*** empty log message ***
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/model/org/eclipse/jdt/core/JavaCore.java b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/model/org/eclipse/jdt/core/JavaCore.java
index e7f6bdf..a8c31a4 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/model/org/eclipse/jdt/core/JavaCore.java
+++ b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/model/org/eclipse/jdt/core/JavaCore.java
@@ -141,10 +141,35 @@
 			attributes.put(ATT_HANDLE_ID, element.getHandleIdentifier());



-	/** TOFIX

+	/**

+	 * Notification of a classpath container change. This notification must be performed

+	 * by client code which did register some classpath container resolvers, whenever 

+	 * changes in container need to be reflected onto the JavaModel.

+	 * <p>

+	 * In reaction to this notification, the JavaModel will be updated to reflect the new

+	 * state of the updated container. Note that the update can be scoped to either

+	 * a given project or the entire Java model according to the changeScope argument.

+	 * This is symetric to container resolution which enables project specific resolution.

+	 * <p>

+	 * This functionality cannot be used while the resource tree is locked.

+	 * <p>

+	 * Classpath container states are persisted locally to the workspace, and 

+	 * are preserved from session to session.

+	 * <p>

+	 * When notifying a container change, the corresponding container resolver should

+	 * in turn expect to be activated so as to resolve the updated container path.


+	 * @param containerPath - the name of the container which is being updated

+	 * @param changeScope - the scope of the change, either a specific project (IJavaProject)

+	 *     or the entire JavaModel (IJavaModel).

+	 * @param monitor a monitor to report progress

+	 * 

+	 * @see #getResolvedClasspathContainer(IPath, IJavaProject)

+	 * @since 2.0


-	public void classpathContainerChanged(IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project){

+	public void classpathContainerChanged(IPath containerPath, IJavaElement changeScope, IProgressMonitor monitor){


+		//TOFIX




@@ -424,6 +449,12 @@
 	 * </ul>

 	 * A classpath container cannot reference further classpath containers.

 	 * <p>

+	 * @param containerPath - the name of the container which needs to be resolved

+	 * @param changeScope - a specific project (IJavaProject) in which the container is being resolved

+	 * 

+	 * @exception JavaModelException if an exception occurred while resolving the container, or if the resolved container

+	 *   contains illegal entries (further container entries or null entries).	 

+	 * 

 	 * @since 2.0


 	public static IClasspathEntry[] getResolvedClasspathContainer(IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project) throws JavaModelException {

@@ -440,6 +471,7 @@
 			ClasspathContainerResolver resolver = JavaModelManager.getClasspathContainerResolver(containerPath);

 			if (resolver != null){

 				projectContainers.put(containerPath, JavaModelManager.ContainerInitializationInProgress); // avoid initialization cycles

+				boolean ok = false;

 				try {

 					entries = resolver.resolve(containerPath, project);


@@ -448,7 +480,6 @@
 						for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++){

 							IClasspathEntry entry = entries[i];

 							if (entry == null || entry.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_CONTAINER){

-								JavaModelManager.Containers.put(project, null); // flush cache

 								throw new JavaModelException(

 									new JavaModelStatus(


@@ -456,10 +487,11 @@




+					ok = true;

 				} catch(CoreException e){

-					JavaModelManager.Containers.put(project, null); // flush cache

 					throw new JavaModelException(e);

+				} finally {

+					if (!ok) JavaModelManager.Containers.put(project, null); // flush cache


 				if (entries != null){

 					projectContainers.put(containerPath, entries);

diff --git a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/notes/r2.0/classpath container/classpathContainer.htm b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/notes/r2.0/classpath container/classpathContainer.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3e6403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/notes/r2.0/classpath container/classpathContainer.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
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+   <title>Class Path Container Enhancement</title>




+<h1>Class Path Container Enhancement</h1>

+<span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt">Last Modified April 23, 2002</span>





+JDT supports to switch the JDK that is used for building. It is currently

+implemented as follows:



+org.eclipse.jdt.launching maintains the following JDK/VM information in

+its plugin metadata:</li>




+a set of <i>VM install types</i>: a description of a VM install. It knows

+how to find the location of the binary JAR and the source JARs.</li>



+<i>VM installs: </i>the location/home of a VM install on the file system.

+A VM install has an internal ID that is not visible to the user.</li>



+one of the VM installs is marked as the <i>default VM install</i>.</li>




+org.eclipse.jdt.launching defines a JRE_LIB, JRE_SRC, JRE_SRCROOT variables

+that binds to the default VM install:</li>




+JRE_LIB: the binary JAR (e.g. rt.jar)</li>



+JRE_SRC: the source JAR/zip (e.g. src.jar)</li>



+JRE_SRCROOT: the prefix in the source JAR (e.g. "src")</li>




+The Java project creation wizard adds a JRE_LIB classpath variable on a

+project's build class path.</li>



+org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui contributes a preference page to define new VM

+installs and to set the default VM install. When the default VM install

+changes, then the bindings of the JRE_* variables are changed accordingly.</li>



+org.eclipse.jdt.ui contributes a class path variable preference page. It

+"knows" that the JRE_* variables are reserved and doesn't allow the user

+to edit them.</li>



+The packages view shows the resolved JRE_LIB contents as a referenced library.</li>


+Characteristics of the current implementation:



+Class path stability: changing the default JRE/VM install doesn't affect

+the build class path since the JRE_LIB variable is not affected by this

+change. In other words, when a user changes the JRE for building then the

+.classpath file is not affected.</li>



+JDK switching at the workspace level for all projects is straightforward

+by the user, only the default VM install needs to be changed and all projects

+in the workspace switch to use this VM install.</li>



+Since class path variables can only bind to a single JAR, the JRE_LIB variable

+can only bind to a single JAR (for the standard SUN JRE this is rt.jar).</li>



+There is some magic involved with regard to the handling of JRE_* variables

+that is not obvious to the user:</li>




+on the build class path the user sees JRE_LIB but when defining a launch

+configuration then the user sees VM Installs. The user has to know that

+JRE_LIB is indirectly bound to the VM install via the JRE installed preference




+The user also has to understand that the reserved variables cannot be edited

+like the other class path variables, etc.</li>




+Build class path ordering - users can control the order of the build class

+path in a simple way. For example, to do JCL development, to do so users

+can put their source folders in front of the JRE_LIB class path entry.</li>



+Java Core is not affected by the JDK switching support and is independent

+of launching concerns.</li>




+Motivation for enhancing the current implementation</h2>



+New Requirements</h3>

+There are new requirements with regard to the handling of the JRE/JDK on

+the build class path that need to be addressed by 2.0:



+Multiple JARs per JDK</li>


+<br>The JRE_LIB class path variable can only bind to a single JAR file

+typically the rt.jar. However, there are JDK installs that have split the

+rt.jar into multiple JARs. For example, the JDK on the MacOS X has split

+the rt.jar into: classes.jar and ui.jar (contains AWT and Swing).



+Workspaces with a different JDK per project</li>


+<br>WSDD needs support for having a workspace where different projects

+build against different JDKs. The JRE_LIB variable is global and there

+is no infrastructure and UI support to have different JDKs for different

+projects. WSDD defined their own build description mechanism that bypasses

+the JRE_LIB support. This results in a problematic user experience when&nbsp;

+switching from WSAD or vanilla Eclipse Java development to WSDD.</ul>



+Existing characteristics to be preserved in the new implementation</h3>




+Class path stability, it has to be possible to switch a JDK locally in

+a workspace without affecting the .classpath file.</li>



+Easy JDK switching at the workspace level, i.e., a single setting can be

+changed to change the build class path of all projects.</li>



+Java Core is independent of the VM install infrastructure</li>





+The proposal affects core, launching, java debug UI, and the Java UI components.



+JavaCore provides a new type of classpath entry "CPE_CONTAINER",

+which is just a named reference to a set of other classpath entries. 

+A container entry refers to a container path, which will be resolved by

+a <code>ClasspathContainerResolver</code> through an extension point.


+The actual binding from the CPE_Container entry to

+the target classpath entries is implemented in term of an extension point

+to keep Java Core independent of VM install concerns:

+<p><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;!ELEMENT classpathContainerResolver


+<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;!ATTLIST classpathContainerResolver</tt>

+<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; prefix&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;


+<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; class&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;


+<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp; ></tt>


+<li><b>prefix</b> - the prefix of container names for which this resolver will be activated.</li>

+<li><b>class</b> - the class that implements this container resolver.

+The class must implement a public subclass of <code>org.eclipse.jdt.core.ClasspathContainerResolver</code>

+with a public 0-argument constructor.</li>


+<tt>&nbsp;&nbsp; abstract class ClasspathContainerResolver



+IClasspathEntry[] resolve(IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project) throws


+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }

+<p>The resolve call passes in a project, this enables

+to resolve a class path in the context of a particular project.

+The resolve method should only be called once to resolve the class path

+entry (in case of failure, the container will not be considered as having been



+<p>It is possible to register a resolved per

+container path prefix, the full container path being passed along to the resolver

+so as to provide additional hints for the container expansion.

+In case multiple resolvers are registered, the one with the longest prefix match

+will be invoked to resolve a given container path (in case of ambiguity, the first

+registered one will be used).


+<p>JavaCore provides a method to signal JDT/Core that a container definition

+was changed.


+<li><code>JavaCore#containerChanged(IPath containerPath, IJavaElement scope)</code>. 


+The scope can either refer to a particular project or the entire JavaModel. In reaction

+to invoking this method, the JavaModel will be refreshed and corresponding Java element

+changes will be notified.


+<p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Issue</b>: The Mac OS X JDK install is

+an interesting case. There the rt.jar is split into two binary JARs (classes.jar,

+ui.jar), but there is still a single src.jar. This cases needs to be handled by </font><font color="#FF0000">the

+source lookup. For example, when src.jar is attached to classes.jar then when

+looking up java.awt.Frame out of ui.jar, the source attachment of classes.jar

+needs to searched as well.</font>




+The class path of a project will look as follows:




+&lt;classpathentry kind=&quot;src&quot; path=&quot;/src&quot;/&gt;


+&lt;classpathentry kind="container" path="JDK/1.3"/>


+&lt;classpathentry kind="output" path="bin"/>



+<p>In the case where the user didn't override the

+VM install at the project level. Then the Java launching contributed container

+resolver (registered for container prefixes: "JDK") would resolve "JDK/1.3" using the default

+VM install, using "1.3" as an hint, and may expand it into the following:


+&lt;classpathentry kind="lib" path=&quot;d:/jdk/1.3.1/jre/lib/rt.jar&quot;

+rootpath=&quot;d:/jdk1.3.1/lib/src.jar&quot; sourcepath=&quot;/src&quot;/&gt;


