*** empty log message ***
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/buildnotes_jdt-core.html b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/buildnotes_jdt-core.html
index d903dc5..486773a 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/buildnotes_jdt-core.html
+++ b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/buildnotes_jdt-core.html
@@ -17,10 +17,13 @@
 What's new in this drop</h2>
 <li>Backported 2.0 fix for try/finally verification error.</li>
+<li>Also backported fix for sanity check failure, so as to pass latest jck1.3a.</li>
 Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
-<a href="http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=19916">19916</a>
+<a href="http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=8832">8832</a>
+Sanity check error (internal error) when unused variables inside initializers
+<br><a href="http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=19916">19916</a>
 Error accessing value from uninitialized localvariable
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/codegen/CodeStream.java b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/codegen/CodeStream.java
index ac75867..5e581b2 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/codegen/CodeStream.java
+++ b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/codegen/CodeStream.java
@@ -1,5533 +1,5536 @@
-package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen;



- * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.

- * All Rights Reserved.

- */

-import java.io.*;

-import java.util.*;


-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.*;


-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.*;

-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;

-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.*;

-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.flow.*;

-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;

-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.*;

-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.*;


-public class CodeStream implements OperatorIds, ClassFileConstants, Opcodes, BaseTypes, TypeConstants, TypeIds {

-	// It will be responsible for the following items.


-	// -> Tracking Max Stack.


-	public int stackMax; // Use Ints to keep from using extra bc when adding

-	public int stackDepth; // Use Ints to keep from using extra bc when adding

-	public int maxLocals;

-	public static final int max = 100; // Maximum size of the code array

-	public static final int growFactor = 400;

-	public static final int LABELS_INCREMENT = 5;

-	public byte[] bCodeStream;

-	public int pcToSourceMapSize;

-	public int[] pcToSourceMap = new int[24];

-	public int lastEntryPC; // last entry recorded

-	public int[] lineSeparatorPositions;

-	public int position; // So when first set can be incremented

-	public int classFileOffset;

-	public int startingClassFileOffset; // I need to keep the starting point inside the byte array

-	public ConstantPool constantPool; // The constant pool used to generate bytecodes that need to store information into the constant pool

-	public ClassFile classFile; // The current classfile it is associated to.

-	// local variable attributes output

-	public static final int LOCALS_INCREMENT = 10;

-	public LocalVariableBinding[] locals = new LocalVariableBinding[LOCALS_INCREMENT];

-	static LocalVariableBinding[] noLocals = new LocalVariableBinding[LOCALS_INCREMENT];

-	public LocalVariableBinding[] visibleLocals = new LocalVariableBinding[LOCALS_INCREMENT];

-	static LocalVariableBinding[] noVisibleLocals = new LocalVariableBinding[LOCALS_INCREMENT];

-	int visibleLocalsCount;

-	public AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDeclaration;

-	public ExceptionLabel[] exceptionHandlers = new ExceptionLabel[LABELS_INCREMENT];

-	static ExceptionLabel[] noExceptionHandlers = new ExceptionLabel[LABELS_INCREMENT];

-	public int exceptionHandlersNumber;

-	public static FieldBinding[] ImplicitThis = new FieldBinding[] {};

-	public boolean generateLineNumberAttributes;

-	public boolean generateLocalVariableTableAttributes;

-	public boolean preserveUnusedLocals;

-	// store all the labels placed at the current position to be able to optimize

-	// a jump to the next bytecode.

-	public Label[] labels = new Label[LABELS_INCREMENT];

-	static Label[] noLabels = new Label[LABELS_INCREMENT];

-	public int countLabels;

-	public int allLocalsCounter;

-	public int maxFieldCount;

-public CodeStream(ClassFile classFile) {

-	generateLineNumberAttributes = (classFile.produceDebugAttributes & CompilerOptions.Lines) != 0;

-	generateLocalVariableTableAttributes = (classFile.produceDebugAttributes & CompilerOptions.Vars) != 0;

-	if (generateLineNumberAttributes) {

-		lineSeparatorPositions = classFile.referenceBinding.scope.referenceCompilationUnit().compilationResult.lineSeparatorPositions;

-	}


-final public void aaload() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aaload;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_aaload);

-	}


-final public void aastore() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 3;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aastore;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_aastore);

-	}


-final public void aconst_null() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aconst_null;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_aconst_null);

-	}


-public final void addDefinitelyAssignedVariables(Scope scope, int initStateIndex) {

-	// Required to fix 1PR0XVS: LFRE:WINNT - Compiler: variable table for method appears incorrect

-	if (!generateLocalVariableTableAttributes)

-		return;

-/*	if (initStateIndex == lastInitStateIndexWhenAddingInits)

-		return;

-	lastInitStateIndexWhenAddingInits = initStateIndex;

-	if (lastInitStateIndexWhenRemovingInits != initStateIndex){

-		lastInitStateIndexWhenRemovingInits = -2; // reinitialize remove index 

-		// remove(1)-add(1)-remove(1) -> ignore second remove

-		// remove(1)-add(2)-remove(1) -> perform second remove

-	}


-*/	for (int i = 0; i < visibleLocalsCount; i++) {

-		LocalVariableBinding localBinding = visibleLocals[i];

-		if (localBinding != null) {

-			// Check if the local is definitely assigned

-			if ((initStateIndex != -1) && isDefinitelyAssigned(scope, initStateIndex, localBinding)) {

-				if ((localBinding.initializationCount == 0) || (localBinding.initializationPCs[((localBinding.initializationCount - 1) << 1) + 1] != -1)) {

-					/* There are two cases:

-					 * 1) there is no initialization interval opened ==> add an opened interval

-					 * 2) there is already some initialization intervals but the last one is closed ==> add an opened interval

-					 * An opened interval means that the value at localBinding.initializationPCs[localBinding.initializationCount - 1][1]

-					 * is equals to -1.

-					 * initializationPCs is a collection of pairs of int:

-					 * 	first value is the startPC and second value is the endPC. -1 one for the last value means that the interval

-					 * 	is not closed yet.

-					 */

-					localBinding.recordInitializationStartPC(position);

-				}

-			}

-		}

-	}


-public void addLabel(Label aLabel) {

-	if (countLabels == labels.length)

-		System.arraycopy(labels, 0, (labels = new Label[countLabels + LABELS_INCREMENT]), 0, countLabels);

-	labels[countLabels++] = aLabel;


-public void addVisibleLocalVariable(LocalVariableBinding localBinding) {

-	if (!generateLocalVariableTableAttributes)

-		return;


-	if (visibleLocalsCount >= visibleLocals.length) {

-		System.arraycopy(visibleLocals, 0, (visibleLocals = new LocalVariableBinding[visibleLocalsCount * 2]), 0, visibleLocalsCount);

-	}

-	visibleLocals[visibleLocalsCount++] = localBinding;


-final public void aload(int iArg) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (maxLocals <= iArg) {

-		maxLocals = iArg + 1;

-	}

-	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aload;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_aload);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);

-	} else {

-		// Don't need to use the wide bytecode

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aload;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_aload);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) (iArg);

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);

-		}

-	}


-final public void aload_0() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (maxLocals == 0) {

-		maxLocals = 1;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aload_0;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_aload_0);

-	}


-final public void aload_1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (maxLocals <= 1) {

-		maxLocals = 2;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aload_1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_aload_1);

-	}


-final public void aload_2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (maxLocals <= 2) {

-		maxLocals = 3;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aload_2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_aload_2);

-	}


-final public void aload_3() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (maxLocals <= 3) {

-		maxLocals = 4;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aload_3;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_aload_3);

-	}


-public final void anewarray(TypeBinding typeBinding) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_anewarray;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_anewarray);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(typeBinding));


-public void anewarrayJavaLangClass() {

-	// anewarray: java.lang.Class

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_anewarray;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_anewarray);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangClass());


-public void anewarrayJavaLangObject() {

-	// anewarray: java.lang.Object

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_anewarray;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_anewarray);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangObject());


-final public void areturn() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	// the stackDepth should be equal to 0 

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_areturn;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_areturn);

-	}


-public void arrayAt(int typeBindingID) {

-	switch (typeBindingID) {

-		case T_int :

-			this.iaload();

-			break;

-		case T_byte :

-		case T_boolean :

-			this.baload();

-			break;

-		case T_short :

-			this.saload();

-			break;

-		case T_char :

-			this.caload();

-			break;

-		case T_long :

-			this.laload();

-			break;

-		case T_float :

-			this.faload();

-			break;

-		case T_double :

-			this.daload();

-			break;

-		default :

-			this.aaload();

-	}


-public void arrayAtPut(int elementTypeID, boolean valueRequired) {

-	switch (elementTypeID) {

-		case T_int :

-			if (valueRequired)

-				dup_x2();

-			iastore();

-			break;

-		case T_byte :

-		case T_boolean :

-			if (valueRequired)

-				dup_x2();

-			bastore();

-			break;

-		case T_short :

-			if (valueRequired)

-				dup_x2();

-			sastore();

-			break;

-		case T_char :

-			if (valueRequired)

-				dup_x2();

-			castore();

-			break;

-		case T_long :

-			if (valueRequired)

-				dup2_x2();

-			lastore();

-			break;

-		case T_float :

-			if (valueRequired)

-				dup_x2();

-			fastore();

-			break;

-		case T_double :

-			if (valueRequired)

-				dup2_x2();

-			dastore();

-			break;

-		default :

-			if (valueRequired)

-				dup_x2();

-			aastore();

-	}


-final public void arraylength() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_arraylength;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_arraylength);

-	}


-final public void astore(int iArg) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals <= iArg) {

-		maxLocals = iArg + 1;

-	}

-	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_astore;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_astore);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);

-	} else {

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_astore;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_astore);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);

-		}

-	}


-final public void astore_0() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals == 0) {

-		maxLocals = 1;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_astore_0;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_astore_0);

-	}


-final public void astore_1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals <= 1) {

-		maxLocals = 2;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_astore_1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_astore_1);

-	}


-final public void astore_2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals <= 2) {

-		maxLocals = 3;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_astore_2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_astore_2);

-	}


-final public void astore_3() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals <= 3) {

-		maxLocals = 4;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_astore_3;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_astore_3);

-	}


-final public void athrow() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_athrow;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_athrow);

-	}


-final public void baload() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_baload;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_baload);

-	}


-final public void bastore() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 3;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_bastore;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_bastore);

-	}


-final public void bipush(byte b) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_bipush;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_bipush);

-	}

-	writeSignedByte(b);


-final public void caload() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_caload;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_caload);

-	}


-final public void castore() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 3;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_castore;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_castore);

-	}


-public final void checkcast(TypeBinding typeBinding) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_checkcast;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_checkcast);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(typeBinding));


-public final void checkcastJavaLangError() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_checkcast;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_checkcast);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangError());


-final public void d2f() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_d2f;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_d2f);

-	}


-final public void d2i() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_d2i;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_d2i);

-	}


-final public void d2l() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_d2l;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_d2l);

-	}


-final public void dadd() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dadd;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dadd);

-	}


-final public void daload() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_daload;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_daload);

-	}


-final public void dastore() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 4;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dastore;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dastore);

-	}


-final public void dcmpg() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 3;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dcmpg;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dcmpg);

-	}


-final public void dcmpl() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 3;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dcmpl;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dcmpl);

-	}


-final public void dconst_0() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dconst_0;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dconst_0);

-	}


-final public void dconst_1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dconst_1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dconst_1);

-	}


-final public void ddiv() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ddiv;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ddiv);

-	}


-public void decrStackSize(int offset) {

-	stackDepth -= offset;


-final public void dload(int iArg) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (maxLocals < iArg + 2) {

-		maxLocals = iArg + 2; // + 2 because it is a double

-	}

-	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dload;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_dload);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);

-	} else {

-		// Don't need to use the wide bytecode

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dload;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_dload);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);

-		}

-	}


-final public void dload_0() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (maxLocals < 2) {

-		maxLocals = 2;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dload_0;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dload_0);

-	}


-final public void dload_1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (maxLocals < 3) {

-		maxLocals = 3;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dload_1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dload_1);

-	}


-final public void dload_2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (maxLocals < 4) {

-		maxLocals = 4;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dload_2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dload_2);

-	}


-final public void dload_3() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (maxLocals < 5) {

-		maxLocals = 5;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dload_3;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dload_3);

-	}


-final public void dmul() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dmul;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dmul);

-	}


-final public void dneg() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dneg;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dneg);

-	}


-final public void drem() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_drem;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_drem);

-	}


-final public void dreturn() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	// the stackDepth should be equal to 0 

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dreturn;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dreturn);

-	}


-final public void dstore(int iArg) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	if (maxLocals <= iArg + 1) {

-		maxLocals = iArg + 2;

-	}

-	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dstore;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_dstore);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);

-	} else {

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dstore;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_dstore);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);

-		}

-	}


-final public void dstore_0() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	if (maxLocals < 2) {

-		maxLocals = 2;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dstore_0;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dstore_0);

-	}


-final public void dstore_1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	if (maxLocals < 3) {

-		maxLocals = 3;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dstore_1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dstore_1);

-	}


-final public void dstore_2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	if (maxLocals < 4) {

-		maxLocals = 4;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dstore_2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dstore_2);

-	}


-final public void dstore_3() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	if (maxLocals < 5) {

-		maxLocals = 5;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dstore_3;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dstore_3);

-	}


-final public void dsub() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dsub;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dsub);

-	}


-final public void dup() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dup;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dup);

-	}


-final public void dup_x1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dup_x1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dup_x1);

-	}


-final public void dup_x2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dup_x2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dup_x2);

-	}


-final public void dup2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dup2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dup2);

-	}


-final public void dup2_x1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dup2_x1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dup2_x1);

-	}


-final public void dup2_x2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dup2_x2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_dup2_x2);

-	}


-public void exitUserScope(BlockScope blockScope) {

-	// mark all the scope's locals as loosing their definite assignment


-	if (!generateLocalVariableTableAttributes)

-		return;

-	for (int i = 0; i < visibleLocalsCount; i++) {

-		LocalVariableBinding visibleLocal = visibleLocals[i];

-		if ((visibleLocal != null) && (visibleLocal.declaringScope == blockScope) && (visibleLocal.initializationCount > 0)) { // for filtering out preserved locals never initialized

-			visibleLocals[i].recordInitializationEndPC(position);

-			visibleLocals[i] = null; // this variable is no longer visible afterwards

-		}

-	}


-final public void f2d() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_f2d;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_f2d);

-	}


-final public void f2i() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_f2i;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_f2i);

-	}


-final public void f2l() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_f2l;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_f2l);

-	}


-final public void fadd() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fadd;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fadd);

-	}


-final public void faload() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_faload;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_faload);

-	}


-final public void fastore() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 3;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fastore;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fastore);

-	}


-final public void fcmpg() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fcmpg;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fcmpg);

-	}


-final public void fcmpl() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fcmpl;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fcmpl);

-	}


-final public void fconst_0() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fconst_0;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fconst_0);

-	}


-final public void fconst_1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fconst_1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fconst_1);

-	}


-final public void fconst_2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fconst_2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fconst_2);

-	}


-final public void fdiv() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fdiv;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fdiv);

-	}


-final public void fload(int iArg) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (maxLocals <= iArg) {

-		maxLocals = iArg + 1;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fload;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_fload);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);

-	} else {

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fload;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_fload);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);

-		}

-	}


-final public void fload_0() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (maxLocals == 0) {

-		maxLocals = 1;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fload_0;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fload_0);

-	}


-final public void fload_1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (maxLocals <= 1) {

-		maxLocals = 2;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fload_1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fload_1);

-	}


-final public void fload_2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (maxLocals <= 2) {

-		maxLocals = 3;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fload_2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fload_2);

-	}


-final public void fload_3() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (maxLocals <= 3) {

-		maxLocals = 4;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fload_3;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fload_3);

-	}


-final public void fmul() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fmul;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fmul);

-	}


-final public void fneg() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fneg;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fneg);

-	}


-final public void frem() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_frem;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_frem);

-	}


-final public void freturn() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	// the stackDepth should be equal to 0 

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_freturn;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_freturn);

-	}


-final public void fstore(int iArg) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals <= iArg) {

-		maxLocals = iArg + 1;

-	}

-	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fstore;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_fstore);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);

-	} else {

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fstore;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_fstore);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);

-		}

-	}


-final public void fstore_0() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals == 0) {

-		maxLocals = 1;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fstore_0;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fstore_0);

-	}


-final public void fstore_1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals <= 1) {

-		maxLocals = 2;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fstore_1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fstore_1);

-	}


-final public void fstore_2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals <= 2) {

-		maxLocals = 3;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fstore_2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fstore_2);

-	}


-final public void fstore_3() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals <= 3) {

-		maxLocals = 4;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fstore_3;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fstore_3);

-	}


-final public void fsub() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fsub;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_fsub);

-	}



- * Macro for building a class descriptor object

- */

-public void generateClassLiteralAccessForType(TypeBinding accessedType, FieldBinding syntheticFieldBinding) {

-	Label endLabel;

-	ExceptionLabel anyExceptionHandler;

-	int saveStackSize;

-	if (accessedType.isBaseType()) {

-		this.getTYPE(accessedType.id);

-		return;

-	}

-	endLabel = new Label(this);


-	if (syntheticFieldBinding != null) { // non interface case

-		this.getstatic(syntheticFieldBinding);

-		this.dup();

-		this.ifnonnull(endLabel);

-		this.pop();

-	}


-	/* Macro for building a class descriptor object... using or not a field cache to store it into...

-	this sequence is responsible for building the actual class descriptor.


-	If the fieldCache is set, then it is supposed to be the body of a synthetic access method

-	factoring the actual descriptor creation out of the invocation site (saving space).

-	If the fieldCache is nil, then we are dumping the bytecode on the invocation site, since

-	we have no way to get a hand on the field cache to do better. */



-	// Wrap the code in an exception handler to convert a ClassNotFoundException into a NoClassDefError


-	anyExceptionHandler = new ExceptionLabel(this, TypeBinding.NullBinding /* represents ClassNotFoundException*/);

-	this.ldc(accessedType == TypeBinding.NullBinding ? "java.lang.Object"/*nonNLS*/ : String.valueOf(accessedType.constantPoolName()).replace('/', '.'));

-	this.invokeClassForName();


-	/* We need to protect the runtime code from binary inconsistencies

-	in case the accessedType is missing, the ClassNotFoundException has to be converted

-	into a NoClassDefError(old ex message), we thus need to build an exception handler for this one. */

-	anyExceptionHandler.placeEnd();


-	if (syntheticFieldBinding != null) { // non interface case

-		this.dup();

-		this.putstatic(syntheticFieldBinding);

-	}

-	this.goto_(endLabel);



-	// Generate the body of the exception handler

-	saveStackSize = stackDepth;

-	stackDepth = 1;

-	/* ClassNotFoundException on stack -- the class literal could be doing more things

-	on the stack, which means that the stack may not be empty at this point in the

-	above code gen. So we save its state and restart it from 1. */


-	anyExceptionHandler.place();


-	// Transform the current exception, and repush and throw a 

-	// NoClassDefFoundError(ClassNotFound.getMessage())


-	this.newNoClassDefFoundError();

-	this.dup_x1();

-	this.swap();


-	// Retrieve the message from the old exception

-	this.invokeThrowableGetMessage();


-	// Send the constructor taking a message string as an argument

-	this.invokeNoClassDefFoundErrorStringConstructor();

-	this.athrow();

-	endLabel.place();

-	stackDepth = saveStackSize;



- * This method returns the exception handler to be able to generate the exception handler

- * attribute.

- */

-final public int[] generateCodeAttributeForProblemMethod(String errorName, String problemMessage) {

-	/**

-	 * Equivalent code:

-	 *	try {

-	 *		throw ((Error) (Class.forName(errorName).getConstructor(new Class[] {Class.forName("java.lang.String")})).newInstance(new Object[] {problemMessage}));

-	 *	} catch (Exception e) {

-	 *		throw (NullPointerException) null;

-	 *	}

-	 */

-	int endPC, handlerPC;

-	ldc(errorName);

-	invokeClassForName();

-	iconst_1();

-	anewarrayJavaLangClass();

-	dup();

-	iconst_0();

-	ldc("java.lang.String"/*nonNLS*/);

-	invokeClassForName();

-	aastore();

-	invokeConstructorGetConstructor();

-	iconst_1();

-	anewarrayJavaLangObject();

-	dup();

-	iconst_0();

-	ldc(problemMessage);

-	aastore();

-	invokeObjectNewInstance();

-	checkcastJavaLangError();

-	athrow();

-	endPC = handlerPC = position;

-	pop();

-	aconst_null();

-	athrow();

-	return_();

-	return new int[] {0, endPC, handlerPC};


-public void generateConstant(Constant constant, int implicitConversionCode) {

-	int targetTypeID = implicitConversionCode >> 4;

-	switch (targetTypeID) {

-		case T_boolean :

-			generateInlinedValue(constant.booleanValue());

-			break;

-		case T_char :

-			generateInlinedValue(constant.charValue());

-			break;

-		case T_byte :

-			generateInlinedValue(constant.byteValue());

-			break;

-		case T_short :

-			generateInlinedValue(constant.shortValue());

-			break;

-		case T_int :

-			generateInlinedValue(constant.intValue());

-			break;

-		case T_long :

-			generateInlinedValue(constant.longValue());

-			break;

-		case T_float :

-			generateInlinedValue(constant.floatValue());

-			break;

-		case T_double :

-			generateInlinedValue(constant.doubleValue());

-			break;

-		case T_String :

-			this.ldc(constant.stringValue());

-			break;

-		default : //reference object (constant can be from T_null or T_String)

-			if (constant.typeID() == T_String)

-				ldc(constant.stringValue());

-			else

-				aconst_null();

-	}



- * @param implicitConversionCode int

- */

-public void generateImplicitConversion(int implicitConversionCode) {

-	switch (implicitConversionCode) {

-		case Float2Char :

-			this.f2i();

-			this.i2c();

-			break;

-		case Double2Char :

-			this.d2i();

-			this.i2c();

-			break;

-		case Int2Char :

-		case Short2Char :

-		case Byte2Char :

-			this.i2c();

-			break;

-		case Long2Char :

-			this.l2i();

-			this.i2c();

-			break;

-		case Char2Float :

-		case Short2Float :

-		case Int2Float :

-		case Byte2Float :

-			this.i2f();

-			break;

-		case Double2Float :

-			this.d2f();

-			break;

-		case Long2Float :

-			this.l2f();

-			break;

-		case Float2Byte :

-			this.f2i();

-			this.i2b();

-			break;

-		case Double2Byte :

-			this.d2i();

-			this.i2b();

-			break;

-		case Int2Byte :

-		case Short2Byte :

-		case Char2Byte :

-			this.i2b();

-			break;

-		case Long2Byte :

-			this.l2i();

-			this.i2b();

-			break;

-		case Byte2Double :

-		case Char2Double :

-		case Short2Double :

-		case Int2Double :

-			this.i2d();

-			break;

-		case Float2Double :

-			this.f2d();

-			break;

-		case Long2Double :

-			this.l2d();

-			break;

-		case Byte2Short :

-		case Char2Short :

-		case Int2Short :

-			this.i2s();

-			break;

-		case Double2Short :

-			this.d2i();

-			this.i2s();

-			break;

-		case Long2Short :

-			this.l2i();

-			this.i2s();

-			break;

-		case Float2Short :

-			this.f2i();

-			this.i2s();

-			break;

-		case Double2Int :

-			this.d2i();

-			break;

-		case Float2Int :

-			this.f2i();

-			break;

-		case Long2Int :

-			this.l2i();

-			break;

-		case Int2Long :

-		case Char2Long :

-		case Byte2Long :

-		case Short2Long :

-			this.i2l();

-			break;

-		case Double2Long :

-			this.d2l();

-			break;

-		case Float2Long :

-			this.f2l();

-	}


-public void generateInlinedValue(byte inlinedValue) {

-	switch (inlinedValue) {

-		case -1 :

-			this.iconst_m1();

-			break;

-		case 0 :

-			this.iconst_0();

-			break;

-		case 1 :

-			this.iconst_1();

-			break;

-		case 2 :

-			this.iconst_2();

-			break;

-		case 3 :

-			this.iconst_3();

-			break;

-		case 4 :

-			this.iconst_4();

-			break;

-		case 5 :

-			this.iconst_5();

-			break;

-		default :

-			if ((-128 <= inlinedValue) && (inlinedValue <= 127)) {

-				this.bipush((byte) inlinedValue);

-				return;

-			}

-	}


-public void generateInlinedValue(char inlinedValue) {

-	switch (inlinedValue) {

-		case 0 :

-			this.iconst_0();

-			break;

-		case 1 :

-			this.iconst_1();

-			break;

-		case 2 :

-			this.iconst_2();

-			break;

-		case 3 :

-			this.iconst_3();

-			break;

-		case 4 :

-			this.iconst_4();

-			break;

-		case 5 :

-			this.iconst_5();

-			break;

-		default :

-			if ((6 <= inlinedValue) && (inlinedValue <= 127)) {

-				this.bipush((byte) inlinedValue);

-				return;

-			}

-			if ((128 <= inlinedValue) && (inlinedValue <= 32767)) {

-				this.sipush(inlinedValue);

-				return;

-			}

-			this.ldc(inlinedValue);

-	}


-public void generateInlinedValue(double inlinedValue) {

-	if (inlinedValue == 0.0) {

-		if (Double.doubleToLongBits(inlinedValue) != 0L)

-			this.ldc2_w(inlinedValue);

-		else

-			this.dconst_0();

-		return;

-	}

-	if (inlinedValue == 1.0) {

-		this.dconst_1();

-		return;

-	}

-	this.ldc2_w(inlinedValue);


-public void generateInlinedValue(float inlinedValue) {

-	if (inlinedValue == 0.0f) {

-		if (Float.floatToIntBits(inlinedValue) != 0)

-			this.ldc(inlinedValue);

-		else

-			this.fconst_0();

-		return;

-	}

-	if (inlinedValue == 1.0f) {

-		this.fconst_1();

-		return;

-	}

-	if (inlinedValue == 2.0f) {

-		this.fconst_2();

-		return;

-	}

-	this.ldc(inlinedValue);


-public void generateInlinedValue(int inlinedValue) {

-	switch (inlinedValue) {

-		case -1 :

-			this.iconst_m1();

-			break;

-		case 0 :

-			this.iconst_0();

-			break;

-		case 1 :

-			this.iconst_1();

-			break;

-		case 2 :

-			this.iconst_2();

-			break;

-		case 3 :

-			this.iconst_3();

-			break;

-		case 4 :

-			this.iconst_4();

-			break;

-		case 5 :

-			this.iconst_5();

-			break;

-		default :

-			if ((-128 <= inlinedValue) && (inlinedValue <= 127)) {

-				this.bipush((byte) inlinedValue);

-				return;

-			}

-			if ((-32768 <= inlinedValue) && (inlinedValue <= 32767)) {

-				this.sipush(inlinedValue);

-				return;

-			}

-			this.ldc(inlinedValue);

-	}


-public void generateInlinedValue(long inlinedValue) {

-	if (inlinedValue == 0) {

-		this.lconst_0();

-		return;

-	}

-	if (inlinedValue == 1) {

-		this.lconst_1();

-		return;

-	}

-	this.ldc2_w(inlinedValue);


-public void generateInlinedValue(short inlinedValue) {

-	switch (inlinedValue) {

-		case -1 :

-			this.iconst_m1();

-			break;

-		case 0 :

-			this.iconst_0();

-			break;

-		case 1 :

-			this.iconst_1();

-			break;

-		case 2 :

-			this.iconst_2();

-			break;

-		case 3 :

-			this.iconst_3();

-			break;

-		case 4 :

-			this.iconst_4();

-			break;

-		case 5 :

-			this.iconst_5();

-			break;

-		default :

-			if ((-128 <= inlinedValue) && (inlinedValue <= 127)) {

-				this.bipush((byte) inlinedValue);

-				return;

-			}

-			this.sipush(inlinedValue);

-	}


-public void generateInlinedValue(boolean inlinedValue) {

-	if (inlinedValue)

-		this.iconst_1();

-	else

-		this.iconst_0();


-public void generateObjectWrapperForType(TypeBinding valueType) {


-	/* The top of stack must be encapsulated inside 

-	 * a wrapper object if it corresponds to a base type

-	 */

-	char[][] wrapperTypeCompoundName = null;

-	switch (valueType.id) {

-		case T_int : // new: java.lang.Integer

-			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Integer"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};

-			break;

-		case T_boolean : // new: java.lang.Boolean

-			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Boolean"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};

-			break;

-		case T_byte : // new: java.lang.Byte

-			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Byte"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};

-			break;

-		case T_char : // new: java.lang.Character

-			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Character"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};

-			break;

-		case T_float : // new: java.lang.Float

-			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Float"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};

-			break;

-		case T_double : // new: java.lang.Double

-			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Double"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};

-			break;

-		case T_short : // new: java.lang.Short

-			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Short"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};

-			break;

-		case T_long : // new: java.lang.Long

-			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Long"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};

-			break;

-	}

-	TypeBinding wrapperType = methodDeclaration.scope.getType(wrapperTypeCompoundName);

-	new_(wrapperType);

-	if (valueType.id == T_long || valueType.id == T_double) {

-		dup_x2();

-		dup_x2();

-		pop();

-	} else {

-		dup_x1();

-		swap();

-	}

-	MethodBinding methodBinding = methodDeclaration.scope.getMethod(wrapperType, QualifiedNamesConstants.Init, new TypeBinding[] {valueType}, null);

-	invokespecial(methodBinding);


-public void generateOuterAccess(Object[] mappingSequence, AstNode invocationSite, Scope scope) {

-	if (mappingSequence == null)

-		return;

-	if (mappingSequence == BlockScope.EmulationPathToImplicitThis) {

-		if (scope.methodScope().isConstructorCall){

-			scope.problemReporter().errorThisSuperInStatic(invocationSite);

-		}

-		this.aload_0();

-		return;

-	}

-	if (mappingSequence[0] instanceof FieldBinding) {

-		FieldBinding fieldBinding = (FieldBinding) mappingSequence[0];

-		if (scope.methodScope().isConstructorCall){

-			scope.problemReporter().errorThisSuperInStatic(invocationSite);

-		}

-		this.aload_0();

-		this.getfield(fieldBinding);

-	} else {

-		load((LocalVariableBinding) mappingSequence[0]);

-	}

-	for (int i = 1, length = mappingSequence.length; i < length; i++) {

-		if (mappingSequence[i] instanceof FieldBinding) {

-			FieldBinding fieldBinding = (FieldBinding) mappingSequence[i];

-			this.getfield(fieldBinding);

-		} else {

-			this.invokestatic((MethodBinding) mappingSequence[i]);

-		}

-	}



- * The equivalent code performs a string conversion:

- *

- * @param oper1 org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope

- * @param oper1 org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression

- * @param oper2 org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression

- */

-public void generateStringAppend(BlockScope blockScope, Expression oper1, Expression oper2) {

-	int pc;

-	if (oper1 == null) {

-		/* Operand is already on the stack, and maybe nil:

-		note type1 is always to  java.lang.String here.*/

-		this.newStringBuffer();

-		this.dup_x1();

-		this.swap();

-		// If argument is reference type, need to transform it 

-		// into a string (handles null case)

-		this.invokeStringValueOf(T_Object);

-		this.invokeStringBufferStringConstructor();

-	} else {

-		pc = position;

-		oper1.generateOptimizedStringBufferCreation(blockScope, this, oper1.implicitConversion & 0xF);

-		this.recordPositionsFrom(pc, oper1);

-	}

-	pc = position;

-	oper2.generateOptimizedStringBuffer(blockScope, this, oper2.implicitConversion & 0xF);

-	this.recordPositionsFrom(pc, oper2);

-	this.invokeStringBufferToString();



- * Code responsible to generate the suitable code to supply values for the synthetic arguments of

- * a constructor invocation of a nested type.

- */

-public void generateSyntheticArgumentValues(BlockScope currentScope, ReferenceBinding targetType, Expression enclosingInstance, AstNode invocationSite) {


-	// perform some emulation work in case there is some and we are inside a local type only

-	ReferenceBinding[] syntheticArgumentTypes;


-	// generate the enclosing instance first

-	if ((syntheticArgumentTypes = targetType.syntheticEnclosingInstanceTypes()) != null) {

-		ReferenceBinding targetEnclosingType = targetType.enclosingType();

-		for (int i = 0, max = syntheticArgumentTypes.length; i < max; i++) {

-			ReferenceBinding syntheticArgType = syntheticArgumentTypes[i];

-			if (enclosingInstance != null && i == 0) {

-				boolean enclosingInstanceRequired = targetType.isAnonymousType() ? syntheticArgType == targetType.superclass().enclosingType() // supplying enclosing instance for the anonymous type's superclass

-				: syntheticArgType == targetEnclosingType;

-				if (!enclosingInstanceRequired) {

-					currentScope.problemReporter().unnecessaryEnclosingInstanceSpecification(enclosingInstance, targetType);

-				}

-				enclosingInstance.generateCode(currentScope, this, enclosingInstanceRequired);

-			} else {

-				Object[] emulationPath = currentScope.getCompatibleEmulationPath(syntheticArgType);

-				if (emulationPath == null) {

-					// could not emulate a path to a given enclosing instance (must specify one - if direct enclosing instance)

-					if (syntheticArgType == targetEnclosingType) { //  missing direct enclosing instance

-						currentScope.problemReporter().missingEnclosingInstanceSpecification(targetEnclosingType, invocationSite);

-					} else {

-						currentScope.problemReporter().needImplementation();

-					}

-				} else {

-					this.generateOuterAccess(emulationPath, invocationSite, currentScope);

-				}

-			}

-		}

-	} else { // we may still have an enclosing instance to consider

-		if (enclosingInstance != null) {

-			currentScope.problemReporter().unnecessaryEnclosingInstanceSpecification(enclosingInstance, targetType);

-			enclosingInstance.generateCode(currentScope, this, false); // do not want the value

-		}

-	}

-	// generate the synthetic outer arguments then

-	SyntheticArgumentBinding syntheticArguments[];

-	if ((syntheticArguments = targetType.syntheticOuterLocalVariables()) != null) {

-		for (int i = 0, max = syntheticArguments.length; i < max; i++) {

-			VariableBinding[] emulationPath = currentScope.getEmulationPath(syntheticArguments[i].actualOuterLocalVariable);

-			if (emulationPath == null) {

-				// could not emulate a path to a given outer local variable (internal error)

-				currentScope.problemReporter().needImplementation();

-			} else {

-				this.generateOuterAccess(emulationPath, invocationSite, currentScope);

-			}

-		}

-	}



- * @param parameters org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding[]

- * @param constructorBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodBinding

- */

-public void generateSyntheticBodyForConstructorAccess(SyntheticAccessMethodBinding accessBinding) {


-	initializeMaxLocals(accessBinding);


-	MethodBinding constructorBinding = accessBinding.targetMethod;

-	TypeBinding[] parameters = constructorBinding.parameters;

-	int length = parameters.length;

-	int resolvedPosition = 1;

-	this.aload_0();

-	if (constructorBinding.declaringClass.isNestedType()) {

-		NestedTypeBinding nestedType = (NestedTypeBinding) constructorBinding.declaringClass;

-		SyntheticArgumentBinding[] syntheticArguments = nestedType.syntheticEnclosingInstances();

-		for (int i = 0; i < (syntheticArguments == null ? 0 : syntheticArguments.length); i++) {

-			TypeBinding type;

-			load((type = syntheticArguments[i].type), resolvedPosition);

-			if ((type == DoubleBinding) || (type == LongBinding))

-				resolvedPosition += 2;

-			else

-				resolvedPosition++;

-		}

-		syntheticArguments = nestedType.syntheticOuterLocalVariables();

-		for (int i = 0; i < (syntheticArguments == null ? 0 : syntheticArguments.length); i++) {

-			TypeBinding type;

-			load((type = syntheticArguments[i].type), resolvedPosition);

-			if ((type == DoubleBinding) || (type == LongBinding))

-				resolvedPosition += 2;

-			else

-				resolvedPosition++;

-		}

-	}

-	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

-		load(parameters[i], resolvedPosition);

-		if ((parameters[i] == DoubleBinding) || (parameters[i] == LongBinding))

-			resolvedPosition += 2;

-		else

-			resolvedPosition++;

-	}

-	this.invokespecial(constructorBinding);

-	this.return_();


-public void generateSyntheticBodyForFieldReadAccess(SyntheticAccessMethodBinding accessBinding) {

-	initializeMaxLocals(accessBinding);

-	FieldBinding fieldBinding = accessBinding.targetReadField;

-	TypeBinding type;

-	if (fieldBinding.isStatic())

-		this.getstatic(fieldBinding);

-	else {

-		this.aload_0();

-		this.getfield(fieldBinding);

-	}

-	if ((type = fieldBinding.type).isBaseType()) {

-		if (type == IntBinding)

-			this.ireturn();

-		else

-			if (type == FloatBinding)

-				this.freturn();

-			else

-				if (type == LongBinding)

-					this.lreturn();

-				else

-					if (type == DoubleBinding)

-						this.dreturn();

-					else

-						this.ireturn();

-	} else

-		this.areturn();


-public void generateSyntheticBodyForFieldWriteAccess(SyntheticAccessMethodBinding accessBinding) {

-	initializeMaxLocals(accessBinding);

-	FieldBinding fieldBinding = accessBinding.targetWriteField;

-	if (fieldBinding.isStatic()) {

-		load(fieldBinding.type, 0);

-		this.putstatic(fieldBinding);

-	} else {

-		this.aload_0();

-		load(fieldBinding.type, 1);

-		this.putfield(fieldBinding);

-	}

-	this.return_();


-public void generateSyntheticBodyForMethodAccess(SyntheticAccessMethodBinding accessBinding) {


-	initializeMaxLocals(accessBinding);

-	MethodBinding methodBinding = accessBinding.targetMethod;

-	TypeBinding[] parameters = methodBinding.parameters;

-	int length = parameters.length;

-	int resolvedPosition;

-	if (methodBinding.isStatic())

-		resolvedPosition = 0;

-	else {

-		this.aload_0();

-		resolvedPosition = 1;

-	}

-	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

-		load(parameters[i], resolvedPosition);

-		if ((parameters[i] == DoubleBinding) || (parameters[i] == LongBinding))

-			resolvedPosition += 2;

-		else

-			resolvedPosition++;

-	}

-	TypeBinding type;

-	int id;

-	if (methodBinding.isStatic())

-		this.invokestatic(methodBinding);

-	else {

-		if (methodBinding.isConstructor()

-			|| methodBinding.isPrivate()

-			// qualified super "X.super.foo()" targets methods from superclass

-			|| (methodBinding.declaringClass != methodDeclaration.binding.declaringClass)){

-			this.invokespecial(methodBinding);

-		} else {

-			if (methodBinding.declaringClass.isInterface()){

-				this.invokeinterface(methodBinding);

-			} else {

-				this.invokevirtual(methodBinding);

-			}

-		}

-	}

-	if ((type = methodBinding.returnType).isBaseType())

-		if (type == VoidBinding)

-			this.return_();

-		else

-			if (type == IntBinding)

-				this.ireturn();

-			else

-				if (type == FloatBinding)

-					this.freturn();

-				else

-					if (type == LongBinding)

-						this.lreturn();

-					else

-						if (type == DoubleBinding)

-							this.dreturn();

-						else

-							this.ireturn();

-	else

-		this.areturn();


-final public byte[] getContents() {

-	byte[] contents;

-	System.arraycopy(bCodeStream, 0, contents = new byte[position], 0, position);

-	return contents;


-final public void getfield(FieldBinding fieldBinding) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	if ((fieldBinding.type.id == T_double) || (fieldBinding.type.id == T_long)) {

-		if (++stackDepth > stackMax)

-			stackMax = stackDepth;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_getfield;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_getfield);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(fieldBinding));


-final public void getstatic(FieldBinding fieldBinding) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	if ((fieldBinding.type.id == T_double) || (fieldBinding.type.id == T_long))

-		stackDepth += 2;

-	else

-		stackDepth += 1;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_getstatic;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_getstatic);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(fieldBinding));


-public void getSystemOut() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	if (++stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_getstatic;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_getstatic);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangSystemOut());


-public void getTYPE(int baseTypeID) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	if (++stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_getstatic;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_getstatic);

-	}

-	switch (baseTypeID) {

-		// getstatic: java.lang.Byte.TYPE			

-		case T_byte :

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangByteTYPE());

-			break;

-			// getstatic: java.lang.Short.TYPE			

-		case T_short :

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangShortTYPE());

-			break;

-			// getstatic: java.lang.Character.TYPE			

-		case T_char :

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangCharacterTYPE());

-			break;

-			// getstatic: java.lang.Integer.TYPE			

-		case T_int :

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangIntegerTYPE());

-			break;

-			// getstatic: java.lang.Long.TYPE			

-		case T_long :

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangLongTYPE());

-			break;

-			// getstatic: java.lang.Float.TYPE			

-		case T_float :

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangFloatTYPE());

-			break;

-			// getstatic: java.lang.Double.TYPE			

-		case T_double :

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangDoubleTYPE());

-			break;

-			// getstatic: java.lang.Boolean.TYPE			

-		case T_boolean :

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangBooleanTYPE());

-			break;

-			// getstatic: java.lang.Void.TYPE

-		case T_void :

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangVoidTYPE());

-			break;

-	}



- * We didn't call it goto, because there is a conflit with the goto keyword

- */

-final public void goto_(Label lbl) {

-	try {

-		lbl.inlineForwardReferencesFromLabelsTargeting(position);

-		/*

-		 Possible optimization for code such as:

-		 public Object foo() {

-			boolean b = true;

-			if (b) {

-				if (b)

-					return null;

-			} else {

-				if (b) {

-					return null;

-				}

-			}

-			return null;

-		}

-		The goto around the else block for the first if will

-		be unreachable, because the thenClause of the second if

-		returns.

-		See inlineForwardReferencesFromLabelsTargeting defined

-		on the Label class for the remaining part of this

-		optimization.

-		 if (!lbl.isBranchTarget(position)) {

-			switch(bCodeStream[classFileOffset-1]) {

-				case OPC_return :

-				case OPC_areturn:

-					return;

-			}

-		}*/

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_goto;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_goto);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void goto_w(Label lbl) {

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_goto_w;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_goto_w);

-	}

-	lbl.branchWide();


-final public void i2b() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_i2b;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_i2b);

-	}


-final public void i2c() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_i2c;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_i2c);

-	}


-final public void i2d() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_i2d;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_i2d);

-	}


-final public void i2f() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_i2f;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_i2f);

-	}


-final public void i2l() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_i2l;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_i2l);

-	}


-final public void i2s() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_i2s;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_i2s);

-	}


-final public void iadd() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iadd;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iadd);

-	}


-final public void iaload() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iaload;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iaload);

-	}


-final public void iand() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iand;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iand);

-	}


-final public void iastore() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 3;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iastore;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iastore);

-	}


-final public void iconst_0() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iconst_0;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iconst_0);

-	}


-final public void iconst_1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iconst_1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iconst_1);

-	}


-final public void iconst_2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iconst_2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iconst_2);

-	}


-final public void iconst_3() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iconst_3;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iconst_3);

-	}


-final public void iconst_4() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iconst_4;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iconst_4);

-	}


-final public void iconst_5() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iconst_5;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iconst_5);

-	}


-final public void iconst_m1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iconst_m1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iconst_m1);

-	}


-final public void idiv() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_idiv;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_idiv);

-	}


-final public void if_acmpeq(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_acmpeq;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_acmpeq);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void if_acmpne(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_acmpne;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_acmpne);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void if_icmpeq(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_icmpeq;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_icmpeq);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void if_icmpge(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_icmpge;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_icmpge);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void if_icmpgt(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_icmpgt;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_icmpgt);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void if_icmple(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_icmple;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_icmple);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void if_icmplt(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_icmplt;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_icmplt);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void if_icmpne(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_icmpne;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_icmpne);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void ifeq(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ifeq;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ifeq);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void ifge(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ifge;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ifge);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void ifgt(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ifgt;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ifgt);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void ifle(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ifle;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ifle);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void iflt(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iflt;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iflt);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void ifne(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ifne;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ifne);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void ifnonnull(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ifnonnull;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ifnonnull);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void ifnull(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ifnull;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ifnull);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void iinc(int index, int value) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	if ((index > 255) || (value < -128 || value > 127)) { // have to widen

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iinc;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_iinc);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedShort(index);

-		writeSignedShort(value);

-	} else {

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iinc;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_iinc);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedByte(index);

-		writeSignedByte(value);

-	}


-final public void iload(int iArg) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (maxLocals <= iArg) {

-		maxLocals = iArg + 1;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iload;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_iload);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);

-	} else {

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iload;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_iload);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);

-		}

-	}


-final public void iload_0() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (maxLocals <= 0) {

-		maxLocals = 1;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iload_0;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iload_0);

-	}


-final public void iload_1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (maxLocals <= 1) {

-		maxLocals = 2;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iload_1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iload_1);

-	}


-final public void iload_2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (maxLocals <= 2) {

-		maxLocals = 3;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iload_2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iload_2);

-	}


-final public void iload_3() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (maxLocals <= 3) {

-		maxLocals = 4;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iload_3;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iload_3);

-	}


-final public void imul() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_imul;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_imul);

-	}


-public void incrementTemp(LocalVariableBinding localBinding, int value) {

-	if (value == (short) value) {

-		this.iinc(localBinding.resolvedPosition, value);

-		return;

-	}

-	load(localBinding);

-	this.ldc(value);

-	this.iadd();

-	store(localBinding, false);


-public void incrStackSize(int offset) {

-	if ((stackDepth += offset) > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;


-public int indexOfSameLineEntrySincePC(int pc, int line) {

-	for (int index = pc, max = pcToSourceMapSize; index < max; index+=2) {

-		if (pcToSourceMap[index+1] == line)

-			return index;

-	}

-	return -1;


-final public void ineg() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ineg;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ineg);

-	}


-public void init(ClassFile classFile) {

-	this.classFile = classFile;

-	this.constantPool = classFile.constantPool;

-	this.bCodeStream = classFile.contents;

-	this.classFileOffset = classFile.contentsOffset;

-	this.startingClassFileOffset = this.classFileOffset;

-	pcToSourceMapSize = 0;

-	lastEntryPC = 0;

-	int length = visibleLocals.length;

-	if (noVisibleLocals.length < length) {

-		noVisibleLocals = new LocalVariableBinding[length];

-	}

-	System.arraycopy(noVisibleLocals, 0, visibleLocals, 0, length);

-	visibleLocalsCount = 0;


-	length = locals.length;

-	if (noLocals.length < length) {

-		noLocals = new LocalVariableBinding[length];

-	}

-	System.arraycopy(noLocals, 0, locals, 0, length);

-	allLocalsCounter = 0;


-	length = exceptionHandlers.length;

-	if (noExceptionHandlers.length < length) {

-		noExceptionHandlers = new ExceptionLabel[length];

-	}

-	System.arraycopy(noExceptionHandlers, 0, exceptionHandlers, 0, length);

-	exceptionHandlersNumber = 0;


-	length = labels.length;

-	if (noLabels.length < length) {

-		noLabels = new Label[length];

-	}

-	System.arraycopy(noLabels, 0, labels, 0, length);

-	countLabels = 0;


-	stackMax = 0;

-	stackDepth = 0;

-	maxLocals = 0;

-	position = 0;



- * @param methodDeclaration org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration

- * @param classFile org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.ClassFile

- */

-public void initializeMaxLocals(MethodBinding methodBinding) {


-	maxLocals = (methodBinding == null || methodBinding.isStatic()) ? 0 : 1;

-	// take into account the synthetic parameters

-	if (methodBinding != null) {

-		if (methodBinding.isConstructor() && methodBinding.declaringClass.isNestedType()) {

-			ReferenceBinding enclosingInstanceTypes[];

-			if ((enclosingInstanceTypes = methodBinding.declaringClass.syntheticEnclosingInstanceTypes()) != null) {

-				for (int i = 0, max = enclosingInstanceTypes.length; i < max; i++) {

-					maxLocals++; // an enclosingInstanceType can only be a reference binding. It cannot be

-					// LongBinding or DoubleBinding

-				}

-			}

-			SyntheticArgumentBinding syntheticArguments[];

-			if ((syntheticArguments = methodBinding.declaringClass.syntheticOuterLocalVariables()) != null) {

-				for (int i = 0, max = syntheticArguments.length; i < max; i++) {

-					TypeBinding argType;

-					if (((argType = syntheticArguments[i].type) == LongBinding) || (argType == DoubleBinding)) {

-						maxLocals += 2;

-					} else {

-						maxLocals++;

-					}

-				}

-			}

-		}

-		TypeBinding[] arguments;

-		if ((arguments = methodBinding.parameters) != null) {

-			for (int i = 0, max = arguments.length; i < max; i++) {

-				TypeBinding argType;

-				if (((argType = arguments[i]) == LongBinding) || (argType == DoubleBinding)) {

-					maxLocals += 2;

-				} else {

-					maxLocals++;

-				}

-			}

-		}

-	}



- * This methods searches for an existing entry inside the pcToSourceMap table with a pc equals to @pc.

- * If there is an existing entry it returns -1 (no insertion required).

- * Otherwise it returns the index where the entry for the pc has to be inserted.

- * This is based on the fact that the pcToSourceMap table is sorted according to the pc.

- *

- * @param int pc

- * @return int

- */

-public static int insertionIndex(int[] pcToSourceMap, int length, int pc) {

-	int g = 0;

-	int d = length - 2;

-	int m = 0;

-	while (g <= d) {

-		m = (g + d) / 2;

-		// we search only on even indexes

-		if ((m % 2) != 0)

-			m--;

-		int currentPC = pcToSourceMap[m];

-		if (pc < currentPC) {

-			d = m - 2;

-		} else

-			if (pc > currentPC) {

-				g = m + 2;

-			} else {

-				return -1;

-			}

-	}

-	if (pc < pcToSourceMap[m])

-		return m;

-	return m + 2;



- * We didn't call it instanceof because there is a conflit with the

- * instanceof keyword

- */

-final public void instance_of(TypeBinding typeBinding) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_instanceof;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_instanceof);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(typeBinding));


-public void invokeClassForName() {

-	// invokestatic: java.lang.Class.forName(Ljava.lang.String;)Ljava.lang.Class;

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokestatic;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokestatic);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangClassForName());


-public void invokeConstructorGetConstructor() {

-	// invokevirtual: java.lang.Class.getConstructor(java.lang.Class[])Ljava.lang.reflect.Constructor;

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokevirtual;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokevirtual);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangClassGetConstructor());


-final public void invokeinterface(MethodBinding methodBinding) {

-	// initialized to 1 to take into account this  immediately

-	countLabels = 0;

-	int argCount = 1;

-	int id;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokeinterface;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokeinterface);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(methodBinding));

-	for (int i = methodBinding.parameters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)

-		if (((id = methodBinding.parameters[i].id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))

-			argCount += 2;

-		else

-			argCount += 1;

-	writeUnsignedByte(argCount);

-	// Generate a  0 into the byte array. Like the array is already fill with 0, we just need to increment

-	// the number of bytes.

-	position++;

-	classFileOffset++;

-	if (((id = methodBinding.returnType.id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))

-		stackDepth += (2 - argCount);

-	else

-		if (id == T_void)

-			stackDepth -= argCount;

-		else

-			stackDepth += (1 - argCount);

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;


-public void invokeJavaLangErrorConstructor() {

-	// invokespecial: java.lang.Error<init>(Ljava.lang.String;)V

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokespecial;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokespecial);

-	}

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangErrorConstructor());


-public void invokeNoClassDefFoundErrorStringConstructor() {

-	// invokespecial: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.<init>(Ljava.lang.String;)V

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokespecial;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokespecial);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangNoClassDefFoundErrorStringConstructor());

-	stackDepth -= 2;


-public void invokeObjectNewInstance() {

-	// invokevirtual: java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[])Ljava.lang.Object;

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokevirtual;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokevirtual);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangReflectConstructorNewInstance());


-final public void invokespecial(MethodBinding methodBinding) {

-	// initialized to 1 to take into account this  immediately

-	countLabels = 0;

-	int argCount = 1;

-	int id;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokespecial;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokespecial);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(methodBinding));

-	if (methodBinding.isConstructor() && methodBinding.declaringClass.isNestedType()) {

-		// enclosing instances

-		TypeBinding[] syntheticArgumentTypes = methodBinding.declaringClass.syntheticEnclosingInstanceTypes();

-		if (syntheticArgumentTypes != null) {

-			for (int i = 0, max = syntheticArgumentTypes.length; i < max; i++) {

-				if (((id = syntheticArgumentTypes[i].id) == T_double) || (id == T_long)) {

-					argCount += 2;

-				} else {

-					argCount++;

-				}

-			}

-		}

-		// outer local variables

-		SyntheticArgumentBinding[] syntheticArguments = methodBinding.declaringClass.syntheticOuterLocalVariables();

-		if (syntheticArguments != null) {

-			for (int i = 0, max = syntheticArguments.length; i < max; i++) {

-				if (((id = syntheticArguments[i].type.id) == T_double) || (id == T_long)) {

-					argCount += 2;

-				} else {

-					argCount++;

-				}

-			}

-		}

-	}

-	for (int i = methodBinding.parameters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)

-		if (((id = methodBinding.parameters[i].id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))

-			argCount += 2;

-		else

-			argCount++;

-	if (((id = methodBinding.returnType.id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))

-		stackDepth += (2 - argCount);

-	else

-		if (id == T_void)

-			stackDepth -= argCount;

-		else

-			stackDepth += (1 - argCount);

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;


-final public void invokestatic(MethodBinding methodBinding) {

-	// initialized to 0 to take into account that there is no this for

-	// a static method

-	countLabels = 0;

-	int argCount = 0;

-	int id;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokestatic;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokestatic);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(methodBinding));

-	for (int i = methodBinding.parameters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)

-		if (((id = methodBinding.parameters[i].id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))

-			argCount += 2;

-		else

-			argCount += 1;

-	if (((id = methodBinding.returnType.id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))

-		stackDepth += (2 - argCount);

-	else

-		if (id == T_void)

-			stackDepth -= argCount;

-		else

-			stackDepth += (1 - argCount);

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;



- * The equivalent code performs a string conversion of the TOS

- * @param typeID <CODE>int</CODE>

- */

-public void invokeStringBufferAppendForType(int typeID) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	int usedTypeID;

-	if (typeID == T_null)

-		usedTypeID = T_String;

-	else

-		usedTypeID = typeID;

-	// invokevirtual

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokevirtual;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokevirtual);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangStringBufferAppend(typeID));

-	if ((usedTypeID == T_long) || (usedTypeID == T_double))

-		stackDepth -= 2;

-	else

-		stackDepth--;


-public void invokeStringBufferDefaultConstructor() {

-	// invokespecial: java.lang.StringBuffer.<init>()V

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokespecial;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokespecial);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangStringBufferDefaultConstructor());

-	stackDepth--;


-public void invokeStringBufferStringConstructor() {

-	// invokespecial: java.lang.StringBuffer.<init>(Ljava.lang.String;)V

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokespecial;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokespecial);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangStringBufferConstructor());

-	stackDepth -= 2;


-public void invokeStringBufferToString() {

-	// invokevirtual: StringBuffer.toString()Ljava.lang.String;

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokevirtual;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokevirtual);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangStringBufferToString());


-public void invokeStringIntern() {

-	// invokevirtual: java.lang.String.intern()

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokevirtual;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokevirtual);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangStringIntern());


-public void invokeStringValueOf(int typeID) {

-	// invokestatic: java.lang.String.valueOf(argumentType)

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokestatic;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokestatic);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangStringValueOf(typeID));


-public void invokeSystemExit() {

-	// invokestatic: java.lang.System.exit(I)

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokestatic;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokestatic);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangSystemExitInt());

-	stackDepth--; // int argument


-public void invokeThrowableGetMessage() {

-	// invokevirtual: java.lang.Throwable.getMessage()Ljava.lang.String;

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokevirtual;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokevirtual);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangThrowableGetMessage());


-final public void invokevirtual(MethodBinding methodBinding) {

-	// initialized to 1 to take into account this  immediately

-	countLabels = 0;

-	int argCount = 1;

-	int id;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokevirtual;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokevirtual);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(methodBinding));

-	for (int i = methodBinding.parameters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)

-		if (((id = methodBinding.parameters[i].id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))

-			argCount += 2;

-		else

-			argCount++;

-	if (((id = methodBinding.returnType.id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))

-		stackDepth += (2 - argCount);

-	else

-		if (id == T_void)

-			stackDepth -= argCount;

-		else

-			stackDepth += (1 - argCount);

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;


-final public void ior() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ior;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ior);

-	}


-final public void irem() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_irem;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_irem);

-	}


-final public void ireturn() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	// the stackDepth should be equal to 0 

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ireturn;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ireturn);

-	}


-public boolean isDefinitelyAssigned(Scope scope, int initStateIndex, LocalVariableBinding local) {

-	// Dependant of UnconditionalFlowInfo.isDefinitelyAssigned(..)

-	if (initStateIndex == -1)

-		return false;

-	if (local.isArgument) {

-		return true;

-	}

-	int position = local.id + maxFieldCount;

-	MethodScope methodScope = scope.methodScope();

-	// id is zero-based

-	if (position < UnconditionalFlowInfo.BitCacheSize) {

-		return (methodScope.definiteInits[initStateIndex] & (1L << position)) != 0; // use bits

-	}

-	// use extra vector

-	long[] extraInits = methodScope.extraDefiniteInits[initStateIndex];

-	if (extraInits == null)

-		return false; // if vector not yet allocated, then not initialized

-	int vectorIndex;

-	if ((vectorIndex = (position / UnconditionalFlowInfo.BitCacheSize) - 1) >= extraInits.length)

-		return false; // if not enough room in vector, then not initialized 

-	return ((extraInits[vectorIndex]) & (1L << (position % UnconditionalFlowInfo.BitCacheSize))) != 0;


-final public void ishl() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ishl;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ishl);

-	}


-final public void ishr() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ishr;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ishr);

-	}


-final public void istore(int iArg) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals <= iArg) {

-		maxLocals = iArg + 1;

-	}

-	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_istore;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_istore);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);

-	} else {

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_istore;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_istore);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);

-		}

-	}


-final public void istore_0() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals == 0) {

-		maxLocals = 1;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_istore_0;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_istore_0);

-	}


-final public void istore_1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals <= 1) {

-		maxLocals = 2;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_istore_1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_istore_1);

-	}


-final public void istore_2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals <= 2) {

-		maxLocals = 3;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_istore_2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_istore_2);

-	}


-final public void istore_3() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	if (maxLocals <= 3) {

-		maxLocals = 4;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_istore_3;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_istore_3);

-	}


-final public void isub() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_isub;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_isub);

-	}


-final public void iushr() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iushr;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_iushr);

-	}


-final public void ixor() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ixor;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ixor);

-	}


-final public void jsr(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_jsr;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_jsr);

-	}

-	lbl.branch();


-final public void jsr_w(Label lbl) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_jsr_w;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_jsr_w);

-	}

-	lbl.branchWide();


-final public void l2d() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_l2d;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_l2d);

-	}


-final public void l2f() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_l2f;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_l2f);

-	}


-final public void l2i() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_l2i;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_l2i);

-	}


-final public void ladd() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ladd;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ladd);

-	}


-final public void laload() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_laload;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_laload);

-	}


-final public void land() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_land;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_land);

-	}


-final public void lastore() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 4;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lastore;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lastore);

-	}


-final public void lcmp() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 3;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lcmp;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lcmp);

-	}


-final public void lconst_0() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lconst_0;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lconst_0);

-	}


-final public void lconst_1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lconst_1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lconst_1);

-	}


-final public void ldc(float constant) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	int index = constantPool.literalIndex(constant);

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (index > 255) {

-		// Generate a ldc_w

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc_w;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc_w);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedShort(index);

-	} else {

-		// Generate a ldc

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedByte(index);

-	}


-final public void ldc(int constant) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	int index = constantPool.literalIndex(constant);

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (index > 255) {

-		// Generate a ldc_w

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc_w;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc_w);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedShort(index);

-	} else {

-		// Generate a ldc

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedByte(index);

-	}


-final public void ldc(String constant) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	int currentConstantPoolIndex = constantPool.currentIndex;

-	int currentConstantPoolOffset = constantPool.currentOffset;

-	int currentCodeStreamPosition = position;

-	int index = constantPool.literalIndexForLdc(constant.toCharArray());

-	if (index > 0) {

-		// the string already exists inside the constant pool

-		// we reuse the same index

-		stackDepth++;

-		if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-			stackMax = stackDepth;

-		if (index > 255) {

-			// Generate a ldc_w

-			try {

-				position++;

-				bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc_w;

-			} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-				resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc_w);

-			}

-			writeUnsignedShort(index);

-		} else {

-			// Generate a ldc

-			try {

-				position++;

-				bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc;

-			} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-				resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc);

-			}

-			writeUnsignedByte(index);

-		}

-	} else {

-		// the string is too big to be utf8-encoded in one pass.

-		// we have to split it into different pieces.

-		// first we clean all side-effects due to the code above

-		// this case is very rare, so we can afford to lose time to handle it

-		char[] constantChars = constant.toCharArray();

-		position = currentCodeStreamPosition;

-		constantPool.currentIndex = currentConstantPoolIndex;

-		constantPool.currentOffset = currentConstantPoolOffset;

-		constantPool.stringCache.remove(constantChars);

-		constantPool.UTF8Cache.remove(constantChars);

-		int i = 0;

-		int length = 0;

-		int constantLength = constant.length();

-		byte[] utf8encoding = new byte[Math.min(constantLength + 100, 65535)];

-		int utf8encodingLength = 0;

-		while ((length < 65532) && (i < constantLength)) {

-			char current = constantChars[i];

-			// we resize the byte array immediately if necessary

-			if (length + 3 > (utf8encodingLength = utf8encoding.length)) {

-				System.arraycopy(utf8encoding, 0, (utf8encoding = new byte[Math.min(utf8encodingLength + 100, 65535)]), 0, length);

-			}

-			if ((current >= 0x0001) && (current <= 0x007F)) {

-				// we only need one byte: ASCII table

-				utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) current;

-			} else {

-				if (current > 0x07FF) {

-					// we need 3 bytes

-					utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0xE0 | ((current >> 12) & 0x0F)); // 0xE0 = 1110 0000

-					utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0x80 | ((current >> 6) & 0x3F)); // 0x80 = 1000 0000

-					utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0x80 | (current & 0x3F)); // 0x80 = 1000 0000

-				} else {

-					// we can be 0 or between 0x0080 and 0x07FF

-					// In that case we only need 2 bytes

-					utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0xC0 | ((current >> 6) & 0x1F)); // 0xC0 = 1100 0000

-					utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0x80 | (current & 0x3F)); // 0x80 = 1000 0000

-				}

-			}

-			i++;

-		}

-		// check if all the string is encoded (PR 1PR2DWJ)

-		// the string is too big to be encoded in one pass

-		newStringBuffer();

-		dup();

-		// write the first part

-		char[] subChars = new char[i];

-		System.arraycopy(constantChars, 0, subChars, 0, i);

-		System.arraycopy(utf8encoding, 0, (utf8encoding = new byte[length]), 0, length);

-		index = constantPool.literalIndex(subChars, utf8encoding);

-		stackDepth++;

-		if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-			stackMax = stackDepth;

-		if (index > 255) {

-			// Generate a ldc_w

-			try {

-				position++;

-				bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc_w;

-			} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-				resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc_w);

-			}

-			writeUnsignedShort(index);

-		} else {

-			// Generate a ldc

-			try {

-				position++;

-				bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc;

-			} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-				resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc);

-			}

-			writeUnsignedByte(index);

-		}

-		// write the remaining part

-		invokeStringBufferStringConstructor();

-		while (i < constantLength) {

-			length = 0;

-			utf8encoding = new byte[Math.min(constantLength - i + 100, 65535)];

-			int startIndex = i;

-			while ((length < 65532) && (i < constantLength)) {

-				char current = constantChars[i];

-				// we resize the byte array immediately if necessary

-				if (constantLength + 2 > (utf8encodingLength = utf8encoding.length)) {

-					System.arraycopy(utf8encoding, 0, (utf8encoding = new byte[Math.min(utf8encodingLength + 100, 65535)]), 0, length);

-				}

-				if ((current >= 0x0001) && (current <= 0x007F)) {

-					// we only need one byte: ASCII table

-					utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) current;

-				} else {

-					if (current > 0x07FF) {

-						// we need 3 bytes

-						utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0xE0 | ((current >> 12) & 0x0F)); // 0xE0 = 1110 0000

-						utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0x80 | ((current >> 6) & 0x3F)); // 0x80 = 1000 0000

-						utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0x80 | (current & 0x3F)); // 0x80 = 1000 0000

-					} else {

-						// we can be 0 or between 0x0080 and 0x07FF

-						// In that case we only need 2 bytes

-						utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0xC0 | ((current >> 6) & 0x1F)); // 0xC0 = 1100 0000

-						utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0x80 | (current & 0x3F)); // 0x80 = 1000 0000

-					}

-				}

-				i++;

-			}

-			// the next part is done

-			subChars = new char[i - startIndex];

-			System.arraycopy(constantChars, startIndex, subChars, 0, i - startIndex);

-			System.arraycopy(utf8encoding, 0, (utf8encoding = new byte[length]), 0, length);

-			index = constantPool.literalIndex(subChars, utf8encoding);

-			stackDepth++;

-			if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-				stackMax = stackDepth;

-			if (index > 255) {

-				// Generate a ldc_w

-				try {

-					position++;

-					bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc_w;

-				} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-					resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc_w);

-				}

-				writeUnsignedShort(index);

-			} else {

-				// Generate a ldc

-				try {

-					position++;

-					bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc;

-				} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-					resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc);

-				}

-				writeUnsignedByte(index);

-			}

-			// now on the stack it should be a StringBuffer and a string.

-			invokeStringBufferAppendForType(T_String);

-		}

-		invokeStringBufferToString();

-		invokeStringIntern();

-	}


-final public void ldc2_w(double constant) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	int index = constantPool.literalIndex(constant);

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	// Generate a ldc2_w

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc2_w;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc2_w);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(index);


-final public void ldc2_w(long constant) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	int index = constantPool.literalIndex(constant);

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	// Generate a ldc2_w

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc2_w;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc2_w);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(index);


-final public void ldiv() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldiv;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_ldiv);

-	}


-final public void lload(int iArg) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (maxLocals <= iArg + 1) {

-		maxLocals = iArg + 2;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lload;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_lload);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);

-	} else {

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lload;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_lload);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);

-		}

-	}


-final public void lload_0() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (maxLocals < 2) {

-		maxLocals = 2;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lload_0;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lload_0);

-	}


-final public void lload_1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (maxLocals < 3) {

-		maxLocals = 3;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lload_1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lload_1);

-	}


-final public void lload_2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (maxLocals < 4) {

-		maxLocals = 4;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lload_2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lload_2);

-	}


-final public void lload_3() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += 2;

-	if (maxLocals < 5) {

-		maxLocals = 5;

-	}

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lload_3;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lload_3);

-	}


-final public void lmul() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lmul;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lmul);

-	}


-final public void lneg() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lneg;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lneg);

-	}


-public final void load(LocalVariableBinding localBinding) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	TypeBinding typeBinding = localBinding.type;

-	int resolvedPosition = localBinding.resolvedPosition;

-	// Using dedicated int bytecode

-	if (typeBinding == IntBinding) {

-		switch (resolvedPosition) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.iload_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.iload_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.iload_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.iload_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.iload(resolvedPosition);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// Using dedicated float bytecode

-	if (typeBinding == FloatBinding) {

-		switch (resolvedPosition) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.fload_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.fload_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.fload_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.fload_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.fload(resolvedPosition);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// Using dedicated long bytecode

-	if (typeBinding == LongBinding) {

-		switch (resolvedPosition) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.lload_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.lload_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.lload_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.lload_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.lload(resolvedPosition);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// Using dedicated double bytecode

-	if (typeBinding == DoubleBinding) {

-		switch (resolvedPosition) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.dload_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.dload_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.dload_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.dload_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.dload(resolvedPosition);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// boolean, byte, char and short are handled as int

-	if ((typeBinding == ByteBinding) || (typeBinding == CharBinding) || (typeBinding == BooleanBinding) || (typeBinding == ShortBinding)) {

-		switch (resolvedPosition) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.iload_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.iload_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.iload_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.iload_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.iload(resolvedPosition);

-		}

-		return;

-	}


-	// Reference object

-	switch (resolvedPosition) {

-		case 0 :

-			this.aload_0();

-			break;

-		case 1 :

-			this.aload_1();

-			break;

-		case 2 :

-			this.aload_2();

-			break;

-		case 3 :

-			this.aload_3();

-			break;

-		default :

-			this.aload(resolvedPosition);

-	}


-public final void load(TypeBinding typeBinding, int resolvedPosition) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	// Using dedicated int bytecode

-	if (typeBinding == IntBinding) {

-		switch (resolvedPosition) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.iload_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.iload_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.iload_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.iload_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.iload(resolvedPosition);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// Using dedicated float bytecode

-	if (typeBinding == FloatBinding) {

-		switch (resolvedPosition) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.fload_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.fload_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.fload_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.fload_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.fload(resolvedPosition);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// Using dedicated long bytecode

-	if (typeBinding == LongBinding) {

-		switch (resolvedPosition) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.lload_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.lload_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.lload_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.lload_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.lload(resolvedPosition);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// Using dedicated double bytecode

-	if (typeBinding == DoubleBinding) {

-		switch (resolvedPosition) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.dload_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.dload_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.dload_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.dload_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.dload(resolvedPosition);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// boolean, byte, char and short are handled as int

-	if ((typeBinding == ByteBinding) || (typeBinding == CharBinding) || (typeBinding == BooleanBinding) || (typeBinding == ShortBinding)) {

-		switch (resolvedPosition) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.iload_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.iload_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.iload_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.iload_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.iload(resolvedPosition);

-		}

-		return;

-	}


-	// Reference object

-	switch (resolvedPosition) {

-		case 0 :

-			this.aload_0();

-			break;

-		case 1 :

-			this.aload_1();

-			break;

-		case 2 :

-			this.aload_2();

-			break;

-		case 3 :

-			this.aload_3();

-			break;

-		default :

-			this.aload(resolvedPosition);

-	}


-public final void loadInt(int resolvedPosition) {

-	// Using dedicated int bytecode

-	switch (resolvedPosition) {

-		case 0 :

-			this.iload_0();

-			break;

-		case 1 :

-			this.iload_1();

-			break;

-		case 2 :

-			this.iload_2();

-			break;

-		case 3 :

-			this.iload_3();

-			break;

-		default :

-			this.iload(resolvedPosition);

-	}


-public final void loadObject(int resolvedPosition) {

-	switch (resolvedPosition) {

-		case 0 :

-			this.aload_0();

-			break;

-		case 1 :

-			this.aload_1();

-			break;

-		case 2 :

-			this.aload_2();

-			break;

-		case 3 :

-			this.aload_3();

-			break;

-		default :

-			this.aload(resolvedPosition);

-	}


-final public void lookupswitch(CaseLabel defaultLabel, int[] keys, int[] sortedIndexes, CaseLabel[] casesLabel) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	int length = keys.length;

-	int pos = position;

-	defaultLabel.placeInstruction();

-	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

-		casesLabel[i].placeInstruction();

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lookupswitch;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lookupswitch);

-	}

-	for (int i = (3 - (pos % 4)); i > 0; i--) {

-		position++; // Padding

-		classFileOffset++;

-	}

-	defaultLabel.branch();

-	writeSignedWord(length);

-	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

-		writeSignedWord(keys[sortedIndexes[i]]);

-		casesLabel[sortedIndexes[i]].branch();

-	}


-final public void lor() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lor;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lor);

-	}


-final public void lrem() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lrem;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lrem);

-	}


-final public void lreturn() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	// the stackDepth should be equal to 0 

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lreturn;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lreturn);

-	}


-final public void lshl() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lshl;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lshl);

-	}


-final public void lshr() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lshr;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lshr);

-	}


-final public void lstore(int iArg) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	if (maxLocals <= iArg + 1) {

-		maxLocals = iArg + 2;

-	}

-	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lstore;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_lstore);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);

-	} else {

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lstore;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_lstore);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);

-		}

-	}


-final public void lstore_0() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	if (maxLocals < 2) {

-		maxLocals = 2;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lstore_0;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lstore_0);

-	}


-final public void lstore_1() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	if (maxLocals < 3) {

-		maxLocals = 3;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lstore_1;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lstore_1);

-	}


-final public void lstore_2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	if (maxLocals < 4) {

-		maxLocals = 4;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lstore_2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lstore_2);

-	}


-final public void lstore_3() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	if (maxLocals < 5) {

-		maxLocals = 5;

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lstore_3;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lstore_3);

-	}


-final public void lsub() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lsub;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lsub);

-	}


-final public void lushr() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lushr;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lushr);

-	}


-final public void lxor() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lxor;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_lxor);

-	}


-final public void monitorenter() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_monitorenter;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_monitorenter);

-	}


-final public void monitorexit() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_monitorexit;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_monitorexit);

-	}


-final public void multianewarray(TypeBinding typeBinding, int dimensions) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth += (1 - dimensions);

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_multianewarray;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_multianewarray);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(typeBinding));

-	writeUnsignedByte(dimensions);


-public static void needImplementation() {



- * We didn't call it new, because there is a conflit with the new keyword

- */

-final public void new_(TypeBinding typeBinding) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_new;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_new);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(typeBinding));


-final public void newarray(int array_Type) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_newarray;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_newarray);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedByte(array_Type);


-public void newArray(Scope scope, ArrayBinding arrayBinding) {

-	TypeBinding component = arrayBinding.elementsType(scope);

-	switch (component.id) {

-		case T_int :

-			this.newarray(10);

-			break;

-		case T_byte :

-			this.newarray(8);

-			break;

-		case T_boolean :

-			this.newarray(4);

-			break;

-		case T_short :

-			this.newarray(9);

-			break;

-		case T_char :

-			this.newarray(5);

-			break;

-		case T_long :

-			this.newarray(11);

-			break;

-		case T_float :

-			this.newarray(6);

-			break;

-		case T_double :

-			this.newarray(7);

-			break;

-		default :

-			this.anewarray(component);

-	}


-public void newJavaLangError() {

-	// new: java.lang.Error

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_new;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_new);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangError());


-public void newNoClassDefFoundError() { // new: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_new;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_new);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangNoClassDefFoundError());


-public void newStringBuffer() { // new: java.lang.StringBuffer

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_new;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_new);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangStringBuffer());


-public void newWrapperFor(int typeID) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_new;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_new);

-	}

-	switch (typeID) {

-		case T_int : // new: java.lang.Integer

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangInteger());

-			break;

-		case T_boolean : // new: java.lang.Boolean

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangBoolean());

-			break;

-		case T_byte : // new: java.lang.Byte

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangByte());

-			break;

-		case T_char : // new: java.lang.Character

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangCharacter());

-			break;

-		case T_float : // new: java.lang.Float

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangFloat());

-			break;

-		case T_double : // new: java.lang.Double

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangDouble());

-			break;

-		case T_short : // new: java.lang.Short

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangShort());

-			break;

-		case T_long : // new: java.lang.Long

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangLong());

-			break;

-		case T_void : // new: java.lang.Void

-			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangVoid());

-	}


-final public void nop() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_nop;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_nop);

-	}


-final public void pop() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_pop;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_pop);

-	}


-final public void pop2() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 2;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_pop2;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_pop2);

-	}


-final public void putfield(FieldBinding fieldBinding) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	int id;

-	if (((id = fieldBinding.type.id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))

-		stackDepth -= 3;

-	else

-		stackDepth -= 2;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_putfield;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_putfield);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(fieldBinding));


-final public void putstatic(FieldBinding fieldBinding) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	int id;

-	if (((id = fieldBinding.type.id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))

-		stackDepth -= 2;

-	else

-		stackDepth -= 1;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_putstatic;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_putstatic);

-	}

-	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(fieldBinding));


-public void record(LocalVariableBinding local) {

-	if (!generateLocalVariableTableAttributes)

-		return;

-	if (allLocalsCounter == locals.length) {

-		// resize the collection

-		System.arraycopy(locals, 0, (locals = new LocalVariableBinding[allLocalsCounter + LOCALS_INCREMENT]), 0, allLocalsCounter);

-	}

-	locals[allLocalsCounter++] = local;

-	local.initializationPCs = new int[4];

-	local.initializationCount = 0;


-public void recordPositionsFrom(int startPC, AstNode node) {


-	/* Record positions in the table, only if nothing has 

-	 * already been recorded. Since we output them on the way 

-	 * up (children first for more specific info)

-	 * The pcToSourceMap table is always sorted.

-	 */


-	/** OLD CODE

-	int startPos, endPos;

-	int[] lastEntry;

-	if (!generateLineNumberAttributes && !generateLocalVariableTableAttributes)

-	return;

-	if ((startPos = node.sourceStart()) == 0)

-	return;

-	if ((endPos = node.sourceEnd()) == 0)

-	return;


-	// Widening an existing entry that already has the same source positions

-	if ((pcToSourceMapSize > 0) && (pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 1][2] == startPos) && (pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 1][3] == endPos)) {

-	if (pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 1][0] > startPC)

-	pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 1][0] = startPC;

-	pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 1][1] = position;

-	return;

-	}

-	if (pcToSourceMapSize == pcToSourceMap.length) {

-	// resize the array pcToSourceMap		

-	System.arraycopy(pcToSourceMap, 0, (pcToSourceMap = new int[pcToSourceMapSize * 2][]), 0, pcToSourceMapSize);

-	}

-	pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize++] = new int[] {startPC, position, startPos, endPos};


-	*/

-	int startPos;

-	if (!generateLineNumberAttributes)

-		return;

-	if ((startPos = node.sourceStart()) == 0)

-		return;


-	// no code generated for this node. e.g. field without any initialization

-	if (position == startPC)

-		return;


-	// Widening an existing entry that already has the same source positions

-	if (pcToSourceMapSize + 4 > pcToSourceMap.length) {

-		// resize the array pcToSourceMap

-		System.arraycopy(pcToSourceMap, 0, (pcToSourceMap = new int[pcToSourceMapSize << 1]), 0, pcToSourceMapSize);

-	}

-	int newLine = ClassFile.searchLineNumber(lineSeparatorPositions, startPos);

-	// lastEntryPC represents the endPC of the lastEntry.

-	if (pcToSourceMapSize > 0) {

-		// in this case there is already an entry in the table

-		if (pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 1] != newLine) {

-			if (startPC < lastEntryPC) {

-				// we forgot to add an entry.

-				// search if an existing entry exists for startPC

-				int insertionIndex = insertionIndex(pcToSourceMap, pcToSourceMapSize, startPC);

-				if (insertionIndex != -1) {

-					// there is no existing entry starting with startPC.

-					int existingEntryIndex = indexOfSameLineEntrySincePC(startPC, newLine); // index for PC

-					/* the existingEntryIndex corresponds to en entry with the same line and a PC >= startPC.

-						in this case it is relevant to widen this entry instead of creating a new one.

-						line1: this(a,

-						  b,

-						  c);

-						with this code we generate each argument. We generate a aload0 to invoke the constructor. There is no entry for this

-						aload0 bytecode. The first entry is the one for the argument a.

-						But we want the constructor call to start at the aload0 pc and not just at the pc of the first argument.

-						So we widen the existing entry (if there is one) or we create a new entry with the startPC.

-					*/

-					if (existingEntryIndex != -1) {

-						// widen existing entry

-						pcToSourceMap[existingEntryIndex] = startPC;

-					} else {

-						// we have to add an entry that won't be sorted. So we sort the pcToSourceMap.

-						System.arraycopy(pcToSourceMap, insertionIndex, pcToSourceMap, insertionIndex + 2, pcToSourceMapSize - insertionIndex);

-						pcToSourceMap[insertionIndex++] = startPC;

-						pcToSourceMap[insertionIndex] = newLine;

-						pcToSourceMapSize += 2;

-					}

-				}

-				if (position != lastEntryPC) { // no bytecode since last entry pc

-					pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize++] = lastEntryPC;

-					pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize++] = newLine;

-				}

-			} else {

-				// we can safely add the new entry. The endPC of the previous entry is not in conflit with the startPC of the new entry.

-				pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize++] = startPC;

-				pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize++] = newLine;

-			}

-		} else {

-			/* the last recorded entry is on the same line. But it could be relevant to widen this entry.

-			   we want to extend this entry forward in case we generated some bytecode before the last entry that are not related to any statement

-			*/	

-			if (startPC < pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 2]) {

-				int insertionIndex = insertionIndex(pcToSourceMap, pcToSourceMapSize, startPC);

-				if (insertionIndex != -1) {

-					// widen the existing entry

-					// we have to figure out if we need to move the last entry at another location to keep a sorted table

-					if ((pcToSourceMapSize > 4) && (pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 4] > startPC)) {

-						System.arraycopy(pcToSourceMap, insertionIndex, pcToSourceMap, insertionIndex + 2, pcToSourceMapSize - 2 - insertionIndex);

-						pcToSourceMap[insertionIndex++] = startPC;

-						pcToSourceMap[insertionIndex] = newLine;						

-					} else {

-						pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 2] = startPC;

-					}

-				}

-			}

-		}

-		lastEntryPC = position;

-	} else {

-		// record the first entry

-		pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize++] = startPC;

-		pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize++] = newLine;

-		lastEntryPC = position;

-	}



- * @param anExceptionLabel org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.ExceptionLabel

- */

-public void registerExceptionHandler(ExceptionLabel anExceptionLabel) {

-	int length;

-	if (exceptionHandlersNumber >= (length = exceptionHandlers.length)) {

-		// resize the exception handlers table

-		System.arraycopy(exceptionHandlers, 0, exceptionHandlers = new ExceptionLabel[length + LABELS_INCREMENT], 0, length);

-	}

-	// no need to resize. So just add the new exception label

-	exceptionHandlers[exceptionHandlersNumber++] = anExceptionLabel;


-public final void removeNotDefinitelyAssignedVariables(Scope scope, int initStateIndex) {

-	// given some flow info, make sure we did not loose some variables initialization

-	// if this happens, then we must update their pc entries to reflect it in debug attributes

-	if (!generateLocalVariableTableAttributes)

-		return;

-/*	if (initStateIndex == lastInitStateIndexWhenRemovingInits)

-		return;


-	lastInitStateIndexWhenRemovingInits = initStateIndex;

-	if (lastInitStateIndexWhenAddingInits != initStateIndex){

-		lastInitStateIndexWhenAddingInits = -2;// reinitialize add index 

-		// add(1)-remove(1)-add(1) -> ignore second add

-		// add(1)-remove(2)-add(1) -> perform second add

-	}*/

-	for (int i = 0; i < visibleLocalsCount; i++) {

-		LocalVariableBinding localBinding = visibleLocals[i];

-		if (localBinding != null) {

-			if (initStateIndex == -1 || !isDefinitelyAssigned(scope, initStateIndex, localBinding)) {

-				if (localBinding.initializationCount > 0) {

-					localBinding.recordInitializationEndPC(position);

-				}

-			}

-		}

-	}



- * @param methodDeclaration org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration

- * @param classFile org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.ClassFile

- */

-public void reset(AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, ClassFile classFile) {

-	init(classFile);

-	this.methodDeclaration = methodDeclaration;

-	preserveUnusedLocals = methodDeclaration.scope.problemReporter().options.preserveAllLocalVariables;

-	initializeMaxLocals(methodDeclaration.binding);



- * @param methodDeclaration org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration

- * @param classFile org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.ClassFile

- */

-public void resetForProblemClinit(ClassFile classFile) {

-	init(classFile);

-	maxLocals = 0;


-protected final void resizeByteArray() {

-	int actualLength = bCodeStream.length;

-	int requiredSize = actualLength + growFactor;

-	if (classFileOffset > requiredSize) {

-		requiredSize = classFileOffset + growFactor;

-	}

-	System.arraycopy(bCodeStream, 0, (bCodeStream = new byte[requiredSize]), 0, actualLength);



- * This method is used to resize the internal byte array in 

- * case of a ArrayOutOfBoundsException when adding the value b.

- * Resize and add the new byte b inside the array.

- * @param b byte

- */

-protected final void resizeByteArray(byte b) {

-	resizeByteArray();

-	bCodeStream[classFileOffset - 1] = b;


-final public void ret(int index) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	if (index > 255) { // Widen

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ret;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_ret);

-		}

-		writeUnsignedShort(index);

-	} else { // Don't Widen

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ret;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray(OPC_ret);

-		}

-		try {

-			position++;

-			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) index;

-		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-			resizeByteArray((byte) index);

-		}

-	}


-final public void return_() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	// the stackDepth should be equal to 0 

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_return;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_return);

-	}


-final public void saload() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_saload;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_saload);

-	}


-final public void sastore() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth -= 3;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_sastore;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_sastore);

-	}



- * @param operatorConstant int

- * @param type_ID int

- */

-public void sendOperator(int operatorConstant, int type_ID) {

-	switch (type_ID) {

-		case T_int :

-		case T_boolean :

-		case T_char :

-		case T_byte :

-		case T_short :

-			switch (operatorConstant) {

-				case PLUS :

-					this.iadd();

-					break;

-				case MINUS :

-					this.isub();

-					break;

-				case MULTIPLY :

-					this.imul();

-					break;

-				case DIVIDE :

-					this.idiv();

-					break;

-				case REMAINDER :

-					this.irem();

-					break;

-				case LEFT_SHIFT :

-					this.ishl();

-					break;

-				case RIGHT_SHIFT :

-					this.ishr();

-					break;


-					this.iushr();

-					break;

-				case AND :

-					this.iand();

-					break;

-				case OR :

-					this.ior();

-					break;

-				case XOR :

-					this.ixor();

-					break;

-			}

-			break;

-		case T_long :

-			switch (operatorConstant) {

-				case PLUS :

-					this.ladd();

-					break;

-				case MINUS :

-					this.lsub();

-					break;

-				case MULTIPLY :

-					this.lmul();

-					break;

-				case DIVIDE :

-					this.ldiv();

-					break;

-				case REMAINDER :

-					this.lrem();

-					break;

-				case LEFT_SHIFT :

-					this.lshl();

-					break;

-				case RIGHT_SHIFT :

-					this.lshr();

-					break;


-					this.lushr();

-					break;

-				case AND :

-					this.land();

-					break;

-				case OR :

-					this.lor();

-					break;

-				case XOR :

-					this.lxor();

-					break;

-			}

-			break;

-		case T_float :

-			switch (operatorConstant) {

-				case PLUS :

-					this.fadd();

-					break;

-				case MINUS :

-					this.fsub();

-					break;

-				case MULTIPLY :

-					this.fmul();

-					break;

-				case DIVIDE :

-					this.fdiv();

-					break;

-				case REMAINDER :

-					this.frem();

-			}

-			break;

-		case T_double :

-			switch (operatorConstant) {

-				case PLUS :

-					this.dadd();

-					break;

-				case MINUS :

-					this.dsub();

-					break;

-				case MULTIPLY :

-					this.dmul();

-					break;

-				case DIVIDE :

-					this.ddiv();

-					break;

-				case REMAINDER :

-					this.drem();

-			}

-	}


-final public void sipush(int s) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth++;

-	if (stackDepth > stackMax)

-		stackMax = stackDepth;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_sipush;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_sipush);

-	}

-	writeSignedShort(s);


-public static final void sort(int[] tab, int lo0, int hi0, int[] result) {

-	int lo = lo0;

-	int hi = hi0;

-	int mid;

-	if (hi0 > lo0) {

-		/* Arbitrarily establishing partition element as the midpoint of

-		  * the array.

-		  */

-		mid = tab[ (lo0 + hi0) / 2];

-		// loop through the array until indices cross

-		while (lo <= hi) {

-			/* find the first element that is greater than or equal to 

-			 * the partition element starting from the left Index.

-			 */

-			while ((lo < hi0) && (tab[lo] < mid))

-				++lo;

-			/* find an element that is smaller than or equal to 

-			 * the partition element starting from the right Index.

-			 */

-			while ((hi > lo0) && (tab[hi] > mid))

-				--hi;

-			// if the indexes have not crossed, swap

-			if (lo <= hi) {

-				swap(tab, lo, hi, result);

-				++lo;

-				--hi;

-			}

-		}

-		/* If the right index has not reached the left side of array

-		  * must now sort the left partition.

-		  */

-		if (lo0 < hi)

-			sort(tab, lo0, hi, result);

-		/* If the left index has not reached the right side of array

-		  * must now sort the right partition.

-		  */

-		if (lo < hi0)

-			sort(tab, lo, hi0, result);

-	}


-public final void store(LocalVariableBinding localBinding, boolean valueRequired) {

-	TypeBinding type = localBinding.type;

-	int position = localBinding.resolvedPosition;

-	// Using dedicated int bytecode

-	if ((type == IntBinding) || (type == CharBinding) || (type == ByteBinding) || (type == ShortBinding) || (type == BooleanBinding)) {

-		if (valueRequired)

-			this.dup();

-		switch (position) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.istore_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.istore_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.istore_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.istore_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.istore(position);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// Using dedicated float bytecode

-	if (type == FloatBinding) {

-		if (valueRequired)

-			this.dup();

-		switch (position) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.fstore_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.fstore_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.fstore_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.fstore_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.fstore(position);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// Using dedicated long bytecode

-	if (type == LongBinding) {

-		if (valueRequired)

-			this.dup2();

-		switch (position) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.lstore_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.lstore_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.lstore_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.lstore_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.lstore(position);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// Using dedicated double bytecode

-	if (type == DoubleBinding) {

-		if (valueRequired)

-			this.dup2();

-		switch (position) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.dstore_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.dstore_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.dstore_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.dstore_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.dstore(position);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// Reference object

-	if (valueRequired)

-		this.dup();

-	switch (position) {

-		case 0 :

-			this.astore_0();

-			break;

-		case 1 :

-			this.astore_1();

-			break;

-		case 2 :

-			this.astore_2();

-			break;

-		case 3 :

-			this.astore_3();

-			break;

-		default :

-			this.astore(position);

-	}


-public final void store(TypeBinding type, int position) {

-	// Using dedicated int bytecode

-	if ((type == IntBinding) || (type == CharBinding) || (type == ByteBinding) || (type == ShortBinding) || (type == BooleanBinding)) {

-		switch (position) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.istore_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.istore_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.istore_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.istore_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.istore(position);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// Using dedicated float bytecode

-	if (type == FloatBinding) {

-		switch (position) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.fstore_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.fstore_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.fstore_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.fstore_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.fstore(position);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// Using dedicated long bytecode

-	if (type == LongBinding) {

-		switch (position) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.lstore_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.lstore_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.lstore_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.lstore_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.lstore(position);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// Using dedicated double bytecode

-	if (type == DoubleBinding) {

-		switch (position) {

-			case 0 :

-				this.dstore_0();

-				break;

-			case 1 :

-				this.dstore_1();

-				break;

-			case 2 :

-				this.dstore_2();

-				break;

-			case 3 :

-				this.dstore_3();

-				break;

-			default :

-				this.dstore(position);

-		}

-		return;

-	}

-	// Reference object

-	switch (position) {

-		case 0 :

-			this.astore_0();

-			break;

-		case 1 :

-			this.astore_1();

-			break;

-		case 2 :

-			this.astore_2();

-			break;

-		case 3 :

-			this.astore_3();

-			break;

-		default :

-			this.astore(position);

-	}


-public final void storeInt(int position) {

-	switch (position) {

-		case 0 :

-			this.istore_0();

-			break;

-		case 1 :

-			this.istore_1();

-			break;

-		case 2 :

-			this.istore_2();

-			break;

-		case 3 :

-			this.istore_3();

-			break;

-		default :

-			this.istore(position);

-	}


-public final void storeObject(int position) {

-	switch (position) {

-		case 0 :

-			this.astore_0();

-			break;

-		case 1 :

-			this.astore_1();

-			break;

-		case 2 :

-			this.astore_2();

-			break;

-		case 3 :

-			this.astore_3();

-			break;

-		default :

-			this.astore(position);

-	}


-final public void swap() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_swap;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_swap);

-	}


-private static final void swap(int a[], int i, int j, int result[]) {

-	int T;

-	T = a[i];

-	a[i] = a[j];

-	a[j] = T;

-	T = result[j];

-	result[j] = result[i];

-	result[i] = T;


-final public void tableswitch(CaseLabel defaultLabel, int low, int high, int[] keys, int[] sortedIndexes, CaseLabel[] casesLabel) {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	stackDepth--;

-	int length = casesLabel.length;

-	int pos = position;

-	defaultLabel.placeInstruction();

-	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)

-		casesLabel[i].placeInstruction();

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_tableswitch;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_tableswitch);

-	}

-	for (int i = (3 - (pos % 4)); i > 0; i--) {

-		position++; // Padding

-		classFileOffset++;

-	}

-	defaultLabel.branch();

-	writeSignedWord(low);

-	writeSignedWord(high);

-	int j = low;

-	// the index j is used to know if the index i is one of the missing entries in case of an 

-	// optimized tableswitch

-	for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {

-		int index;

-		int key = keys[index = sortedIndexes[j - low]];

-		if (key == i) {

-			casesLabel[index].branch();

-			j++;

-		} else {

-			defaultLabel.branch();

-		}

-	}


-public String toString() {

-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("( position:"/*nonNLS*/);

-	buffer.append(position);

-	buffer.append(",\nstackDepth:"/*nonNLS*/);

-	buffer.append(stackDepth);

-	buffer.append(",\nmaxStack:"/*nonNLS*/);

-	buffer.append(stackMax);

-	buffer.append(",\nmaxLocals:"/*nonNLS*/);

-	buffer.append(maxLocals);

-	buffer.append(")"/*nonNLS*/);

-	return buffer.toString();


-public void updateLastRecordedEndPC(int pos) {


-	/* Tune positions in the table, this is due to some 

-	 * extra bytecodes being

-	 * added to some user code (jumps). */

-	/** OLD CODE

-		if (!generateLineNumberAttributes)

-			return;

-		pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 1][1] = position;

-		// need to update the initialization endPC in case of generation of local variable attributes.

-		updateLocalVariablesAttribute(pos);	

-	*/	


-	if (!generateLineNumberAttributes)

-		return;

-	// need to update the initialization endPC in case of generation of local variable attributes.

-	updateLocalVariablesAttribute(pos);


-public void updateLocalVariablesAttribute(int pos) {

-	// need to update the initialization endPC in case of generation of local variable attributes.

-	if (generateLocalVariableTableAttributes) {

-		for (int i = 0, max = locals.length; i < max; i++) {

-			LocalVariableBinding local = locals[i];

-			if ((local != null) && (local.initializationCount > 0)) {

-				if (local.initializationPCs[((local.initializationCount - 1) << 1) + 1] == pos) {

-					local.initializationPCs[((local.initializationCount - 1) << 1) + 1] = position;

-				}

-			}

-		}

-	}


-final public void wide() {

-	countLabels = 0;

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);

-	}


-public final void writeByte(byte b) {

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = b;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray(b);

-	}


-public final void writeByteAtPos(int pos, byte b) {

-	try {

-		bCodeStream[pos] = b;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {

-		resizeByteArray();

-		bCodeStream[pos] = b;

-	}



- * Write a unsigned 8 bits value into the byte array

- * @param 

- */

-public final void writeSignedByte(int b) {

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) b;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray((byte) b);

-	}



- * Write a signed 16 bits value into the byte array

- * @param 

- */

-public final void writeSignedShort(int b) {

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) (b >> 8);

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray((byte) (b >> 8));

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) b;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray((byte) b);

-	}


-public final void writeSignedShort(int pos, int b) {

-	int currentOffset = startingClassFileOffset + pos;

-	try {

-		bCodeStream[currentOffset] = (byte) (b >> 8);

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray();

-		bCodeStream[currentOffset] = (byte) (b >> 8);

-	}

-	try {

-		bCodeStream[currentOffset + 1] = (byte) b;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray();

-		bCodeStream[currentOffset + 1] = (byte) b;

-	}


-public final void writeSignedWord(int value) {

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF000000) >> 24);

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray((byte) ((value & 0xFF000000) >> 24));

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF0000) >> 16);

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray((byte) ((value & 0xFF0000) >> 16));

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF00) >> 8);

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray((byte) ((value & 0xFF00) >> 8));

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray((byte) (value & 0xFF));

-	}


-public final void writeSignedWord(int pos, int value) {

-	int currentOffset = startingClassFileOffset + pos;

-	try {

-		bCodeStream[currentOffset++] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF000000) >> 24);

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray();

-		bCodeStream[currentOffset-1] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF000000) >> 24);

-	}

-	try {

-		bCodeStream[currentOffset++] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF0000) >> 16);

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray();

-		bCodeStream[currentOffset-1] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF0000) >> 16);

-	}

-	try {

-		bCodeStream[currentOffset++] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF00) >> 8);

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray();

-		bCodeStream[currentOffset-1] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF00) >> 8);

-	}

-	try {

-		bCodeStream[currentOffset++] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray();

-		bCodeStream[currentOffset-1] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);

-	}



- * Write a unsigned 8 bits value into the byte array

- * @param 

- */

-public final void writeUnsignedByte(int b) {

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) b;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray((byte) b);

-	}



- * Write a unsigned 16 bits value into the byte array

- * @param 

- */

-public final void writeUnsignedShort(int b) {

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) (b >>> 8);

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray((byte) (b >>> 8));

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) b;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray((byte) b);

-	}



- * Write a unsigned 32 bits value into the byte array

- * @param 

- */

-public final void writeUnsignedWord(int value) {

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) (value >>> 24);

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray((byte) (value >>> 24));

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) (value >>> 16);

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray((byte) (value >>> 16));

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) (value >>> 8);

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray((byte) (value >>> 8));

-	}

-	try {

-		position++;

-		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) value;

-	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

-		resizeByteArray((byte) value);

-	}



+package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen;
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.*;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.*;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.*;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.flow.*;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.*;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.*;
+public class CodeStream implements OperatorIds, ClassFileConstants, Opcodes, BaseTypes, TypeConstants, TypeIds {
+	// It will be responsible for the following items.
+	// -> Tracking Max Stack.
+	public int stackMax; // Use Ints to keep from using extra bc when adding
+	public int stackDepth; // Use Ints to keep from using extra bc when adding
+	public int maxLocals;
+	public static final int max = 100; // Maximum size of the code array
+	public static final int growFactor = 400;
+	public static final int LABELS_INCREMENT = 5;
+	public byte[] bCodeStream;
+	public int pcToSourceMapSize;
+	public int[] pcToSourceMap = new int[24];
+	public int lastEntryPC; // last entry recorded
+	public int[] lineSeparatorPositions;
+	public int position; // So when first set can be incremented
+	public int classFileOffset;
+	public int startingClassFileOffset; // I need to keep the starting point inside the byte array
+	public ConstantPool constantPool; // The constant pool used to generate bytecodes that need to store information into the constant pool
+	public ClassFile classFile; // The current classfile it is associated to.
+	// local variable attributes output
+	public static final int LOCALS_INCREMENT = 10;
+	public LocalVariableBinding[] locals = new LocalVariableBinding[LOCALS_INCREMENT];
+	static LocalVariableBinding[] noLocals = new LocalVariableBinding[LOCALS_INCREMENT];
+	public LocalVariableBinding[] visibleLocals = new LocalVariableBinding[LOCALS_INCREMENT];
+	static LocalVariableBinding[] noVisibleLocals = new LocalVariableBinding[LOCALS_INCREMENT];
+	int visibleLocalsCount;
+	public AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDeclaration;
+	public ExceptionLabel[] exceptionHandlers = new ExceptionLabel[LABELS_INCREMENT];
+	static ExceptionLabel[] noExceptionHandlers = new ExceptionLabel[LABELS_INCREMENT];
+	public int exceptionHandlersNumber;
+	public static FieldBinding[] ImplicitThis = new FieldBinding[] {};
+	public boolean generateLineNumberAttributes;
+	public boolean generateLocalVariableTableAttributes;
+	public boolean preserveUnusedLocals;
+	// store all the labels placed at the current position to be able to optimize
+	// a jump to the next bytecode.
+	public Label[] labels = new Label[LABELS_INCREMENT];
+	static Label[] noLabels = new Label[LABELS_INCREMENT];
+	public int countLabels;
+	public int allLocalsCounter;
+	public int maxFieldCount;
+public CodeStream(ClassFile classFile) {
+	generateLineNumberAttributes = (classFile.produceDebugAttributes & CompilerOptions.Lines) != 0;
+	generateLocalVariableTableAttributes = (classFile.produceDebugAttributes & CompilerOptions.Vars) != 0;
+	if (generateLineNumberAttributes) {
+		lineSeparatorPositions = classFile.referenceBinding.scope.referenceCompilationUnit().compilationResult.lineSeparatorPositions;
+	}
+final public void aaload() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aaload;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_aaload);
+	}
+final public void aastore() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 3;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aastore;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_aastore);
+	}
+final public void aconst_null() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aconst_null;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_aconst_null);
+	}
+public final void addDefinitelyAssignedVariables(Scope scope, int initStateIndex) {
+	// Required to fix 1PR0XVS: LFRE:WINNT - Compiler: variable table for method appears incorrect
+	if (!generateLocalVariableTableAttributes)
+		return;
+/*	if (initStateIndex == lastInitStateIndexWhenAddingInits)
+		return;
+	lastInitStateIndexWhenAddingInits = initStateIndex;
+	if (lastInitStateIndexWhenRemovingInits != initStateIndex){
+		lastInitStateIndexWhenRemovingInits = -2; // reinitialize remove index 
+		// remove(1)-add(1)-remove(1) -> ignore second remove
+		// remove(1)-add(2)-remove(1) -> perform second remove
+	}
+*/	for (int i = 0; i < visibleLocalsCount; i++) {
+		LocalVariableBinding localBinding = visibleLocals[i];
+		if (localBinding != null) {
+			// Check if the local is definitely assigned
+			if ((initStateIndex != -1) && isDefinitelyAssigned(scope, initStateIndex, localBinding)) {
+				if ((localBinding.initializationCount == 0) || (localBinding.initializationPCs[((localBinding.initializationCount - 1) << 1) + 1] != -1)) {
+					/* There are two cases:
+					 * 1) there is no initialization interval opened ==> add an opened interval
+					 * 2) there is already some initialization intervals but the last one is closed ==> add an opened interval
+					 * An opened interval means that the value at localBinding.initializationPCs[localBinding.initializationCount - 1][1]
+					 * is equals to -1.
+					 * initializationPCs is a collection of pairs of int:
+					 * 	first value is the startPC and second value is the endPC. -1 one for the last value means that the interval
+					 * 	is not closed yet.
+					 */
+					localBinding.recordInitializationStartPC(position);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+public void addLabel(Label aLabel) {
+	if (countLabels == labels.length)
+		System.arraycopy(labels, 0, (labels = new Label[countLabels + LABELS_INCREMENT]), 0, countLabels);
+	labels[countLabels++] = aLabel;
+public void addVisibleLocalVariable(LocalVariableBinding localBinding) {
+	if (!generateLocalVariableTableAttributes)
+		return;
+	if (visibleLocalsCount >= visibleLocals.length) {
+		System.arraycopy(visibleLocals, 0, (visibleLocals = new LocalVariableBinding[visibleLocalsCount * 2]), 0, visibleLocalsCount);
+	}
+	visibleLocals[visibleLocalsCount++] = localBinding;
+final public void aload(int iArg) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (maxLocals <= iArg) {
+		maxLocals = iArg + 1;
+	}
+	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aload;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_aload);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);
+	} else {
+		// Don't need to use the wide bytecode
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aload;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_aload);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) (iArg);
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);
+		}
+	}
+final public void aload_0() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (maxLocals == 0) {
+		maxLocals = 1;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aload_0;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_aload_0);
+	}
+final public void aload_1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (maxLocals <= 1) {
+		maxLocals = 2;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aload_1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_aload_1);
+	}
+final public void aload_2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (maxLocals <= 2) {
+		maxLocals = 3;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aload_2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_aload_2);
+	}
+final public void aload_3() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (maxLocals <= 3) {
+		maxLocals = 4;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_aload_3;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_aload_3);
+	}
+public final void anewarray(TypeBinding typeBinding) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_anewarray;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_anewarray);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(typeBinding));
+public void anewarrayJavaLangClass() {
+	// anewarray: java.lang.Class
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_anewarray;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_anewarray);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangClass());
+public void anewarrayJavaLangObject() {
+	// anewarray: java.lang.Object
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_anewarray;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_anewarray);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangObject());
+final public void areturn() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	// the stackDepth should be equal to 0 
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_areturn;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_areturn);
+	}
+public void arrayAt(int typeBindingID) {
+	switch (typeBindingID) {
+		case T_int :
+			this.iaload();
+			break;
+		case T_byte :
+		case T_boolean :
+			this.baload();
+			break;
+		case T_short :
+			this.saload();
+			break;
+		case T_char :
+			this.caload();
+			break;
+		case T_long :
+			this.laload();
+			break;
+		case T_float :
+			this.faload();
+			break;
+		case T_double :
+			this.daload();
+			break;
+		default :
+			this.aaload();
+	}
+public void arrayAtPut(int elementTypeID, boolean valueRequired) {
+	switch (elementTypeID) {
+		case T_int :
+			if (valueRequired)
+				dup_x2();
+			iastore();
+			break;
+		case T_byte :
+		case T_boolean :
+			if (valueRequired)
+				dup_x2();
+			bastore();
+			break;
+		case T_short :
+			if (valueRequired)
+				dup_x2();
+			sastore();
+			break;
+		case T_char :
+			if (valueRequired)
+				dup_x2();
+			castore();
+			break;
+		case T_long :
+			if (valueRequired)
+				dup2_x2();
+			lastore();
+			break;
+		case T_float :
+			if (valueRequired)
+				dup_x2();
+			fastore();
+			break;
+		case T_double :
+			if (valueRequired)
+				dup2_x2();
+			dastore();
+			break;
+		default :
+			if (valueRequired)
+				dup_x2();
+			aastore();
+	}
+final public void arraylength() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_arraylength;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_arraylength);
+	}
+final public void astore(int iArg) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals <= iArg) {
+		maxLocals = iArg + 1;
+	}
+	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_astore;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_astore);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);
+	} else {
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_astore;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_astore);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);
+		}
+	}
+final public void astore_0() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals == 0) {
+		maxLocals = 1;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_astore_0;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_astore_0);
+	}
+final public void astore_1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals <= 1) {
+		maxLocals = 2;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_astore_1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_astore_1);
+	}
+final public void astore_2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals <= 2) {
+		maxLocals = 3;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_astore_2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_astore_2);
+	}
+final public void astore_3() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals <= 3) {
+		maxLocals = 4;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_astore_3;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_astore_3);
+	}
+final public void athrow() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_athrow;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_athrow);
+	}
+final public void baload() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_baload;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_baload);
+	}
+final public void bastore() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 3;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_bastore;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_bastore);
+	}
+final public void bipush(byte b) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_bipush;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_bipush);
+	}
+	writeSignedByte(b);
+final public void caload() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_caload;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_caload);
+	}
+final public void castore() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 3;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_castore;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_castore);
+	}
+public final void checkcast(TypeBinding typeBinding) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_checkcast;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_checkcast);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(typeBinding));
+public final void checkcastJavaLangError() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_checkcast;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_checkcast);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangError());
+final public void d2f() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_d2f;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_d2f);
+	}
+final public void d2i() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_d2i;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_d2i);
+	}
+final public void d2l() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_d2l;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_d2l);
+	}
+final public void dadd() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dadd;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dadd);
+	}
+final public void daload() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_daload;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_daload);
+	}
+final public void dastore() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 4;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dastore;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dastore);
+	}
+final public void dcmpg() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 3;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dcmpg;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dcmpg);
+	}
+final public void dcmpl() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 3;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dcmpl;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dcmpl);
+	}
+final public void dconst_0() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dconst_0;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dconst_0);
+	}
+final public void dconst_1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dconst_1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dconst_1);
+	}
+final public void ddiv() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ddiv;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ddiv);
+	}
+public void decrStackSize(int offset) {
+	stackDepth -= offset;
+final public void dload(int iArg) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (maxLocals < iArg + 2) {
+		maxLocals = iArg + 2; // + 2 because it is a double
+	}
+	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dload;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_dload);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);
+	} else {
+		// Don't need to use the wide bytecode
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dload;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_dload);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);
+		}
+	}
+final public void dload_0() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (maxLocals < 2) {
+		maxLocals = 2;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dload_0;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dload_0);
+	}
+final public void dload_1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (maxLocals < 3) {
+		maxLocals = 3;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dload_1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dload_1);
+	}
+final public void dload_2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (maxLocals < 4) {
+		maxLocals = 4;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dload_2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dload_2);
+	}
+final public void dload_3() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (maxLocals < 5) {
+		maxLocals = 5;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dload_3;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dload_3);
+	}
+final public void dmul() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dmul;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dmul);
+	}
+final public void dneg() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dneg;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dneg);
+	}
+final public void drem() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_drem;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_drem);
+	}
+final public void dreturn() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	// the stackDepth should be equal to 0 
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dreturn;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dreturn);
+	}
+final public void dstore(int iArg) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	if (maxLocals <= iArg + 1) {
+		maxLocals = iArg + 2;
+	}
+	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dstore;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_dstore);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);
+	} else {
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dstore;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_dstore);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);
+		}
+	}
+final public void dstore_0() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	if (maxLocals < 2) {
+		maxLocals = 2;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dstore_0;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dstore_0);
+	}
+final public void dstore_1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	if (maxLocals < 3) {
+		maxLocals = 3;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dstore_1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dstore_1);
+	}
+final public void dstore_2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	if (maxLocals < 4) {
+		maxLocals = 4;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dstore_2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dstore_2);
+	}
+final public void dstore_3() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	if (maxLocals < 5) {
+		maxLocals = 5;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dstore_3;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dstore_3);
+	}
+final public void dsub() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dsub;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dsub);
+	}
+final public void dup() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dup;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dup);
+	}
+final public void dup_x1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dup_x1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dup_x1);
+	}
+final public void dup_x2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dup_x2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dup_x2);
+	}
+final public void dup2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dup2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dup2);
+	}
+final public void dup2_x1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dup2_x1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dup2_x1);
+	}
+final public void dup2_x2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_dup2_x2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_dup2_x2);
+	}
+public void exitUserScope(BlockScope blockScope) {
+	// mark all the scope's locals as loosing their definite assignment
+	if (!generateLocalVariableTableAttributes)
+		return;
+	for (int i = 0; i < visibleLocalsCount; i++) {
+		LocalVariableBinding visibleLocal = visibleLocals[i];
+		if ((visibleLocal != null) && (visibleLocal.declaringScope == blockScope)) { 
+			// there maybe some some preserved locals never initialized
+			if (visibleLocal.initializationCount > 0){
+				visibleLocals[i].recordInitializationEndPC(position);
+			}
+			visibleLocals[i] = null; // this variable is no longer visible afterwards
+		}
+	}
+final public void f2d() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_f2d;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_f2d);
+	}
+final public void f2i() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_f2i;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_f2i);
+	}
+final public void f2l() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_f2l;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_f2l);
+	}
+final public void fadd() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fadd;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fadd);
+	}
+final public void faload() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_faload;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_faload);
+	}
+final public void fastore() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 3;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fastore;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fastore);
+	}
+final public void fcmpg() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fcmpg;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fcmpg);
+	}
+final public void fcmpl() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fcmpl;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fcmpl);
+	}
+final public void fconst_0() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fconst_0;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fconst_0);
+	}
+final public void fconst_1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fconst_1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fconst_1);
+	}
+final public void fconst_2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fconst_2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fconst_2);
+	}
+final public void fdiv() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fdiv;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fdiv);
+	}
+final public void fload(int iArg) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (maxLocals <= iArg) {
+		maxLocals = iArg + 1;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fload;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_fload);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);
+	} else {
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fload;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_fload);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);
+		}
+	}
+final public void fload_0() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (maxLocals == 0) {
+		maxLocals = 1;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fload_0;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fload_0);
+	}
+final public void fload_1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (maxLocals <= 1) {
+		maxLocals = 2;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fload_1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fload_1);
+	}
+final public void fload_2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (maxLocals <= 2) {
+		maxLocals = 3;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fload_2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fload_2);
+	}
+final public void fload_3() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (maxLocals <= 3) {
+		maxLocals = 4;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fload_3;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fload_3);
+	}
+final public void fmul() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fmul;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fmul);
+	}
+final public void fneg() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fneg;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fneg);
+	}
+final public void frem() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_frem;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_frem);
+	}
+final public void freturn() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	// the stackDepth should be equal to 0 
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_freturn;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_freturn);
+	}
+final public void fstore(int iArg) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals <= iArg) {
+		maxLocals = iArg + 1;
+	}
+	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fstore;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_fstore);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);
+	} else {
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fstore;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_fstore);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);
+		}
+	}
+final public void fstore_0() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals == 0) {
+		maxLocals = 1;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fstore_0;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fstore_0);
+	}
+final public void fstore_1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals <= 1) {
+		maxLocals = 2;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fstore_1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fstore_1);
+	}
+final public void fstore_2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals <= 2) {
+		maxLocals = 3;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fstore_2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fstore_2);
+	}
+final public void fstore_3() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals <= 3) {
+		maxLocals = 4;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fstore_3;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fstore_3);
+	}
+final public void fsub() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_fsub;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_fsub);
+	}
+ * Macro for building a class descriptor object
+ */
+public void generateClassLiteralAccessForType(TypeBinding accessedType, FieldBinding syntheticFieldBinding) {
+	Label endLabel;
+	ExceptionLabel anyExceptionHandler;
+	int saveStackSize;
+	if (accessedType.isBaseType()) {
+		this.getTYPE(accessedType.id);
+		return;
+	}
+	endLabel = new Label(this);
+	if (syntheticFieldBinding != null) { // non interface case
+		this.getstatic(syntheticFieldBinding);
+		this.dup();
+		this.ifnonnull(endLabel);
+		this.pop();
+	}
+	/* Macro for building a class descriptor object... using or not a field cache to store it into...
+	this sequence is responsible for building the actual class descriptor.
+	If the fieldCache is set, then it is supposed to be the body of a synthetic access method
+	factoring the actual descriptor creation out of the invocation site (saving space).
+	If the fieldCache is nil, then we are dumping the bytecode on the invocation site, since
+	we have no way to get a hand on the field cache to do better. */
+	// Wrap the code in an exception handler to convert a ClassNotFoundException into a NoClassDefError
+	anyExceptionHandler = new ExceptionLabel(this, TypeBinding.NullBinding /* represents ClassNotFoundException*/);
+	this.ldc(accessedType == TypeBinding.NullBinding ? "java.lang.Object"/*nonNLS*/ : String.valueOf(accessedType.constantPoolName()).replace('/', '.'));
+	this.invokeClassForName();
+	/* We need to protect the runtime code from binary inconsistencies
+	in case the accessedType is missing, the ClassNotFoundException has to be converted
+	into a NoClassDefError(old ex message), we thus need to build an exception handler for this one. */
+	anyExceptionHandler.placeEnd();
+	if (syntheticFieldBinding != null) { // non interface case
+		this.dup();
+		this.putstatic(syntheticFieldBinding);
+	}
+	this.goto_(endLabel);
+	// Generate the body of the exception handler
+	saveStackSize = stackDepth;
+	stackDepth = 1;
+	/* ClassNotFoundException on stack -- the class literal could be doing more things
+	on the stack, which means that the stack may not be empty at this point in the
+	above code gen. So we save its state and restart it from 1. */
+	anyExceptionHandler.place();
+	// Transform the current exception, and repush and throw a 
+	// NoClassDefFoundError(ClassNotFound.getMessage())
+	this.newNoClassDefFoundError();
+	this.dup_x1();
+	this.swap();
+	// Retrieve the message from the old exception
+	this.invokeThrowableGetMessage();
+	// Send the constructor taking a message string as an argument
+	this.invokeNoClassDefFoundErrorStringConstructor();
+	this.athrow();
+	endLabel.place();
+	stackDepth = saveStackSize;
+ * This method returns the exception handler to be able to generate the exception handler
+ * attribute.
+ */
+final public int[] generateCodeAttributeForProblemMethod(String errorName, String problemMessage) {
+	/**
+	 * Equivalent code:
+	 *	try {
+	 *		throw ((Error) (Class.forName(errorName).getConstructor(new Class[] {Class.forName("java.lang.String")})).newInstance(new Object[] {problemMessage}));
+	 *	} catch (Exception e) {
+	 *		throw (NullPointerException) null;
+	 *	}
+	 */
+	int endPC, handlerPC;
+	ldc(errorName);
+	invokeClassForName();
+	iconst_1();
+	anewarrayJavaLangClass();
+	dup();
+	iconst_0();
+	ldc("java.lang.String"/*nonNLS*/);
+	invokeClassForName();
+	aastore();
+	invokeConstructorGetConstructor();
+	iconst_1();
+	anewarrayJavaLangObject();
+	dup();
+	iconst_0();
+	ldc(problemMessage);
+	aastore();
+	invokeObjectNewInstance();
+	checkcastJavaLangError();
+	athrow();
+	endPC = handlerPC = position;
+	pop();
+	aconst_null();
+	athrow();
+	return_();
+	return new int[] {0, endPC, handlerPC};
+public void generateConstant(Constant constant, int implicitConversionCode) {
+	int targetTypeID = implicitConversionCode >> 4;
+	switch (targetTypeID) {
+		case T_boolean :
+			generateInlinedValue(constant.booleanValue());
+			break;
+		case T_char :
+			generateInlinedValue(constant.charValue());
+			break;
+		case T_byte :
+			generateInlinedValue(constant.byteValue());
+			break;
+		case T_short :
+			generateInlinedValue(constant.shortValue());
+			break;
+		case T_int :
+			generateInlinedValue(constant.intValue());
+			break;
+		case T_long :
+			generateInlinedValue(constant.longValue());
+			break;
+		case T_float :
+			generateInlinedValue(constant.floatValue());
+			break;
+		case T_double :
+			generateInlinedValue(constant.doubleValue());
+			break;
+		case T_String :
+			this.ldc(constant.stringValue());
+			break;
+		default : //reference object (constant can be from T_null or T_String)
+			if (constant.typeID() == T_String)
+				ldc(constant.stringValue());
+			else
+				aconst_null();
+	}
+ * @param implicitConversionCode int
+ */
+public void generateImplicitConversion(int implicitConversionCode) {
+	switch (implicitConversionCode) {
+		case Float2Char :
+			this.f2i();
+			this.i2c();
+			break;
+		case Double2Char :
+			this.d2i();
+			this.i2c();
+			break;
+		case Int2Char :
+		case Short2Char :
+		case Byte2Char :
+			this.i2c();
+			break;
+		case Long2Char :
+			this.l2i();
+			this.i2c();
+			break;
+		case Char2Float :
+		case Short2Float :
+		case Int2Float :
+		case Byte2Float :
+			this.i2f();
+			break;
+		case Double2Float :
+			this.d2f();
+			break;
+		case Long2Float :
+			this.l2f();
+			break;
+		case Float2Byte :
+			this.f2i();
+			this.i2b();
+			break;
+		case Double2Byte :
+			this.d2i();
+			this.i2b();
+			break;
+		case Int2Byte :
+		case Short2Byte :
+		case Char2Byte :
+			this.i2b();
+			break;
+		case Long2Byte :
+			this.l2i();
+			this.i2b();
+			break;
+		case Byte2Double :
+		case Char2Double :
+		case Short2Double :
+		case Int2Double :
+			this.i2d();
+			break;
+		case Float2Double :
+			this.f2d();
+			break;
+		case Long2Double :
+			this.l2d();
+			break;
+		case Byte2Short :
+		case Char2Short :
+		case Int2Short :
+			this.i2s();
+			break;
+		case Double2Short :
+			this.d2i();
+			this.i2s();
+			break;
+		case Long2Short :
+			this.l2i();
+			this.i2s();
+			break;
+		case Float2Short :
+			this.f2i();
+			this.i2s();
+			break;
+		case Double2Int :
+			this.d2i();
+			break;
+		case Float2Int :
+			this.f2i();
+			break;
+		case Long2Int :
+			this.l2i();
+			break;
+		case Int2Long :
+		case Char2Long :
+		case Byte2Long :
+		case Short2Long :
+			this.i2l();
+			break;
+		case Double2Long :
+			this.d2l();
+			break;
+		case Float2Long :
+			this.f2l();
+	}
+public void generateInlinedValue(byte inlinedValue) {
+	switch (inlinedValue) {
+		case -1 :
+			this.iconst_m1();
+			break;
+		case 0 :
+			this.iconst_0();
+			break;
+		case 1 :
+			this.iconst_1();
+			break;
+		case 2 :
+			this.iconst_2();
+			break;
+		case 3 :
+			this.iconst_3();
+			break;
+		case 4 :
+			this.iconst_4();
+			break;
+		case 5 :
+			this.iconst_5();
+			break;
+		default :
+			if ((-128 <= inlinedValue) && (inlinedValue <= 127)) {
+				this.bipush((byte) inlinedValue);
+				return;
+			}
+	}
+public void generateInlinedValue(char inlinedValue) {
+	switch (inlinedValue) {
+		case 0 :
+			this.iconst_0();
+			break;
+		case 1 :
+			this.iconst_1();
+			break;
+		case 2 :
+			this.iconst_2();
+			break;
+		case 3 :
+			this.iconst_3();
+			break;
+		case 4 :
+			this.iconst_4();
+			break;
+		case 5 :
+			this.iconst_5();
+			break;
+		default :
+			if ((6 <= inlinedValue) && (inlinedValue <= 127)) {
+				this.bipush((byte) inlinedValue);
+				return;
+			}
+			if ((128 <= inlinedValue) && (inlinedValue <= 32767)) {
+				this.sipush(inlinedValue);
+				return;
+			}
+			this.ldc(inlinedValue);
+	}
+public void generateInlinedValue(double inlinedValue) {
+	if (inlinedValue == 0.0) {
+		if (Double.doubleToLongBits(inlinedValue) != 0L)
+			this.ldc2_w(inlinedValue);
+		else
+			this.dconst_0();
+		return;
+	}
+	if (inlinedValue == 1.0) {
+		this.dconst_1();
+		return;
+	}
+	this.ldc2_w(inlinedValue);
+public void generateInlinedValue(float inlinedValue) {
+	if (inlinedValue == 0.0f) {
+		if (Float.floatToIntBits(inlinedValue) != 0)
+			this.ldc(inlinedValue);
+		else
+			this.fconst_0();
+		return;
+	}
+	if (inlinedValue == 1.0f) {
+		this.fconst_1();
+		return;
+	}
+	if (inlinedValue == 2.0f) {
+		this.fconst_2();
+		return;
+	}
+	this.ldc(inlinedValue);
+public void generateInlinedValue(int inlinedValue) {
+	switch (inlinedValue) {
+		case -1 :
+			this.iconst_m1();
+			break;
+		case 0 :
+			this.iconst_0();
+			break;
+		case 1 :
+			this.iconst_1();
+			break;
+		case 2 :
+			this.iconst_2();
+			break;
+		case 3 :
+			this.iconst_3();
+			break;
+		case 4 :
+			this.iconst_4();
+			break;
+		case 5 :
+			this.iconst_5();
+			break;
+		default :
+			if ((-128 <= inlinedValue) && (inlinedValue <= 127)) {
+				this.bipush((byte) inlinedValue);
+				return;
+			}
+			if ((-32768 <= inlinedValue) && (inlinedValue <= 32767)) {
+				this.sipush(inlinedValue);
+				return;
+			}
+			this.ldc(inlinedValue);
+	}
+public void generateInlinedValue(long inlinedValue) {
+	if (inlinedValue == 0) {
+		this.lconst_0();
+		return;
+	}
+	if (inlinedValue == 1) {
+		this.lconst_1();
+		return;
+	}
+	this.ldc2_w(inlinedValue);
+public void generateInlinedValue(short inlinedValue) {
+	switch (inlinedValue) {
+		case -1 :
+			this.iconst_m1();
+			break;
+		case 0 :
+			this.iconst_0();
+			break;
+		case 1 :
+			this.iconst_1();
+			break;
+		case 2 :
+			this.iconst_2();
+			break;
+		case 3 :
+			this.iconst_3();
+			break;
+		case 4 :
+			this.iconst_4();
+			break;
+		case 5 :
+			this.iconst_5();
+			break;
+		default :
+			if ((-128 <= inlinedValue) && (inlinedValue <= 127)) {
+				this.bipush((byte) inlinedValue);
+				return;
+			}
+			this.sipush(inlinedValue);
+	}
+public void generateInlinedValue(boolean inlinedValue) {
+	if (inlinedValue)
+		this.iconst_1();
+	else
+		this.iconst_0();
+public void generateObjectWrapperForType(TypeBinding valueType) {
+	/* The top of stack must be encapsulated inside 
+	 * a wrapper object if it corresponds to a base type
+	 */
+	char[][] wrapperTypeCompoundName = null;
+	switch (valueType.id) {
+		case T_int : // new: java.lang.Integer
+			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Integer"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};
+			break;
+		case T_boolean : // new: java.lang.Boolean
+			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Boolean"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};
+			break;
+		case T_byte : // new: java.lang.Byte
+			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Byte"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};
+			break;
+		case T_char : // new: java.lang.Character
+			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Character"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};
+			break;
+		case T_float : // new: java.lang.Float
+			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Float"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};
+			break;
+		case T_double : // new: java.lang.Double
+			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Double"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};
+			break;
+		case T_short : // new: java.lang.Short
+			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Short"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};
+			break;
+		case T_long : // new: java.lang.Long
+			wrapperTypeCompoundName = new char[][] {"java"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "lang"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray(), "Long"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray()};
+			break;
+	}
+	TypeBinding wrapperType = methodDeclaration.scope.getType(wrapperTypeCompoundName);
+	new_(wrapperType);
+	if (valueType.id == T_long || valueType.id == T_double) {
+		dup_x2();
+		dup_x2();
+		pop();
+	} else {
+		dup_x1();
+		swap();
+	}
+	MethodBinding methodBinding = methodDeclaration.scope.getMethod(wrapperType, QualifiedNamesConstants.Init, new TypeBinding[] {valueType}, null);
+	invokespecial(methodBinding);
+public void generateOuterAccess(Object[] mappingSequence, AstNode invocationSite, Scope scope) {
+	if (mappingSequence == null)
+		return;
+	if (mappingSequence == BlockScope.EmulationPathToImplicitThis) {
+		if (scope.methodScope().isConstructorCall){
+			scope.problemReporter().errorThisSuperInStatic(invocationSite);
+		}
+		this.aload_0();
+		return;
+	}
+	if (mappingSequence[0] instanceof FieldBinding) {
+		FieldBinding fieldBinding = (FieldBinding) mappingSequence[0];
+		if (scope.methodScope().isConstructorCall){
+			scope.problemReporter().errorThisSuperInStatic(invocationSite);
+		}
+		this.aload_0();
+		this.getfield(fieldBinding);
+	} else {
+		load((LocalVariableBinding) mappingSequence[0]);
+	}
+	for (int i = 1, length = mappingSequence.length; i < length; i++) {
+		if (mappingSequence[i] instanceof FieldBinding) {
+			FieldBinding fieldBinding = (FieldBinding) mappingSequence[i];
+			this.getfield(fieldBinding);
+		} else {
+			this.invokestatic((MethodBinding) mappingSequence[i]);
+		}
+	}
+ * The equivalent code performs a string conversion:
+ *
+ * @param oper1 org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope
+ * @param oper1 org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression
+ * @param oper2 org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression
+ */
+public void generateStringAppend(BlockScope blockScope, Expression oper1, Expression oper2) {
+	int pc;
+	if (oper1 == null) {
+		/* Operand is already on the stack, and maybe nil:
+		note type1 is always to  java.lang.String here.*/
+		this.newStringBuffer();
+		this.dup_x1();
+		this.swap();
+		// If argument is reference type, need to transform it 
+		// into a string (handles null case)
+		this.invokeStringValueOf(T_Object);
+		this.invokeStringBufferStringConstructor();
+	} else {
+		pc = position;
+		oper1.generateOptimizedStringBufferCreation(blockScope, this, oper1.implicitConversion & 0xF);
+		this.recordPositionsFrom(pc, oper1);
+	}
+	pc = position;
+	oper2.generateOptimizedStringBuffer(blockScope, this, oper2.implicitConversion & 0xF);
+	this.recordPositionsFrom(pc, oper2);
+	this.invokeStringBufferToString();
+ * Code responsible to generate the suitable code to supply values for the synthetic arguments of
+ * a constructor invocation of a nested type.
+ */
+public void generateSyntheticArgumentValues(BlockScope currentScope, ReferenceBinding targetType, Expression enclosingInstance, AstNode invocationSite) {
+	// perform some emulation work in case there is some and we are inside a local type only
+	ReferenceBinding[] syntheticArgumentTypes;
+	// generate the enclosing instance first
+	if ((syntheticArgumentTypes = targetType.syntheticEnclosingInstanceTypes()) != null) {
+		ReferenceBinding targetEnclosingType = targetType.enclosingType();
+		for (int i = 0, max = syntheticArgumentTypes.length; i < max; i++) {
+			ReferenceBinding syntheticArgType = syntheticArgumentTypes[i];
+			if (enclosingInstance != null && i == 0) {
+				boolean enclosingInstanceRequired = targetType.isAnonymousType() ? syntheticArgType == targetType.superclass().enclosingType() // supplying enclosing instance for the anonymous type's superclass
+				: syntheticArgType == targetEnclosingType;
+				if (!enclosingInstanceRequired) {
+					currentScope.problemReporter().unnecessaryEnclosingInstanceSpecification(enclosingInstance, targetType);
+				}
+				enclosingInstance.generateCode(currentScope, this, enclosingInstanceRequired);
+			} else {
+				Object[] emulationPath = currentScope.getCompatibleEmulationPath(syntheticArgType);
+				if (emulationPath == null) {
+					// could not emulate a path to a given enclosing instance (must specify one - if direct enclosing instance)
+					if (syntheticArgType == targetEnclosingType) { //  missing direct enclosing instance
+						currentScope.problemReporter().missingEnclosingInstanceSpecification(targetEnclosingType, invocationSite);
+					} else {
+						currentScope.problemReporter().needImplementation();
+					}
+				} else {
+					this.generateOuterAccess(emulationPath, invocationSite, currentScope);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} else { // we may still have an enclosing instance to consider
+		if (enclosingInstance != null) {
+			currentScope.problemReporter().unnecessaryEnclosingInstanceSpecification(enclosingInstance, targetType);
+			enclosingInstance.generateCode(currentScope, this, false); // do not want the value
+		}
+	}
+	// generate the synthetic outer arguments then
+	SyntheticArgumentBinding syntheticArguments[];
+	if ((syntheticArguments = targetType.syntheticOuterLocalVariables()) != null) {
+		for (int i = 0, max = syntheticArguments.length; i < max; i++) {
+			VariableBinding[] emulationPath = currentScope.getEmulationPath(syntheticArguments[i].actualOuterLocalVariable);
+			if (emulationPath == null) {
+				// could not emulate a path to a given outer local variable (internal error)
+				currentScope.problemReporter().needImplementation();
+			} else {
+				this.generateOuterAccess(emulationPath, invocationSite, currentScope);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ * @param parameters org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding[]
+ * @param constructorBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodBinding
+ */
+public void generateSyntheticBodyForConstructorAccess(SyntheticAccessMethodBinding accessBinding) {
+	initializeMaxLocals(accessBinding);
+	MethodBinding constructorBinding = accessBinding.targetMethod;
+	TypeBinding[] parameters = constructorBinding.parameters;
+	int length = parameters.length;
+	int resolvedPosition = 1;
+	this.aload_0();
+	if (constructorBinding.declaringClass.isNestedType()) {
+		NestedTypeBinding nestedType = (NestedTypeBinding) constructorBinding.declaringClass;
+		SyntheticArgumentBinding[] syntheticArguments = nestedType.syntheticEnclosingInstances();
+		for (int i = 0; i < (syntheticArguments == null ? 0 : syntheticArguments.length); i++) {
+			TypeBinding type;
+			load((type = syntheticArguments[i].type), resolvedPosition);
+			if ((type == DoubleBinding) || (type == LongBinding))
+				resolvedPosition += 2;
+			else
+				resolvedPosition++;
+		}
+		syntheticArguments = nestedType.syntheticOuterLocalVariables();
+		for (int i = 0; i < (syntheticArguments == null ? 0 : syntheticArguments.length); i++) {
+			TypeBinding type;
+			load((type = syntheticArguments[i].type), resolvedPosition);
+			if ((type == DoubleBinding) || (type == LongBinding))
+				resolvedPosition += 2;
+			else
+				resolvedPosition++;
+		}
+	}
+	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+		load(parameters[i], resolvedPosition);
+		if ((parameters[i] == DoubleBinding) || (parameters[i] == LongBinding))
+			resolvedPosition += 2;
+		else
+			resolvedPosition++;
+	}
+	this.invokespecial(constructorBinding);
+	this.return_();
+public void generateSyntheticBodyForFieldReadAccess(SyntheticAccessMethodBinding accessBinding) {
+	initializeMaxLocals(accessBinding);
+	FieldBinding fieldBinding = accessBinding.targetReadField;
+	TypeBinding type;
+	if (fieldBinding.isStatic())
+		this.getstatic(fieldBinding);
+	else {
+		this.aload_0();
+		this.getfield(fieldBinding);
+	}
+	if ((type = fieldBinding.type).isBaseType()) {
+		if (type == IntBinding)
+			this.ireturn();
+		else
+			if (type == FloatBinding)
+				this.freturn();
+			else
+				if (type == LongBinding)
+					this.lreturn();
+				else
+					if (type == DoubleBinding)
+						this.dreturn();
+					else
+						this.ireturn();
+	} else
+		this.areturn();
+public void generateSyntheticBodyForFieldWriteAccess(SyntheticAccessMethodBinding accessBinding) {
+	initializeMaxLocals(accessBinding);
+	FieldBinding fieldBinding = accessBinding.targetWriteField;
+	if (fieldBinding.isStatic()) {
+		load(fieldBinding.type, 0);
+		this.putstatic(fieldBinding);
+	} else {
+		this.aload_0();
+		load(fieldBinding.type, 1);
+		this.putfield(fieldBinding);
+	}
+	this.return_();
+public void generateSyntheticBodyForMethodAccess(SyntheticAccessMethodBinding accessBinding) {
+	initializeMaxLocals(accessBinding);
+	MethodBinding methodBinding = accessBinding.targetMethod;
+	TypeBinding[] parameters = methodBinding.parameters;
+	int length = parameters.length;
+	int resolvedPosition;
+	if (methodBinding.isStatic())
+		resolvedPosition = 0;
+	else {
+		this.aload_0();
+		resolvedPosition = 1;
+	}
+	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+		load(parameters[i], resolvedPosition);
+		if ((parameters[i] == DoubleBinding) || (parameters[i] == LongBinding))
+			resolvedPosition += 2;
+		else
+			resolvedPosition++;
+	}
+	TypeBinding type;
+	int id;
+	if (methodBinding.isStatic())
+		this.invokestatic(methodBinding);
+	else {
+		if (methodBinding.isConstructor()
+			|| methodBinding.isPrivate()
+			// qualified super "X.super.foo()" targets methods from superclass
+			|| (methodBinding.declaringClass != methodDeclaration.binding.declaringClass)){
+			this.invokespecial(methodBinding);
+		} else {
+			if (methodBinding.declaringClass.isInterface()){
+				this.invokeinterface(methodBinding);
+			} else {
+				this.invokevirtual(methodBinding);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ((type = methodBinding.returnType).isBaseType())
+		if (type == VoidBinding)
+			this.return_();
+		else
+			if (type == IntBinding)
+				this.ireturn();
+			else
+				if (type == FloatBinding)
+					this.freturn();
+				else
+					if (type == LongBinding)
+						this.lreturn();
+					else
+						if (type == DoubleBinding)
+							this.dreturn();
+						else
+							this.ireturn();
+	else
+		this.areturn();
+final public byte[] getContents() {
+	byte[] contents;
+	System.arraycopy(bCodeStream, 0, contents = new byte[position], 0, position);
+	return contents;
+final public void getfield(FieldBinding fieldBinding) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	if ((fieldBinding.type.id == T_double) || (fieldBinding.type.id == T_long)) {
+		if (++stackDepth > stackMax)
+			stackMax = stackDepth;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_getfield;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_getfield);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(fieldBinding));
+final public void getstatic(FieldBinding fieldBinding) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	if ((fieldBinding.type.id == T_double) || (fieldBinding.type.id == T_long))
+		stackDepth += 2;
+	else
+		stackDepth += 1;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_getstatic;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_getstatic);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(fieldBinding));
+public void getSystemOut() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	if (++stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_getstatic;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_getstatic);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangSystemOut());
+public void getTYPE(int baseTypeID) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	if (++stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_getstatic;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_getstatic);
+	}
+	switch (baseTypeID) {
+		// getstatic: java.lang.Byte.TYPE			
+		case T_byte :
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangByteTYPE());
+			break;
+			// getstatic: java.lang.Short.TYPE			
+		case T_short :
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangShortTYPE());
+			break;
+			// getstatic: java.lang.Character.TYPE			
+		case T_char :
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangCharacterTYPE());
+			break;
+			// getstatic: java.lang.Integer.TYPE			
+		case T_int :
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangIntegerTYPE());
+			break;
+			// getstatic: java.lang.Long.TYPE			
+		case T_long :
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangLongTYPE());
+			break;
+			// getstatic: java.lang.Float.TYPE			
+		case T_float :
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangFloatTYPE());
+			break;
+			// getstatic: java.lang.Double.TYPE			
+		case T_double :
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangDoubleTYPE());
+			break;
+			// getstatic: java.lang.Boolean.TYPE			
+		case T_boolean :
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangBooleanTYPE());
+			break;
+			// getstatic: java.lang.Void.TYPE
+		case T_void :
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangVoidTYPE());
+			break;
+	}
+ * We didn't call it goto, because there is a conflit with the goto keyword
+ */
+final public void goto_(Label lbl) {
+	try {
+		lbl.inlineForwardReferencesFromLabelsTargeting(position);
+		/*
+		 Possible optimization for code such as:
+		 public Object foo() {
+			boolean b = true;
+			if (b) {
+				if (b)
+					return null;
+			} else {
+				if (b) {
+					return null;
+				}
+			}
+			return null;
+		}
+		The goto around the else block for the first if will
+		be unreachable, because the thenClause of the second if
+		returns.
+		See inlineForwardReferencesFromLabelsTargeting defined
+		on the Label class for the remaining part of this
+		optimization.
+		 if (!lbl.isBranchTarget(position)) {
+			switch(bCodeStream[classFileOffset-1]) {
+				case OPC_return :
+				case OPC_areturn:
+					return;
+			}
+		}*/
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_goto;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_goto);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void goto_w(Label lbl) {
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_goto_w;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_goto_w);
+	}
+	lbl.branchWide();
+final public void i2b() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_i2b;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_i2b);
+	}
+final public void i2c() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_i2c;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_i2c);
+	}
+final public void i2d() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_i2d;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_i2d);
+	}
+final public void i2f() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_i2f;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_i2f);
+	}
+final public void i2l() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_i2l;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_i2l);
+	}
+final public void i2s() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_i2s;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_i2s);
+	}
+final public void iadd() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iadd;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iadd);
+	}
+final public void iaload() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iaload;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iaload);
+	}
+final public void iand() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iand;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iand);
+	}
+final public void iastore() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 3;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iastore;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iastore);
+	}
+final public void iconst_0() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iconst_0;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iconst_0);
+	}
+final public void iconst_1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iconst_1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iconst_1);
+	}
+final public void iconst_2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iconst_2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iconst_2);
+	}
+final public void iconst_3() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iconst_3;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iconst_3);
+	}
+final public void iconst_4() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iconst_4;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iconst_4);
+	}
+final public void iconst_5() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iconst_5;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iconst_5);
+	}
+final public void iconst_m1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iconst_m1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iconst_m1);
+	}
+final public void idiv() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_idiv;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_idiv);
+	}
+final public void if_acmpeq(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_acmpeq;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_acmpeq);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void if_acmpne(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_acmpne;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_acmpne);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void if_icmpeq(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_icmpeq;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_icmpeq);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void if_icmpge(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_icmpge;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_icmpge);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void if_icmpgt(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_icmpgt;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_icmpgt);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void if_icmple(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_icmple;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_icmple);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void if_icmplt(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_icmplt;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_icmplt);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void if_icmpne(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_if_icmpne;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_if_icmpne);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void ifeq(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ifeq;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ifeq);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void ifge(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ifge;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ifge);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void ifgt(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ifgt;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ifgt);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void ifle(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ifle;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ifle);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void iflt(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iflt;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iflt);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void ifne(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ifne;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ifne);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void ifnonnull(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ifnonnull;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ifnonnull);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void ifnull(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ifnull;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ifnull);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void iinc(int index, int value) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	if ((index > 255) || (value < -128 || value > 127)) { // have to widen
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iinc;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_iinc);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedShort(index);
+		writeSignedShort(value);
+	} else {
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iinc;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_iinc);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedByte(index);
+		writeSignedByte(value);
+	}
+final public void iload(int iArg) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (maxLocals <= iArg) {
+		maxLocals = iArg + 1;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iload;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_iload);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);
+	} else {
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iload;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_iload);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);
+		}
+	}
+final public void iload_0() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (maxLocals <= 0) {
+		maxLocals = 1;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iload_0;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iload_0);
+	}
+final public void iload_1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (maxLocals <= 1) {
+		maxLocals = 2;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iload_1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iload_1);
+	}
+final public void iload_2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (maxLocals <= 2) {
+		maxLocals = 3;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iload_2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iload_2);
+	}
+final public void iload_3() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (maxLocals <= 3) {
+		maxLocals = 4;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iload_3;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iload_3);
+	}
+final public void imul() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_imul;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_imul);
+	}
+public void incrementTemp(LocalVariableBinding localBinding, int value) {
+	if (value == (short) value) {
+		this.iinc(localBinding.resolvedPosition, value);
+		return;
+	}
+	load(localBinding);
+	this.ldc(value);
+	this.iadd();
+	store(localBinding, false);
+public void incrStackSize(int offset) {
+	if ((stackDepth += offset) > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+public int indexOfSameLineEntrySincePC(int pc, int line) {
+	for (int index = pc, max = pcToSourceMapSize; index < max; index+=2) {
+		if (pcToSourceMap[index+1] == line)
+			return index;
+	}
+	return -1;
+final public void ineg() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ineg;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ineg);
+	}
+public void init(ClassFile classFile) {
+	this.classFile = classFile;
+	this.constantPool = classFile.constantPool;
+	this.bCodeStream = classFile.contents;
+	this.classFileOffset = classFile.contentsOffset;
+	this.startingClassFileOffset = this.classFileOffset;
+	pcToSourceMapSize = 0;
+	lastEntryPC = 0;
+	int length = visibleLocals.length;
+	if (noVisibleLocals.length < length) {
+		noVisibleLocals = new LocalVariableBinding[length];
+	}
+	System.arraycopy(noVisibleLocals, 0, visibleLocals, 0, length);
+	visibleLocalsCount = 0;
+	length = locals.length;
+	if (noLocals.length < length) {
+		noLocals = new LocalVariableBinding[length];
+	}
+	System.arraycopy(noLocals, 0, locals, 0, length);
+	allLocalsCounter = 0;
+	length = exceptionHandlers.length;
+	if (noExceptionHandlers.length < length) {
+		noExceptionHandlers = new ExceptionLabel[length];
+	}
+	System.arraycopy(noExceptionHandlers, 0, exceptionHandlers, 0, length);
+	exceptionHandlersNumber = 0;
+	length = labels.length;
+	if (noLabels.length < length) {
+		noLabels = new Label[length];
+	}
+	System.arraycopy(noLabels, 0, labels, 0, length);
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackMax = 0;
+	stackDepth = 0;
+	maxLocals = 0;
+	position = 0;
+ * @param methodDeclaration org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration
+ * @param classFile org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.ClassFile
+ */
+public void initializeMaxLocals(MethodBinding methodBinding) {
+	maxLocals = (methodBinding == null || methodBinding.isStatic()) ? 0 : 1;
+	// take into account the synthetic parameters
+	if (methodBinding != null) {
+		if (methodBinding.isConstructor() && methodBinding.declaringClass.isNestedType()) {
+			ReferenceBinding enclosingInstanceTypes[];
+			if ((enclosingInstanceTypes = methodBinding.declaringClass.syntheticEnclosingInstanceTypes()) != null) {
+				for (int i = 0, max = enclosingInstanceTypes.length; i < max; i++) {
+					maxLocals++; // an enclosingInstanceType can only be a reference binding. It cannot be
+					// LongBinding or DoubleBinding
+				}
+			}
+			SyntheticArgumentBinding syntheticArguments[];
+			if ((syntheticArguments = methodBinding.declaringClass.syntheticOuterLocalVariables()) != null) {
+				for (int i = 0, max = syntheticArguments.length; i < max; i++) {
+					TypeBinding argType;
+					if (((argType = syntheticArguments[i].type) == LongBinding) || (argType == DoubleBinding)) {
+						maxLocals += 2;
+					} else {
+						maxLocals++;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		TypeBinding[] arguments;
+		if ((arguments = methodBinding.parameters) != null) {
+			for (int i = 0, max = arguments.length; i < max; i++) {
+				TypeBinding argType;
+				if (((argType = arguments[i]) == LongBinding) || (argType == DoubleBinding)) {
+					maxLocals += 2;
+				} else {
+					maxLocals++;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ * This methods searches for an existing entry inside the pcToSourceMap table with a pc equals to @pc.
+ * If there is an existing entry it returns -1 (no insertion required).
+ * Otherwise it returns the index where the entry for the pc has to be inserted.
+ * This is based on the fact that the pcToSourceMap table is sorted according to the pc.
+ *
+ * @param int pc
+ * @return int
+ */
+public static int insertionIndex(int[] pcToSourceMap, int length, int pc) {
+	int g = 0;
+	int d = length - 2;
+	int m = 0;
+	while (g <= d) {
+		m = (g + d) / 2;
+		// we search only on even indexes
+		if ((m % 2) != 0)
+			m--;
+		int currentPC = pcToSourceMap[m];
+		if (pc < currentPC) {
+			d = m - 2;
+		} else
+			if (pc > currentPC) {
+				g = m + 2;
+			} else {
+				return -1;
+			}
+	}
+	if (pc < pcToSourceMap[m])
+		return m;
+	return m + 2;
+ * We didn't call it instanceof because there is a conflit with the
+ * instanceof keyword
+ */
+final public void instance_of(TypeBinding typeBinding) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_instanceof;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_instanceof);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(typeBinding));
+public void invokeClassForName() {
+	// invokestatic: java.lang.Class.forName(Ljava.lang.String;)Ljava.lang.Class;
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokestatic;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokestatic);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangClassForName());
+public void invokeConstructorGetConstructor() {
+	// invokevirtual: java.lang.Class.getConstructor(java.lang.Class[])Ljava.lang.reflect.Constructor;
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokevirtual;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokevirtual);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangClassGetConstructor());
+final public void invokeinterface(MethodBinding methodBinding) {
+	// initialized to 1 to take into account this  immediately
+	countLabels = 0;
+	int argCount = 1;
+	int id;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokeinterface;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokeinterface);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(methodBinding));
+	for (int i = methodBinding.parameters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+		if (((id = methodBinding.parameters[i].id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))
+			argCount += 2;
+		else
+			argCount += 1;
+	writeUnsignedByte(argCount);
+	// Generate a  0 into the byte array. Like the array is already fill with 0, we just need to increment
+	// the number of bytes.
+	position++;
+	classFileOffset++;
+	if (((id = methodBinding.returnType.id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))
+		stackDepth += (2 - argCount);
+	else
+		if (id == T_void)
+			stackDepth -= argCount;
+		else
+			stackDepth += (1 - argCount);
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+public void invokeJavaLangErrorConstructor() {
+	// invokespecial: java.lang.Error<init>(Ljava.lang.String;)V
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokespecial;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokespecial);
+	}
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangErrorConstructor());
+public void invokeNoClassDefFoundErrorStringConstructor() {
+	// invokespecial: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.<init>(Ljava.lang.String;)V
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokespecial;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokespecial);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangNoClassDefFoundErrorStringConstructor());
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+public void invokeObjectNewInstance() {
+	// invokevirtual: java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[])Ljava.lang.Object;
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokevirtual;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokevirtual);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangReflectConstructorNewInstance());
+final public void invokespecial(MethodBinding methodBinding) {
+	// initialized to 1 to take into account this  immediately
+	countLabels = 0;
+	int argCount = 1;
+	int id;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokespecial;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokespecial);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(methodBinding));
+	if (methodBinding.isConstructor() && methodBinding.declaringClass.isNestedType()) {
+		// enclosing instances
+		TypeBinding[] syntheticArgumentTypes = methodBinding.declaringClass.syntheticEnclosingInstanceTypes();
+		if (syntheticArgumentTypes != null) {
+			for (int i = 0, max = syntheticArgumentTypes.length; i < max; i++) {
+				if (((id = syntheticArgumentTypes[i].id) == T_double) || (id == T_long)) {
+					argCount += 2;
+				} else {
+					argCount++;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// outer local variables
+		SyntheticArgumentBinding[] syntheticArguments = methodBinding.declaringClass.syntheticOuterLocalVariables();
+		if (syntheticArguments != null) {
+			for (int i = 0, max = syntheticArguments.length; i < max; i++) {
+				if (((id = syntheticArguments[i].type.id) == T_double) || (id == T_long)) {
+					argCount += 2;
+				} else {
+					argCount++;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	for (int i = methodBinding.parameters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+		if (((id = methodBinding.parameters[i].id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))
+			argCount += 2;
+		else
+			argCount++;
+	if (((id = methodBinding.returnType.id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))
+		stackDepth += (2 - argCount);
+	else
+		if (id == T_void)
+			stackDepth -= argCount;
+		else
+			stackDepth += (1 - argCount);
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+final public void invokestatic(MethodBinding methodBinding) {
+	// initialized to 0 to take into account that there is no this for
+	// a static method
+	countLabels = 0;
+	int argCount = 0;
+	int id;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokestatic;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokestatic);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(methodBinding));
+	for (int i = methodBinding.parameters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+		if (((id = methodBinding.parameters[i].id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))
+			argCount += 2;
+		else
+			argCount += 1;
+	if (((id = methodBinding.returnType.id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))
+		stackDepth += (2 - argCount);
+	else
+		if (id == T_void)
+			stackDepth -= argCount;
+		else
+			stackDepth += (1 - argCount);
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+ * The equivalent code performs a string conversion of the TOS
+ * @param typeID <CODE>int</CODE>
+ */
+public void invokeStringBufferAppendForType(int typeID) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	int usedTypeID;
+	if (typeID == T_null)
+		usedTypeID = T_String;
+	else
+		usedTypeID = typeID;
+	// invokevirtual
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokevirtual;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokevirtual);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangStringBufferAppend(typeID));
+	if ((usedTypeID == T_long) || (usedTypeID == T_double))
+		stackDepth -= 2;
+	else
+		stackDepth--;
+public void invokeStringBufferDefaultConstructor() {
+	// invokespecial: java.lang.StringBuffer.<init>()V
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokespecial;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokespecial);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangStringBufferDefaultConstructor());
+	stackDepth--;
+public void invokeStringBufferStringConstructor() {
+	// invokespecial: java.lang.StringBuffer.<init>(Ljava.lang.String;)V
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokespecial;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokespecial);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangStringBufferConstructor());
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+public void invokeStringBufferToString() {
+	// invokevirtual: StringBuffer.toString()Ljava.lang.String;
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokevirtual;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokevirtual);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangStringBufferToString());
+public void invokeStringIntern() {
+	// invokevirtual: java.lang.String.intern()
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokevirtual;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokevirtual);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangStringIntern());
+public void invokeStringValueOf(int typeID) {
+	// invokestatic: java.lang.String.valueOf(argumentType)
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokestatic;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokestatic);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangStringValueOf(typeID));
+public void invokeSystemExit() {
+	// invokestatic: java.lang.System.exit(I)
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokestatic;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokestatic);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangSystemExitInt());
+	stackDepth--; // int argument
+public void invokeThrowableGetMessage() {
+	// invokevirtual: java.lang.Throwable.getMessage()Ljava.lang.String;
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokevirtual;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokevirtual);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangThrowableGetMessage());
+final public void invokevirtual(MethodBinding methodBinding) {
+	// initialized to 1 to take into account this  immediately
+	countLabels = 0;
+	int argCount = 1;
+	int id;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_invokevirtual;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_invokevirtual);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(methodBinding));
+	for (int i = methodBinding.parameters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+		if (((id = methodBinding.parameters[i].id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))
+			argCount += 2;
+		else
+			argCount++;
+	if (((id = methodBinding.returnType.id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))
+		stackDepth += (2 - argCount);
+	else
+		if (id == T_void)
+			stackDepth -= argCount;
+		else
+			stackDepth += (1 - argCount);
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+final public void ior() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ior;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ior);
+	}
+final public void irem() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_irem;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_irem);
+	}
+final public void ireturn() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	// the stackDepth should be equal to 0 
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ireturn;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ireturn);
+	}
+public boolean isDefinitelyAssigned(Scope scope, int initStateIndex, LocalVariableBinding local) {
+	// Dependant of UnconditionalFlowInfo.isDefinitelyAssigned(..)
+	if (initStateIndex == -1)
+		return false;
+	if (local.isArgument) {
+		return true;
+	}
+	int position = local.id + maxFieldCount;
+	MethodScope methodScope = scope.methodScope();
+	// id is zero-based
+	if (position < UnconditionalFlowInfo.BitCacheSize) {
+		return (methodScope.definiteInits[initStateIndex] & (1L << position)) != 0; // use bits
+	}
+	// use extra vector
+	long[] extraInits = methodScope.extraDefiniteInits[initStateIndex];
+	if (extraInits == null)
+		return false; // if vector not yet allocated, then not initialized
+	int vectorIndex;
+	if ((vectorIndex = (position / UnconditionalFlowInfo.BitCacheSize) - 1) >= extraInits.length)
+		return false; // if not enough room in vector, then not initialized 
+	return ((extraInits[vectorIndex]) & (1L << (position % UnconditionalFlowInfo.BitCacheSize))) != 0;
+final public void ishl() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ishl;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ishl);
+	}
+final public void ishr() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ishr;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ishr);
+	}
+final public void istore(int iArg) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals <= iArg) {
+		maxLocals = iArg + 1;
+	}
+	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_istore;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_istore);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);
+	} else {
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_istore;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_istore);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);
+		}
+	}
+final public void istore_0() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals == 0) {
+		maxLocals = 1;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_istore_0;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_istore_0);
+	}
+final public void istore_1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals <= 1) {
+		maxLocals = 2;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_istore_1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_istore_1);
+	}
+final public void istore_2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals <= 2) {
+		maxLocals = 3;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_istore_2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_istore_2);
+	}
+final public void istore_3() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	if (maxLocals <= 3) {
+		maxLocals = 4;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_istore_3;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_istore_3);
+	}
+final public void isub() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_isub;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_isub);
+	}
+final public void iushr() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_iushr;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_iushr);
+	}
+final public void ixor() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ixor;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ixor);
+	}
+final public void jsr(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_jsr;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_jsr);
+	}
+	lbl.branch();
+final public void jsr_w(Label lbl) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_jsr_w;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_jsr_w);
+	}
+	lbl.branchWide();
+final public void l2d() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_l2d;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_l2d);
+	}
+final public void l2f() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_l2f;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_l2f);
+	}
+final public void l2i() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_l2i;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_l2i);
+	}
+final public void ladd() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ladd;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ladd);
+	}
+final public void laload() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_laload;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_laload);
+	}
+final public void land() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_land;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_land);
+	}
+final public void lastore() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 4;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lastore;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lastore);
+	}
+final public void lcmp() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 3;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lcmp;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lcmp);
+	}
+final public void lconst_0() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lconst_0;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lconst_0);
+	}
+final public void lconst_1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lconst_1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lconst_1);
+	}
+final public void ldc(float constant) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	int index = constantPool.literalIndex(constant);
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (index > 255) {
+		// Generate a ldc_w
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc_w;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc_w);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedShort(index);
+	} else {
+		// Generate a ldc
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedByte(index);
+	}
+final public void ldc(int constant) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	int index = constantPool.literalIndex(constant);
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (index > 255) {
+		// Generate a ldc_w
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc_w;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc_w);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedShort(index);
+	} else {
+		// Generate a ldc
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedByte(index);
+	}
+final public void ldc(String constant) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	int currentConstantPoolIndex = constantPool.currentIndex;
+	int currentConstantPoolOffset = constantPool.currentOffset;
+	int currentCodeStreamPosition = position;
+	int index = constantPool.literalIndexForLdc(constant.toCharArray());
+	if (index > 0) {
+		// the string already exists inside the constant pool
+		// we reuse the same index
+		stackDepth++;
+		if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+			stackMax = stackDepth;
+		if (index > 255) {
+			// Generate a ldc_w
+			try {
+				position++;
+				bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc_w;
+			} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+				resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc_w);
+			}
+			writeUnsignedShort(index);
+		} else {
+			// Generate a ldc
+			try {
+				position++;
+				bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc;
+			} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+				resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc);
+			}
+			writeUnsignedByte(index);
+		}
+	} else {
+		// the string is too big to be utf8-encoded in one pass.
+		// we have to split it into different pieces.
+		// first we clean all side-effects due to the code above
+		// this case is very rare, so we can afford to lose time to handle it
+		char[] constantChars = constant.toCharArray();
+		position = currentCodeStreamPosition;
+		constantPool.currentIndex = currentConstantPoolIndex;
+		constantPool.currentOffset = currentConstantPoolOffset;
+		constantPool.stringCache.remove(constantChars);
+		constantPool.UTF8Cache.remove(constantChars);
+		int i = 0;
+		int length = 0;
+		int constantLength = constant.length();
+		byte[] utf8encoding = new byte[Math.min(constantLength + 100, 65535)];
+		int utf8encodingLength = 0;
+		while ((length < 65532) && (i < constantLength)) {
+			char current = constantChars[i];
+			// we resize the byte array immediately if necessary
+			if (length + 3 > (utf8encodingLength = utf8encoding.length)) {
+				System.arraycopy(utf8encoding, 0, (utf8encoding = new byte[Math.min(utf8encodingLength + 100, 65535)]), 0, length);
+			}
+			if ((current >= 0x0001) && (current <= 0x007F)) {
+				// we only need one byte: ASCII table
+				utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) current;
+			} else {
+				if (current > 0x07FF) {
+					// we need 3 bytes
+					utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0xE0 | ((current >> 12) & 0x0F)); // 0xE0 = 1110 0000
+					utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0x80 | ((current >> 6) & 0x3F)); // 0x80 = 1000 0000
+					utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0x80 | (current & 0x3F)); // 0x80 = 1000 0000
+				} else {
+					// we can be 0 or between 0x0080 and 0x07FF
+					// In that case we only need 2 bytes
+					utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0xC0 | ((current >> 6) & 0x1F)); // 0xC0 = 1100 0000
+					utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0x80 | (current & 0x3F)); // 0x80 = 1000 0000
+				}
+			}
+			i++;
+		}
+		// check if all the string is encoded (PR 1PR2DWJ)
+		// the string is too big to be encoded in one pass
+		newStringBuffer();
+		dup();
+		// write the first part
+		char[] subChars = new char[i];
+		System.arraycopy(constantChars, 0, subChars, 0, i);
+		System.arraycopy(utf8encoding, 0, (utf8encoding = new byte[length]), 0, length);
+		index = constantPool.literalIndex(subChars, utf8encoding);
+		stackDepth++;
+		if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+			stackMax = stackDepth;
+		if (index > 255) {
+			// Generate a ldc_w
+			try {
+				position++;
+				bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc_w;
+			} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+				resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc_w);
+			}
+			writeUnsignedShort(index);
+		} else {
+			// Generate a ldc
+			try {
+				position++;
+				bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc;
+			} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+				resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc);
+			}
+			writeUnsignedByte(index);
+		}
+		// write the remaining part
+		invokeStringBufferStringConstructor();
+		while (i < constantLength) {
+			length = 0;
+			utf8encoding = new byte[Math.min(constantLength - i + 100, 65535)];
+			int startIndex = i;
+			while ((length < 65532) && (i < constantLength)) {
+				char current = constantChars[i];
+				// we resize the byte array immediately if necessary
+				if (constantLength + 2 > (utf8encodingLength = utf8encoding.length)) {
+					System.arraycopy(utf8encoding, 0, (utf8encoding = new byte[Math.min(utf8encodingLength + 100, 65535)]), 0, length);
+				}
+				if ((current >= 0x0001) && (current <= 0x007F)) {
+					// we only need one byte: ASCII table
+					utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) current;
+				} else {
+					if (current > 0x07FF) {
+						// we need 3 bytes
+						utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0xE0 | ((current >> 12) & 0x0F)); // 0xE0 = 1110 0000
+						utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0x80 | ((current >> 6) & 0x3F)); // 0x80 = 1000 0000
+						utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0x80 | (current & 0x3F)); // 0x80 = 1000 0000
+					} else {
+						// we can be 0 or between 0x0080 and 0x07FF
+						// In that case we only need 2 bytes
+						utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0xC0 | ((current >> 6) & 0x1F)); // 0xC0 = 1100 0000
+						utf8encoding[length++] = (byte) (0x80 | (current & 0x3F)); // 0x80 = 1000 0000
+					}
+				}
+				i++;
+			}
+			// the next part is done
+			subChars = new char[i - startIndex];
+			System.arraycopy(constantChars, startIndex, subChars, 0, i - startIndex);
+			System.arraycopy(utf8encoding, 0, (utf8encoding = new byte[length]), 0, length);
+			index = constantPool.literalIndex(subChars, utf8encoding);
+			stackDepth++;
+			if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+				stackMax = stackDepth;
+			if (index > 255) {
+				// Generate a ldc_w
+				try {
+					position++;
+					bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc_w;
+				} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+					resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc_w);
+				}
+				writeUnsignedShort(index);
+			} else {
+				// Generate a ldc
+				try {
+					position++;
+					bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc;
+				} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+					resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc);
+				}
+				writeUnsignedByte(index);
+			}
+			// now on the stack it should be a StringBuffer and a string.
+			invokeStringBufferAppendForType(T_String);
+		}
+		invokeStringBufferToString();
+		invokeStringIntern();
+	}
+final public void ldc2_w(double constant) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	int index = constantPool.literalIndex(constant);
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	// Generate a ldc2_w
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc2_w;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc2_w);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(index);
+final public void ldc2_w(long constant) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	int index = constantPool.literalIndex(constant);
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	// Generate a ldc2_w
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldc2_w;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ldc2_w);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(index);
+final public void ldiv() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ldiv;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_ldiv);
+	}
+final public void lload(int iArg) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (maxLocals <= iArg + 1) {
+		maxLocals = iArg + 2;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lload;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_lload);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);
+	} else {
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lload;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_lload);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);
+		}
+	}
+final public void lload_0() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (maxLocals < 2) {
+		maxLocals = 2;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lload_0;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lload_0);
+	}
+final public void lload_1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (maxLocals < 3) {
+		maxLocals = 3;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lload_1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lload_1);
+	}
+final public void lload_2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (maxLocals < 4) {
+		maxLocals = 4;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lload_2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lload_2);
+	}
+final public void lload_3() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += 2;
+	if (maxLocals < 5) {
+		maxLocals = 5;
+	}
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lload_3;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lload_3);
+	}
+final public void lmul() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lmul;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lmul);
+	}
+final public void lneg() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lneg;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lneg);
+	}
+public final void load(LocalVariableBinding localBinding) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	TypeBinding typeBinding = localBinding.type;
+	int resolvedPosition = localBinding.resolvedPosition;
+	// Using dedicated int bytecode
+	if (typeBinding == IntBinding) {
+		switch (resolvedPosition) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.iload_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.iload_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.iload_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.iload_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.iload(resolvedPosition);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Using dedicated float bytecode
+	if (typeBinding == FloatBinding) {
+		switch (resolvedPosition) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.fload_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.fload_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.fload_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.fload_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.fload(resolvedPosition);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Using dedicated long bytecode
+	if (typeBinding == LongBinding) {
+		switch (resolvedPosition) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.lload_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.lload_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.lload_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.lload_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.lload(resolvedPosition);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Using dedicated double bytecode
+	if (typeBinding == DoubleBinding) {
+		switch (resolvedPosition) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.dload_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.dload_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.dload_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.dload_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.dload(resolvedPosition);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// boolean, byte, char and short are handled as int
+	if ((typeBinding == ByteBinding) || (typeBinding == CharBinding) || (typeBinding == BooleanBinding) || (typeBinding == ShortBinding)) {
+		switch (resolvedPosition) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.iload_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.iload_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.iload_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.iload_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.iload(resolvedPosition);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Reference object
+	switch (resolvedPosition) {
+		case 0 :
+			this.aload_0();
+			break;
+		case 1 :
+			this.aload_1();
+			break;
+		case 2 :
+			this.aload_2();
+			break;
+		case 3 :
+			this.aload_3();
+			break;
+		default :
+			this.aload(resolvedPosition);
+	}
+public final void load(TypeBinding typeBinding, int resolvedPosition) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	// Using dedicated int bytecode
+	if (typeBinding == IntBinding) {
+		switch (resolvedPosition) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.iload_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.iload_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.iload_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.iload_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.iload(resolvedPosition);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Using dedicated float bytecode
+	if (typeBinding == FloatBinding) {
+		switch (resolvedPosition) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.fload_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.fload_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.fload_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.fload_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.fload(resolvedPosition);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Using dedicated long bytecode
+	if (typeBinding == LongBinding) {
+		switch (resolvedPosition) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.lload_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.lload_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.lload_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.lload_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.lload(resolvedPosition);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Using dedicated double bytecode
+	if (typeBinding == DoubleBinding) {
+		switch (resolvedPosition) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.dload_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.dload_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.dload_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.dload_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.dload(resolvedPosition);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// boolean, byte, char and short are handled as int
+	if ((typeBinding == ByteBinding) || (typeBinding == CharBinding) || (typeBinding == BooleanBinding) || (typeBinding == ShortBinding)) {
+		switch (resolvedPosition) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.iload_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.iload_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.iload_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.iload_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.iload(resolvedPosition);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Reference object
+	switch (resolvedPosition) {
+		case 0 :
+			this.aload_0();
+			break;
+		case 1 :
+			this.aload_1();
+			break;
+		case 2 :
+			this.aload_2();
+			break;
+		case 3 :
+			this.aload_3();
+			break;
+		default :
+			this.aload(resolvedPosition);
+	}
+public final void loadInt(int resolvedPosition) {
+	// Using dedicated int bytecode
+	switch (resolvedPosition) {
+		case 0 :
+			this.iload_0();
+			break;
+		case 1 :
+			this.iload_1();
+			break;
+		case 2 :
+			this.iload_2();
+			break;
+		case 3 :
+			this.iload_3();
+			break;
+		default :
+			this.iload(resolvedPosition);
+	}
+public final void loadObject(int resolvedPosition) {
+	switch (resolvedPosition) {
+		case 0 :
+			this.aload_0();
+			break;
+		case 1 :
+			this.aload_1();
+			break;
+		case 2 :
+			this.aload_2();
+			break;
+		case 3 :
+			this.aload_3();
+			break;
+		default :
+			this.aload(resolvedPosition);
+	}
+final public void lookupswitch(CaseLabel defaultLabel, int[] keys, int[] sortedIndexes, CaseLabel[] casesLabel) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	int length = keys.length;
+	int pos = position;
+	defaultLabel.placeInstruction();
+	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+		casesLabel[i].placeInstruction();
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lookupswitch;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lookupswitch);
+	}
+	for (int i = (3 - (pos % 4)); i > 0; i--) {
+		position++; // Padding
+		classFileOffset++;
+	}
+	defaultLabel.branch();
+	writeSignedWord(length);
+	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+		writeSignedWord(keys[sortedIndexes[i]]);
+		casesLabel[sortedIndexes[i]].branch();
+	}
+final public void lor() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lor;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lor);
+	}
+final public void lrem() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lrem;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lrem);
+	}
+final public void lreturn() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	// the stackDepth should be equal to 0 
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lreturn;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lreturn);
+	}
+final public void lshl() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lshl;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lshl);
+	}
+final public void lshr() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lshr;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lshr);
+	}
+final public void lstore(int iArg) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	if (maxLocals <= iArg + 1) {
+		maxLocals = iArg + 2;
+	}
+	if (iArg > 255) { // Widen
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lstore;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_lstore);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedShort(iArg);
+	} else {
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lstore;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_lstore);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) iArg;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray((byte) iArg);
+		}
+	}
+final public void lstore_0() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	if (maxLocals < 2) {
+		maxLocals = 2;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lstore_0;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lstore_0);
+	}
+final public void lstore_1() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	if (maxLocals < 3) {
+		maxLocals = 3;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lstore_1;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lstore_1);
+	}
+final public void lstore_2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	if (maxLocals < 4) {
+		maxLocals = 4;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lstore_2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lstore_2);
+	}
+final public void lstore_3() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	if (maxLocals < 5) {
+		maxLocals = 5;
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lstore_3;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lstore_3);
+	}
+final public void lsub() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lsub;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lsub);
+	}
+final public void lushr() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lushr;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lushr);
+	}
+final public void lxor() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_lxor;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_lxor);
+	}
+final public void monitorenter() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_monitorenter;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_monitorenter);
+	}
+final public void monitorexit() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_monitorexit;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_monitorexit);
+	}
+final public void multianewarray(TypeBinding typeBinding, int dimensions) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth += (1 - dimensions);
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_multianewarray;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_multianewarray);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(typeBinding));
+	writeUnsignedByte(dimensions);
+public static void needImplementation() {
+ * We didn't call it new, because there is a conflit with the new keyword
+ */
+final public void new_(TypeBinding typeBinding) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_new;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_new);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(typeBinding));
+final public void newarray(int array_Type) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_newarray;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_newarray);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedByte(array_Type);
+public void newArray(Scope scope, ArrayBinding arrayBinding) {
+	TypeBinding component = arrayBinding.elementsType(scope);
+	switch (component.id) {
+		case T_int :
+			this.newarray(10);
+			break;
+		case T_byte :
+			this.newarray(8);
+			break;
+		case T_boolean :
+			this.newarray(4);
+			break;
+		case T_short :
+			this.newarray(9);
+			break;
+		case T_char :
+			this.newarray(5);
+			break;
+		case T_long :
+			this.newarray(11);
+			break;
+		case T_float :
+			this.newarray(6);
+			break;
+		case T_double :
+			this.newarray(7);
+			break;
+		default :
+			this.anewarray(component);
+	}
+public void newJavaLangError() {
+	// new: java.lang.Error
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_new;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_new);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangError());
+public void newNoClassDefFoundError() { // new: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_new;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_new);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangNoClassDefFoundError());
+public void newStringBuffer() { // new: java.lang.StringBuffer
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_new;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_new);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangStringBuffer());
+public void newWrapperFor(int typeID) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_new;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_new);
+	}
+	switch (typeID) {
+		case T_int : // new: java.lang.Integer
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangInteger());
+			break;
+		case T_boolean : // new: java.lang.Boolean
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangBoolean());
+			break;
+		case T_byte : // new: java.lang.Byte
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangByte());
+			break;
+		case T_char : // new: java.lang.Character
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangCharacter());
+			break;
+		case T_float : // new: java.lang.Float
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangFloat());
+			break;
+		case T_double : // new: java.lang.Double
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangDouble());
+			break;
+		case T_short : // new: java.lang.Short
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangShort());
+			break;
+		case T_long : // new: java.lang.Long
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangLong());
+			break;
+		case T_void : // new: java.lang.Void
+			writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndexForJavaLangVoid());
+	}
+final public void nop() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_nop;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_nop);
+	}
+final public void pop() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_pop;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_pop);
+	}
+final public void pop2() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 2;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_pop2;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_pop2);
+	}
+final public void putfield(FieldBinding fieldBinding) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	int id;
+	if (((id = fieldBinding.type.id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))
+		stackDepth -= 3;
+	else
+		stackDepth -= 2;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_putfield;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_putfield);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(fieldBinding));
+final public void putstatic(FieldBinding fieldBinding) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	int id;
+	if (((id = fieldBinding.type.id) == T_double) || (id == T_long))
+		stackDepth -= 2;
+	else
+		stackDepth -= 1;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_putstatic;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_putstatic);
+	}
+	writeUnsignedShort(constantPool.literalIndex(fieldBinding));
+public void record(LocalVariableBinding local) {
+	if (!generateLocalVariableTableAttributes)
+		return;
+	if (allLocalsCounter == locals.length) {
+		// resize the collection
+		System.arraycopy(locals, 0, (locals = new LocalVariableBinding[allLocalsCounter + LOCALS_INCREMENT]), 0, allLocalsCounter);
+	}
+	locals[allLocalsCounter++] = local;
+	local.initializationPCs = new int[4];
+	local.initializationCount = 0;
+public void recordPositionsFrom(int startPC, AstNode node) {
+	/* Record positions in the table, only if nothing has 
+	 * already been recorded. Since we output them on the way 
+	 * up (children first for more specific info)
+	 * The pcToSourceMap table is always sorted.
+	 */
+	/** OLD CODE
+	int startPos, endPos;
+	int[] lastEntry;
+	if (!generateLineNumberAttributes && !generateLocalVariableTableAttributes)
+	return;
+	if ((startPos = node.sourceStart()) == 0)
+	return;
+	if ((endPos = node.sourceEnd()) == 0)
+	return;
+	// Widening an existing entry that already has the same source positions
+	if ((pcToSourceMapSize > 0) && (pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 1][2] == startPos) && (pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 1][3] == endPos)) {
+	if (pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 1][0] > startPC)
+	pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 1][0] = startPC;
+	pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 1][1] = position;
+	return;
+	}
+	if (pcToSourceMapSize == pcToSourceMap.length) {
+	// resize the array pcToSourceMap		
+	System.arraycopy(pcToSourceMap, 0, (pcToSourceMap = new int[pcToSourceMapSize * 2][]), 0, pcToSourceMapSize);
+	}
+	pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize++] = new int[] {startPC, position, startPos, endPos};
+	*/
+	int startPos;
+	if (!generateLineNumberAttributes)
+		return;
+	if ((startPos = node.sourceStart()) == 0)
+		return;
+	// no code generated for this node. e.g. field without any initialization
+	if (position == startPC)
+		return;
+	// Widening an existing entry that already has the same source positions
+	if (pcToSourceMapSize + 4 > pcToSourceMap.length) {
+		// resize the array pcToSourceMap
+		System.arraycopy(pcToSourceMap, 0, (pcToSourceMap = new int[pcToSourceMapSize << 1]), 0, pcToSourceMapSize);
+	}
+	int newLine = ClassFile.searchLineNumber(lineSeparatorPositions, startPos);
+	// lastEntryPC represents the endPC of the lastEntry.
+	if (pcToSourceMapSize > 0) {
+		// in this case there is already an entry in the table
+		if (pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 1] != newLine) {
+			if (startPC < lastEntryPC) {
+				// we forgot to add an entry.
+				// search if an existing entry exists for startPC
+				int insertionIndex = insertionIndex(pcToSourceMap, pcToSourceMapSize, startPC);
+				if (insertionIndex != -1) {
+					// there is no existing entry starting with startPC.
+					int existingEntryIndex = indexOfSameLineEntrySincePC(startPC, newLine); // index for PC
+					/* the existingEntryIndex corresponds to en entry with the same line and a PC >= startPC.
+						in this case it is relevant to widen this entry instead of creating a new one.
+						line1: this(a,
+						  b,
+						  c);
+						with this code we generate each argument. We generate a aload0 to invoke the constructor. There is no entry for this
+						aload0 bytecode. The first entry is the one for the argument a.
+						But we want the constructor call to start at the aload0 pc and not just at the pc of the first argument.
+						So we widen the existing entry (if there is one) or we create a new entry with the startPC.
+					*/
+					if (existingEntryIndex != -1) {
+						// widen existing entry
+						pcToSourceMap[existingEntryIndex] = startPC;
+					} else {
+						// we have to add an entry that won't be sorted. So we sort the pcToSourceMap.
+						System.arraycopy(pcToSourceMap, insertionIndex, pcToSourceMap, insertionIndex + 2, pcToSourceMapSize - insertionIndex);
+						pcToSourceMap[insertionIndex++] = startPC;
+						pcToSourceMap[insertionIndex] = newLine;
+						pcToSourceMapSize += 2;
+					}
+				}
+				if (position != lastEntryPC) { // no bytecode since last entry pc
+					pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize++] = lastEntryPC;
+					pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize++] = newLine;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// we can safely add the new entry. The endPC of the previous entry is not in conflit with the startPC of the new entry.
+				pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize++] = startPC;
+				pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize++] = newLine;
+			}
+		} else {
+			/* the last recorded entry is on the same line. But it could be relevant to widen this entry.
+			   we want to extend this entry forward in case we generated some bytecode before the last entry that are not related to any statement
+			*/	
+			if (startPC < pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 2]) {
+				int insertionIndex = insertionIndex(pcToSourceMap, pcToSourceMapSize, startPC);
+				if (insertionIndex != -1) {
+					// widen the existing entry
+					// we have to figure out if we need to move the last entry at another location to keep a sorted table
+					if ((pcToSourceMapSize > 4) && (pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 4] > startPC)) {
+						System.arraycopy(pcToSourceMap, insertionIndex, pcToSourceMap, insertionIndex + 2, pcToSourceMapSize - 2 - insertionIndex);
+						pcToSourceMap[insertionIndex++] = startPC;
+						pcToSourceMap[insertionIndex] = newLine;						
+					} else {
+						pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 2] = startPC;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		lastEntryPC = position;
+	} else {
+		// record the first entry
+		pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize++] = startPC;
+		pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize++] = newLine;
+		lastEntryPC = position;
+	}
+ * @param anExceptionLabel org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.ExceptionLabel
+ */
+public void registerExceptionHandler(ExceptionLabel anExceptionLabel) {
+	int length;
+	if (exceptionHandlersNumber >= (length = exceptionHandlers.length)) {
+		// resize the exception handlers table
+		System.arraycopy(exceptionHandlers, 0, exceptionHandlers = new ExceptionLabel[length + LABELS_INCREMENT], 0, length);
+	}
+	// no need to resize. So just add the new exception label
+	exceptionHandlers[exceptionHandlersNumber++] = anExceptionLabel;
+public final void removeNotDefinitelyAssignedVariables(Scope scope, int initStateIndex) {
+	// given some flow info, make sure we did not loose some variables initialization
+	// if this happens, then we must update their pc entries to reflect it in debug attributes
+	if (!generateLocalVariableTableAttributes)
+		return;
+/*	if (initStateIndex == lastInitStateIndexWhenRemovingInits)
+		return;
+	lastInitStateIndexWhenRemovingInits = initStateIndex;
+	if (lastInitStateIndexWhenAddingInits != initStateIndex){
+		lastInitStateIndexWhenAddingInits = -2;// reinitialize add index 
+		// add(1)-remove(1)-add(1) -> ignore second add
+		// add(1)-remove(2)-add(1) -> perform second add
+	}*/
+	for (int i = 0; i < visibleLocalsCount; i++) {
+		LocalVariableBinding localBinding = visibleLocals[i];
+		if (localBinding != null) {
+			if (initStateIndex == -1 || !isDefinitelyAssigned(scope, initStateIndex, localBinding)) {
+				if (localBinding.initializationCount > 0) {
+					localBinding.recordInitializationEndPC(position);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ * @param methodDeclaration org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration
+ * @param classFile org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.ClassFile
+ */
+public void reset(AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, ClassFile classFile) {
+	init(classFile);
+	this.methodDeclaration = methodDeclaration;
+	preserveUnusedLocals = methodDeclaration.scope.problemReporter().options.preserveAllLocalVariables;
+	initializeMaxLocals(methodDeclaration.binding);
+ * @param methodDeclaration org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration
+ * @param classFile org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.ClassFile
+ */
+public void resetForProblemClinit(ClassFile classFile) {
+	init(classFile);
+	maxLocals = 0;
+protected final void resizeByteArray() {
+	int actualLength = bCodeStream.length;
+	int requiredSize = actualLength + growFactor;
+	if (classFileOffset > requiredSize) {
+		requiredSize = classFileOffset + growFactor;
+	}
+	System.arraycopy(bCodeStream, 0, (bCodeStream = new byte[requiredSize]), 0, actualLength);
+ * This method is used to resize the internal byte array in 
+ * case of a ArrayOutOfBoundsException when adding the value b.
+ * Resize and add the new byte b inside the array.
+ * @param b byte
+ */
+protected final void resizeByteArray(byte b) {
+	resizeByteArray();
+	bCodeStream[classFileOffset - 1] = b;
+final public void ret(int index) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	if (index > 255) { // Widen
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ret;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_ret);
+		}
+		writeUnsignedShort(index);
+	} else { // Don't Widen
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_ret;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray(OPC_ret);
+		}
+		try {
+			position++;
+			bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) index;
+		} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+			resizeByteArray((byte) index);
+		}
+	}
+final public void return_() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	// the stackDepth should be equal to 0 
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_return;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_return);
+	}
+final public void saload() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_saload;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_saload);
+	}
+final public void sastore() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth -= 3;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_sastore;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_sastore);
+	}
+ * @param operatorConstant int
+ * @param type_ID int
+ */
+public void sendOperator(int operatorConstant, int type_ID) {
+	switch (type_ID) {
+		case T_int :
+		case T_boolean :
+		case T_char :
+		case T_byte :
+		case T_short :
+			switch (operatorConstant) {
+				case PLUS :
+					this.iadd();
+					break;
+				case MINUS :
+					this.isub();
+					break;
+				case MULTIPLY :
+					this.imul();
+					break;
+				case DIVIDE :
+					this.idiv();
+					break;
+				case REMAINDER :
+					this.irem();
+					break;
+				case LEFT_SHIFT :
+					this.ishl();
+					break;
+				case RIGHT_SHIFT :
+					this.ishr();
+					break;
+					this.iushr();
+					break;
+				case AND :
+					this.iand();
+					break;
+				case OR :
+					this.ior();
+					break;
+				case XOR :
+					this.ixor();
+					break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case T_long :
+			switch (operatorConstant) {
+				case PLUS :
+					this.ladd();
+					break;
+				case MINUS :
+					this.lsub();
+					break;
+				case MULTIPLY :
+					this.lmul();
+					break;
+				case DIVIDE :
+					this.ldiv();
+					break;
+				case REMAINDER :
+					this.lrem();
+					break;
+				case LEFT_SHIFT :
+					this.lshl();
+					break;
+				case RIGHT_SHIFT :
+					this.lshr();
+					break;
+					this.lushr();
+					break;
+				case AND :
+					this.land();
+					break;
+				case OR :
+					this.lor();
+					break;
+				case XOR :
+					this.lxor();
+					break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case T_float :
+			switch (operatorConstant) {
+				case PLUS :
+					this.fadd();
+					break;
+				case MINUS :
+					this.fsub();
+					break;
+				case MULTIPLY :
+					this.fmul();
+					break;
+				case DIVIDE :
+					this.fdiv();
+					break;
+				case REMAINDER :
+					this.frem();
+			}
+			break;
+		case T_double :
+			switch (operatorConstant) {
+				case PLUS :
+					this.dadd();
+					break;
+				case MINUS :
+					this.dsub();
+					break;
+				case MULTIPLY :
+					this.dmul();
+					break;
+				case DIVIDE :
+					this.ddiv();
+					break;
+				case REMAINDER :
+					this.drem();
+			}
+	}
+final public void sipush(int s) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth++;
+	if (stackDepth > stackMax)
+		stackMax = stackDepth;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_sipush;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_sipush);
+	}
+	writeSignedShort(s);
+public static final void sort(int[] tab, int lo0, int hi0, int[] result) {
+	int lo = lo0;
+	int hi = hi0;
+	int mid;
+	if (hi0 > lo0) {
+		/* Arbitrarily establishing partition element as the midpoint of
+		  * the array.
+		  */
+		mid = tab[ (lo0 + hi0) / 2];
+		// loop through the array until indices cross
+		while (lo <= hi) {
+			/* find the first element that is greater than or equal to 
+			 * the partition element starting from the left Index.
+			 */
+			while ((lo < hi0) && (tab[lo] < mid))
+				++lo;
+			/* find an element that is smaller than or equal to 
+			 * the partition element starting from the right Index.
+			 */
+			while ((hi > lo0) && (tab[hi] > mid))
+				--hi;
+			// if the indexes have not crossed, swap
+			if (lo <= hi) {
+				swap(tab, lo, hi, result);
+				++lo;
+				--hi;
+			}
+		}
+		/* If the right index has not reached the left side of array
+		  * must now sort the left partition.
+		  */
+		if (lo0 < hi)
+			sort(tab, lo0, hi, result);
+		/* If the left index has not reached the right side of array
+		  * must now sort the right partition.
+		  */
+		if (lo < hi0)
+			sort(tab, lo, hi0, result);
+	}
+public final void store(LocalVariableBinding localBinding, boolean valueRequired) {
+	TypeBinding type = localBinding.type;
+	int position = localBinding.resolvedPosition;
+	// Using dedicated int bytecode
+	if ((type == IntBinding) || (type == CharBinding) || (type == ByteBinding) || (type == ShortBinding) || (type == BooleanBinding)) {
+		if (valueRequired)
+			this.dup();
+		switch (position) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.istore_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.istore_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.istore_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.istore_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.istore(position);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Using dedicated float bytecode
+	if (type == FloatBinding) {
+		if (valueRequired)
+			this.dup();
+		switch (position) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.fstore_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.fstore_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.fstore_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.fstore_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.fstore(position);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Using dedicated long bytecode
+	if (type == LongBinding) {
+		if (valueRequired)
+			this.dup2();
+		switch (position) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.lstore_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.lstore_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.lstore_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.lstore_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.lstore(position);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Using dedicated double bytecode
+	if (type == DoubleBinding) {
+		if (valueRequired)
+			this.dup2();
+		switch (position) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.dstore_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.dstore_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.dstore_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.dstore_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.dstore(position);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Reference object
+	if (valueRequired)
+		this.dup();
+	switch (position) {
+		case 0 :
+			this.astore_0();
+			break;
+		case 1 :
+			this.astore_1();
+			break;
+		case 2 :
+			this.astore_2();
+			break;
+		case 3 :
+			this.astore_3();
+			break;
+		default :
+			this.astore(position);
+	}
+public final void store(TypeBinding type, int position) {
+	// Using dedicated int bytecode
+	if ((type == IntBinding) || (type == CharBinding) || (type == ByteBinding) || (type == ShortBinding) || (type == BooleanBinding)) {
+		switch (position) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.istore_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.istore_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.istore_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.istore_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.istore(position);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Using dedicated float bytecode
+	if (type == FloatBinding) {
+		switch (position) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.fstore_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.fstore_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.fstore_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.fstore_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.fstore(position);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Using dedicated long bytecode
+	if (type == LongBinding) {
+		switch (position) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.lstore_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.lstore_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.lstore_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.lstore_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.lstore(position);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Using dedicated double bytecode
+	if (type == DoubleBinding) {
+		switch (position) {
+			case 0 :
+				this.dstore_0();
+				break;
+			case 1 :
+				this.dstore_1();
+				break;
+			case 2 :
+				this.dstore_2();
+				break;
+			case 3 :
+				this.dstore_3();
+				break;
+			default :
+				this.dstore(position);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Reference object
+	switch (position) {
+		case 0 :
+			this.astore_0();
+			break;
+		case 1 :
+			this.astore_1();
+			break;
+		case 2 :
+			this.astore_2();
+			break;
+		case 3 :
+			this.astore_3();
+			break;
+		default :
+			this.astore(position);
+	}
+public final void storeInt(int position) {
+	switch (position) {
+		case 0 :
+			this.istore_0();
+			break;
+		case 1 :
+			this.istore_1();
+			break;
+		case 2 :
+			this.istore_2();
+			break;
+		case 3 :
+			this.istore_3();
+			break;
+		default :
+			this.istore(position);
+	}
+public final void storeObject(int position) {
+	switch (position) {
+		case 0 :
+			this.astore_0();
+			break;
+		case 1 :
+			this.astore_1();
+			break;
+		case 2 :
+			this.astore_2();
+			break;
+		case 3 :
+			this.astore_3();
+			break;
+		default :
+			this.astore(position);
+	}
+final public void swap() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_swap;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_swap);
+	}
+private static final void swap(int a[], int i, int j, int result[]) {
+	int T;
+	T = a[i];
+	a[i] = a[j];
+	a[j] = T;
+	T = result[j];
+	result[j] = result[i];
+	result[i] = T;
+final public void tableswitch(CaseLabel defaultLabel, int low, int high, int[] keys, int[] sortedIndexes, CaseLabel[] casesLabel) {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	stackDepth--;
+	int length = casesLabel.length;
+	int pos = position;
+	defaultLabel.placeInstruction();
+	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+		casesLabel[i].placeInstruction();
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_tableswitch;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_tableswitch);
+	}
+	for (int i = (3 - (pos % 4)); i > 0; i--) {
+		position++; // Padding
+		classFileOffset++;
+	}
+	defaultLabel.branch();
+	writeSignedWord(low);
+	writeSignedWord(high);
+	int j = low;
+	// the index j is used to know if the index i is one of the missing entries in case of an 
+	// optimized tableswitch
+	for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {
+		int index;
+		int key = keys[index = sortedIndexes[j - low]];
+		if (key == i) {
+			casesLabel[index].branch();
+			j++;
+		} else {
+			defaultLabel.branch();
+		}
+	}
+public String toString() {
+	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("( position:"/*nonNLS*/);
+	buffer.append(position);
+	buffer.append(",\nstackDepth:"/*nonNLS*/);
+	buffer.append(stackDepth);
+	buffer.append(",\nmaxStack:"/*nonNLS*/);
+	buffer.append(stackMax);
+	buffer.append(",\nmaxLocals:"/*nonNLS*/);
+	buffer.append(maxLocals);
+	buffer.append(")"/*nonNLS*/);
+	return buffer.toString();
+public void updateLastRecordedEndPC(int pos) {
+	/* Tune positions in the table, this is due to some 
+	 * extra bytecodes being
+	 * added to some user code (jumps). */
+	/** OLD CODE
+		if (!generateLineNumberAttributes)
+			return;
+		pcToSourceMap[pcToSourceMapSize - 1][1] = position;
+		// need to update the initialization endPC in case of generation of local variable attributes.
+		updateLocalVariablesAttribute(pos);	
+	*/	
+	if (!generateLineNumberAttributes)
+		return;
+	// need to update the initialization endPC in case of generation of local variable attributes.
+	updateLocalVariablesAttribute(pos);
+public void updateLocalVariablesAttribute(int pos) {
+	// need to update the initialization endPC in case of generation of local variable attributes.
+	if (generateLocalVariableTableAttributes) {
+		for (int i = 0, max = locals.length; i < max; i++) {
+			LocalVariableBinding local = locals[i];
+			if ((local != null) && (local.initializationCount > 0)) {
+				if (local.initializationPCs[((local.initializationCount - 1) << 1) + 1] == pos) {
+					local.initializationPCs[((local.initializationCount - 1) << 1) + 1] = position;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+final public void wide() {
+	countLabels = 0;
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = OPC_wide;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(OPC_wide);
+	}
+public final void writeByte(byte b) {
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = b;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray(b);
+	}
+public final void writeByteAtPos(int pos, byte b) {
+	try {
+		bCodeStream[pos] = b;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
+		resizeByteArray();
+		bCodeStream[pos] = b;
+	}
+ * Write a unsigned 8 bits value into the byte array
+ * @param 
+ */
+public final void writeSignedByte(int b) {
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) b;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray((byte) b);
+	}
+ * Write a signed 16 bits value into the byte array
+ * @param 
+ */
+public final void writeSignedShort(int b) {
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) (b >> 8);
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray((byte) (b >> 8));
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) b;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray((byte) b);
+	}
+public final void writeSignedShort(int pos, int b) {
+	int currentOffset = startingClassFileOffset + pos;
+	try {
+		bCodeStream[currentOffset] = (byte) (b >> 8);
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray();
+		bCodeStream[currentOffset] = (byte) (b >> 8);
+	}
+	try {
+		bCodeStream[currentOffset + 1] = (byte) b;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray();
+		bCodeStream[currentOffset + 1] = (byte) b;
+	}
+public final void writeSignedWord(int value) {
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray((byte) ((value & 0xFF000000) >> 24));
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray((byte) ((value & 0xFF0000) >> 16));
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray((byte) ((value & 0xFF00) >> 8));
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray((byte) (value & 0xFF));
+	}
+public final void writeSignedWord(int pos, int value) {
+	int currentOffset = startingClassFileOffset + pos;
+	try {
+		bCodeStream[currentOffset++] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray();
+		bCodeStream[currentOffset-1] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
+	}
+	try {
+		bCodeStream[currentOffset++] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray();
+		bCodeStream[currentOffset-1] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
+	}
+	try {
+		bCodeStream[currentOffset++] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray();
+		bCodeStream[currentOffset-1] = (byte) ((value & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+	}
+	try {
+		bCodeStream[currentOffset++] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray();
+		bCodeStream[currentOffset-1] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);
+	}
+ * Write a unsigned 8 bits value into the byte array
+ * @param 
+ */
+public final void writeUnsignedByte(int b) {
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) b;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray((byte) b);
+	}
+ * Write a unsigned 16 bits value into the byte array
+ * @param 
+ */
+public final void writeUnsignedShort(int b) {
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) (b >>> 8);
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray((byte) (b >>> 8));
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) b;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray((byte) b);
+	}
+ * Write a unsigned 32 bits value into the byte array
+ * @param 
+ */
+public final void writeUnsignedWord(int value) {
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) (value >>> 24);
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray((byte) (value >>> 24));
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) (value >>> 16);
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray((byte) (value >>> 16));
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) (value >>> 8);
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray((byte) (value >>> 8));
+	}
+	try {
+		position++;
+		bCodeStream[classFileOffset++] = (byte) value;
+	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+		resizeByteArray((byte) value);
+	}