blob: 9774d2c8d76c6a240689a50b75376c9fa9e3ea06 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.newbuilder;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ClassFile;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.Compiler;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaElement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.Util;
import java.util.*;
* The abstract superclass of image builders.
* Provides the building and compilation mechanism
* in common with the batch and incremental builders.
public abstract class AbstractImageBuilder implements ICompilerRequestor {
protected JavaBuilder javaBuilder;
protected State newState;
// local copies
protected IContainer outputFolder;
protected IContainer[] sourceFolders;
protected BuildNotifier notifier;
protected boolean hasSeparateOutputFolder;
protected NameEnvironment nameEnvironment;
protected Compiler compiler;
protected WorkQueue workQueue;
protected ArrayList problemTypeLocations;
protected boolean compiledAllAtOnce;
private boolean inCompiler;
public static int MAX_AT_ONCE = 1000;
static final String ProblemMarkerTag = IJavaModelMarker.JAVA_MODEL_PROBLEM_MARKER;
protected AbstractImageBuilder(JavaBuilder javaBuilder) {
this.javaBuilder = javaBuilder;
this.newState = new State(javaBuilder);
// local copies
this.outputFolder = javaBuilder.outputFolder;
this.sourceFolders = javaBuilder.sourceFolders;
this.notifier = javaBuilder.notifier;
// only perform resource copying if the output location does not match a source folder
// corresponds to: project == src == bin, or several source folders are contributing resources,
// but one is the output location too (and would get populated with other source folder resources).
int index = sourceFolders.length;
this.hasSeparateOutputFolder = index > 0; // skip it if it doesn't have any source folders
IPath outputPath = outputFolder.getFullPath();
while (this.hasSeparateOutputFolder && --index >= 0)
this.hasSeparateOutputFolder = !outputPath.equals(sourceFolders[index].getFullPath());
this.nameEnvironment = new NameEnvironment(javaBuilder.classpath);
this.compiler = newCompiler();
this.workQueue = new WorkQueue();
this.problemTypeLocations = new ArrayList(3);
public void acceptResult(CompilationResult result) {
// In Batch mode, we write out the class files, hold onto the dependency info
// & additional types and report problems.
// In Incremental mode, when writing out a class file we need to compare it
// against the previous file, remembering if structural changes occured.
// Before reporting the new problems, we need to update the problem count &
// remove the old problems. Plus delete additional class files that no longer exist.
String location = new String(result.getFileName()); // the full filesystem path 'd:/xyz/eclipse/Test/p1/p2/'
if (!workQueue.isCompiled(location)) {
try {
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = result.getCompilationUnit();
ClassFile[] classFiles = result.getClassFiles();
int length = classFiles.length;
ArrayList otherTypeNames = new ArrayList(length);
char[] mainTypeName = compilationUnit.getMainTypeName(); // may not match any produced class file
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ClassFile classFile = classFiles[i];
char[][] compoundName = classFile.getCompoundName();
char[] typeName = compoundName[compoundName.length - 1];
if (CharOperation.equals(mainTypeName, typeName)) {
writeClassFile(classFile, false);
} else {
boolean isSecondaryType = !CharOperation.contains('$', typeName);
otherTypeNames.add(writeClassFile(classFile, isSecondaryType));
if (otherTypeNames.isEmpty()) {
finishedWith(location, result, new char[0][]);
} else {
char[][] additionalTypeNames = new char[otherTypeNames.size()][];
finishedWith(location, result, additionalTypeNames);
} catch (CoreException e) {
try {
// add another problem to the compilation unit that its class file is inconsistent
IResource resource = javaBuilder.workspaceRoot.getFileForLocation(new Path(location));
IMarker marker = resource.createMarker(ProblemMarkerTag);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, Util.bind("build.inconsistentClassFile"));
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
} catch (CoreException ignore) {
throw internalException(e);
protected void cleanUp() {
this.javaBuilder = null;
this.outputFolder = null;
this.sourceFolders = null;
this.notifier = null;
this.compiler = null;
this.nameEnvironment = null;
this.workQueue = null;
this.problemTypeLocations = null;
/* Compile the given elements, adding more elements to the work queue
* if they are affected by the changes.
protected void compile(String[] filenames, String[] initialTypeNames) {
int toDo = filenames.length;
if (this.compiledAllAtOnce = toDo <= MAX_AT_ONCE) {
// do them all now
SourceFile[] toCompile = new SourceFile[toDo];
for (int i = 0; i < toDo; i++) {
String filename = filenames[i];
if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG)
System.out.println("About to compile " + filename); //$NON-NLS-1$
String typeName = initialTypeNames[i];
toCompile[i] = new SourceFile(filename,
CharOperation.splitOn('/', typeName.toCharArray(), 0, typeName.lastIndexOf('/') - 1));
compile(toCompile, initialTypeNames, null);
} else {
int i = 0;
boolean compilingFirstGroup = true;
while (i < toDo) {
int doNow = toDo < MAX_AT_ONCE ? toDo : MAX_AT_ONCE;
int index = 0;
SourceFile[] toCompile = new SourceFile[doNow];
String[] initialNamesInLoop = new String[doNow];
while (i < toDo && index < doNow) {
String filename = filenames[i];
// Although it needed compiling when this method was called, it may have
// already been compiled when it was referenced by another unit.
if (compilingFirstGroup || workQueue.isWaiting(filename)) {
if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG)
System.out.println("About to compile " + filename);//$NON-NLS-1$
String typeName = initialTypeNames[i];
initialNamesInLoop[index] = typeName;
toCompile[index++] = new SourceFile(filename,
CharOperation.splitOn('/', typeName.toCharArray(), 0, typeName.lastIndexOf('/') - 1));
if (index < doNow) {
System.arraycopy(toCompile, 0, toCompile = new SourceFile[index], 0, index);
System.arraycopy(initialNamesInLoop, 0, initialNamesInLoop = new String[index], 0, index);
String[] additionalFilenames = new String[toDo - i];
System.arraycopy(filenames, i, additionalFilenames, 0, additionalFilenames.length);
compilingFirstGroup = false;
compile(toCompile, initialNamesInLoop, additionalFilenames);
void compile(SourceFile[] units, String[] initialTypeNames, String[] additionalFilenames) {
if (units.length == 0) return;
notifier.aboutToCompile(units[0]); // just to change the message
// extend additionalFilenames with all hierarchical problem types found during this entire build
if (!problemTypeLocations.isEmpty()) {
int toAdd = problemTypeLocations.size();
int length = additionalFilenames == null ? 0 : additionalFilenames.length;
if (length == 0)
additionalFilenames = new String[toAdd];
System.arraycopy(additionalFilenames, 0, additionalFilenames = new String[length + toAdd], 0, length);
for (int i = 0; i < toAdd; i++)
additionalFilenames[length + i] = (String) problemTypeLocations.get(i);
nameEnvironment.setNames(initialTypeNames, additionalFilenames);
try {
inCompiler = true;
} finally {
inCompiler = false;
// Check for cancel immediately after a compile, because the compiler may
// have been cancelled but without propagating the correct exception
protected void finishedWith(String location, CompilationResult result, char[][] additionalTypeNames) throws CoreException {
newState.record(location, result.qualifiedReferences, result.simpleNameReferences, additionalTypeNames);
protected RuntimeException internalException(CoreException t) {
ImageBuilderInternalException imageBuilderException = new ImageBuilderInternalException(t);
if (inCompiler)
return new AbortCompilation(true, imageBuilderException);
return imageBuilderException;
protected Compiler newCompiler() {
// called once when the builder is initialized... can override if needed
return new Compiler(
protected IMarker[] getProblemsFor(IResource resource) {
try {
if (resource != null && resource.exists())
return resource.findMarkers(ProblemMarkerTag, false, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
} catch (CoreException e) {} // assume there are no problems
return new IMarker[0];
protected void removeProblemsFor(IResource resource) {
try {
if (resource != null && resource.exists())
resource.deleteMarkers(ProblemMarkerTag, false, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
} catch (CoreException e) {} // assume there were no problems
* Creates a marker from each problem and adds it to the resource.
* The marker is as follows:
* - its type is T_PROBLEM
* - its plugin ID is the JavaBuilder's plugin ID
* - its message is the problem's message
* - its priority reflects the severity of the problem
* - its range is the problem's range
* - it has an extra attribute "ID" which holds the problem's id
protected void storeProblemsFor(IResource resource, IProblem[] problems) throws CoreException {
if (problems == null || problems.length == 0) return;
boolean classPathIsIncorrect = false;
for (int i = 0, length = problems.length; i < length; i++) {
IProblem problem = problems[i];
int id = problem.getID();
switch (id) {
case ProblemIrritants.IsClassPathCorrect :
removeProblemsFor(javaBuilder.currentProject); // make this the only problem for this project
classPathIsIncorrect = true;
case ProblemIrritants.SuperclassMustBeAClass :
case ProblemIrritants.SuperInterfaceMustBeAnInterface :
case ProblemIrritants.HierarchyCircularitySelfReference :
case ProblemIrritants.HierarchyCircularity :
case ProblemIrritants.HierarchyHasProblems :
case ProblemIrritants.InvalidSuperclassBase :
case ProblemIrritants.InvalidSuperclassBase + 1 :
case ProblemIrritants.InvalidSuperclassBase + 2 :
case ProblemIrritants.InvalidSuperclassBase + 3 :
case ProblemIrritants.InvalidSuperclassBase + 4 :
case ProblemIrritants.InvalidInterfaceBase :
case ProblemIrritants.InvalidInterfaceBase + 1 :
case ProblemIrritants.InvalidInterfaceBase + 2 :
case ProblemIrritants.InvalidInterfaceBase + 3 :
case ProblemIrritants.InvalidInterfaceBase + 4 :
// ensure that this file is always retrieved from source for the rest of the build
String fileLocation = resource.getLocation().toString();
if (!problemTypeLocations.contains(fileLocation))
IMarker marker = resource.createMarker(ProblemMarkerTag);
new String[] {IMarker.MESSAGE, IMarker.SEVERITY, "ID", IMarker.CHAR_START, IMarker.CHAR_END, IMarker.LINE_NUMBER}, //$NON-NLS-1$
new Object[] {
new Integer(problem.isError() ? IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR : IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING),
new Integer(id),
new Integer(problem.getSourceStart()),
new Integer(problem.getSourceEnd() + 1),
new Integer(problem.getSourceLineNumber())
// Do we need to do this?
// compute a user-friendly location
IJavaElement element = JavaCore.create(resource);
if (element instanceof org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit) { // try to find a finer grain element
org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit unit = (org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit) element;
IJavaElement fragment = unit.getElementAt(problem.getSourceStart());
if (fragment != null) element = fragment;
String location = null;
if (element instanceof JavaElement)
location = ((JavaElement) element).readableName();
if (location != null)
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.LOCATION, location);
if (classPathIsIncorrect)
throw new IncompleteClassPathException();
protected void updateProblemsFor(CompilationResult result) throws CoreException {
// expect subclasses to override
protected IContainer getOutputFolder(IPath packagePath) throws CoreException {
IFolder folder = outputFolder.getFolder(packagePath);
if (!folder.exists()) {
folder.create(true, true, null);
return folder;
protected boolean isClassFileChanged(IFile file, String fileName, byte[] bytes, boolean isSecondaryType) throws CoreException {
// In Incremental mode, compare the bytes against the previous file for structural changes
return true;
protected char[] writeClassFile(ClassFile classFile, boolean isSecondaryType) throws CoreException {
// Before writing out the class file, compare it to the previous file
// If structural changes occured then add dependent source files
String fileName = new String(classFile.fileName());
IPath filePath = new Path(fileName);
IContainer container = outputFolder;
if (filePath.segmentCount() > 1) {
container = getOutputFolder(filePath.removeLastSegments(1));
filePath = new Path(filePath.lastSegment());
IFile file = container.getFile(filePath.addFileExtension(JavaBuilder.CLASS_EXTENSION));
byte[] bytes = classFile.getBytes();
if (isClassFileChanged(file, fileName, bytes, isSecondaryType)) {
if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG)
System.out.println("Writing class file " + file.getName());//$NON-NLS-1$
file.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), true, null);
} else if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG) {
System.out.println("Skipped over unchanged class file " + file.getName());//$NON-NLS-1$
// answer the name of the class file as in Y or Y$M
return filePath.lastSegment().toCharArray();