void exitMethod(int declarationEnd) {
if (typeDepth >= 0 && fMemberDeclarationStart != -1) {
IType currentType = this.types[typeDepth];
SourceRange sourceRange= new SourceRange(fMemberDeclarationStart, declarationEnd - fMemberDeclarationStart + 1);
setSourceRange(currentType.getMethod(fMemberName, convertTypeNamesToSigs(fMethodParameterTypes)), sourceRange, fMemberNameRange);
fMemberDeclarationStart = -1;
* Locates and returns source code for the given (binary) type, in this
* SourceMapper's ZIP file, or returns <code>null</code> if source
* code cannot be found.
public char[] findSource(IType type) {
if (!type.isBinary()) {
return null;
BinaryType parent= (BinaryType)type.getDeclaringType();
BinaryType declType= (BinaryType)type;
while (parent != null) {
declType= parent;
parent= (BinaryType)declType.getDeclaringType();
IBinaryType info= null;
try {
info= (IBinaryType)declType.getRawInfo();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return null;
return this.findSource(type, info);
* Locates and returns source code for the given (binary) type, in this
* SourceMapper's ZIP file, or returns <code>null</code> if source
* code cannot be found.
public char[] findSource(IType type, IBinaryType info) {
String name = null;
// see 1FVVWZT
if (info instanceof ClassFileReader) {
char[] sourceFileName = ((ClassFileReader) info).sourceFileName();
if (sourceFileName == null)
return null; // no source file attribute
name = new String(sourceFileName);
} else {
return null;
IPackageFragment pkgFrag = type.getPackageFragment();
if (!pkgFrag.isDefaultPackage()) {
String pkg= type.getPackageFragment().getElementName().replace('.', '/');
name= pkg + '/' + name;
// try to get the entry
ZipEntry entry= null;
ZipFile zip = null;
char[] source= null;
try {
String fullName;
//add the root path if specified
if (!fRootPath.equals(IPackageFragmentRoot.DEFAULT_PACKAGEROOT_PATH)) {
fullName= fRootPath + '/' + name;
} else {
fullName= name;
zip = getZip();
entry= zip.getEntry(fullName);
if (entry != null) {
// now read the source code
byte[] bytes= readEntry(zip, entry);
if (bytes != null) {
try {
source= BufferManager.bytesToChar(bytes);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
source= null;
} catch (CoreException e) {
return null;
} finally {
if (zip != null) {
try {
} catch(IOException e) {}
return source;
* Returns the SourceRange for the name of the given element, or
* {-1, -1} if no source range is known for the name of the element.
public SourceRange getNameRange(IJavaElement element) {
if (element.getElementType() == IJavaElement.METHOD && ((IMember)element).isBinary()) {
element= getUnqualifiedMethodHandle((IMethod)element);
SourceRange[] ranges= (SourceRange[])fSourceRanges.get(element);
if (ranges == null) {
return fgUnknownRange;
} else {
return ranges[1];
* Returns the <code>SourceRange</code> for the given element, or
* {-1, -1} if no source range is known for the element.
public SourceRange getSourceRange(IJavaElement element) {
if (element.getElementType() == IJavaElement.METHOD && ((IMember)element).isBinary()) {
element= getUnqualifiedMethodHandle((IMethod)element);
SourceRange[] ranges= (SourceRange[])fSourceRanges.get(element);
if (ranges == null) {
return fgUnknownRange;
} else {
return ranges[0];
* Returns the type with the given <code>typeName</code>. Returns inner classes
* as well.
protected IType getType(String typeName) {
if (fType.getElementName().equals(typeName))
return fType;
return fType.getType(typeName);
* Creates a handle that has parameter types that are not
* fully qualified so that the correct source is found.
protected IJavaElement getUnqualifiedMethodHandle(IMethod method) {
String[] qualifiedParameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
String[] unqualifiedParameterTypes = new String[qualifiedParameterTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < qualifiedParameterTypes.length; i++) {
StringBuffer unqualifiedName= new StringBuffer();
String qualifiedName= qualifiedParameterTypes[i];
int count = 0;
while (qualifiedName.charAt(count) == Signature.C_ARRAY) {
if (qualifiedName.charAt(count) == Signature.C_RESOLVED) {
} else {
unqualifiedName.append(qualifiedName.substring(count, qualifiedName.length()));
unqualifiedParameterTypes[i]= unqualifiedName.toString();
return ((IType) method.getParent()).getMethod(method.getElementName(), unqualifiedParameterTypes);
* Returns the <code>ZipFile</code> that source is located in.
public ZipFile getZip() throws CoreException {
return fJavaModel.fgJavaModelManager.getZipFile(fZipPath);
* Maps the given source code to the given binary type and its children.
public void mapSource(IType type, char[] contents) {
this.mapSource(type, contents, null);
* Maps the given source code to the given binary type and its children.
* If a non-null java element is passed, finds the name range for the
* given java element without storing it.
public ISourceRange mapSource(IType type, char[] contents, IJavaElement searchedElement) {
fType= (BinaryType)type;
this.searchedElement = searchedElement;
this.types = new IType[1];
this.typeDeclarationStarts = new int[1];
this.typeNameRanges = new SourceRange[1];
this.typeDepth = -1;
Hashtable oldSourceRanges = (Hashtable)fSourceRanges.clone();
try {
IProblemFactory factory= new DefaultProblemFactory();
SourceElementParser parser = new SourceElementParser(this, factory);
parser.parseCompilationUnit(new BasicCompilationUnit(contents, type.getElementName() + ".java"/*nonNLS*/), false);
if (searchedElement != null) {
ISourceRange range = this.getNameRange(searchedElement);
return range;
} else {
return null;
} finally {
if (searchedElement != null) {
fSourceRanges = oldSourceRanges;
fType= null;
this.searchedElement = null;
this.types = null;
this.typeDeclarationStarts = null;
this.typeNameRanges = null;
this.typeDepth = -1;
* Returns the contents of the specified zip entry
protected byte[] readEntry(ZipFile zip, ZipEntry entry) {
InputStream stream = null;
try {
stream = zip.getInputStream(entry);
int remaining = (int) entry.getSize();
byte[] bytes = new byte[remaining];
int offset = 0;
while (remaining > 0) {
int read =, offset, remaining);
if (read == -1)
remaining -= read;
offset += read;
return bytes;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
return null;
} finally {
if (stream != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
* Sets the mapping for this element to its source ranges for its source range
* and name range.
* @see fSourceRanges
protected void setSourceRange(IJavaElement element, SourceRange sourceRange, SourceRange nameRange) {
fSourceRanges.put(element, new SourceRange[] {sourceRange, nameRange});